IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2020-09-17

*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev06:36
*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev08:39
Following up on Mickys Login issue (Ask Stefan) (nrcerna)08:39
Mexico Solidarity Project Update (nrcerna)08:39
Regarding Finances... (nrcerna)08:39
jelknerMake marketing resources (logo, etc) readily available on Nextcloud08:40
jelkner!remind Make marketing resources (logo, etc) readily available on Nextcloud08:40
'Make marketing resources (logo, etc) readily available on Nextcloud' added to message queue08:40
jelkner!remind Quick FYI on outreach to BCI08:41
'Quick FYI on outreach to BCI' added to message queue08:41
Following up on Mickys Login issue (Ask Stefan) (nrcerna)08:41
Mexico Solidarity Project Update (nrcerna)08:41
Regarding Finances... (nrcerna)08:41
Make marketing resources (logo, etc) readily available on Nextcloud (jelkner)08:41
Quick FYI on outreach to BCI (jelkner)08:41
jelkner!remind Ask ubuntourist if he could be ready to "pitch hit" for SITarabuta on ARA while he moves between countries"10:16
LittleBrotherInvalid arguments: No closing quotation.10:16
jelkner!remind Ask ubuntourist if he could be ready to "pitch hit" for SITarabuta on ARA while he moves between countries10:17
'Ask ubuntourist if he could be ready to pitch hit for SITarabuta on ARA while he moves between countries' added to message queue10:17
Following up on Mickys Login issue (Ask Stefan) (nrcerna)10:17
Mexico Solidarity Project Update (nrcerna)10:17
Regarding Finances... (nrcerna)10:17
Make marketing resources (logo, etc) readily available on Nextcloud (jelkner)10:17
Quick FYI on outreach to BCI (jelkner)10:17
Ask ubuntourist if he could be ready to pitch hit for SITarabuta on ARA while he moves between countries (jelkner)10:17
*** ubuntourist has joined #novawebdev12:29
ubuntourist!remind Time to buy a \".coop\" domain? $75 / year at 12:37
'Time to buy a ".coop" domain? $75 / year at' added to message queue12:37
Following up on Mickys Login issue (Ask Stefan) (nrcerna)12:38
Mexico Solidarity Project Update (nrcerna)12:38
Regarding Finances... (nrcerna)12:38
Make marketing resources (logo, etc) readily available on Nextcloud (jelkner)12:38
Quick FYI on outreach to BCI (jelkner)12:38
Ask ubuntourist if he could be ready to pitch hit for SITarabuta on ARA while he moves between countries (jelkner)12:38
Time to buy a ".coop" domain? $75 / year at (ubuntourist)12:38
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev17:03
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*** abuchholz has joined #novawebdev17:20
abuchholzjelkner. So we start CC supports next week right?17:20
abuchholzor today?17:20
jelknerHi abuchholz and pyuan 17:20
jelkneri mean now17:21
pyuanwe are meeting during cc now?17:21
jelknercan you join the CC Team?17:21
jelknerfor me17:21
pyuanwhat is that17:21
pyuanmicrosoft teams?17:22
pyuanwhere is the link17:23
pyuanis it in aps canvas17:24
pyuanall i see is a zoom meeting link17:24
pyuan@jelkner I don't see a link i can join17:26
abuchholzI'll brb. But i can join shortly17:26
jelknernever mind, abuchholz and pyuan 17:27
jelknerlet's do this17:27
jelknerwe can chat here17:27
jelkneri want abuchholz and francesco to present on logic circuits next tuesday17:28
jelknerpyuan, you already have automatic "A"s in the gradebook until we get to the point where we are past where you left off17:28
jelknerwhich won't happen until late october or early november i think17:29
abuchholzAlright. The presentation is done. We finished it yesterday. 17:30
jelknerbut pyuan, i've been telling charles, abby, shushan, oscar, and charles to reach out to you if they have problems with the logic circuit simulators17:30
pyuanand you would like me to view their presentations during A day cc?17:30
jelknerpyuan +117:30
pyuani can do that17:30
