IRC log of #novawebdev for Sunday, 2020-12-20

*** wolcen has joined #novawebdev00:11
*** nrcerna_ has joined #novawebdev08:33
*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev11:17
*** lelkneralfaro has joined #novawebdev15:10
*** abuchholz has joined #novawebdev15:11
Our GitHub account has been closed (SITarabuta)15:11
Did anyone respond to Micky's ongoing maintenance opportunity? (jelkner)15:11
Tell jelkner good luck! I'll be trying FreedomBox (wolcen)15:11
Report on meeting with AEA Friday (and need to update our website)! (jelkner)15:11
*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev15:30
Our GitHub account has been closed (SITarabuta)15:30
Did anyone respond to Micky's ongoing maintenance opportunity? (jelkner)15:30
Tell jelkner good luck! I'll be trying FreedomBox (wolcen)15:30
Report on meeting with AEA Friday (and need to update our website)! (jelkner)15:30
*** ubuntourist has joined #novawebdev15:46
*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev15:50
*** SITarabuta95 has joined #novawebdev15:54
SITarabuta95My internet is a disaster right now15:54
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Our GitHub account has been closed (SITarabuta)15:58
Did anyone respond to Micky's ongoing maintenance opportunity? (jelkner)15:58
Tell jelkner good luck! I'll be trying FreedomBox (wolcen)15:58
Report on meeting with AEA Friday (and need to update our website)! (jelkner)15:58
SITarabuta : @ubuntourist : +jelkner : abuchholz : lelkneralfaro : wolcen : @ChanServ : @mjsir91116:00
Good afternoon everyone!16:00
It's 16:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.16:00
This is the agenda for today:16:00
Our GitHub account has been closed (SITarabuta)16:00
Did anyone respond to Micky's ongoing maintenance opportunity? (jelkner)16:00
Tell jelkner good luck! I'll be trying FreedomBox (wolcen)16:00
Report on meeting with AEA Friday (and need to update our website)! (jelkner)16:00
Have a nice day!16:00
ubuntouristHullo all.  I'm the guy who didn't step back fast enough:16:00
ubuntouristI'm diving today.16:00
lelkneralfaroHey everyone! 16:00
lelkneralfarosounds good16:00
jelknerLet's roll16:00
ubuntouristNatalia's feeling a bit under the weather.16:01
ubuntouristSo... First up:16:01
ubuntouristOur GitHub account has been closed: SITarabuta 16:01
jelknerNice work, SITarabuta!16:01
SITarabutaIndeed. It's gone16:01
SITarabutaAnd that's it16:02
SITarabutaACTION done lol16:02
jelknerACTION grateful for SITarabuta's initiative16:02
ubuntouristNext. This in from jelkner : Did anyone respond to Micky's ongoing maintenance opportunity?16:02
jelknerubuntourist, nrcerna responded16:02
lelkneralfaronatalia did16:02
ubuntouristTo which I can say I saw an e-mail from folks.16:02
jelknerso this item has been taken care of for now16:03
jelknervery important16:03
jelknerwhen our friends try to help us get work, we need to jump on it16:03
jelknerACTION done16:03
ubuntouristYes, bravo to the "first responders". ;-)16:03
ubuntouristNext, from one of our friends to the north: Chris from Agaric (wolcen) writes: Tell jelkner good luck! I'll be trying FreedomBox16:04
jelkneri can report to wolcen that yunohost is now running on a nice little zbox in my office16:04
ubuntouristThis, in response to the Show and Tell on YunoHost16:04
jelkneri only got started, but what i see so far i like16:05
jelknerseems more up to date then freedombox16:05
jelknerand i like the vibe16:05
ubuntouristPronounced "Why You No Host?" ;-)16:05
jelkneri'll have more to say next week16:05
jelknerACTION done16:05
ubuntouristAnd, finally (at the five minute mark, no less):16:06
ubuntouristReport on meeting with AEA Friday (and need to update our website)! from the goode Mr. jelkner 16:06
jelknerWell, this is the big item16:06
jelknerso it may take a few minutes16:06
ubuntouristYou have 24. ;-)16:06
jelkneron friday afternoon i met with the AEA president and uniserv director (the VEA employee who serves members in local)16:07
jelkneri told them that i planned to work with NOVA Web to develop LO through the AEA website over the next 5 months16:07
jelknerand i was establishing the budget we discussed to do that16:08
jelknerthey approved16:08
jelknerPresident Gant asked who should be her main point of contact16:08
jelknerand i said Natalia16:08
jelkneri also want nrcerna to draw up a contract with me16:08
jelknerstating rates, processes, etc.16:09
jelkneri'll pay into the nova web account, giving it a balance to draw from16:09
jelkneri'd really like to spend time starting this process over the next two weeks16:10
jelknerafter which i return to teaching and need to switch focus again16:10
SITarabutaThe development process or the formal / business type of process16:10
SITarabutaWith contracts and stuff16:10
jelknernrcerna knows how to do what i am talking about16:10
jelknersince our wonderful friends at agaric have been teaching her16:11
jelknerwe will make a contract for $15K16:11
jelknerand specify how and when and for what it gets used16:11
jelknerwe need nrcerna to talk more about this16:11
jelknerso let's wait for her to return16:11
SITarabutaWell in the end I am glad they approved our project because I lost my hair over groups16:12
SITarabutaAnd if they denied, I would've been really sad16:12
jelkneri also want to ask Douglas Cerna (aka replaceafill) if he would be able to meet with you sometime this week or next16:12
jelknerjust to talk about your overall approach to LO16:12
jelkneri'll reach out to nrcerna about that too16:13
SITarabutaI am sure he would be impressed16:13
jelknerme too, SITarabuta 16:13
jelknerACTION done16:13
ubuntouristOK, then. Old business in no particular order:16:13
jelknerand thank you both, SITarabuta and abuchholz, for your hard work!16:13
ubuntourist1. I believe I cc'd all on David's response about life at Gallaudet.16:13
ubuntourist2. Any updates re: SchoolTool worth mentioning?16:14
jelkneri have something on 216:14
jelkneri had a wonderful conversation with tom hoffman16:14
ubuntourist3. I forgot to get together w/ SITarabuta about site maintenance.16:14
ubuntouristgo, jelkner 16:15
jelknerhe confirmed what i thought16:15
jelknerthere is still no free software SIS that comes close to doing what SchoolTool can do (there's and inside pun in there)16:15
jelknerso tom says isaac is not off base recommending it16:16
jelkneralso, while he told me he hasn't spoken to mark shuttleworth in several years16:16
jelknerhe did not say no when i suggested that if this continues to develop in liberia we could possibily reach out to him for support16:17
jelknerACTION done16:17
ubuntouristAnyone else? Gravel is heavy. ;-)16:17
ubuntouristI take it from your silence.... 16:18
ubuntouristACTION drops the proverbial, and heavy bag...16:18
jelknergreat job, ubuntourist, thanx!!16:18
*** GFbot has joined #novawebdev16:19
jelknerGFbot, great to see you!16:25
jelknerCan you and i talk today?16:25
GFbotjelkner ;)16:26
jelknerGFbot, can you meet me in my BBB classroom now?16:32
jelknerBig Blue Button16:32
jelknerGFbot, let me give you the link16:32
GFbotjelkner what was the code?16:34
jelkneri just put it in a personal message to you, GFbot 16:35
GFbotgot it16:35
jelknerACTION signs off until tomorrow morning16:57
*** ubuntourist has joined #novawebdev19:39

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