IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2020-12-03

*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev01:24
How did we do with CIDU? (and why that is **so** important!) (jelkner)01:24
Brief report on meeting with Sabiha from Design Action Collective (jelkner)01:24
jelkner!remind Scope of work and cost estimate for Up & Go type web app for Dulce Hogar01:25
'Scope of work and cost estimate for Up & Go type web app for Dulce Hogar' added to message queue01:25
How did we do with CIDU? (and why that is **so** important!) (jelkner)01:25
Brief report on meeting with Sabiha from Design Action Collective (jelkner)01:25
Scope of work and cost estimate for Up & Go type web app for Dulce Hogar (jelkner)01:25
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jelkner!remind Put NOVA Web Calendar back on EST?11:00
'Put NOVA Web Calendar back on EST?' added to message queue11:00
How did we do with CIDU? (and why that is **so** important!) (jelkner)11:00
Brief report on meeting with Sabiha from Design Action Collective (jelkner)11:00
Scope of work and cost estimate for Up & Go type web app for Dulce Hogar (jelkner)11:00
Put NOVA Web Calendar back on EST? (jelkner)11:00
*** nrcerna_ has joined #novawebdev15:01
How did we do with CIDU? (and why that is **so** important!) (jelkner)15:01
Brief report on meeting with Sabiha from Design Action Collective (jelkner)15:01
Scope of work and cost estimate for Up & Go type web app for Dulce Hogar (jelkner)15:01
Put NOVA Web Calendar back on EST? (jelkner)15:01
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jelknernrcerna_, GM16:31
nrcernahello jelkner 16:31
jelknercan you meet me on planning?16:31
nrcernayes jelkner 16:32
jelkneri only have 15 minutes16:32
jelknerso it needs to be now16:32
How did we do with CIDU? (and why that is **so** important!) (jelkner)16:33
Brief report on meeting with Sabiha from Design Action Collective (jelkner)16:33
Scope of work and cost estimate for Up & Go type web app for Dulce Hogar (jelkner)16:33
Put NOVA Web Calendar back on EST? (jelkner)16:33
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How did we do with CIDU? (and why that is **so** important!) (jelkner)17:14
Brief report on meeting with Sabiha from Design Action Collective (jelkner)17:14
Scope of work and cost estimate for Up & Go type web app for Dulce Hogar (jelkner)17:14
Put NOVA Web Calendar back on EST? (jelkner)17:14
nrcerna!remind Follow up - Is Josh receiving our emails?17:14
'Follow up - Is Josh receiving our emails?' added to message queue17:14
nrcernaACTION away18:02
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nrcernaACTION BACK18:56
*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev19:38
SITarabutaI have no idea when the meeting is. We moved it to 4 PM, right?19:38
nrcerna3 PM ET SITarabuta *It supposed to be*19:54
nrcernasince I-ll be meeting weekly with Agaric and one of their customers19:55
nrcernaBut I-m not sure if everyone got that new time 19:55
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nrcernajelkner, you remember that we changed the meeting time right?19:58
jelkner4 pm19:58
SITarabutaI am confused as hell19:58
nrcernayou said 3pm 2 meetings ago19:58
jelknerWell, if you want me to get us work19:59
SITarabutaWe changed it so many times19:59
SITarabutaI completely19:59
jelkneri need to show up with the folks who are helping us19:59
jelkneri have show and tell at 3 pm19:59
nrcernasince I was about to have my meeting with agaric every week at the same time jelkner 19:59
nrcernaOk we're confused now SITarabuta, jelkner 20:00
nrcernaOk so today 4pm? jelkner, SITarabuta, lelkneralfaro 20:00
lelkneralfaroworks for me20:00
SITarabutaI can do whenever I think20:00
SITarabutaAs long as I don't forget20:00
nrcernaGreat :-D20:01
How did we do with CIDU? (and why that is **so** important!) (jelkner)20:05
Brief report on meeting with Sabiha from Design Action Collective (jelkner)20:05
Scope of work and cost estimate for Up & Go type web app for Dulce Hogar (jelkner)20:05
Put NOVA Web Calendar back on EST? (jelkner)20:05
Follow up - Is Josh receiving our emails? (nrcerna)20:05
nrcerna!remove Follow up - Is Josh receiving our emails?20:06
'Follow up - Is Josh receiving our emails?' removed from the message queue20:06
nrcerna!remind regarding issues with emails and partners20:23
'regarding issues with emails and partners' added to message queue20:23
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ubuntouristjelkner, I just sent e-mail to tomorrow's co-explorers and CC'd you. 'T'would be nice if you nudge them to read it (and maybe even try it) before tomorrow's tete-a-tete.20:36
