IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2020-08-27

Consciously growing our dev team - review progress (jelkner)02:20
Whose going to the Worker Co-op Conference? (jelkner)02:20
Status of and plans for LibreOrganize development (jelkner)02:20
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Consciously growing our dev team - review progress (jelkner)03:54
Whose going to the Worker Co-op Conference? (jelkner)03:54
Status of and plans for LibreOrganize development (jelkner)03:54
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Consciously growing our dev team - review progress (jelkner)11:22
Whose going to the Worker Co-op Conference? (jelkner)11:22
Status of and plans for LibreOrganize development (jelkner)11:22
jelkner!remind Objections to jelkner using our novawebdev-learn channel with his students this year?11:23
'Objections to jelkner using our novawebdev-learn channel with his students this year?' added to message queue11:23
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Consciously growing our dev team - review progress (jelkner)12:47
Whose going to the Worker Co-op Conference? (jelkner)12:47
Status of and plans for LibreOrganize development (jelkner)12:47
Objections to jelkner using our novawebdev-learn channel with his students this year? (jelkner)12:47
jelkner!remind Can we delay signing our Operating Agreement a week or so to enable input from BCI?12:47
'Can we delay signing our Operating Agreement a week or so to enable input from BCI?' added to message queue12:47
Consciously growing our dev team - review progress (jelkner)12:47
Whose going to the Worker Co-op Conference? (jelkner)12:47
Status of and plans for LibreOrganize development (jelkner)12:47
Objections to jelkner using our novawebdev-learn channel with his students this year? (jelkner)12:47
Can we delay signing our Operating Agreement a week or so to enable input from BCI? (jelkner)12:47
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inana_16zOnny, jelkner?14:01
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inana_16we're waiting on planning14:01
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Consciously growing our dev team - review progress (jelkner)14:18
Whose going to the Worker Co-op Conference? (jelkner)14:18
Status of and plans for LibreOrganize development (jelkner)14:18
Objections to jelkner using our novawebdev-learn channel with his students this year? (jelkner)14:18
Can we delay signing our Operating Agreement a week or so to enable input from BCI? (jelkner)14:18
SITarabutaHere it is ipa.novawebdevelopment.org14:28
lelkneralfarojelkner, ping14:28
inana_16 lelkneralfaro 14:42
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SITarabutahello LittleBrother 14:48
abuchholzwe missed you14:48
SITarabutainana_16, what is going on?14:56
inana_16jitsi is connecting and disconnecting on my end I dont know why:(14:56
inana_16I just try over and over to join14:56
inana_16OK, trying again14:57
SITarabutathat is weird..14:57
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inana_16SITarabuta, it seems like is my internet connection14:59
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inana_16:( 15:01
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jelknerlelkneralfaro, ping15:38
jelkneri just called amina 15:38
lelkneralfarojelkner, pong15:38
jelknershe's here now15:38
lelkneralfaroamina, hi!15:38
jelknerlet's talk about her project15:38
jelkneramina, could you tell lelkneralfaro what your website is about?15:39
aminaMy website is about a club that my friend and I are creating called Students for Racial Equity15:39
aminaIt is basically about creating a more equitable environment in APS15:39
aminaWe are going to do "empathy interviews" with students to hear different perspectives and I hope to put our podcasts on the website as well15:40
jelkneramina, did you get a chance to think about my pitch of using LibreOrganize for it?15:41
lelkneralfaroamina, that sounds like a great project :)15:41
aminalike using CMS?15:42
jelknerLibreOrganize has CMS components15:42
jelknerso yes15:42
jelknerbut it has more than that15:42
jelknerthe reason i came up with the idea15:42
jelkneris that i was trying to solve two problems at the same time:15:43
jelkner1. How to help amina develop her skills related to our cooperative?15:43
jelkner2. How to make LibreOrganize more useful to folks in community organizations?15:43
