IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2020-10-01

*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev09:02
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Time to update our business plan (thoughts reflecting CISPES, AEA, and replaceafill) (jelkner)15:34
Can we get voting to work at AEA? (jelkner)15:34
Turning over gnucash upkeep, a task for Louis? (jelkner)15:34
Jelkner will be unable to attend 10/8 meeting (jelkner)15:34
Updated on new project with AGARIC (nrcerna)15:34
jelkner!remind Ask nrcerna, zOnny, and lelkneralfaro to meet with Ajoke16:23
'Ask nrcerna, zOnny, and lelkneralfaro to meet with Ajoke' added to message queue16:23
nrcernawho is Ajoke? jelkner 16:24
jelknerpatience, nrcerna, good things come to those who wait ;-)16:25
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abuchholzjelkner, peter, francesco and I are done with math we could join class for the last 5 minutes if we had the link17:06
abuchholzif you think that worth doing17:06
nrcernaACTION going out to grab something to lunch. I'll brb in about an hour 17:23
nrcernaACTION AWAY17:24
jelknerabuchholz, where's the link to the logic circuit simulator?17:39
abuchholzI put it in learning but I can also put it here17:40
Time to update our business plan (thoughts reflecting CISPES, AEA, and replaceafill) (jelkner)17:41
Can we get voting to work at AEA? (jelkner)17:41
Turning over gnucash upkeep, a task for Louis? (jelkner)17:41
Jelkner will be unable to attend 10/8 meeting (jelkner)17:41
Updated on new project with AGARIC (nrcerna)17:41
Ask nrcerna, zOnny, and lelkneralfaro to meet with Ajoke (jelkner)17:41
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nrcernaACTION back18:34
lelkneralfarohow do you add little brother remind?18:41
lelkneralfarojust "/remind"18:41
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abuchholzlelkneralfaro, its "!remind (Item Title)" sorry for late response19:07
lelkneralfaroabuchholz, ahh great no problem, thanks19:08
lelkneralfaro!remind unfortunately, we owe lots of money to the DC government19:08
'unfortunately, we owe lots of money to the DC government' added to message queue19:08
Time to update our business plan (thoughts reflecting CISPES, AEA, and replaceafill) (jelkner)19:27
Can we get voting to work at AEA? (jelkner)19:27
Turning over gnucash upkeep, a task for Louis? (jelkner)19:27
Jelkner will be unable to attend 10/8 meeting (jelkner)19:27
Updated on new project with AGARIC (nrcerna)19:27
Ask nrcerna, zOnny, and lelkneralfaro to meet with Ajoke (jelkner)19:27
unfortunately, we owe lots of money to the DC government (lelkneralfaro)19:27
jelknerlelkneralfaro, can you join us on planning19:27
jelknerzOnny, can you?19:28
zOnnyjelkner k19:28
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jelknerubuntourist, we're on planning19:33
Time to update our business plan (thoughts reflecting CISPES, AEA, and replaceafill) (jelkner)19:44
Can we get voting to work at AEA? (jelkner)19:44
Turning over gnucash upkeep, a task for Louis? (jelkner)19:44
Jelkner will be unable to attend 10/8 meeting (jelkner)19:44
Updated on new project with AGARIC (nrcerna)19:44
Ask nrcerna, zOnny, and lelkneralfaro to meet with Ajoke (jelkner)19:44
unfortunately, we owe lots of money to the DC government (lelkneralfaro)19:44
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ubuntouristMy ears could not take that squeak.19:53
ubuntourist!remind Brief report back on DC Stakeholders meeting19:58
'Brief report back on DC Stakeholders meeting' added to message queue19:58
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PAldea : amina : cedwards92 : @ubuntourist : zOnny : lelkneralfaro : abuchholz : nrcerna : +jelkner : @mjsir911 : wolcen : @ChanServ20:00
Good afternoon everyone!20:00
It's 16:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.20:00
This is the agenda for today:20:00
Time to update our business plan (thoughts reflecting CISPES, AEA, and replaceafill) (jelkner)20:00
Can we get voting to work at AEA? (jelkner)20:00
Turning over gnucash upkeep, a task for Louis? (jelkner)20:00
Jelkner will be unable to attend 10/8 meeting (jelkner)20:00
Updated on new project with AGARIC (nrcerna)20:00
Ask nrcerna, zOnny, and lelkneralfaro to meet with Ajoke (jelkner)20:00
unfortunately, we owe lots of money to the DC government (lelkneralfaro)20:00
Brief report back on DC Stakeholders meeting (ubuntourist)20:00
Have a nice day!20:00
nrcernaHello Everyone!20:00
jelknerhello, nrcerna 20:00
abuchholzWhat an agenda20:00
nrcernayeah abuchholz 20:00
abuchholzI can hardly contain my excitement!20:00
nrcernaAlright, first item: Time to update our business plan (thoughts reflecting CISPES, AEA, and replaceafill) 20:01
jelknernrcerna, this is mine, and i'll combine it with item 220:01
jelknerbasically, it is about the path forward for LibreOrganize20:01
jelknerwe reached a point where aea was questioning whether they should stay with us20:02
jelknerzOnny went in and fixed that temporarily20:02
jelknerbut i'd like to be more proactive20:02
jelkneri think voting is key20:02
jelkneri've said that for a long time20:02
