IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2021-01-07

*** wolcen has joined #novawebdev13:42
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev14:07
nrcernaACTION Busy working on CRLA changes14:07
*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev15:25
nrcerna!remind Follow up on CJS requested issues17:28
'Follow up on CJS requested issues' added to message queue17:28
nrcerna!remind Taking care of the "baby"19:02
'Taking care of the baby' added to message queue19:02
*** abuchholz has joined #novawebdev20:24
my update (lelkneralfaro)20:24
Drawing inspiration from FCEA ( (jelkner)20:24
Add time tracking to BT for interns? (jelkner)20:24
Add Applications to Portfolio menu on website (jelkner)20:24
A real task for Capstone interns? (jelkner)20:24
Time to retire Jitsi in favor of BBB? (jelkner)20:24
Moving forward regarding workflow and cooperation (Zulip) (nrcerna)20:24
Time to be active and share knowledge / experiences (The Blog) (nrcerna)20:24
Follow up on CJS requested issues (nrcerna)20:24
Taking care of the baby (nrcerna)20:24
my update (lelkneralfaro)20:37
Drawing inspiration from FCEA ( (jelkner)20:37
Add time tracking to BT for interns? (jelkner)20:37
Add Applications to Portfolio menu on website (jelkner)20:37
A real task for Capstone interns? (jelkner)20:37
Time to retire Jitsi in favor of BBB? (jelkner)20:37
Moving forward regarding workflow and cooperation (Zulip) (nrcerna)20:37
Time to be active and share knowledge / experiences (The Blog) (nrcerna)20:37
Follow up on CJS requested issues (nrcerna)20:37
Taking care of the baby (nrcerna)20:37
nrcernajelkner, 20:38
abuchholzAre we on jitsi or BBB?20:38
nrcernacan u take care of driving this today?20:38
nrcernawe have a looon agenda20:38
nrcernaand we need to move fast20:38
nrcernaSeems like we're going to switch from Jitsi to BBB abuchholz but not sure if today we're going to do the side conversation, let's see what happen20:41
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lelkneralfaro!remind check for Stefan20:48
'check for Stefan' added to message queue20:48
my update (lelkneralfaro)20:51
Drawing inspiration from FCEA ( (jelkner)20:51
Add time tracking to BT for interns? (jelkner)20:51
Add Applications to Portfolio menu on website (jelkner)20:51
A real task for Capstone interns? (jelkner)20:51
Time to retire Jitsi in favor of BBB? (jelkner)20:51
Moving forward regarding workflow and cooperation (Zulip) (nrcerna)20:51
Time to be active and share knowledge / experiences (The Blog) (nrcerna)20:51
Follow up on CJS requested issues (nrcerna)20:51
Taking care of the baby (nrcerna)20:51
check for Stefan (lelkneralfaro)20:51
*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev20:58
jelknerjust left a nice show-and-tell in time21:00
SITarabuta : lelkneralfaro : @ubuntourist : abuchholz : +jelkner : nrcerna : wolcen : @mjsir911 : @ChanServ21:00
Good afternoon everyone!21:00
jelknerto be here21:00
It's 21:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.21:00
This is the agenda for today:21:00
my update (lelkneralfaro)21:00
Drawing inspiration from FCEA ( (jelkner)21:00
Add time tracking to BT for interns? (jelkner)21:00
Add Applications to Portfolio menu on website (jelkner)21:00
A real task for Capstone interns? (jelkner)21:00
Time to retire Jitsi in favor of BBB? (jelkner)21:00
Moving forward regarding workflow and cooperation (Zulip) (nrcerna)21:00
Time to be active and share knowledge / experiences (The Blog) (nrcerna)21:00
Follow up on CJS requested issues (nrcerna)21:00
Taking care of the baby (nrcerna)21:00
check for Stefan (lelkneralfaro)21:00
Have a nice day!21:00
lelkneralfaroI don't have an update21:00
lelkneralfarothat's from last week21:00
lelkneralfaroso skip that one21:00
abuchholzHello Everyone!21:00
lelkneralfaroHello everyone!21:00
nrcernaHello everyone!21:00
SITarabutaHello everyone!21:01
lelkneralfarolet's get going 21:01
abuchholzalright first item on the agenda21:01
abuchholzDrawing inspiration from FCEA (
lelkneralfarothat's you jelkner21:01
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jelknerin brief21:01
jelkneri was looking over the fcea website21:01
jelknerthere a many lessons we can draw21:01
jelknerit's a topic for the aea team to discuss21:02
jelknerbut as the largest NEA union in Northern Virginia, we should be aware of what they do21:02
jelknerACTION done21:02
abuchholzthank you jelkner 21:02
abuchholzsecond item Add Applications to Portfolio menu on website21:02
jelknerme again21:03
jelknernrcerna and i discussed this21:03
jelknershe said she would do it21:03
jelknerACTION done21:03
abuchholznrcerna, mentioned an issue we have on our website21:03
abuchholzwe can talk about that later21:03
