IRC log of #novawebdev for Sunday, 2020-11-22

*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev12:37
*-* nothing to see here *-*13:00
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nrcerna!remind Check-in on outstanding invoices. Need any help collecting? (jelkner)14:36
'Check-in on outstanding invoices. Need any help collecting? (jelkner)' added to message queue14:36
nrcerna!remind Report from Wednesday meeting with Agaric and throneless (jelkner)14:36
'Report from Wednesday meeting with Agaric and throneless (jelkner)' added to message queue14:36
nrcerna!remind Could Louie and Nana complete the application by this weekend? (jelkner)14:37
'Could Louie and Nana complete the application by this weekend? (jelkner)' added to message queue14:37
nrcerna!remind Follow up on upcoming projects (nrcerna)14:37
'Follow up on upcoming projects (nrcerna)' added to message queue14:37
nrcerna!remind Check in (issues and tasks)14:38
'Check in (issues and tasks)' added to message queue14:38
nrcernahello jelkner 14:39
nrcernaI wanted to talk two things with you14:40
nrcernaare you busy now? jelkner 14:40
jelkneryes, nrcerna 14:42
nrcernaI see14:43
jelknerlet's talk at the meeting and right after14:45
nrcernaok jelkner 14:48
nrcerna!remind Thursday meeting time14:48
'Thursday meeting time' added to message queue14:48
Check-in on outstanding invoices. Need any help collecting? (jelkner) (nrcerna)14:48
Report from Wednesday meeting with Agaric and throneless (jelkner) (nrcerna)14:48
Could Louie and Nana complete the application by this weekend? (jelkner) (nrcerna)14:48
Follow up on upcoming projects (nrcerna) (nrcerna)14:48
Check in (issues and tasks) (nrcerna)14:48
Thursday meeting time (nrcerna)14:48
nrcernaACTION away15:04
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Check-in on outstanding invoices. Need any help collecting? (jelkner) (nrcerna)15:29
Report from Wednesday meeting with Agaric and throneless (jelkner) (nrcerna)15:29
Could Louie and Nana complete the application by this weekend? (jelkner) (nrcerna)15:29
Follow up on upcoming projects (nrcerna) (nrcerna)15:29
Check in (issues and tasks) (nrcerna)15:29
Thursday meeting time (nrcerna)15:29
jelkner!remind Do we still have an identity management server?15:29
'Do we still have an identity management server?' added to message queue15:29
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Check-in on outstanding invoices. Need any help collecting? (jelkner) (nrcerna)15:43
Report from Wednesday meeting with Agaric and throneless (jelkner) (nrcerna)15:43
Could Louie and Nana complete the application by this weekend? (jelkner) (nrcerna)15:43
Follow up on upcoming projects (nrcerna) (nrcerna)15:43
Check in (issues and tasks) (nrcerna)15:43
Thursday meeting time (nrcerna)15:43
Do we still have an identity management server? (jelkner)15:43
*** lelkneralfaro has joined #novawebdev15:52
ubuntouristIf not, do we have an "identity crisis"? 😜15:52
nrcernaACTION back15:53
jelkneronly abuchholz and i are on planning15:59
jelkner1 minute to show time15:59
*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev15:59
SITarabuta : lelkneralfaro : abuchholz : @ubuntourist : nrcerna : +jelkner : wolcen : @mjsir911 : @ChanServ16:00
Good afternoon everyone!16:00
It's 16:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.16:00
This is the agenda for today:16:00
Check-in on outstanding invoices. Need any help collecting? (jelkner) (nrcerna)16:00
Report from Wednesday meeting with Agaric and throneless (jelkner) (nrcerna)16:00
Could Louie and Nana complete the application by this weekend? (jelkner) (nrcerna)16:00
Follow up on upcoming projects (nrcerna) (nrcerna)16:00
Check in (issues and tasks) (nrcerna)16:00
Thursday meeting time (nrcerna)16:00
Do we still have an identity management server? (jelkner)16:00
Have a nice day!16:00
nrcernaHello everyone! :-)16:00
jelknerGM, nrcerna 16:00
nrcernaGM jelkner 16:00
ubuntouristACTION waves16:00
nrcernaOk, let's start!16:01
nrcernafirst item: Check-in on outstanding invoices. Need any help collecting?16:01
