IRC log of #novawebdev for Wednesday, 2019-07-24

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zOnnyjelkner: good morning15:36
zOnnyjelkner: one question15:37
jelknerzOnny: shoot15:37
zOnnyjelkner: should I write back to Susan?15:37
jelknerzOnny: is she expecting you to?15:38
jelkneri thought you and i agreed this morning that sunday evening / monday is the goal for the "we're ready" email15:38
zOnnyjelkner: right, however15:39
jelknerbut you need to decided if she is expecting you sooner then that15:39
zOnnyjelkner: I see15:40
zOnnyjelkner: can you paste the Ansible Error?15:42
zOnnyjelkner: I just want to look at15:42
jelknerhold on, zOnny 15:42
jelkneri'm listening to micky metts in the agaric show and tell15:42
jelknerit creates the server15:44
zOnnyjelkner: ?15:45
zOnnyjelkner: in your linode account?15:45
jelknerthen fails on this line: print('There was an error creating the root disk {}').format(e)15:46
jelkneryes, zOnny, in my linode account15:47
zOnnyjelkner: was It after it creates the server?15:49
zOnny*was it after creating the server?15:49
jelknerlook at, zOnny, and you can answer that question for yourself ;-)15:49
zOnnyjelkner: it does for me15:50
zOnnyjelkner: in my personal linode and novawebdev15:50
jelknerit does what for you?15:50
zOnnyjelkner: creates the server and doesn't fail15:50
jelkneri'm going to show replaceafill here15:51
jelknerand see what happened15:51
zOnnyjelkner: ok15:51
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jelknerzOnny, i just talked to GFbot 16:09
zOnnyjelkner: ok16:09
zOnnyjelkner: any comments16:09
jelkneryou two need to get as many of replaceafill's tasks done as possible before he comes on saturday16:09
jelknerperhaps you can each work on one of them?16:10
zOnnyjelkner: ok16:11
zOnnyGFbot: Do you have time to chat16:12
GFbotzOnny, tell me16:12
zOnnyGFbot: Are you planning on covering the "Membership management"16:14
zOnnyGFbot: According the user stories16:15
GFbotzOnny, yes16:15
GFboti already did forums16:15
GFbotzOnny, you can focus on helios16:16
zOnnyGFbot: ok16:16
zOnnyjelkner: one question16:41
zOnnyjelkner: Do you know how environment variables work?16:41
jelknerzOnny: ask16:41
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jelknerzOnny, yes i do16:42
jelknerbasically, they are names that bash has access to16:42
jelknerthat's all there is to them16:42
jelknerexport THE_MAN=zOnny16:42
jelkner$ echo $THE_MAN16:43
jelknerand you will see zOnny16:43
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zOnnyjelkner: if i do this export ALLOWED_HOSTS=,localhost16:43
jelkneri'm not an expert16:45
jelkneryou should experiment in the shell to see if it works16:45
zOnnyjelkner: Helios settings is full of variable environments16:45
jelknerthe , may cause a problem16:45
zOnnyjelkner: np16:45
jelknersometimes you need quotes around the values16:45
jelkneri would take time to read up on them a bit16:45
jelknerlike always, the devil is in the details :-(16:46
nrcernaGood Morning everyone16:46
jelknerhave fun, zOnny 16:46
zOnnyjelkner: thx16:47
zOnnyjelkner: that's it16:53
jelknerzOnny, ping17:32
zOnnyjelkner: pong17:32
jelknerwhy is our dns being handled by domaindiscover server?17:32
jelkneri wanted to add a new domain17:33
jelknerbut it doesn't look like we use namecheap's server17:33
jelknerdo you understand this?17:33
zOnnyjelkner: ah17:34 and are listed as our nameservers17:34
jelknerzOnny, what do you mean by "ah"?17:35
jelknerouch, zOnny 17:48
jelknerthere is a loooong list of dns entries17:48
jelknerare you familiar with them?17:48
jelknerit may be better for you to do the move, zOnny 17:48
zOnnyjelkner: If I can see them, yes17:48
jelknerlet me see if i can print the page to pdf17:49
zOnnyjelkner: screenshoot?17:49
jelknerit doesn't fit on the screen, zOnny!17:49
jelknerbut i can print to pdf17:49
zOnnyjelkner: there must be mail settings as well17:51
jelknerand gitlab pages17:51
jelknera bunch of stuff17:51
zOnnyjelkner: :O17:51
jelkneremail sent with attachment, zOnny 17:53
zOnnyjelkner: Ave Maria :O17:53
jelknermaybe we should wait to talk with replaceafill before making the move?17:54
jelkneri don't even understand many of the entries17:55