nrcernaYeah, we were checking that with abuchholz 21:03
abuchholzthird issue21:03
abuchholz A real task for Capstone interns?21:03
ubuntouristBTW, Frank wrote to me: Internet troubles. He won't be joining us today.21:03
jelknerme again, and i'm really glad to see cedwards87 here21:04
jelkneri was hoping devin would be here too21:04
cedwards87hey jelkner21:04
jelknerand my plan was predicated a bit on having both of them21:04
jelknerwe have a task, determining the proper SIS for Liberia21:04
SITarabutaalright, ubuntourist21:04
jelknerisaac wants to meet with us next tuesday at 3 pm to discuss that21:05
jelknerit is a research problem at first21:05
jelknera great task for someone doing an internship21:05
jelkneri was hoping cedwards87 and devin would take it on21:05
jelknerif not, we will need to figure out who else can21:05
jelknerwe have to show up next tuesday with more knowledge than we have now21:06
jelknerACTION done21:06
ubuntouristSo, a lit review.21:06
jelknermore a tech comparison21:06
abuchholzwe can talk more about that after the meeting on BBB or something21:06
abuchholzwhich brings us into our next item21:06
abuchholzTime to retire Jitsi in favor of BBB?21:06
jelknerme again21:07
jelkneri'll have to channel my inner nana here21:07
jelknersince this and the zulip proposal are really hers21:07
jelknerin brief, we voted last sunday to work with agaric to build a tech-coop federation21:07
jelknersuch a federation would provide basic platform services (such as video conferencing, chat, etc) to its members21:08
jelknerstarting with our relationship with agaric is a great way for us to begin the process21:08
jelknerthey have given us BBB21:08
jelknerwe should use it21:09
jelknerthey use zulip21:09
jelknerwe should too21:09
jelknerACTION done21:09
ubuntouristOnly if certain people -- you know who you are -- learn how to use a microphone and volume control. Jitsi lets me adjust volumes individually. BBB does not. (I wish I knew enough WebRTC to "roll our own".)21:09
abuchholzthat kind of leads into the next issue21:09
abuchholzMoving forward regarding workflow and cooperation (Zulip)21:09
SITarabutaI will agree with Kevin, I like Jitsi because I can go in the code and do anything21:09
SITarabutaBut we should probably vote on it rather, and have me lose ;-)21:10
nrcernaI like jitsi but has more issues than BBB21:10
nrcernaand we have shared notes ;-)21:10
nrcernathe camera quality as well is really decent21:10
jelknerwe don't have to force a decision on this one right away21:11
jelknersince jitsi is $5 per month21:11
jelknerwe can keep it around if SITarabuta and ubuntourist are attached to it21:12
jelkneri'm with nrcerna, we can't use it for partner meetings21:12
jelknerso its not useful for marketing21:12
SITarabutaDid it really crash recently21:12
SITarabutaOh well21:12
jelknerbut if folks think its useful internally21:12
jelknerlet's keep it for awhile21:12
jelknerSITarabuta, i use BBB with my classes of 20+ students every day now21:13
jelkneri have confidence in it21:13
lelkneralfaronext item: Moving forward regarding workflow and cooperation (Zulip) (nrcerna)21:13
abuchholzwe can countinue after21:13
abuchholzwe have limited time21:13
jelknerso, this is more important21:13
jelknerwe need to get on the same page21:14
nrcernaI would like to say that I'm really impressed with zullip and the wau Agaric interact as a team there21:14
jelkneragaric uses zulip21:14
jelknerit could replace both irc and discord for us21:14
nrcernaA goal for us would be improve team work21:14
jelknerbringing us into better communication with each other and with agaric21:14
ubuntouristI joined Zulip back in October.21:14
jelknerACTION done21:14
ubuntouristWhat??? Abandon the perfect system IRC??? Be still my heart!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰21:15
nrcernaI'm trying to do that now trough discord21:15
nrcernabut we know that is proprietary software 21:15
nrcernaso, we should join the wave21:16
nrcernamy 50 cents on that, what you all think?21:16
SITarabutaJust one thing, please don't make our frAGILE infrastructure even more21:16
nrcernaI know21:16
ubuntouristSITarabuta, ๐Ÿ˜‰21:17
nrcernawe're trying to improve it, just that21:17
jelknerSITarabuta, we should reach out to agaric and share infrastrucure with them21:17
SITarabutaLike having our operating agreement on codeberg by itself21:17
SITarabutaWhich I am still a bit hurt about21:17
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SITarabutaWhile everything is on GitLab...21:17
abuchholzi agree21:18
abuchholzbut we are running low on time21:18
abuchholzso next item 21:18
abuchholzTime to be active and share knowledge / experiences (The Blog)21:18
nrcernaI can show you later how I'm using it with Agaric :)21:18