jelknerit hit me, since amina is interning with us, and she is in a community organization...15:44
jelknershe would be in a perfect position to help with both goals at the same time! ;-)15:44
jelknerACTION done pitching15:45
jelknerthoughts, amina?15:45
aminaYeah, that's a great idea!15:45
jelkneramina, did you get a chance to talk to your friend?15:45
jelknerwho is doing the website with you15:46
aminaNot quite yet, I was holding off on talking with my friend because I have a meeting with her and the teacher sponsor today. So I wanted to talk to both of them about that15:46
jelknerwhat time is that meeting?15:46
aminaI am really the only person doing the website design, but we are planning on using GoDaddy to host our website to make it easier for my friend to use15:47
aminaIt is at 2:00pm15:47
aminaEastern Time15:47
jelknerso, could you ask them if they would be ok with letting NOVA Web Development host instead15:47
jelknersince that would be necessary if we want to use LibreOrganize15:48
aminaYeah sure!15:48
jelknerlet's talk at 3:30 pm on planning15:48
jelknerand find out what they said, and plan next steps15:48
jelknermake sense?15:48
aminaOkay sounds good. And I would be hosting the meeting, correct?15:49
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jelknerwhich meeting, at 3:30 pm?15:49
aminaThe 2:00 one15:49
jelknernow i'm confused15:49
jelkneri thought you already had a meeting at 2 pm15:50
jelknerwhat i am saying is:15:50
jelkner1. at 2 pm you meet with your classmate and teacher sponsor15:50
jelknerask them if they are ok with this idea of using our platform for the website15:50
aminaOhh okay, sorry about that, I got confused with the wording15:51
jelkner2. at 3:30 pm, you join NOVA Websters on our regular Jitsi pre-meeting hangout on planning15:51
jelknerand let us know what they (classmate and teacher) said15:51
jelknerif they are ok with the idea, we plan next steps15:51
jelknermake sense?15:51
aminaYes(y) 15:52
jelknercool ;-)15:52
jelknersee you at 3:30 pm15:52
aminaOkay, see you!15:52
amina:] 15:52
jelknerlelkneralfaro, just tried to call you15:54
jelknergot your voice mail15:55
lelkneralfaroyeah my phone is unreliable15:55
lelkneralfaroill call you15:55
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inana_16jelkner, 17:41
inana_16Should I reply to JoJo on that email thread or just you17:41
jelknerinana_16, hola17:57
jelknersorry for the delay17:57
inana_16I just did it17:58
Consciously growing our dev team - review progress (jelkner)18:58
Whose going to the Worker Co-op Conference? (jelkner)18:58
Status of and plans for LibreOrganize development (jelkner)18:58
Objections to jelkner using our novawebdev-learn channel with his students this year? (jelkner)18:58
Can we delay signing our Operating Agreement a week or so to enable input from BCI? (jelkner)18:58
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Consciously growing our dev team - review progress (jelkner)19:30
Whose going to the Worker Co-op Conference? (jelkner)19:30
Status of and plans for LibreOrganize development (jelkner)19:30
Objections to jelkner using our novawebdev-learn channel with his students this year? (jelkner)19:30
Can we delay signing our Operating Agreement a week or so to enable input from BCI? (jelkner)19:30
inana_16Hello everyone!19:31
lelkneralfaroHi inana_16 19:31
inana_16So welcome to the new meeting time19:32
inana_16First item: Consciously growing our dev team - review progress19:32
abuchholzwe start at 4:0019:33
abuchholzmeeting on jitsi at 3:3019:33
inana_16:( 19:33
inana_16I was excited19:33
abuchholzdon't blame you ;)19:33
inana_16all this reschedule thing drives me crazy abuchholz 19:34
abuchholzyeah i get that19:34
inana_16is sad abuchholz 19:34
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amina : zOnny : GFbot : inana_16 : +jelkner : abuchholz : SITarabuta : lelkneralfaro : wolcen : @mjsir911 : @ChanServ20:00
Good afternoon everyone!20:00
It's 16:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.20:00
This is the agenda for today:20:00
Consciously growing our dev team - review progress (jelkner)20:00
Whose going to the Worker Co-op Conference? (jelkner)20:00
Status of and plans for LibreOrganize development (jelkner)20:00
Objections to jelkner using our novawebdev-learn channel with his students this year? (jelkner)20:00
Can we delay signing our Operating Agreement a week or so to enable input from BCI? (jelkner)20:00
Have a nice day!20:00
abuchholzsilly bot its not 16:00 UTC.  Good Afternoon :)20:00