zOnnyjelkner: right17:57
jelknertwo more sent18:01 and .net18:01 is simple18:01
jelkneri'll use that for now18:01
jelknerand transfer it to namecheap as soon as possible18:01
zOnnyjelkner: ok18:01
zOnnyjelkner: I see18:03
zOnnyjelkner: thx for checking it18:03
jelknerzOnny, ping18:48
zOnnyjelkner: pong18:48
jelknerzOnny, do you know how to setup our tendenci cms "by hand"?18:48
jelkneri don't want to use Ansible the 1st time i do it18:49
zOnnyjelkner: where?18:49
zOnnylinode server ?18:49
zOnnyjelkner: local?18:49
jelknerlocal first18:49
jelknerthen linode server18:50
jelkneror maybe just linode first18:50
zOnnyjelkner: this is within linode server
jelknerdid you set it up "by hand"?18:51
zOnnyjelkner: yes18:51
jelknerACTION goes to look18:51
jelknerwhere are the instructions?18:51
zOnnyjelkner: good question18:52
jelknerdo you have a good answer, zOnny?18:52
zOnnyjelkner: yes18:53
jelknerplease, zOnny, share it with me!18:53
zOnnyjelkner: Did you get access to the snippet files18:53
jelknerwhat are snippet files?18:54
GFbotzOnny, where they are?18:54
jelknerso i guess, no is the answer18:54
zOnnyGFbot: good question18:54
GFbotzOnny, i think we don't doc about that18:54
jelknerACTION picks up the phone to call zOnny 18:55
zOnnyjelkner: no18:55
jelknerACTION hangs up18:55
jelkneri get 40418:55
jelknerpage not found18:55
zOnnyjelkner: hold on18:56
GFbotbut, your instance is running unicorn?18:58
GFbotor something?18:58
zOnnyjelkner: can you see this page?18:59
jelkneryes, zOnny 18:59
zOnnyjelkner: -.-18:59
jelkneri'm still "holding on", right zOnny?19:02
jelknerACTION is glad zOnny didn't say "hold your breath", or head be dead by now19:02
zOnnycan see it now?19:02
zOnnyjelkner: can you ask natalia to click on the link?19:04
nrcerna404 too19:04
nrcernaI just click on it zOnny19:05
zOnnynrcerna: so? 404?19:05
GFbotzOnny, weird, i can see it19:05
nrcernayes 404 zOnny19:06
zOnnyjelkner: try again19:07
zOnnyjelkner: Are u sure?19:08
jelknerwhat kind of question is that, zOnny?19:09
jelkneri click the link, i see 40419:09
zOnnyjelkner: I'm reading
jelknerzOnny, i feel pretty stupid19:11
jelkneri didn't think to login19:11
GFbotzOnny, its weird that jelkner can't see19:11
jelknerwhen i login, i can see it19:11
zOnnyjelkner: -.-19:11
zOnnyjelkner:  I guess is the same with nrcerna :(19:12
zOnnyjelkner: np it happens19:12
jelknerit happens with jelkner more then it should :-(19:12
jelkneranyway, let me get to work19:13
jelknernow that i have docs19:13
nrcerna:(  yes zOnny19:13
zOnnyGFbot: I didn't understand your question19:19
GFbotnvm zOnny 19:20
zOnnyGFbot: doesn't respond with python319:21
zOnnyjelkner: I will kill the snippet later19:27
jelknerwhy, zOnny?19:27
GFbotzOnny, did you branches19:27
GFbotthere's a branch called python3-helios19:28
jelknerit is good documentation19:28
GFbotor something like that19:28
zOnnyGFbot: right19:28
zOnnyGFbot: I'm using it19:28
GFbotit doesnt work?19:28
jelknerzOnny, why kill it?19:28
zOnnyGFbot: no19:28
GFbotzOnny, mmmw19:28
zOnnyGFbot: it will19:28
zOnnyGFbot: Debugging in it19:28
zOnny*I'm 19:28
zOnnyjelkner: I changed it from private to internail 19:29
zOnnyjelkner: so Gitlab disabled internal this july19:29
jelkneryou could just make it private again19:29
zOnnyjelkner: exactly19:30
jelknerthat doesn't mean kill it19:30
zOnnyjelkner: once it is disabled I cannot make it happen19:30
jelknerso we lost it?19:30
jelkneranyway, zOnny, i need to focus on following these steps19:31
jelknerjust make sure you have a copy and 19:31
zOnnyjelkner: I guess you cannot edit the snippet as well19:31
zOnnyjelkner: ok19:32
jelknerknow where to find it19:32
jelknerthere is no package libjpeg819:32
jelknerso that failed19:32
zOnnyjelkner: -.-19:33
jelkneri hope it isn't needed19:33
zOnnyjelkner: It cannot fail -.-19:34
jelkneroh, now its libjpeg62-turbo19:36
zOnnyjelkner: ok19:36
zOnnyGFbot: one question19:48
zOnnyGFbot: have you done it before?19:48
GFbotzOnny, what?19:49
zOnnyGFbot: I mean, integrating Helios + tendenci using python319:49
nrcernajelkner zOnny GFbot see this:
nrcernawhat do you think?20:08
jelkneri love it!°20:09
GFbot1+ nrcerna 20:11
