IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2018-06-05

*** mjsir911 has joined #novawebdev07:17
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*** replaceafill has joined #novawebdev09:48
replaceafillgood morning jelkner09:50
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jelknerGood morning, replaceafill 10:15
jelknercan we hangout?10:15
replaceafilljelkner, i'm waiting for Daniela10:15
jelknerwhere is she?10:16
jelknershe isn't here10:16
replaceafilljelkner, we are going to meet to test the mailing list10:16
jelknerok, tomorrow perhaps?10:16
replaceafilljelkner, but if she's not around i think we can hang out in the meantime10:16
jelknerlet's do that10:16
replaceafilljelkner, give me a sec10:17
jelkneri'll make it quick10:17
replaceafilljelkner, ready10:18
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*** Dally has joined #novawebdev11:05
dsmallgood morning replaceafill 11:07
replaceafilldsmall, good morning11:08
dsmallreplaceafill, sorry about yesterday, I was working with mjsir911 on my computer11:08
replaceafilldsmall, np11:08
dsmallreplaceafill, I was able to figure out the dictionary call though11:08
replaceafilldsmall, ah cool11:08
Dallyreplaceafill, good morning11:08
dsmallreplaceafill, now the category links have the number of posts that have that category in parenthesis next to the link11:09
replaceafillhola Dally11:09
replaceafilldsmall, great11:09
dsmallreplaceafill, what should I work towards next?11:09
replaceafilldsmall, adding page comments11:10
dsmallreplaceafill, okay, where should the comments be?11:10
dsmallreplaceafill, do you want me to make a new template for viewing posts?11:10
replaceafilldsmall, preferably on the bottom11:10
replaceafilldsmall, viewing posts?11:11
replaceafilldsmall, we want comments on all our pages11:11
replaceafilldsmall, a post is just a page, right?11:11
dsmallreplaceafill, like when you click on the link to the page11:11
dsmallreplaceafill, yes11:11
dsmallreplaceafill, so do you want comments to be shown on the /blog landing page?11:12
replaceafilldsmall, no, on individual pages11:12
replaceafilldsmall, let me look for an example11:13
dsmallreplaceafill, okay11:13
replaceafilldsmall, that one doesn't have any comments but it has the area to post them11:14
dsmallreplaceafill, right11:14
replaceafilldsmall, this one has one:
dsmallreplaceafill, so would I change an existing template or make a new one?11:14
replaceafilldsmall, get the idea?11:14
replaceafilldsmall, you can override templates from the theme11:15
replaceafilldsmall, i mean, *in* the theme11:15
replaceafilldsmall, so if the theme already has the template you need work there11:15
dsmallreplaceafill, ok11:15
replaceafilldsmall, create a new branch for the theme repo11:16
replaceafilldsmall, based off the ora_dev branch11:16
replaceafilldsmall, and make any changes you need there11:16
dsmallreplaceafill, ok11:16
replaceafillDally, podemos probar ahorita?11:17
Dallyreplaceafill, claro11:18
replaceafillDally, ok11:19
replaceafillDally, la lista parece funcionar11:19
replaceafillDally, pero quiero que primero agregués a un usuario al grupo de la lista11:19
replaceafillDally, para que practiqués :)11:19
replaceafillDally, recordás como llegar al grupo?11:20
Dallyreplaceafill, community > Members (admin) no es asi?11:21
replaceafillDally, no, allí ves el listado de miembros11:21
replaceafillDally, por cierto11:21
replaceafillDally, hay un miembro11:21
replaceafillDally, que tiene un correo invalido (creo)11:22
replaceafillDally, n/ o algo as'i11:22
Dallyreplaceafill, hay varios que tienen correo invalido porque ellos no tienen correo electronico11:22
replaceafillDally, ah ok11:22
Dallyreplaceafill, son 3 si mal no estoy11:22
replaceafillDally, a ellos te recomiendo no ponerlos en la lista aún11:22
replaceafillDally, o comenzaremos a generar reportes de spam11:22
replaceafillDally, ok, a los grupos llegas con Community -> Groups11:23
Dallyreplaceafill, hmm la cuestion es que ellos ya son miembros solo que no saben usar el correo electronico y no tienen uno11:23
Dallyreplaceafill, oh ok ya estoy alli11:24