inana_16Hello everyone! (again)20:00
lelkneralfaroinana_16, hello! (again)20:00
jelknerGood afternoon!20:00
SITarabutagood after'oon!20:01
inana_16So, let's start20:01
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inana_16first item: Consciously growing our dev team - review progress20:01
jelknerGood afternoon, PAldea 20:01
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jelkneri'll keep this short for now20:01
jelkneri made phone calls to the three interns who have been sticking with us20:02
jelknerall of whom are here now20:02
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SITarabutahe may have not forgotten after all20:02
jelknerwe need to consciously find ways for them to become more engaged and to develop their skills20:02
jelkneri created an issue and assigned it to PAldea 20:02
jelkneri've been talking with amina about a project20:03
jelkneri left a message with cmoran, who emailed me back, but we haven't spoken yet20:03
jelknerongoing process, but that's my update for today20:03
jelknerACTION done20:03
inana_16Ok, next item: Whose going to the Worker Co-op Conference?20:04
jelkneri am20:05
jelkneri'm just looking for a list20:05
SITarabutaIt's virtual right? What do you suggest? should I attend?20:05
jelknerso i can send you a link to a movie20:05
jelkneryes, SITarabuta, you should20:05
SITarabutaThen I will ;-)20:06
ubuntouristI signed up... 20:06
jelknertraining in cooperative business is important for all worker / owners20:06
jelknerACTION done20:06
jelknerlet me know, and i'll send you the link20:06
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inana_16thanks, jelkner 20:06
inana_16next item: Status of and plans for LibreOrganize development20:07
jelknerok, just a summary here20:07
jelknerwe've been talking about this much of today20:07
jelknermain areas to consider / explore20:07
jelkner1. should we try to get AEA to vote online this year?20:07
jelkner2. what are we learning from CIDU, NOVALACIRO, CJS to inform our future development plans?20:08
ubuntouristCOVID-19 has certainly made online voting more of a priority...20:08
SITarabutaOur toddler might not be a toddler after all...20:08
jelknerubuntourist, +120:08
jelknerthe issue i assigned to PAldea is LO related20:08
jelknerso let's check in on this again next week20:09
jelknerACTION done20:09
inana_16next item: Objections to jelkner using our novawebdev-learn channel with his students this year? 20:09
ubuntouristTo his point 2: We're learning that people are crazy enough to hire us. ;-)20:10
jelknerok, apologies everyone, but this is a point of personal privilege20:10
SITarabutaNo objections, but we *just* closed them down and deleted all the logs a few weeks ago ;-)20:10
jelkneri am desperately trying to figure out the workflow to use with students this year20:10
jelkneri can explain on Jitsi (once SITarabuta makes it work again ;-)20:11
ubuntouristjelkner, an IRC channel, you mean?20:11
jelkneryes, ubuntourist 20:11
jelknerthe one we used to have20:11
SITarabutait works already jelkner ;-)20:11
jelkneryes, SITarabuta, but i'm asking for permission to use it in this way20:11
jelknerwith my students20:11
jelknerfor class20:11
SITarabutaah, I see20:11
jelknerseems to me this needs a vote20:12
ubuntouristjelkner, I'm not certain what the objection might be, unless it's the naming issue... even then, I'm not sure why it's a question.20:12
jelknerbecause, ubuntourist 20:12
jelknerit is nova web infrastructure20:12
jelknerand i'm using it for school20:12
SITarabutaActually, it is Freenode infrastructure ;-)20:12
SITarabutaI love being that guy20:13
jelknernot the logger20:13
SITarabutapoint taken20:13
ubuntouristjelkner, ah. The logging.20:13
jelknerwhich is a key piece of it20:13
jelknerwell, it would take 4 yes votes to do it20:14
jelkneri vote yes ;-)20:14
ubuntouristjelkner, I don't have any objection. But if others choose to have similar uses, there should be no quibbles.20:14
ubuntouristSo +120:14
SITarabutaI am using my rights as a member to cast my first vote and I will use this opportunity to announce to everyone that I vote:20:15
SITarabuta*drum rolls*20:15
inana_16Sounds good20:15
jelknercool, thanks!20:15
ubuntouristjelkner, any concerns about privacy, etc? (Not from us, but from anyone who might have a stick up their butt?)20:15
zOnnyOops +120:15
jelknerubuntourist, i'll explain20:16
jelknerafter the meeting20:16
ubuntouristOK. 20:16