nrcernayou added this jelkner16:01
jelknerits a question, nrcerna 16:01
jelknerif you don't know the answer, move on16:01
nrcernaI'll check16:02
jelknernot now, but after, right16:02
nrcernalet's move.16:02
jelkneryes, that's the idea16:02
jelknerend of month is coming16:02
nrcernaI know16:02
jelknerlet me know if you need my help16:02
nrcernaGreat, thanks jelkner 16:03
nrcernanext item: Report from Wednesday meeting with Agaric and Throneless16:03
jelknermicky is working over time to help us16:03
jelknershe is sending work our way16:03
lelkneralfaroACTION I'm on a call with Josh from Lee Carter's campaign by the way16:03
jelknerand she is feeding off our need to think about how to build the network of tech coops we need16:04
nrcernaWe have another lead that Micky sent, Mychael (a project in Florida)16:04
jelknerwe owe her unending gratitude16:04
jelknerand suport16:04
jelknerACTION done16:04
nrcernayes, she's helping a lot16:04
ubuntouristDunno if you saw my added detail to Micky's latest. (Just an FYI that the latest work is probably migrating a WordPress site.)16:04
nrcernaYup, ubuntourist  I saw that16:05
nrcernathank you jelkner, ubuntourist 16:05
nrcernanext item: Follow up on upcoming projects16:06
nrcernalelkneralfaro and I've been working together to have a first call to touch base with some leads the Micky sent and Josh as well16:06
nrcernaThe process its going to be give them a call, then send the proposal and have a first meeting with them to start to work on the projects16:07
jelknerawesome, a process!! ;-)16:07
nrcernalelkneralfaro, we still waiting for Mychael, I'll send an emai again today, and we need to try again with Josh 16:08
nrcernahe dint respond, right? lelkneralfaro 16:08
jelknernrcerna, lelkneralfaro says he is talking to him now16:08
nrcernaGreat, let's keep the ball rolling16:09
nrcernathank you lelkneralfaro 16:09
jelknerthat's what "I'm on a call with Josh" means16:09
nrcernaso, next item: Checking issues16:09
nrcernaI filed some issues this week, assigned to lelkneralfaro and zOnny  (Blog for NOVALACIRO, MSP quick fix issues)16:10
nrcernalelkneralfaro, worked on that, zOnny helped16:11
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nrcernasince zOnny is not fully available we need GFbot help to continue working on the front end on upcoming projects 16:11
nrcernaACTION done16:12
jelknerdon't forget to track hours and invoice me for my project, nrcerna 16:12
jelknerACTION done16:12
nrcernaOh, I almost forgot, The Blog is ready and MSP too, I'll send an invoice jelkner 16:12
jelknernrcerna, hrodriguez just called me16:13
jelknershe said she texted you16:13
jelknerbut didn't hear back16:13
jelknerlet's talk after meeting16:13
jelknerACTION done16:13
nrcernaOh, I need to check 16:13
nrcernanext item: Do we still have an identity management server?16:13
jelknerSITarabuta, a question for you16:13
jelkneri'm trying to manage my passwords16:13
SITarabutaah yes16:14
jelknerand lookint at NOVA Web Development identity server16:14
jelkneris that still a thing?16:14
SITarabutaWell we do, it is only used by Jitsi right now16:14
jelknerare we doing to keep it? or shut it down16:14
lelkneralfaroACTION back16:14
SITarabutawe could16:14
SITarabutabut managing Jitsi password, in Jitsi16:14
SITarabutais a PITA16:14
SITarabutaso I don't really know what to say right now16:15
jelknerYou're the one to decide, SITarabuta 16:15
jelkneron that question16:15
ubuntouristThe whole prosody thing... 16:15
jelknerok, i just wanted to bring it up16:15
SITarabutaAlso, might have a bit of trouble untangling the config16:15
jelknerit can keep staying in a TBD state for now16:15
jelknerwhat are we waiting for, nrcerna?16:18
nrcernaanything else, anyone?16:18
lelkneralfarowe got the bug form to post to gitlab 16:18
jelknernrcerna, we are not meeting thursday16:18
jelknerit's a holiday here16:19
lelkneralfaroit's working on Claudia Jones site16:19
nrcernaOh I almost forgot about that...16:19
jelknerlelkneralfaro, awesome!16:19
ubuntouristlelkneralfaro, 👏16:19
jelkneri need to test that16:19
