IRC log of #novawebdev for Monday, 2020-07-20

*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev11:07
*** inana_16 has joined #novawebdev14:15
jelknergm, inana_16 15:23
inana_16GM jelkner 15:23
jelknercan you join me on planning?15:24
jelknerinana_16, when you have a moment (don't interrupt anything you're in the middle of), i need to follow up with you about billing and invoice tracking16:12
jelkneri'm still on planning16:13
jelkneri'll be leaving thursday after our meeting16:13
jelknerand not coming back until monday16:13
jelknerso we need to have that in place before i leave16:13
inana_16Great jelkner 16:19
inana_16see you there16:19
*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev17:14
SITarabuta!remind System time: UTC or not?17:14
"System time: UTC or not?" added to message queue17:14
SITarabuta!remind Shouldn't LibreOrganize Themes be part of the NOVA Web Development group?17:31
LittleBrotherInvalid arguments: No closing quotation.17:31
SITarabuta !remind Shouldn\'t LibreOrganize Themes be part of the NOVA Web Development group?17:31
SITarabuta!remind Shouldn\'t LibreOrganize Themes be part of the NOVA Web Development group?17:31
"Shouldn't LibreOrganize Themes be part of the NOVA Web Development group?" added to message queue17:31
*** zOnny has joined #novawebdev17:48
SITarabuta!remind doesn't work18:02
LittleBrotherInvalid arguments: No closing quotation.18:02
SITarabuta!remind doesn\'t work18:02
" doesn't work" added to message queue18:02
inana_16ACTION Away18:51
inana_16ACTION back19:27
jelknerinana_16, i'm about to sign off for the day22:09
jelknerhave you seen zOnny, inana_16?22:09
inana_16Not really jelkner 22:09
jelkneri wanted to check in with him22:09
inana_16Maybe you should try to call him22:10
jelkneri'm calling22:11
inana_16what happened jelkner ?22:43
jelknerinana_16, we talked22:43
jelknerhe is very busy with CIDU and Sound Advice22:43
inana_16yeah, that's what I thought22:44
jelknerso we need to figure out if Mr. German can help move FIPOL with you after Claudia Jones22:44
jelkneri'm exhausted, inana_16 22:44
jelknerlet's talk more tomorrow22:44
jelkneri'll be up early as usual22:45
inana_16I talked about that with him, yeah22:45
jelknerokie dokie22:45
jelknerhasta tomorrow22:45
inana_16German is going to work with me on that22:45
inana_16see u maƱana22:45
inana_16jelkner, 22:45
jelknerACTION signs off22:45
*** lelkneralfaro has joined #novawebdev23:18

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