jelkneryes, please come to class to watch them present17:30
jelknercan you two pass this on to francesco?17:30
abuchholzok. and where do we meet on tuesday?17:30
jelkneri'm telling my cc i'm moving it to zoom17:31
jelknerto make this work17:31
jelknerhave a great weekend!17:31
jelknersee you tuesday17:31
jelkneron zoom17:31
jelknerat 1:15 pm17:31
abuchholzAlright. Btw. I started working on groups for LibreOrganize. 17:32
jelknersuper, are you talking to SITarabuta?  he is doing that too17:32
jelknerlet's make sure you devs are on the same page17:32
abuchholzyeah he and I were working on it together 17:48
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jelknerabuchholz, we hare having Comcast problems where i live17:53
abuchholzoof. that sucks17:53
jelknermy wife and i saw the technician behind our apartment17:54
jelknerhe said he was working on it17:54
abuchholzthats good17:54
jelkneranyway, its back for now17:54
abuchholzdo you have any classes this afternoon or are u done?17:55
jelkneri'm done17:55
jelknertuesday and thursday is my long day17:55
jelkner8 am to 1:45 pm17:55
jelknerbut it ends then17:55
jelkneryou saw the schedule ;-)17:55
jelkneri just sent it too you17:55
jelknerabuchholz, gotta love rsync and kvm!17:57
jelkneri run a virtual machine named rms (after stallman himself)17:57
jelknerwhich runs apache and php17:58
jelknerno, in this case it is awesome17:58
jelkneri'm just making static web pages17:58
jelknerwith a tiny bit of php for includes17:58
jelknerit's good for that17:58
jelkneranyway, i rsync the entire website17:59
jelknerthen, if i loose internet, i can work locally, and rsync back when the connection resumes17:59
jelknerfast and easy!17:59
abuchholznice. never been a fan of apache or php. Apache was hard to set up, but I was in ninth grade and I had little knowledge. 18:00
jelkneron debian testing (which is what my rms vm is running) it is this hard to set up:18:00
jelkner$ sudo apt install apache18:00
jelknerthat's it! ;-)18:00
jelkneractually, it might be apache2 these days18:01
abuchholzright but i was using centos or something. 18:01
jelknerACTION went to check, and yes, apache218:01
abuchholzand i had no unix skills18:01
jelknerright, but you do now18:01
abuchholzthis was BJ (Before Jeff)18:02
jelknerso, abuchholz, did you get what i said about clean code before i was dropped?18:04
abuchholzNot sure. You mentioned stefan working on groups and I said that we were working together. Did u mention is earlier?18:05
jelknerif you're not sure, i need to repeat18:06
abuchholzYes please18:06
jelknerthrough O'Reilly for Higher Ed, you now have access to all 54 hours of Uncle Bob!18:06
jelkneri want to use them for PD for us18:06
jelknersince they are great, and fun18:06
jelkneri'm hoping Caleb is here today18:07
jelkneri assigned the first episode to my ITP 120 class18:07
jelknerbut since you are skipping that, abuchholz 18:07
jelkneryou should make time to study Clean Code with us18:07
abuchholzalright. Yeah I could maybe do that on my own time. I have been really busy with school18:08
jelkneri understand18:08
jelknerbut please be aware that my goal will be for us at NOVA Web to develop a common understanding, and common vocabulary for best practice software development18:09
jelknerso i will be pushing the dev team to engage in this study18:09
jelknerso that we can make LO the kind of robust application we desperately want it to be18:10
jelknernot the fragile, rigid, rotting mess that most software becomes18:10
jelknerabuchholz, i plan to move sloooowly18:12
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SITarabutaI completely agree18:12
jelknerone hour per week18:12
jelknersince we need to absorb the ideas, not just watch the videos18:12
jelknerepisode on makes a quick mention of Frederick Brooks famous "Mythical Man Month"18:14
jelknerone of the earliest essays on what is now called software engineering18:15
