IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2020-12-10

*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev09:59
MSP issues - should we continue to develop the local issue reporting feature? (jelkner)09:59
Plans for turning LO into a team project (and getting Louie and Stefan on the same page about it) (jelkner)09:59
jelkner!remind Books and taxes, do we need a CPA (or do we have one ;-)?10:00
'Books and taxes, do we need a CPA (or do we have one ;-)?' added to message queue10:00
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ubuntouristjelkner, How went Tuesday, briefly?10:56
jelknerabby sent presentations, ubuntourist 10:57
jelkneri'm scrambling to get documentation written on sftp before 8 am10:57
ubuntouristjelkner, Ah. I haven't opened e-mail this morning yet.10:57
jelknerwill you be with us today?10:57
ubuntouristjelkner, Yeah. That's why I wanted to get  a feel for where we are.10:57
jelknertalk then10:58
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev17:54
MSP issues - should we continue to develop the local issue reporting feature? (jelkner)18:15
Plans for turning LO into a team project (and getting Louie and Stefan on the same page about it) (jelkner)18:15
Books and taxes, do we need a CPA (or do we have one ;-)? (jelkner)18:15
nrcerna!remind Update regarding new project - Ask Louie18:16
'Update regarding new project - Ask Louie' added to message queue18:16
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nrcernaACTION still in show and tell20:38
MSP issues - should we continue to develop the local issue reporting feature? (jelkner)20:51
Plans for turning LO into a team project (and getting Louie and Stefan on the same page about it) (jelkner)20:51
Books and taxes, do we need a CPA (or do we have one ;-)? (jelkner)20:51
Update regarding new project - Ask Louie (nrcerna)20:51
jelknernrcerna, it's ok to leave show and tell at meeting time20:51
jelkneri'm back now20:51
jelknermickey knows we have 4 pm meetings20:51
jelknernrcerna, thanks for covering for me20:52
nrcernaI'm here20:53
jelknernrcerna, i'm in planning too20:53
jelknerthat way we can have a back channel audio chat while we're meeting ;-)20:53
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lelkneralfaro!remind Coordination on Isaac's SchoolTool instances20:58
LittleBrotherInvalid arguments: No closing quotation.20:58
lelkneralfaro!remind "Coordination on Isaac's SchoolTool instances"20:59
"Coordination on Isaac's SchoolTool instances" added to message queue20:59
cedwards : lelkneralfaro : +jelkner : wolcen : nrcerna : @ubuntourist : @ChanServ : @mjsir91121:00
Good afternoon everyone!21:00
It's 21:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.21:00
This is the agenda for today:21:00
MSP issues - should we continue to develop the local issue reporting feature? (jelkner)21:00
Plans for turning LO into a team project (and getting Louie and Stefan on the same page about it) (jelkner)21:00
Books and taxes, do we need a CPA (or do we have one ;-)? (jelkner)21:00
Update regarding new project - Ask Louie (nrcerna)21:00
Coordination on Isaac's SchoolTool instances (lelkneralfaro)21:00
Have a nice day!21:00
nrcernaHello everyone!21:00
jelknerHola, nrcerna!21:00
nrcernawe're missing Stefan, Adrian and zOnny21:00
jelknerWell, let's go with who we've got, nrcerna 21:01
nrcernaFirst item: MSP issues - should we continue to develop the local issue reporting feature? 21:01
jelknerSo, the cool good news is that the first part of issue reporting works21:02
jelkneri filed and issue from the MSP website21:02
*** SITarabuta1 has joined #novawebdev21:02
jelknerand it appeared in gitlab21:02
jelknerso, using the outbound api worked21:03
jelknernice job21:03
nrcernalelkneralfaro rocks! ;-)21:03
jelknernow, i need advice from the dev team about the cost of following this story onward21:03
jelknersince without a way to see that the issue was filed, or know about updates in its status21:03
jelknerit is incomplete21:03
ubuntouristACTION finally shuts down the BBB window... 😉21:04