ubuntouristSITarabuta, 4:00 to the best of my knowledge, but I'm losing track. ;-)20:44
*** SITarabuta87 has joined #novawebdev20:49
How did we do with CIDU? (and why that is **so** important!) (jelkner)20:50
Brief report on meeting with Sabiha from Design Action Collective (jelkner)20:50
Scope of work and cost estimate for Up & Go type web app for Dulce Hogar (jelkner)20:50
Put NOVA Web Calendar back on EST? (jelkner)20:50
regarding issues with emails and partners (nrcerna)20:50
jelknernrcerna, i see you in planning20:52
jelknerbut you aren't talking20:52
jelkneri just left the show and tell20:52
jelknercan folks join us on planning?20:54
jelknerSITarabuta, SITarabuta87, lelkneralfaro ?20:55
nrcernalelkneralfaro, SITarabuta 20:55
jelknerubuntourist, ?20:55
SITarabuta87jelkner could I join after we finish the meeting here? I can't right now :(20:56
jelknersounds good20:56
jelknerand during ;-)20:56
lelkneralfaroI'll meet after as well I suppose20:57
lelkneralfarosince the meeting is about to start20:57
jelknerlelkneralfaro, you can join during20:58
lelkneralfaroso I can listen to typing?20:58
jelknernever mind20:58
ubuntouristjelkner, who is it that can't walk and chew bubble gum at the same time? (Hint: A bear of small brain)20:58
jelkneryeah, yeah20:58
jelkneri get it20:58
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ubuntouristabuchholz, see e-mail later.20:59
abuchholz : SITarabuta87 : @ubuntourist : lelkneralfaro : SITarabuta : nrcerna : +jelkner : wolcen : @ChanServ : @mjsir91121:00
Good afternoon everyone!21:00
It's 21:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.21:00
This is the agenda for today:21:00
abuchholzThe one about you coming to class or your most recent on Appendix B21:00
How did we do with CIDU? (and why that is **so** important!) (jelkner)21:00
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Brief report on meeting with Sabiha from Design Action Collective (jelkner)21:00
Scope of work and cost estimate for Up & Go type web app for Dulce Hogar (jelkner)21:00
Put NOVA Web Calendar back on EST? (jelkner)21:00
regarding issues with emails and partners (nrcerna)21:00
Have a nice day!21:00
nrcernaHello everyone!21:00
jelknerGood evening!21:00
SITarabuta87Hello everybody21:00
abuchholzubuntourist, I see it! Thanks!21:01
nrcernaOk, let's start...21:01
nrcernafirst item: How did we do with CIDU? (and why that is **so** important!)21:01
jelknerthis is mine21:01
jelknerbut so is the second item21:01
jelknercan i do them in reverse order?21:01
nrcernaof course21:01
jelknernrcerna and i met with Sabiha from Design Action Collective21:02
jelknerand had a wonderful conversation21:02
jelknerDesign Action is the Coop that did the Black Lives Matter graphics21:02
jelknerthey've been around since 200321:02
jelknerin Oakland, CA21:03
jelknerwhat Sabiha told us is very much what Micky told us, when we asked them how they get work21:03
jelknerthey are movement people21:03
jelknerthe relationship they build and the movements they are part of lead to them getting work21:03
jelkner(like Black Lives Matter, for example)21:04
jelknerso, nrcerna and i are busy making the connections we need to make21:04
jelkneri mentioned to Sabiha that our business plan was to focus around the labor movement21:04
jelknershe smiled21:04
jelknerwhich brings me to item number 221:04
jelkneror 1, in reverse21:05
jelknerClayton brought us a pretty high profile site with CIDU21:05
jelkneri hear the CWA effort to organize Uber and Lyft drivers mentioned pretty frequently21:05
jelknerso, how are we doing?21:05
jelkneri told nrcerna that we *really* need to learn to ask that question21:06
jelknerwe need to know what CIDU thinks of the work we did for them21:06
jelknerif they are satisfied, they will say good things about us21:06
jelknerand we are on our way to success21:06
jelknerso nrcerna agreed she would reach out to them and ask21:06
jelknerACTION done21:06
nrcernaIt was really great to meet with Sabiha, and yes I'll do it jelkner 21:07
nrcernanext item: Scope of work and cost estimate for Up & Go type web app for Dulce Hogar 21:08
jelknerahh, me again21:08
nrcernaACTION excited about this item21:08
jelkneri had a super joyful conversation with heylin21:08
jelknerheylin's excitement over her work with BCI and the new cooperators she is organizing is amazing21:08
jelknerheylin mentioned that bianca is asking her about the website21:09
jelknerour dev team needs to draft a proposal21:09
jelknerincluding a budget21:09
jelknerfor building an Up & Go type platform21:09
jelknerand soon21:10