jelknerand still a classic18:15
jelknerwritten in 197518:15
Following up on Mickys Login issue (Ask Stefan) (nrcerna)18:26
Mexico Solidarity Project Update (nrcerna)18:26
Regarding Finances... (nrcerna)18:26
Make marketing resources (logo, etc) readily available on Nextcloud (jelkner)18:26
Quick FYI on outreach to BCI (jelkner)18:26
Ask ubuntourist if he could be ready to pitch hit for SITarabuta on ARA while he moves between countries (jelkner)18:26
Time to buy a ".coop" domain? $75 / year at (ubuntourist)18:26
jelkner!remind Setup practice call with rachael and susan?18:26
'Setup practice call with rachael and susan?' added to message queue18:26
SITarabuta!remind Is LibreOrganize due for a thorough refactor?18:28
'Is LibreOrganize due for a thorough refactor?' added to message queue18:28
nrcernaACTION AWAY brb in 30 mins18:38
nrcernaACTION BACK19:09
Following up on Mickys Login issue (Ask Stefan) (nrcerna)19:48
Mexico Solidarity Project Update (nrcerna)19:48
Regarding Finances... (nrcerna)19:48
Make marketing resources (logo, etc) readily available on Nextcloud (jelkner)19:48
Quick FYI on outreach to BCI (jelkner)19:48
Ask ubuntourist if he could be ready to pitch hit for SITarabuta on ARA while he moves between countries (jelkner)19:48
Time to buy a ".coop" domain? $75 / year at (ubuntourist)19:48
Setup practice call with rachael and susan? (jelkner)19:48
Is LibreOrganize due for a thorough refactor? (SITarabuta)19:48
*** lelkneralfaro has joined #novawebdev19:48
*** GFbot has joined #novawebdev19:51
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zOnny : GFbot : lelkneralfaro : +jelkner : abuchholz : nrcerna : @ubuntourist : wolcen : @mjsir911 : @ChanServ20:00
Good afternoon everyone!20:00
jelknerhi zOnny 20:00
It's 16:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.20:00
This is the agenda for today:20:00
Following up on Mickys Login issue (Ask Stefan) (nrcerna)20:00
Mexico Solidarity Project Update (nrcerna)20:00
Regarding Finances... (nrcerna)20:00
Make marketing resources (logo, etc) readily available on Nextcloud (jelkner)20:00
Quick FYI on outreach to BCI (jelkner)20:00
Ask ubuntourist if he could be ready to pitch hit for SITarabuta on ARA while he moves between countries (jelkner)20:00
Time to buy a ".coop" domain? $75 / year at (ubuntourist)20:00
Setup practice call with rachael and susan? (jelkner)20:00
Is LibreOrganize due for a thorough refactor? (SITarabuta)20:00
Have a nice day!20:00
nrcernaHello everyone!20:00
abuchholzGood Afternoon!20:00
jelknerGood evening20:00
ubuntouristACTION raises a can to comrades. ;-)20:00
nrcernaLong agenda we have today,20:01
nrcernaalright, 20:01
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nrcernafirst item: Following up on Mickys Login issue (Ask Stefan)20:01
jelknerGood afternoon, Conor 20:01
nrcernaRegarding this, jelkner mentioned that he called Micky20:01
jelkneri'll take this20:01
jelknerjust got off a wonderful conversation with micky20:01
jelknerACTION is always happy after talking to her!20:02
jelknershe is waiting for someone to give her training on BT20:02
jelknerand she knows she has to pay us still20:02
nrcernaGreat, btw she said that she want to learn how to use BT, so zOnny we need to add the documentation to the website, we didnt when we design it 20:02
ubuntouristWas she using her new FLOSS Pine64 PinePhone? ;-)20:02
jelkneralso, we talked about lucky member 720:02
jelknerACTION done20:02
nrcernathat would be a task for last week20:03
nrcernanext item: Mexico Solidarity Project Update20:03
lelkneralfaroI can take this one20:03
nrcernagreat lelkneralfaro 20:03
lelkneralfarowe met with Sam and discussed what he's looking for20:04
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cedwards3just rejoining to allow desktop nitifications20:04
lelkneralfaroand nrcerna has started writing up the proposal and issues20:04