jelknerand am even willing to put some resources toward it20:03
jelknerbut i don't see much movement20:03
jelknerso i wanted to bring it up20:03
ubuntouristI know it's not ours from the ground up, but I recently sent mail about a voting system that could be self-hosted. 20:03
ubuntourist(I forget the specific URL, but I can search the e-mail quickly.)20:03
jelknerreplaceafull always thought we should focus like a laser on LO development20:03
jelknerwe decided we couldn't afford to do that20:04
jelknerproblem is, nrcerna, we have no funding20:04
jelknerfor that20:04
nrcernaI remember one of those talks with him jelkner 20:04
abuchholzJeff. What does AEA need for voting20:04
abuchholzIs it just groups?20:04
abuchholzCause the system works. Its just getting everyone accounts20:04
jelkneri need to be able to log in and see a vote20:05
jelkneronly available to members of the pac20:05
jelknerthey system should know who the members of the pac are20:05
ubuntouristACTION found it. It's what the resurrected Ubuntu Community Council is using: the Condorcet Internet Voting Service (CIVS)20:05
jelknerand they should be able to engage in organizing activity as the pac20:05
abuchholzYeah. I started working on this with Stefan we got groups working but then we decided to refactor.20:05
jelkneri also need to be able to vote as a worker at ACC20:05
abuchholzTherefore groups is one of the things we are working on in the refactor20:06
jelknerand not see votes for barcroft, barett, etc20:06
jelknersame thing with the board20:06
jelknerwe talked about all this20:06
jelknerabuchholz, what more do you need to know?20:06
abuchholzI understand 20:06
abuchholzNothing, I am working on it20:06
abuchholzAlong with the refactor20:06
abuchholzwe have groups implemented i just havent implmented the permissions into the polls app20:07
abuchholzif that makes sense20:07
jelknerok, on another note then, we seem to be making progress with the CMS20:07
jelknerthis is also *really* important20:07
jelknerin fact, it was what ingrid was complaining about the most20:07
jelknerso we need to keep checking back with her20:07
jelknerhow are things going?20:08
jelknerare you ready for more training?20:08
jelknerwhat are you needs?20:08
abuchholzIs this directed at me?20:08
jelknerno, abuchholz 20:08
nrcernawhy she was complaining? jelkner 20:08
nrcernaabout what?20:08
jelknernrcerna, she said she couldn't make changes to the site20:08
jelknerand members were complaining to her20:08
jelknerthat it wasn't up-to-date20:08
nrcernaYeah, but we tried to to anything that she and Alysha requested, on time20:09
jelkneri understand, nrcerna 20:09
jelknerdon't take it to heart20:09
nrcernaI know20:09
jelknershe was just passing on stress being directed at her20:09
jelknerthe point is, we need to be proactive20:09
nrcernaI just I was surprised that's all20:09
jelknerwe weren't20:09
jelknerso, we now have a good number of users20:09
abuchholzjelkner, groups can be done by the end of this month. We just need to finish the refactor which is priority atm because we are modifying a lot of LibreOrganize's source code20:10
jelknerCIDU, CJS, MSP, etc.20:10
abuchholzalso i recommend we move to the next thing on the list20:10
jelknergreat, abuchholz 20:10
jelknerACTION done20:10
nrcernaI propose to skip the next item jelkner since you already know lelkneralfaro answer about that20:10
jelknerexcept, nrcerna 20:10
lelkneralfaronot in the notes....20:10
jelknerthat we need to address who will do it20:11
jelknerwe need someone to manage our financial data20:11
nrcernaTurning over gnucash upkeep, a task for....who? 20:11
jelknerso, let's postpone this for now, with the understanding that nrcerna will meet with Ajoke20:11
jelknerdoes that work, nrcerna?20:11
nrcernajust me? jelkner 20:12
lelkneralfaronrcerna, will you send the email to Ajoke?20:12
nrcernayes, I can do it20:12
jelknerwe don't need a whole tribe, nrcerna 20:12
jelknerwe've got so much to do20:12
jelkneryou can bill for the time, nrcerna 20:12
jelknerjust keep track of it20:12
jelknerACTION done20:12
nrcernanext item: Jelkner will be unable to attend 10/8 meeting20:13
jelknersuperintendent is meeting with ACC about COVID plans20:13
jelknerso i won't be here next thursday20:13
jelknerjust an fyi20:13
jelknerACTION done20:13
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nrcernaThanks jelkner 20:14
nrcernanext item: Update on new project with AGARIC20:14
nrcernawell,  I received a Zullip message from Ben20:14
nrcernahe said that one of the projects on hold is going to start20:15
nrcernais the redesign of this website:
nrcernaI'm going to work with them regarding the graphics20:15
nrcernaI'll keep you updated 20:16
nrcernaACTION done20:16
jelknernext item is done to, right, nrcerna20:16
nrcernaI think this one is done as well: Ask nrcerna, zOnny, and lelkneralfaro to meet with Ajoke 20:17
nrcernaso last one: unfortunately, we owe lots of money to the DC government 20:17
ubuntouristACTION is not keeping up. Just learned that Zullip is a Python app originally written by none other than Jessica McKellar (and Tim Abbott)20:17