jelknerubuntourist, you'll find it interesting20:16
ubuntouristACTION is done20:16
SITarabutaMake them sign a thing where they give up their rights to privacy and them make them sign a syllabus that requires them to give in their soul to LittleBrother20:16
SITarabutaACTION done20:17
ubuntouristSITarabuta, The irony of Little Brother being Big Brother...20:17
inana_16last item: Can we delay signing our Operating Agreement a week or so to enable input from BCI? 20:17
jelknerok, me again20:18
jelknerwe need to get other members to play a more active role in agendas!20:18
jelkneri don't know if you saw the emails this morning20:18
SITarabutaApart from the fact that August 31st sounds nice from an OCD point of view, I don't see a problem with us delaying it20:18
jelknerbut Geoff from BCI has been a huge help20:18
ubuntouristA delay seems prudent based on e-mails20:18
jelknerhe is a lawyer who works with coops20:18
jelknerand he has been helping us with our OA20:19
jelknerSITarabuta leaves around 9/1020:19
SITarabutaGot more updates, make it later jelkner ;-) don't worry about me!20:19
jelknerwe should do whatever we can to get it finished before he leaves20:19
jelknerbut one more week could be a huge help20:19
jelknerbtw. latest update is available at:
jelknerit incorporates most of Geoff's feedback20:20
jelknerlelkneralfaro will follow up on one more item20:20
jelknerubuntourist, i need your help with signing please ;-)20:20
jelknerlooks like we may want to go back to GPG20:20
SITarabutaThis is starting to look more and more serious. I like it20:21
jelknerlet's talk after20:21
jelknerACTION done20:21
inana_16"Hourly (But Not Guaranteed) Payments. Members will track their hours worked, including20:21
inana_16project, administrative, and any other kind of work for the Cooperative" 20:21
lelkneralfaroinana_16, +120:21
jelknerbtw, and make note of this interns20:22
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jelkneri drove checks to SITarabuta and abuchholz yesterday20:22
jelknerbig ones!20:22
inana_16that means track EVERYTHING ;)20:22
jelknerso it really is possible to get paid here ;-)20:22
jelknerthanks to Gallaudet20:22
SITarabutaI mean Gallaudet is amazing, but we've also done amazing stuff for them20:23
abuchholzand thats a fact20:23
jelknerwe deliver20:23
jelknerthey like us for it20:23
jelknerACTION done20:23
SITarabutaand we like their money ;-)20:23
SITarabutaACTION done - I am talking too much today20:23
inana_16anyone has anything to add?20:24
ubuntouristSITarabuta, what's the state of of NWD SSO stuff? I think I missed the memo. ;-) Can't start a jitsi meet.20:24
SITarabutaYep, sorry about that! I was going to send an email around 6:0020:25
SITarabutaI did get some set up today at 10:00.20:25
ubuntouristSITarabuta, I'm not in a tearing hurry. I just wanted to be sure I hadn't missed a memo. ;-) So later today is fine w/ me.20:26
SITarabutaBut I will you get you the stuff today ;-)20:26
ubuntouristACTION is done20:26
SITarabutaAwesome! No missed memo ubuntourist 20:26
inana_16ACTION Drops the bag of gravel20:26
jelknerawesome, inana_16 20:26
inana_16Thanks everyone20:26
jelknerthank you, inana_16!20:26
inana_16zOnny, GFbot need to have a meeting now jelkner 20:27
inana_16zOnny, we're waiting20:29
jelknerACTION signs off for the day21:27
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jelknerubuntourist, ping22:25
jelknerinana_16, ping22:25
jelknerzOnny, ping22:25
jelkneri have a meeting in 4 minutes22:26
jelknerbut zOnny, 8 am sunday, yes?22:26
zOnnyjelkner yes22:26
jelknerthanks, zOnny, i'll be standing in the usual place ;-)22:26
jelknerinana_16, dante is asking for an "About Us" page for CJS site22:26
jelknershould i just forward you that?22:27
jelknerubuntourist, friendly reminder that Peter is presenting to us tomorrow at 2 pm22:27
inana_16Hello jelkner 22:27
jelknerubuntourist, maybe we can also take a look the gitlab signing process then too22:27
jelknerand even a wee bit of TDD ;-)22:28
ubuntouristjelkner, thanks for the reminder.22:58
ubuntouristjelkner, 23:00
ubuntourist right?23:00
ubuntouristinana_16, Have you done anything with git yourself? And do you do that from a terminal command line?23:09
ubuntouristinana_16, (I don't mean filing issues.)23:10
inana_16Not really ubuntourist 23:22
ubuntouristinana_16, Ah. I'm considering how to write the document-signing tutorial. Are you running an Ubuntu Linux computer?23:23

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