ubuntouristlelkneralfaro, Did you happen to mention my previous experience with the Prize? 20:04
lelkneralfarothey want their site ready by early October20:04
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, I did not :/ 20:05
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, I'll bring it up next time we speak20:05
nrcernaand we need to check it together in order to follow the workflow and add some missing things to the proposal20:05
jelknerbtw. it is wonderful to see nrcerna and lelkneralfaro working on this20:05
jelknerhuge shout out to nrcerna 20:05
ubuntouristC'est la vie. I just think it helps our bona fides to know that there are connections that go back a bit.20:05
nrcernaso wich means that we have two weeks to deliver that20:05
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, for sure...20:05
nrcernalelkneralfaro, zOnny 20:05
jelknershe is absorbing what she is learning from clayton and ben20:05
jelknerand learning to write up professional proposals20:06
lelkneralfaronrcerna, zOnny and I will be meeting later today to do some planning20:06
jelknera crucial weakness we have had is being fixed20:06
nrcerna:) 20:06
lelkneralfaroACTION done20:06
nrcernaGreat, thanks lelkneralfaro for the update20:07
*** WindowsSux has joined #novawebdev20:07
nrcernanext item: Regarding Finances...20:07
nrcernawell we we're talking about this with you jelkner 20:07
nrcernathat's why added to the agenda20:07
jelkneryes, but i've had long conversations with nrcerna and zOnny 20:08
jelknerso not much more to add here20:08
jelkneri'm waiting for the proposal for MSP20:08
jelkneri want to run this like agaric does20:08
jelkneri'll put a line of credit based on your proposal20:09
nrcernaalso just thinking about this, when you said that I need to report my hours so zOnny  as well, I noticed that at BT you just can see the week hours bar, but if you want to see all the hours you worked in the month you cant, 20:09
jelknerwhich you can draw against as you developm20:09
jelknerACTION done20:09
*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev20:09
nrcernayou can see a summary just for the project hours right, SITarabuta ?20:09
jelknergood point, nrcerna 20:09
SITarabutayes, project hours or hours you worked last week20:09
jelknerissue perhaps?20:09
ubuntouristSpeaking of BT, still need access / instructions for Sanjay. Low priority, though.20:09
nrcernaOk, I need to file an issue then20:10
SITarabutayes please, otherwise I will forget20:10
nrcernagreat, thanks SITarabuta 20:10
SITarabutaJust like how I forget I need to get rid of windows20:10
jelknerubuntourist, instructions for sanjay will be same as instructions for micky20:10
jelknerso we should be getting that soon20:10
jelknernot sure about access20:10
jelknerubuntourist, could you help him set up his own instance?20:10
jelknerunless we can bill20:11
jelknerwe don't want to put hungry devs on the task20:11
jelknerACTION done20:11
ubuntouristjelkner, Sure. I can probably spin something up somewhere. In which case I can probably instruct...20:11
SITarabutaubuntourist, are we talking about BT?20:12
ubuntouristjelkner, (I had thought in a previous discussion that there was going to be a more generic demo server.)20:12
jelkneroh, we talked about that earlier as a group and decided it didn't make business sense a present20:12
ubuntouristSITarabuta, Yup. (As in "Speaking of BT..." See above. ;-) 020:12
SITarabutaIn that case, instructions should be in the - pretty thorough20:12
jelknera lot of work, little short term gain20:12
jelknerlet's wait for member # 7 for these kinds of decisions20:12
ubuntouristACTION is done20:13
SITarabutaACTION done20:13
nrcernanext item: Make marketing resources (logo, etc) readily available on Nextcloud 20:13
nrcernajelkner, regarding this I started with that20:13
jelknercool, nrcerna 20:14
jelknerthis came up because ubuntourist had me add us to a registry of coops in dc20:14