replaceafillDally, ahora dale click al nombre del grupo11:24
replaceafillDally, y veras el listado de usuarios activos alli11:24
replaceafillDally, solo deben haber dos11:24
Dallyreplaceafill, si, somos nosotros11:24
replaceafillDally, correcto11:24
replaceafillDally, para administrar (agregar o quitar)11:25
replaceafillDally, dale click a Options abajo a la derecha11:25
replaceafillDally, y luego Add Member11:25
replaceafillDally, llegaras a la pagina Add Members to Group11:25
Dallyreplaceafill, la veo11:25
replaceafillDally, bien, para hacerte la vida un poco mas facil11:25
replaceafillDally, siempre usa ya sea el name o email11:26
replaceafillDally, dos enlaces arriba de Available Members11:26
replaceafillDally, enlaces verdes11:26
Dallyreplaceafill, si ya los veo11:26
replaceafillDally, seria algo como "view by <name>"11:26
replaceafillDally, ok selecciona al Tendenci Administrator11:26
replaceafillDally, y le das click a la flecha hacia la derecha11:27
replaceafillDally, el nombre se deberia mover a Chosen Members11:27
replaceafillDally, cuando ya tengas a los tres, nosotros dos y el Tendenci Administrator dale click al boton Save11:28
replaceafillDally, excelente11:29
Dallyreplaceafill, yey perfecto :)11:29
replaceafillDally, ahora que ya estamos los tres11:29
replaceafillDally, anda a tu Thunderbird11:29
replaceafillDally, oh no perdon11:29
replaceafillDally, a tu gmail11:29
replaceafillDally, personal11:29
replaceafillDally, y envia un correo de prueba a members@novalaciro.org11:29
replaceafillDally, podes practicar escribirlo en ambos idiomas como discutimos :)11:30
Dallyreplaceafill, listo11:31
replaceafillDally, eh, lo enviaste como
replaceafillDally, Tendenci solo te conoce con tu gmail personal11:32
Dallyreplaceafill, si....11:32
Dallyreplaceafill, ups ya voy de nuevo11:32
replaceafillDally, ok11:33
replaceafillDally, cuando eso pasa, los mensajes son retenidos en la lista11:33
replaceafillDally, hasta que un moderador los aprueba o los elimina11:33
Dallyreplaceafill, ohhh con razon lo que me salio11:33
replaceafillDally, tus millones de cuentas me estan confundiendo!11:34
replaceafillDally, y a la lista :D11:34
replaceafillDally, en Tendenci tenes danyiza131911:35
Dallyreplaceafill, hahaha perdon xD 11:35
replaceafillDally, y el correo que recien mandaste viene de dallyiza131911:35
Dallyreplaceafill, ese fue el que use para registrarme como miembro11:35
Dallyreplaceafill, pero no el que esta vinculado a @novalaciro.org11:35
replaceafillDally, podes enviar uno desde danyiza1319?11:36
Dallyreplaceafill, ok11:36
replaceafillDally, hay algo que debes tomar en cuenta11:36
replaceafillDally, la lista aun no es muy inteligente11:36
replaceafillDally, si cambias el correo de alguien en su perfil de Tendenci11:37
replaceafillDally, asegurate primero de quitarlo del grupo11:37
replaceafillDally, ya vamos a practicar eso11:37
replaceafillDally, tambien lo haces desde Add Member11:37
replaceafillDally, pero ahorita garanticemos que varias personas pueden recibir los correos11:37
Dallyreplaceafill, oh, es decir que si alguno de esos chicos llega a crear un email despues de que lo agregue al grupo, tengo que sacarlo del grupo, editar el email y luego volverlo a agregar?11:38
replaceafillDally, correcto11:38
replaceafillDally, sé que es tedioso, pero no tenemos todo pulido aún :(11:38
replaceafillDally, y ese es uno de los principales problemas que he notado al probar11:39
replaceafillDally, lol #1039411:39
Dallyreplaceafill, no hay lio11:39
replaceafillDally, chequea tu danyiza11:41
replaceafillDally, has recibido las respuestas?11:41
Dallyreplaceafill, si pero pense que la respuesta llegaria a thunderbird 11:42
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replaceafillDally, no, para eso debes hacer lo que recien discutimos11:42
replaceafillDally, sacarte del grupo11:42
replaceafillDally, cambiar tu correo en Tendenci11:43
Dallyreplaceafill, y editar el correo11:43
replaceafillDally, y volverte a agregar al grupo11:43
replaceafillDally, correcto11:43
Dallyreplaceafill, oh ok perfecto voy a eso11:43
replaceafillDally, dale11:43
