IRC log of #novawebdev for Monday, 2020-06-08

*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev09:52
jelkner!remind Should we create a wiki page for care and feeding of our Jitsi server?10:14
"Should we create a wiki page for care and feeding of our Jitsi server?" added to message queue10:14
jelknerPAldea, are you actually here at this hour?10:42
*** inana_16 has joined #novawebdev12:54
inana_16Gm jelkner12:54
jelknerGM, inana_16 12:55
inana_16are you having problems whit jitsi? because I tried and I can't12:55
jelknersee my email12:55
jelknerinana_16, just tried to call you, no answer12:57
inana_16I see12:57
inana_16sorry I was reading12:58
*** zOnny has joined #novawebdev16:39
inana_16ACTION away, taking lunch19:31
inana_16ACTION back20:10
jelknerinana_16, i'm going for my bike ride, to get some exercise20:25
jelknerbb in about an hour20:26
inana_16I'm signing off for the day , I need to go out to buy some groceries 21:30
*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev21:59

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