jelknerso i have two things on this21:04
jelkner1. we need to fix the issue (sam mentioned it too)21:04
jelknerthat newletters are not being displayed in the right order21:05
jelkner2. we need to decided together about the stragey for LO around this featuer21:05
jelknerACTION done21:05
nrcernathank you jelkner, we can discuss later21:06
ubuntourist1. Dates should be in the form yyyy-mm-dd, making them chronologically sortable.21:06
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, hmm that might work, zOnny told me about this issue but I haven't dug into it21:07
ubuntourist(Use whatever delimiter you like. I actually prefer periods, so I can say "Stardate blab-bla-bla point bla-bla-blah.) But the order is important Year first, Month second, Day last.21:07
ubuntouristACTION is done21:07
nrcernanext item: Books and taxes, do we need a CPA  (or do we have one ;-)21:08
ubuntourist(Also, all numeric, and all with the same length. So, leading zeros where required.)21:08
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, +121:08
nrcernamy bad21:09
nrcernathis is the second item: Plans for turning LO into a team project (and getting Louie and Stefan on the same page about it)21:09
jelknercool, this is related to the item above21:09
jelkneri'm ready to act as an active (and paying) onsite customer for LO21:09
jelknerbut the dev team needs to be able to deliver21:09
jelknerso, lelkneralfaro has been working hard to learn django21:10
jelknerhe's ready to start peeking at LO21:10
jelkneri already heard lelkneralfaro and SITarabuta1 had their first meeting about that this morning21:10
jelknerthat's great21:10
jelknerwe can't make this work until we strengthen both the breadth and depth of the dev team21:10
jelknerso we can push LO forward again21:11
jelknerACTION done21:11
lelkneralfarojelkner, me and SITarabuta1 did touch base about this earlier today. So we are getting started working together21:12
lelkneralfarojelkner, ahh you said that already lol21:12
nrcernaThat's really good lelkneralfaro, SITarabuta1 21:12
jelknerlelkneralfaro, only because SITarabuta1 told me ;-)21:12
lelkneralfarojelkner, +121:12
SITarabuta1yep. I also shared more than just code - some "ideas" I have about LO as a whole21:12
jelknerthat's even better new21:13
jelknerto be continued then...21:13
nrcernaI would like to be in the middle of some of your meetings just to be aware of what we're doing as a team ;-)21:13
nrcernaNext item: Books and taxes, do we need a CPA  (or do we have one ;-)21:14
jelknerthis is quick for now21:14
jelknernrcerna and lelkneralfaro are meeting with francisco next friday21:14
jelkneri've been involved in an email chain with usfcw and bci about help filing our taxes21:15
ubuntouristWe need someone to blame. 😉 (In addition to you, of course. 😉)21:15
jelkneri have a son is is *probably* a CPA21:15
jelkneri've spoken to him about this21:15
jelknerhe told me that if we could present him with the data in a usable form, he could do the taxes21:15
jelknerwe couldn't even present him with the data21:16
jelknerfrancisco is going to help with that21:16
jelknerso i think we are ok on the CPA side of things21:16
jelkneranyway, something nrcerna and lelkneralfaro should mention to francisco next friday21:16
jelknerACTION done21:16
nrcernagreat, we'll do it21:17
nrcernanext item: Update regarding new project - Ask Louie21:17
nrcernalelkneralfaro, was sharing a little bit about this (James and his project), he's going to organize the information he shared21:18
nrcernaIdk if you want to add something else, lelkneralfaro ?21:18
lelkneralfaronrcerna and I spoke about this already, but Micky put us in contact with someone who wants us to build a site to display his work and put him in contact with people21:18
lelkneralfarohe has artwork and videos he wants to put up21:19
nrcernaHe's a musician, right lelkneralfaro? 21:19
lelkneralfaronrcerna, among other things yes21:19
nrcernaI see21:19
lelkneralfaronrcerna, mostly he presented himself as a Reiki healer21:19
lelkneralfaroACTION done21:20
nrcernathank you lelkneralfaro 21:20