nrcerna                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     20:11
nrcerna                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     20:11
nrcerna                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     20:11
nrcerna                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     20:11
nrcerna                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     20:11
nrcerna                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     20:11
nrcerna                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 great!                                                                              20:11
nrcerna                                                                        great20:12
nrcerna:O                                                                                                                                                     great20:12
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zOnnynrcerna: +120:15
nrcernajelkner Im going to restart my laptop beacause it is to slow :( 20:17
jelknerzOnny, ping20:20
zOnnyjelkner: pong20:20
jelknercan i get your help moving boxes on august 8th?20:20
jelknerACTION imagines zOnny having to think about that one...20:21
jelknerzOnny, r u here?20:21
zOnnyjelkner: yes20:22
jelknerif i can get the key to my new classroom in the morning, zOnny, i want to move boxes20:22
zOnnyjelkner: tendenci's boxes? :D20:22
jelknerso we can start to setup the NOVA Web Development office20:22
zOnnyjelkner: I'm in20:23
jelknerthnx, zOnny!20:23
jelknerand then we can go to the meetup that night20:23
jelknerto celebrate20:23
zOnnyjelkner: Are you plannig on going to FOSSCON?20:23
zOnnyjelkner: to celebrate?20:24
jelknerhold on, zOnny 20:24
jelknerYES, i forgot20:26
jelknersince i thought i would be away20:26
jelkneryes, i plan to go20:26
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jelknerand i'm going to stay a few days with my brother20:26
jelknersince this year i don't have work on monday20:26
jelknerzOnny, are you planning to go?20:26
zOnnyjelkner: no20:28
jelknerokie dokie20:28
jelknerubuntourist and i will be there to represent us20:28
zOnnyjelkner: great20:28
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zOnnyjelkner: Another RAGU -.-21:07
zOnnyjelkner: HELIOS == RAGU 21:07
jelknerIf you mean you need to learn Django, you're right!21:07
jelknerThat's the plan, zOnny, for you and GFbot to learn Django21:08
zOnnyjelkner: learn is building your projects from scratch21:08
zOnnyjelkner: not cleaning up -.-21:08
jelknernot at all, zOnny21:09
jelknerthe most common use case is to be asked to work on a previously existing dung heap that someone else leaves you21:09
zOnnyjelkner: -.-21:13
zOnnyGFbot: one question21:13
zOnnyGFbot: I forgot checkout another branch21:14
zOnnyGFbot: Im upgrading this repo
zOnnyGFbot: should I leave master branch with Django1.8 ?21:15
GFbotat the moment, yes.21:15
zOnnyGFbot: shoot21:15
GFbotzOnny, lets have a stable version of that21:15
zOnnyACTION is pressing undo -.-21:16
GFbotbtw, this theme doesnt work anymore on python321:16
zOnnyGFbot: It will21:16
GFbotyep, use a new branch21:16
zOnnyGFbot: It needs an upgrade21:16
GFboti know21:17
GFbotbut, do not change master i think21:17
zOnnyGFbot: OK21:17
zOnnyGFbot: another question21:19
zOnnyGFbot: repalceafill upgraded Helios Itself 21:20
GFbotzOnny, right21:20
zOnnyGFbot: should I create another branch with the integration ?21:20
zOnnyzOnny: yes21:20
zOnnyzOnny: OK21:21
GFbotzOnny, what do you mean21:21
zOnnyGFbot: doesn't include the extra urls from the integration21:22
GFbotbut, we dont have an integration branch21:22
GFbotan old one21:22
zOnnyGFbot: exactly21:22
GFbotwell, go ahead21:26
GFbotall the steps of the integration are on ansible21:26
zOnnyGFbot: ?21:26
GFbotwe don't have a specific branch21:26
zOnnyGFbot: I'm testing locally first21:26
zOnnyGFbot: ansible == deployment 21:27
GFbotgot it21:27
GFbotgo ahead in anycase21:27
jelknerzOnny, GFbot, nrcerna, i'm logging off til tomorrow21:38
jelknerACTION logs off for the day21:38
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