replaceafillDally, avisame si tenes preguntas11:43
Dallyreplaceafill, ok11:43
Dallyreplaceafill, tengo una duda11:46
replaceafillDally, decime11:46
Dallyreplaceafill, ahora no tengo problema en tener mi cuenta de miembro vinculada con el correo de organizadora, pero en caso de que lleguemos a tener mas organizadores, esto no seria un problema?11:47
replaceafillDally, por que podria ser un problema?11:48
replaceafillDally, podemos crear mas cuentas de correo de para ellos11:48
replaceafillDally, y agregarlos como usuarios a Tendenci (no como miembros)11:48
Dallyreplaceafill, no solo pensaba que podria :) 11:48
replaceafillDally, :D11:48
replaceafillDally, la funcionalidad es bastante flexible11:49
replaceafillDally, podes tener a alguien como yo por ejemplo11:49
Dallyreplaceafill, ok ya cambie el correo y me agregue de nuevo, voy a mandar otra prueva, lo hago directamente desde el correo de thunderbird?11:49
replaceafillDally, dejame chequear antes11:49
Dallyreplaceafill, ok11:49
replaceafillDally, sí todo luce bien11:50
replaceafillDally, dale con la nueva prueba11:50
Dallyreplaceafill, pero la mando desde thunderbird?11:51
replaceafillDally, si11:51
replaceafillDally, ahora si11:51
replaceafillDally, porque esa es tu nueva cuenta en la lista11:51
replaceafillDally, perdon, tu nueva direccion11:51
Dallyreplaceafill, creo que ya llego11:52
Dallyreplaceafill, siiii funciono perfectamente :D11:52
Dallyreplaceafill, genial!!! funciona divinamente11:53
replaceafillDally, :)11:53
replaceafillDally, ok, tiempo de agregar al resto de miembros?11:54
replaceafillDally, recordá, miembros que tengan direcciones validas11:54
replaceafillDally, o podes esperar si queres11:54
replaceafillDally, pero este es el workflow11:54
Dallyreplaceafill, si, de cualquier forma puedo tener una pestana extra para mirar eso11:55
Dallyreplaceafill, sin embargo antes de eso quiero hacerte una pregunta11:56
replaceafillDally, decime11:56
Dallyreplaceafill, en gmail uno puede tener una "firma" que aparece siempre al final del correo electronico. es posible hacer eso en thunderbird?11:56
replaceafillDally, si11:56
replaceafillDally, no se como se mira tu Thunderbird11:57
replaceafillDally, pero11:57
replaceafillDally, en la barra lateral11:57
replaceafillDally, trata de darle click derecho a tu direccion11:57
replaceafillDally, y mira si te sale una opcion "Configuracion"11:57
replaceafillDally, o settings o algo asi11:57
replaceafillDally, en mi version es la ultima11:58
replaceafillDally, en el menu de la aplicacion la tengo en11:58
replaceafillDally, Editar -> Configuracion de cuenta11:58
Dallyreplaceafill, creo que ya esta, voy a probar contigo xD11:58
replaceafillDally, dale11:59
Dallyreplaceafill, listo11:59
Dallyreplaceafill, perfecto12:01
replaceafillDally, ok, la lista es toda tuya12:03
replaceafillDally, algo mas que necesites?12:03
Dallyreplaceafill, de hecho si xD acabo de encontrar un pequeno problemita, ya te muestro12:03
replaceafillDally, ah ok12:03
replaceafillDally, wow que rápido12:08
Dallyreplaceafill, hehehe12:08
dsmallreplaceafill, Hey i'm kinda lost, im not sure where/how to start, I have been looking through the nova theme directory but I cant figure out which template controls what I see when I click on a page12:09
replaceafillDally, te acabo de mandar la copia de mi solicitud para remover nuestro servidor del listado de spam de hotmail12:10
replaceafillDally, te recomiendo que mientras tanto uses tu cuenta personal si es posible12:11
Dallyreplaceafill, ok...12:11
replaceafillDally, toma unas 72 horas la respuesta de ellos12:11
Dallyreplaceafill, oh ok, solo es una persona asi que deberiamos estar bien12:11
replaceafillDally, correcto12:11
replaceafillDally, y en algun punto te desbloquean cuando insistis12:11
replaceafillDally, así que te aviso cuando tenga una respuesta12:11
replaceafillDally, hotmail y yahoo son bastante picky12:11
replaceafillDally, hotmail mas12:12
Dallyreplaceafill, gracias, creo que eso es todo por ahora aunque me gustaria que en el futuro pudieramos enlazar los emails con los #telefonicos, es decir que si mando un correo a los miembros, estos puedan recibir tambien una notificacion por el telefono12:12