lelkneralfaromine... we covered it already in the chat? go for it again?20:17
ubuntouristACTION missed alot of that discussion. Recap appreciated. Or later.20:17
jelknerwell, only state here what we plan to do, lelkneralfaro 20:18
lelkneralfaroahh okay, ill give the report... so we have been missing payments to DC government and being fined every quarter for over a year20:18
lelkneralfarowhich has been adding up20:18
lelkneralfaropayments for DC Paid Family Leaves and Unemployment Insurance that is20:18
lelkneralfaroalthough really we havent owed taxes for a while since we haven't had any paid employees20:19
jelknerwho are they trying to charge, lelkneralfaro?20:19
ubuntouristlelkneralfaro, adding up to... roughly how much?20:19
lelkneralfarononetheless, it could be because we haven't filed the correct papers, or, we did owe taxes at some point which we didn't pay 20:19
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, $130020:20
lelkneralfaro$1302.51 I think, although i don't have the site up right now20:20
zOnnyHoly S*20:20
jelknernrcerna, please mention this to Ajoke20:20
lelkneralfarojelkner, nova web development20:20
ubuntouristroughly was close enough. ;-)20:20
jelknerwhich nova web development?20:20
jelknerthere are two20:21
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, lol ;)20:21
jelknerone dead20:21
jelknerone almost dead ;-)20:21
lelkneralfarojelkner, I don't think that is the case20:21
jelkneri know it is, lelkneralfaro 20:21
jelknersince ultimately it comes down to federal tax id20:21
lelkneralfarojelkner, I looked through the correspondence with DC20:21
jelknerand they are different20:21
lelkneralfarojelkner, ahhh good point20:21
lelkneralfarojelkner, you should have said that earlier20:21
jelkneranyway, to be continued20:21
jelknerlet's investigate and seek help20:22
lelkneralfarobecause right now it is Nova Web LLC20:22
lelkneralfarobut the tax id is probably the old one20:22
ubuntouristAnd, in the "trust but verify" we're 100% it's the *real* DC government? (I recall a fee being paid in VA to a bogus group pretending to be government.)20:22
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, yes it's the real DC gov20:23
lelkneralfaroACTION done20:23
ubuntouristlelkneralfaro, I was fairly confident that was the case, but, though it prudent to check.20:23
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, yes it was a good thought20:24
jelknerok, let's move on20:24
jelknernrcerna, we're waiting for you...20:24
nrcernaAnything else?20:25
ubuntouristYes. 20:25
ubuntouristOn the agenda too.20:25
nrcernaACTION confused20:25
ubuntouristDC Stakeholders meeting: lelkneralfaro and I: We came, we hobbed, we nobbed. ;-)20:26
ubuntouristI sent a transcript of the chat from the video meeting to all.20:26
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, we did, not as good as the hob nobbing at the BCI thing, but it was good to ttend20:27
nrcernaThanks ubuntourist and sorry I missed that last item20:27
ubuntouristlelkneralfaro, did you notice if the recent email from the meeting coordinator had the video recording link?20:27
jelkner2 minutes, folks20:27
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, i did not catch it, i also didn't look closely20:27
ubuntouristOK. Well, maybe more next meeting.20:28
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel20:28
nrcernaThanks ubuntourist 20:28
jelknergreat job, nrcerna 20:28
nrcernathanks everyone20:28
jelknerwe made a long agenda20:28
ubuntouristOne item though: October is National Co-op month AND DC Co-op Mothn20:28
jelkneron time20:28
ubuntouristAnd an event is being planned...20:29
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ubuntouristDetails as they become available.20:29
nrcernaI was thinking about Stefan breathing fast and being worried jelkner 20:29
jelknerubuntourist, networking is crucial and important, but will only be effective if targeted20:29
jelknerwe need to work intentionally20:29
jelknerso we build the relationships that will help us survive20:30
jelknerright now, we need help:20:30
jelkner1. getting gigs20:30
jelkner2. doing finances20:31
jelkner3. writing contracts20:31
jelknerzOnny, can you and i work on paying that fee?20:31
jelknerso we don't loose our business in VA?20:31
jelkneri'll meet you on the PayOurFee channel20:32
nrcernazOnny, did Edythe reply to your email? or any news about that? 20:32
zOnnyu won't lose they always fix things with $20:32
jelknerzOnny, i'm there now20:33
abuchholzSigning off for now. I'm gonna continue working on the refactor and probably do some homework20:58
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jelknerSITarabuta, where were you?21:30
SITarabutajelkner I was in the car and I completely lost track of time because I was replying to Susan.21:31
jelknerACTION signs off for the evening21:38
jelkneroh lelkneralfaro, before i go21:38
jelknerdon't rent a car21:38
lelkneralfarojelkner, yay good news :)21:38
jelkneryour mother has one ;-)21:38
jelknerACTION now really signs off for the evening21:39

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