ubuntouristSo, once again, close down the existing location(s). I will remove all git repos of that nature.20:14
nrcernathe "Branding" folder in our NWD shared20:14
jelknerand it asked for our logo20:14
jelknerand i couldn't find it20:14
nrcernaI see20:14
nrcernawe dont have NWD there yet20:15
jelknerACTION is, as ubuntourist is keenly aware, SLOW when it comes to these things20:15
jelknerunnervingly so, i imagine20:15
SITarabutaWe should add it. And we should decide on the main color and the size, font, etc.20:15
jelknerACTION done20:15
nrcernaOk, I'm going to upload the different versions20:15
nrcernayes, the style sheet SITarabuta 20:15
jelkneri wanted gold20:15
jelknersvg please20:15
SITarabutaMaybe one that works for both dark backgrounds and light ones, is there something like that?20:15
jelknerso we can select our own size20:15
SITarabutaGold was pretty good20:15
nrcernabranding manual, I started with the BT one when we did the website20:16
jelknerok 14 minutes left20:16
nrcernaA logo could have the primary and then the color versions20:16
jelknerlet's not get stuck20:16
jelknerACTION channeling his innner SITarabuta 20:16
SITarabutaACTION awakens20:16
nrcernanext item: Quick FYI on outreach to BCI (jelkner)20:16
jelknerreal quickly20:17
jelknerit is great having heylin working with bianca each week20:17
jelknerheylin told me bianca read my email and plans to reply20:17
jelknershe may be waiting for geoff to return on monday20:17
jelknerACTION will email them again then20:17
jelknerACTION done20:18
nrcernanext item: Ask ubuntourist if he could be ready to pitch hit for SITarabuta on ARA while he moves between countries 20:18
nrcernayou again jelkner ;)20:18
ubuntouristCan do.20:18
jelknerwell, we talked20:18
ubuntouristACTION is done. 20:18
jelknerACTION done20:18
nrcernanext item: Time to buy a ".coop" domain? $75 / year at 20:18
jelkneri think this is a great idea to do at the right moment20:19
jelknermethinks still a bit too early20:19
jelknerwe have members who aren't getting paid as much as they need20:19
jelknerso once again, i would say wait for # 720:19
SITarabutaAlso is not available!?20:20
jelknerand proceed right before we really go on a marketing campaign20:20
jelknerwho said, SITarabuta 20:20
SITarabutaWHOIS said20:20
jelknerare you sure?20:20
SITarabutaNot WHOIS, said20:20
SITarabutaMy badf20:20
ubuntouristI just keep seeing that official "coop" a lot. And SITarabuta I got different results from different places. said it is available...20:20
SITarabutaMy bad*20:20
SITarabutaWhat the... Maybe issue on my end20:21
jelkneranyway, we will want to spend the money at some point20:21
ubuntouristSITarabuta, Maybe we lost it in the last few hours. Ne'er mind. Later.20:21
jelknerespecially once we are full members of USFWC20:21
ubuntouristACTION is done20:21
SITarabutaI refreshed and now it says it is available20:21 is avialble idk what SITarabuta is saying20:21
SITarabutaACTION done20:22
nrcernanext item: Setup practice call with rachael and susan?20:22
jelknerubuntourist and i talked20:22
jelknerthe idea in brief is we have an ACC CS major who is learning ASL20:22
jelknerwe brought her to sit in on a meeting we had20:23
jelkneri wanted ubuntourist opinion if it would be ok to ask susan if she could talk to her20:23
jelknerto see if her language level was at the point where we could communicate about projects without an interpreter20:23
jelknerACTION done20:23
nrcernaThanks jelkner 20:24
nrcernaso last one: Is LibreOrganize due for a thorough refactor? 20:24
SITarabutaHow do I start20:25
abuchholzits a mess20:25
abuchholzi need to work on it20:25
abuchholzfix the mess20:25
jelknerbtw. refactoring is something we should do *all the time*20:25
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abuchholzwhat I don't want is stefan to feel that he is the one who has to refactor all of LibreOrganize20:25