Dallyreplaceafill, si eso imagine12:12
replaceafillDally, ah si, revisa los costos de twillio12:13
replaceafillDally, no creo que desarrollar esa funcionalidad tome mucho tiempo12:13
replaceafilldsmall, start from the url12:14
dsmallreplaceafill, ohhh okay12:14
replaceafilldsmall, we ran a similar experiment on your first day12:14
replaceafilldsmall, remember?12:14
dsmallreplaceafill, I do now12:14
replaceafilldsmall, we also have a doc, hold on12:14
Dallyreplaceafill, a si? cuanto tiempo tu crees? 12:15
dsmallreplaceafill, thanks\12:15
replaceafilldsmall, section How to get from a Tendenci URL to a Theme template12:15
replaceafillDally, unos 3 dias quiza12:15
replaceafillDally, tengo que descomponer la tarea12:15
replaceafillDally, para darte un estimado mas preciso12:16
replaceafillDally, los numeros telefonicos ya los tenemos12:16
replaceafillDally, verdad?12:16
Dallyreplaceafill, sorry creo que me despiste un poco. cuando dices "desarrollar esa funcion" es crearla para nosotros?12:16
replaceafillDally, correcto12:16
replaceafillDally, eso no lo tenemos12:16
Dallyreplaceafill, si, los telefonos si los tenemos12:17
Dallyreplaceafill, ahora estoy usando untelefono de ubunto para mandar los mensajes y eso esra siendo un dolor de cabeza12:17
replaceafillDally, me imagino :D12:17
replaceafillDally, creo que lo unico que necesitas decidir es cual proveedor de sms usar12:17
Dallyreplaceafill, T-movil12:18
replaceafillDally, me refiero a uno que nos deje enviar sms programaticamente12:18
replaceafillDally, mediante software, no con el dispositivo fisico12:18
replaceafillDally, por eso te mencione a twillio
Dallyreplaceafill, oh, pues eso si no lo se 12:19
replaceafillDally, ese es el proveedor que la mayoria de desarrolladores usan para esas tareas12:19
replaceafillDally, no es el unico obviamente :)12:20
Dallyreplaceafill, deberiamos tratar de buscar uno que sea gratis, por que no creo que el board apruve invertir en esto12:20
replaceafillDally, y yo dudo que haya uno gratis12:21
replaceafillDally, ya he buscado :(12:21
replaceafillDally, por si lo queres discutir con el board12:21
replaceafillDally, cada mensaje cuesta como $0.008 12:22
replaceafillDally, en teoria es un centavo por mensaje12:22
Dallyreplaceafill, oh pense que eso eran 8 centavos por mensaje12:23
replaceafillDally, no, en USA es relativamente barato12:23
Dallyreplaceafill, creo que dice que los primeros 5 millones de mensajes son solo 75 centavos, no esta mal, se lo mandare a Jeff y lo propondre12:24
replaceafillDally, +112:24
replaceafillDally, no sé que tan actualizado este esto:
Dallyreplaceafill, en caso de que lo hagamos asi, sera posible mandar los mensajes mediante la computadora?12:25
replaceafillDally, pero son alternativas a twillio12:25
replaceafillDally, mediante Tendenci12:25
replaceafillDally, podriamos agregarle una opcion a los grupos12:26
replaceafillDally, como haces con Add Member12:26
replaceafillDally, algo como "Send message"12:26
replaceafillDally, te da un formulario para que redactes el mensaje y boton de Send12:26
replaceafillDally, Tendenci agarra todos los miembros del grupo y sus numeros telefonicos12:27
replaceafillDally, contacta a twillio (o el proveedor que sea)12:27
replaceafillDally, "aca estan estos numeros con este mensaje, por favor envialos"12:27
replaceafillDally, twillio contesta con "ahorita lo hago, aqui esta tu codigo para que chequees la tarea"12:28
replaceafillDally, en tendenci podemos guardar dichos codigos12:28
Dallyreplaceafill, oh perfecto, ya le hable a jeff sobre esto para que lo viera 12:28
replaceafillDally, perfecto12:28
Dallyreplaceafill, seria fantastico12:28
replaceafillDally, avisame si se deciden a hacerlo12:29
replaceafillDally, para agendarlo :)12:29
replaceafillDally, notá que dicha funcionalidad no está amarrada a la lista de correo12:29
replaceafillDally, y en mi opinion no deberia estarlo12:29
replaceafillDally, te da mas flexibilidad12:29
jelknerreplaceafill, does twilio use free software?12:29
replaceafilljelkner, nope12:29
jelknerthat's not good12:30