nrcernaI'm going to meet every week on thursday with Agaric and CRLA16:19
lelkneralfarothanks :)16:19
nrcernathat's the reason I mentioned thursday16:19
jelknerwhat time, nrcerna?16:20
nrcernasame our IRC16:20
jelknerwe need to change then16:20
jelknerback to one hour earlier?16:20
jelkner3 pm EST?16:20
lelkneralfaroalso did anyone receive an email from Josh this morning with some changes to the site?16:20
lelkneralfarohe said he sent it out and included me in the CC but I don't see it16:20
jelknernot i16:20
nrcernano lelkneralfaro 16:20
lelkneralfarookay I'll let him know none of us got it16:20
nrcernathanks lelkneralfaro 16:21
lelkneralfaroso he should send it again16:21
nrcernaso 3pm? thursday 16:21
jelknerworks for me16:21
lelkneralfarojelkner, do you want to record the video for the application16:21
jelknerlelkneralfaro, let's talk after16:22
jelknernot sure what you're talking about16:22
lelkneralfarojelkner, 60 second video16:22
jelknerSITarabuta, lelkneralfaro abuchholz GFbot 3 pm good for you?16:22
lelkneralfarojelkner, could use someone enthusiastic about life16:22
jelknerPoly Elkner16:23
SITarabutaabuchholz thursday meetings16:23
lelkneralfarojelkner, exactly16:23
jelkneri'll do it16:23
lelkneralfarojelkner, lol cool16:23
jelknerso, to sum up16:23
lelkneralfaro3 PM is good16:23
jelknerno meeting next thursday, and 3 pm starting the week after that16:23
jelknernrcerna, could you please update the calendar?16:24
jelknerour website is out of date16:24
nrcernaok jelkner 16:24
nrcernaACTION drops the bag of gravel16:24
ubuntouristACTION slowly -- very slowly -- plods with "closures" and generators and TDD in Python (...and Altair)16:24
jelknerubuntourist, we get to watch the presentation tomorrow16:25
jelkneri'm looking forward to it16:25
jelknerbtw, ubuntourist, emailed chris meyers this morning and cc'd you16:25
jelknerlelkneralfaro, can you meet me on planning?16:25
lelkneralfarojelkner, ok16:25
ubuntouristjelkner, Meanwhile... the Intel 8080 manual -- as opposed to the Altair 8800 manual -- has a comprehensible multiply algorithm... ;-)16:26
ubuntouristjelkner, Saw the Chris Meyers mail.16:26
ubuntouristACTION wanders off to other tasks... 16:27
nrcernaACTION just met with Heylin16:54
nrcernajelkner, Let me know when you have the video ready, since to start the application I need to have the video17:55
jelkneri'm working on it, nrcerna!17:56
jelknerit takes longer than lelkneralfaro thinks17:56
jelkneri wrote the script17:56
jelknerit's wee bit too long17:56
jelknerso i'm editing it down17:56
lelkneralfarohaha, wow you're really getting into it17:56
jelknergit it whilz the gittn's good18:05
jelknernrcerna, and lelkneralfaro 18:05
jelknerits 95 seconds18:05
jelknerbut that should be close enough18:05
lelkneralfarowow so long18:06
jelknerit was three minutes18:06
jelkneri had to chop alot18:06
lelkneralfaroholy moly18:06
jelkneri could talk about nova web development all day long ;-)18:06
jelkneri had to cut out our principles of unity :-(18:07
jelknersince LO needs to be the main focus18:07
jelknernrcerna, i filed an issue and assigned it to you18:07
jelknerthe LO website does not list websites using it18:08
jelknerthat's probably the best way to generate interest in the project18:08
jelknerok, lelkneralfaro and nrcerna take a look, let me know if it is ok18:09
jelknerif it is, i need to unplug for the rest of a day and make a test for my students tomorrow18:09
lelkneralfaroyeah it's great!18:10
jelknernrcerna, r u good with it too?18:10
jelknerlelkneralfaro, you know where to reach me if you need anything18:11
jelkneri'm signing off18:11
jelknersee you thursday!18:11
lelkneralfarojelkner, one sec actually18:11
lelkneralfarosomething is going on with our email18:11
lelkneralfaroStefan question?18:11
lelkneralfarocool, okay bye!18:12
jelknerhe set it up18:12
jelknerACTION signs off18:12
nrcernalelkneralfaro, you know where you dad uploaded the video?18:29
*** lelkneralfaro_ has joined #novawebdev19:11
nrcernaACTION AWAY20:21

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