IRC log of #novawebdev for Friday, 2019-10-18

*** Big_Brother has joined #novawebdev08:48
*** ubuntourist has joined #novawebdev08:58
ubuntouristTesting Big Brother... Let's go look at the logs, shall we?08:59
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev12:37
nrcerna!remind ask Stefan to work with German developing boxes and navbars12:38
"ask Stefan to work with German developing boxes and navbars" added to message queue12:38
nrcerna!remind following up ATU Website12:39
"following up ATU Website" added to message queue12:39
nrcerna!Following up Celina Guzman issue12:41
nrcerna!remind Following up Celina Guzman issue12:41
"Following up Celina Guzman issue" added to message queue12:41
*** GFbot has joined #novawebdev13:48

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