replaceafilljelkner, i haven't found a free software alternative12:30
replaceafilljelkner, or a coop for that matter12:30
replaceafilljelkner, that does the same12:30
Dallyreplaceafill, te dejo con Jeff para hablar de eso :) volvere mas tarde, gracias por todo 12:30
jelknerdid we ask micky?12:30
replaceafillDally, seguro12:30
replaceafillDally, nos vemos12:30
replaceafilljelkner, i think they use twillio too12:30
replaceafilljelkner, but i can ask12:30
jelknerpor favor12:30
jelknersince we should follow their lead.12:31
replaceafilljelkner, will do12:31
jelknergracias, hermano12:31
jelknerbtw. check deposited12:31
replaceafilljelkner, thank *you*12:31
replaceafilljelkner, ah, thanks12:31
jelknerneeds to clear12:31
jelkneri think 3 days12:32
replaceafilljelkner, sure12:32
jelkneri'll let you know tomorrow12:32
replaceafilljelkner, thanks!12:32
jelknerping, replaceafill 12:43
replaceafilljelkner, pong12:43
jelknertwo things12:43
jelkner1. looks like check clears tomorrow12:44
jelkner2. have a minute to talk about liberia?12:44
replaceafilljelkner, give me a couple of minutes, i'm writing Ben and Micky about the sms gateway12:44
jelknertalk later12:44
jelkneri'm here til 3:10 pm12:45
replaceafilljelkner, email sent12:46
replaceafilljelkner, what's up with Liberia?12:46
replaceafilljelkner, Isaac?12:46
jelkneri was just talking to him12:46
replaceafilljelkner, is he going to take advantage of the $1 fees we offer? :D12:46
jelknerhe is heading to liberia in august12:46
jelknerhis party won the last presidential election12:47
replaceafilljelkner, nice12:47
jelknerand he will be meeting with the president when he goes12:47
jelknerhe wants to do something for the education system there12:47
jelknerso ... ;-)12:47
jelknerif he gets real funding, could we hack on this?12:48
replaceafilljelkner, oh no12:48
jelknerto meet there needs12:48
replaceafilljelkner, i knew at some point any SIS story would come!12:48
jelknerdude, you have domain knowledge and expertise12:49
replaceafilljelkner, i checked it a couple of years ago12:49
replaceafilljelkner, well i'm biased but it wasn't ST ;)12:49
jelkneri understand12:49
jelknerbut ST is dead12:49
replaceafilljelkner, ouch12:49
replaceafilljelkner, right in the feels man!12:49
replaceafilljelkner, :'(12:49
replaceafilljelkner, (joking)12:49
replaceafilljelkner, afaik it's the only django sis12:50
jelkneri believe so12:50
jelkneri met the developer at pycon12:50
jelknerwe had a long conversation about it12:50
replaceafilljelkner, something burke12:50
replaceafilljelkner, i forgot his first name12:50
replaceafilljelkner, john/david?12:51
jelknerACTION goes to search email12:51
replaceafilljelkner, i'm bad at names :(12:51
jelknerme too!12:51
jelkneri'm worse than you12:51
replaceafilljelkner, i remember his company name12:51
replaceafilljelkner, David!12:52
replaceafilljelkner, to be honest djangos-sis looks as dead as ST12:53
replaceafilljelkner, but at least django has a community12:54
jelkneri realize django cms is dead too12:55
replaceafilljelkner, django cms?12:55
replaceafilljelkner, ah12:55
replaceafilljelkner, ye12:55
replaceafilljelkner, last commit is from 201512:55
jelknerbut i told isaac, even if you came up with $100K, you wouldn't want to spend it on ST12:55
jelknerdjango-sis, on the other hand, since it is django, i thought might be worth reviving12:56
jelknerthat's what i'm asking you about12:56
replaceafilljelkner, and there's a not about the project not being maintained anymore12:56
jelknerso, the story goes like this...12:56
jelknerreplaceafill, ??12:57
replaceafilljelkner, that's my feeling too12:57
jelknerand there's a not about?12:57
replaceafilljelkner, oh sorry12:57
replaceafilljelkner, a note12:57
jelknerwhat does it say12:57
replaceafilljelkner, "This project is no longer active and you are not advised to use it. Read more here if you'd like.12:57
jelknerACTION goes to read12:58
replaceafilljelkner, are you aware of this initiative
replaceafilljelkner, that's maintained by agaric if i'm not mistaken13:00
replaceafilljelkner, and i don't quite "get it"13:00