jelknerabuchholz, was this me again?21:19
ubuntouristSITarabuta, we could always set up our own Gitea instance... Flint's got (though his buddy Chris Yarger set it up for him).21:19
nrcernaOk, we've been working on see how other coops are being successful, right?21:19
jelknernrcerna actually came up with the idea21:19
abuchholzjelkner, this is nrcerna 21:19
SITarabutaubuntourist we could also set up our own GitLab instance. Or Gitea. There are lot to be honest. I just want a nice interface for issues ;-)21:19
nrcernaso Cambรก and Agaric, they're using the blog as a effective way to communicate21:19
nrcernatrough the website21:20
jelknerit also helps us with dogfooding, as nrcerna pointed out to me21:20
jelknernovalaciro will be doing it21:20
nrcernaI really feel like we need to post, that would help to have record of what we're doing and we did21:20
jelkneraea will be doing it21:20
nrcernawhat worked or not21:20
jelknerwe can help them better if we do too21:20
nrcernaI really want to use it21:21
jelknercedwards87 could even post21:21
ubuntouristDoes "The Blog" (sounds like a '50's science fiction movie title) have an RSS feed or something that puts stuff out on Twitter / Mastodon / Diaspora?21:21
jelknerfrom the perspective of a capstone student21:21
jelknernot yet, ubuntourist 21:21
nrcernathere not as my personal, as member, designer and project manager21:21
SITarabutaubuntourist do people still use RSS?21:21
ubuntouristSITarabuta, do people still use IRC? ๐Ÿ˜‰21:22
abuchholzRSS 2.0 (version 2.0.11); (March 30, 2009; 11 years ago)21:22
SITarabutaubuntourist Oh boy.21:22
ubuntouristabuchholz, OK, ATOM then (the RSS replacement) I'm just used to calling it RSS. (I don't know when ATOM was last updated.)21:23
nrcernaMedium is like the wordpress for development LOL, used to post there as well21:23
nrcernaThat's my proposal21:23
nrcernato have a blog integrated to our website21:23
abuchholzso we have 6 minutes so crunch time21:24
abuchholz Follow up on CJS requested issues (nrcerna)21:24
lelkneralfaroi saw the email. I will take a look after this meeting to get a plan on delivering 21:25
nrcernaDid you have time to look at them? I wonder when we can come up with a reply for Katie21:25
nrcernagood lelkneralfaro 21:26
lelkneralfarolet me check after this meeting21:26
abuchholzso thats covered21:26
abuchholzTaking care of the baby (nrcerna)21:26
nrcernasweet /ME quoting jelkner21:26
nrcernaBusiness Tracker21:27
ubuntouristnrcerna, ๐Ÿ˜‰21:27
nrcernaso, we had a good meeting with Agaric21:27
ubuntouristLots of GitLab issue e-mails today, I noticed.21:28
nrcernaand I noticed that I have to follow uo on the issues they're filling, their intention is to use BT for billing this year21:28
GFbotnrcerna that's good21:28
nrcernaI know that maybe is going to be overwhelming for SITarabuta 21:28
nrcernahopefully he's not going to get crazy21:29
SITarabutaSo help me God?21:29
nrcernabut, we need to talk about how are we going to proceed on that21:29
ubuntouristnrcerna, too late. He's here isn't he?21:29
nrcernaand I guess we need jelkner's input21:29
SITarabutaWe should talk about BT jelkner, in the post-meeting discussion21:29
abuchholzWe should meet on BBB21:29
jelknernrcerna, really?21:29
SITarabutaWe do jelkner21:30
jelknerbtw. i have a student coming to pick up a computer at 4:4521:30
jelknerso let's figure this out21:30
nrcernayeah, Is not a technical issue, it concern's everyone as members21:30
jelknerabuchholz, i'm on planning21:30
nrcernaOk lets talk when you can21:30
jelkneron jitsi21:31
nrcernawe're on BBB21:31
jelkneroh, let me join21:31
nrcernathe "young folks"21:31
abuchholzLast issue before we start talking21:31
abuchholzcheck for Stefan (lelkneralfaro)21:31
lelkneralfarowe owe Stefan $140021:31
ubuntouristACTION is on... my own planet.21:31
jelknerwhat is our url?21:31
lelkneralfarojelkner, can you write him a check and make a plan to get it to him21:31
jelknerlelkneralfaro, i'm waiting for him to open his account21:32
jelknerthen we can just transfer it to him21:32
SITarabutajelkner ok21:32
nrcernaViewer Code: 6255ee6620 jelkner 21:32
abuchholzACTION drops the bag of gravel.21:32
abuchholzlittle late21:32
abuchholzbut lots of items21:32
nrcernaa little bit21:32
nrcernathanks abuchholz 21:33
GFbotshould i join in?21:34
nrcernayeah, jelkner mentioned that. 21:35
nrcernayou can be there to hangout, we're addressing the same issues but extended21:35
abuchholzubuntourist, Ill check out the RSS feed thing21:35
abuchholzbut I don't know that its required atm 21:36
abuchholzif its easy to implement I think I could do it21:36
jelknerACTION signs off for the evening (with a smile and a full belly ;-)22:52

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