SITarabutaLook it is pretty bad. In fact I actually had more trouble getting something done then I had with other Django projects.20:25
jelkneras uncle bob says, the goal should be to leave the code base just a little better than you found it every time you touch it20:25
abuchholzI already did it once20:25
SITarabutaMaybe I am a bit rusty20:25
SITarabutaI don't know20:25
jelknerif you do that, it will thrive20:26
abuchholzits just a discussion stefan and I need to have20:26
SITarabutaIt is kinda my fault20:26
SITarabutaI mean there was this merge request20:26
SITarabutaa few months ago20:26
SITarabutathat I didn't really like, but I was like Screw it! I'll accept it20:26
jelkneronly you devs can answer this20:26
ubuntouristPlus that, people who check it out on GitLab will see that the last commit was days ago. Thus, a living project. 20:26
abuchholzIts everyones fault...  We are gonna refactor it and put the other issues on hold20:27
jelknerbut i want to make sure we take care of what needs to be done20:27
ubuntouristAlways scary to see a repo with a last commit of 7 years ago. ;-)20:27
jelknerassigning fault isn't the point20:27
jelknerwe're all in this together20:27
jelknerlet's work together and move forward20:27
ubuntouristIt's all jelkner's fault. ;-)20:27
jelknerACTION done20:27
abuchholzYeah, stefan could we talk after pls20:27
SITarabutaoh yeah I don't know but I am very reluctant to work on the refactor20:27
SITarabutaI will see what I can do20:27
abuchholzcause u like solving problems ;)20:28
abuchholzand messes that others have made20:28
SITarabutaI have my inner feelings ;-)20:28
abuchholzbut hey we are all still learning20:28
SITarabutaACTION done20:28
abuchholzme done.20:28
abuchholzACTION done.20:28
nrcernaanything else?20:28
ubuntouristSITarabuta, is channeling SITarabuta ? (inner feelings) ;-)20:29
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel20:29
jelknerwe rock!20:29
jelknerbig agenda20:29
nrcernaThanks everyone20:29
jelknerwe got through it20:29
nrcernajelkner, remember that you're meeting with GFbot 20:29
nrcernaAnd the students20:29
SITarabutaMy friend WindowsSux would like to say something now that the meeting is over:20:29
WindowsSuxACTION "Your computer does not have a compatible internet adapter"20:29
jelknerlet me tell, after sitting in on meetings at work, we are amazing!20:30
nrcernaGFbot, which channel you used to use with the students?20:30
WindowsSuxWho thought that disabling the IPv4 service during an update was a good idea.20:30
abuchholzNoooo... Not WindowsSux20:31
SITarabutaThis is beyond unusable20:31
lelkneralfaronrcerna, zOnny where should we meet today?20:31
lelkneralfarojitsi mexico solidarity project?20:32
nrcerna jelkner, GFbot 20:33
nrcernaI guess we can use hangouts lelkneralfaro or use the Mexico Solidarity Project channel20:35
nrcernazOnny is gone lelkneralfaro 20:35
lelkneralfarolet's do MSP20:35
lelkneralfaronrcerna, yeah I noticed :)20:35
lelkneralfaronrcerna, i asked the question and he dodged it20:35
nrcernaBut I guess he's going to join us, right?20:35
lelkneralfaronrcerna, yes, I will text him20:36
lelkneralfaroI'll text him where to meet 1.5 hrs from now20:36
nrcernaBtw you dont use discord right?, sometimes is easy to comunicate there with him20:36
lelkneralfaronrcerna, I do, that's where we communicate mostly20:37
nrcernaOh I see, I never chatted there with you lol lelkneralfaro 20:37
lelkneralfaronrcerna, I'm sneaky20:38
jelknerGFbot, 20:41
nrcernaGFbot, jelkner 20:44
jelknerwe are in the channel, nrcerna 20:45
jelknercan you join us?20:45
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jelknerDevinMcF, hi21:17
jelknercan we talk by phone?21:17
DevinMcFOf course, I was drafting you an email but that works better21:18
jelknerACTION signs off for the day21:24

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