jelknersince BCI just got a $40K grant for the new Dulce Hogar project21:10
jelknerand they want to move ahead21:10
jelknerACTION done21:10
abuchholzQuick question21:10
nrcernaI mentioned this to lelkneralfaro, we have to discuss this as a team with zOnny and SITarabuta87 , Find a way to make it work since we as we talked jelkner is a 6 month project at least21:11
abuchholzCould you remind some of us what the Up & Go Platform is? I remember a vague converstaion in the past21:11
jelknerabuchholz, best would be to look at it directly21:11
SITarabuta87That would be fun21:12
jelknerlet's talk on planning after21:12
jelknermy fingers will get sore trying to type it all21:12
jelknerACTION done again21:13
nrcernawell, we're goint to talk about that later to get the estimate / proposal21:14
nrcernaACTION done21:14
nrcernanext item: Put NOVA Web Calendar back on EST?21:14
nrcernayou jelkner 21:14
jelknerah yes21:14
jelknermy last item21:14
jelkneri noticed no one uses the nova web calendar21:14
jelkneri did use it21:14
jelknerbut when i import it into the may first calendar (which organizes my life these days)21:15
ubuntourist"Math is hard" ;-) Like Micky, I'm time-zone challenged. ;-)21:15
jelknerthe UTF messes things up21:15
jelknerso i don't21:15
ubuntouristUTF is something else. ;-)21:15
jelknerright, ubuntourist, thanks21:15
jelknerthat would really screw up dates!21:16
nrcernaUTC drives me crazy, always21:16
SITarabuta87It is kinda hard to sync otherwise21:16
jelkneranyway, i would volunteer to maintain our calendar, and use it again21:16
jelknerif we put it back to EST21:16
abuchholzsounds good to me21:16
nrcernaEST better21:16
jelkneractually this whole thing is showing that we aren't there yet21:17
jelknerif had real skills21:17
ubuntouristIn an ideal universe, the calendar would remain in UTC, but logged-in users could have a preference for their own time-zone, and the calendar would translate...21:17
ubuntourist(Ambitious, but in the far distant future x o'clock UTC, maybe.(21:17
jelknerwe could set things up so it would do the proper transformations at the proper places21:17
ubuntourist;-) )21:17
jelknerubuntourist, big +!21:17
ubuntouristACTION is done with that wee thought.21:17
jelknerthat's not a wee thought21:18
jelknertime is so important in an international context21:18
jelknerimagine when we start including Liberia21:18
jelknerthey are on UTC, btw21:18
jelknerACTION done21:18
ubuntourist(Not to mention, it's a great Pink Floyd song. "Ticking away, the moments that make up a dull day...")21:18
nrcernaTime :-)21:19
nrcernanext item: regarding issues with emails and partners 21:19
ubuntouristTranslation would need to be bi-directional: If I create an event in EST it should store in UTC and versy-vicey.21:20
ubuntouristACTION is done.21:20
jelknerubuntourist, can you join us on planning after?21:20
jelknerso we can talk more?21:20
nrcernaWell I added this because I noticed that we had broken urls on the invoices we sent21:21
ubuntouristjelkner, ja. Until 5:15-ish.21:21
nrcernaI shared this with lelkneralfaro earlier21:21
nrcernalelkneralfaro, zOnny and I are going to check that 21:21
jelknerouch! we need to fix that21:21
nrcernaACTION done21:21
nrcernaanyone has anything to add?21:22
abuchholzi do21:22
abuchholzits someones birthday today21:22
abuchholzwhos that special person21:22
nrcernaYou? abuchholz 21:22
abuchholzwho hasn't said a word21:22
abuchholznot me21:22
abuchholzSITarabuta87, happy birthday21:22
jelknerHappy Birthday, SITarabuta!!!!!!!21:22
nrcernaHAPPY BDAY! :-)21:23
jelkneryou are 19 today?21:23
SITarabuta87Thanks! :D21:23
nrcernaYou're growing so fast :') SITarabuta87 21:23
SITarabuta87I know right21:23
ubuntouristWell, I can't send that same song from last year... ;-)21:23
SITarabuta87My friend is turning 20 in March21:23
SITarabuta87He's like21:23
SITarabuta87Oh no21:23
lelkneralfaroHappy Birthday!!21:23
SITarabuta87I am changing the digit21:23
nrcernaOh no, Oh no, Oh no no no no no...21:24
nrcernaHope you enjoy your day SITarabuta87 21:24
nrcernaThanks abuchholz 21:24
SITarabuta87Stack-overflow ahhahahahahahha21:24
SITarabuta87I am gonna tell him that21:24
SITarabuta87I am joining in a second21:25
jelknerACTION runs to his may first contact list to add SITarabuta87 b'day info21:25
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel21:25
jelknerso he doesn't miss this next year when SITarabuta87 turns 2021:25
jelknerso we can sing on planning21:25
nrcernathank you everyone!21:26
ubuntouristThis year, though, the volga boatmen version of happy birthday is particularly inappropriate...21:26

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