replaceafilljelkner, but since i lurk their channel/twitter13:00
jelknerdamn, i have no time to lurk anywhere13:01
jelkneri can't walk and chew gum at the same time13:01
replaceafilljelkner, :)13:01
jelknerand i'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown from overload as is ;-)13:02
jelknerbut anyway, one thing at a time13:02
jelkneri read david's slides13:02
replaceafilljelkner, ah13:02
replaceafilljelkner, ok13:02
jelknermuch stuff we know13:02
jelknerno unit testing13:02
replaceafilljelkner, a bit of the same ST road13:02
jelknerjust dive in without dev oops knowledge13:02
jelknerso here is my question13:02
jelknerif isaac got funding for software development13:04
jelknercould he come to us?13:04
replaceafilljelkner, let me quote you:  i'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown from overload as is ;-)13:04
jelknerso the real question becomes, can isaac visit replaceafill and jelkner in the loony bin?13:05
replaceafilljelkner, we know Isaac13:05
replaceafilljelkner, and he knows us13:05
replaceafilljelkner, we have some decent experiences13:05
replaceafilljelkner, trust, etc13:06
replaceafilljelkner, :)13:06
jelknerhe wants to work with us because of that trust13:06
replaceafilljelkner, see? i'm learning from you ;)13:06
replaceafilljelkner, so i wouldn't say no13:06
jelknerthe next question would be13:06
jelkneris it possible to extract value from django-sis13:06
jelknerand tests, refactor heavily, etc.13:07
jelkneror would we just have to start something from scratch?13:07
replaceafilljelkner, it depends on isaac's needs really13:07
jelknerthe first user story he gave me was allowing students to register for classes at the national university13:07
jelknerand generating transcripts13:08
jelkner(alan elkner strikes again ;-)13:08
replaceafilljelkner, transcripts is the history of all your grades, correct?13:08
replaceafilljelkner, through your whole education levels13:09
replaceafilljelkner, that's what it meant in ST anyway13:09
jelknerhere we are only talking about univeristy13:09
replaceafilljelkner, sure13:09
replaceafilljelkner, but it's a grade history13:09
replaceafilljelkner, so what i mean is13:09
jelknerclasses taken, scores earned13:10
replaceafilljelkner, what are the course requirements13:10
jelknerwith summary (called a GPA)13:10
jelknerlet's not spend too much time on this yet13:10
replaceafilljelkner, sure13:10
replaceafilljelkner, this is a bit like the gaulludet case13:11
jelknerall we need to determine now is whether when isaac speaks with the president of liberia in august13:11
replaceafilljelkner, we need to study Kevin's code13:11
jelknerhe can say with confidence "i know how to get this done"13:11
jelknerand we have his back13:11
replaceafilljelkner, +113:11
jelknercool, i'll let you get back to work13:11
replaceafilljelkner, sure13:12
replaceafilljelkner, keep me posted :)13:12
jelknerwill do13:12
jelknerand what i love about transparent communication13:12
jelkneris i can just point isaac at our irc logs so he knows about our conversation13:13
replaceafilljelkner, :)13:13
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jelknerreplaceafill, guts looks very interesting13:31
replaceafilljelkner, :)13:31
jelknerthanks for the referral!13:31
replaceafilljelkner, np13:31 "smart network data service" is one of the reasons i don't want to be nearly involved in managing email servers13:39
replaceafill"The data returned by the first URL, the View Data page, is identical to the result of pushing the Export to .CSV button on that page.  To request data for a specific date, append "&date=MMDDYY" to the URL (for example: "&date= 030406" for data for the day of March 4, 2006 in Pacific Standard Time).  To request a sample message, either of type "complaint" or "trap", for a given IP and date, append the following in addition to the da13:40
replaceafillta parameter:"&ip=".13:40
replaceafillsorry for the flood13:40
replaceafillbut i wanted this to live in the logs13:40
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replaceafillACTION goes to get lunch14:48
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