ubuntouristSounds like a graphic designer would be most welcome for that kind of endeavor. ;-)21:20
nrcernayay! :-) my time to shine!21:21
ubuntourist(Art, video and potentially, music.)21:21
ubuntouristACTION is done21:21
nrcernanext item: Coordination on Isaac's SchoolTool instances21:22
nrcernathat's you lelkneralfaro 21:22
lelkneralfaroso I'm a bit unsure of who is supposed to be handling Isaac's schooltool needs21:22
lelkneralfaroit seems like some stuff has been done21:22
lelkneralfaroand abucholz is in the loop21:22
SITarabuta1i deployed that21:23
SITarabuta1for him21:23
lelkneralfaroahh okay21:23
SITarabuta1and I gave adrian21:23
lelkneralfarowell I got wrapped up in it somehow21:23
SITarabuta1and Mr. Zawolo21:23
SITarabuta1an account21:23
SITarabuta1hmm interesting21:23
lelkneralfarobecause Mr. Zawolo contacted me directly about after jelkner CC'd me in an email21:23
jelknerthis is a great opportunity to talk more about process on things like this21:23
lelkneralfaroso Mr. Zawolo asked me about deploying two instances21:24
jelknerabucholz is isaac's student21:24
lelkneralfaroand now I'm meeting with Scholasctica about it tomorrow morning.21:24
jelknerso it makes total sense to have him involved21:24
jelknerbut let's be real clear21:24
jelkneronly the members are *responsible*21:24
SITarabuta1We messaged him21:24
SITarabuta1but did not now we should CC lelkneralfaro oops21:25
ubuntouristSo, no pressure on adrian ;-) employee AND student. ;-)21:25
jelknerso we need to have one of the core 4 in charge of all partner accounts21:25
lelkneralfaroalthough since I haven't been the developer on it not sure if I'm plugging in in the wrong place21:25
jelknerSITarabuta1, it's all good21:25
jelknerthings have been changing21:25
jelknerhere's another chance for the two of you to communicate21:25
jelknerwith zOnny having to work at another job21:26
SITarabuta1Alright well it should CC members usually21:26
SITarabuta1my bad21:26
jelkner(and it pains me deep in my soul every time i have to say that)21:26
lelkneralfaroSITarabuta1, so we have one deployment for him already21:26
lelkneralfaroSITarabuta1, I think he is asking for two21:26
SITarabuta1I will forward you the email we sent21:26
jelknerSITarabuta1, and lelkneralfaro need to coordinate things on the dev side21:26
lelkneralfarojelkner, well on your end you said I should meet with Scholastica21:27
ubuntouristSITarabuta1, getting nervous yet? (OMG! Look at the time!) ;-)21:27
jelknerlelkneralfaro, scholastica is the one isaac is putting in charge of setting up the school21:27
nrcernaACTION Notices that we're running out of time21:27
SITarabuta1ubuntourist oh boy...21:27
lelkneralfarookay, I'm cool to clear this up after on plannign21:27
jelknerlet's continue on planning after21:27
lelkneralfaroACTION done21:27
jelknerACTION done21:27
ubuntouristQuick note, just in.21:27
nrcernaubuntourist, you wanted to add something, right?21:27
ubuntouristToday's Show & Tell had a DC guy asking if we're a a tech coop and asking us to list ourselves at
ubuntouristHe says he's a Wobbly.21:28
jelknerubuntourist, can you list us!21:28
ubuntouristWill do. But I wanted to get that in before I forgot.21:28
nrcernaOh wow21:29
nrcernathere's a lot of them 21:29
jelknerwe should also make sure we are listed in the USFWC list21:29
jelknersince we are members21:29
ubuntouristRyan. Into Basic Income. We've exchanged e-mail addresses.21:29
nrcernathat's great21:29
ubuntouristAh, he mentioned that as well.21:29
ubuntouristACTION is done21:29
nrcernaThank you for sharing ubuntourist 21:29
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel21:30
jelkneryou made it!21:30
nrcernaI was so nervous21:30
jelknerlet's chat on planning21:30
jelknerSITarabuta1, can you join us on planning?21:31
jelknerwe want to talk about SchoolTool21:31
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nrcernajelkner, have to pick my mom to her job21:45
nrcernaBye bye lelkneralfaro, SITarabuta, ubuntourist ,jelkner21:46

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