IRC log of #novawebdev for Sunday, 2021-03-07

*** lelkneralfaro has joined #novawebdev04:55
lelkneralfaro!remind members please share your info with me for tax forms04:58
'members please share your info with me for tax forms' added to message queue04:58
*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev13:56
Use the new StackScript to deploy Linodes (SITarabuta)13:56
Get Business Tracker listed in Alternative To (SITarabuta)13:56
It's time to prune unused NWD email addresses (Jeff sent a notice about this in January) (SITarabuta)13:56
Decidim proposal from Jelkner (jelkner)13:56
Support for TLS 1.0 1.1 and TLS 1.3 (SITarabuta)13:56
Add collective bargaining webinar to AEA home page. (jelkner)13:56
members please share your info with me for tax forms (lelkneralfaro)13:56
jelkner!remind Add content indexing to MSP website13:57
'Add content indexing to MSP website' added to message queue13:57
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev15:01
Use the new StackScript to deploy Linodes (SITarabuta)15:01
Get Business Tracker listed in Alternative To (SITarabuta)15:01
It's time to prune unused NWD email addresses (Jeff sent a notice about this in January) (SITarabuta)15:01
Decidim proposal from Jelkner (jelkner)15:01
Support for TLS 1.0 1.1 and TLS 1.3 (SITarabuta)15:01
Add collective bargaining webinar to AEA home page. (jelkner)15:01
members please share your info with me for tax forms (lelkneralfaro)15:01
Add content indexing to MSP website (jelkner)15:01
nrcernaMorning jelkner 15:10
*** ubuntourist has joined #novawebdev15:18
Use the new StackScript to deploy Linodes (SITarabuta)15:18
Get Business Tracker listed in Alternative To (SITarabuta)15:18
It's time to prune unused NWD email addresses (Jeff sent a notice about this in January) (SITarabuta)15:18
Decidim proposal from Jelkner (jelkner)15:18
Support for TLS 1.0 1.1 and TLS 1.3 (SITarabuta)15:18
Add collective bargaining webinar to AEA home page. (jelkner)15:18
members please share your info with me for tax forms (lelkneralfaro)15:18
Add content indexing to MSP website (jelkner)15:18
*** lelkneralfaro has joined #novawebdev15:21
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*** mr_german has joined #novawebdev15:58
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*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev15:59
SITarabuta : Hisham : mr_german : abuchholz : lelkneralfaro : @ubuntourist : nrcerna : +jelkner : wolcen : @ChanServ : @mjsir91116:00
Good afternoon everyone!16:00
It's 16:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.16:00
This is the agenda for today:16:00
Use the new StackScript to deploy Linodes (SITarabuta)16:00
Get Business Tracker listed in Alternative To (SITarabuta)16:00
It's time to prune unused NWD email addresses (Jeff sent a notice about this in January) (SITarabuta)16:00
Decidim proposal from Jelkner (jelkner)16:00
Support for TLS 1.0 1.1 and TLS 1.3 (SITarabuta)16:00
Add collective bargaining webinar to AEA home page. (jelkner)16:00
members please share your info with me for tax forms (lelkneralfaro)16:00
Add content indexing to MSP website (jelkner)16:00
Have a nice day!16:00
nrcernait didnt fire16:00
SITarabutait did16:00
mr_germanhello there16:00
nrcernaoh yeah16:00
ubuntouristACTION yawns...16:00
nrcernahello everyone!16:00
jelknerGood morning!16:00
HishamHi, hello, good morning.16:01
nrcernaOk, let's start16:01
nrcernafirst item: Use the new StackScript to deploy Linodes16:01
SITarabutaAlright so when deploying new Linodes there is now a script we should use.16:01
SITarabutaIt's located on the left sidepanel in the "StackScripts"16:01
SITarabutaIt does some fancy stuff such as installing a firewall, disabling root password logins, and setting a cronjob for getting SSH keys from GitLab automatically16:02
ubuntouristSITarabuta, provided by Linode? Or something home-grown? Or a combination of the two?16:02
SITarabutaSome other stuff as well, but that is the general idea16:02
SITarabutaStackScripts are provided by Linode16:02
ubuntouristSITarabuta, thanks.16:02
SITarabutaThey basically let you run some shell script or python script when the Linode is first booted up16:03
jelknerThis is awesome, SITarabuta!16:03
lelkneralfarosounds good16:03
SITarabutaACTION done16:03
jelknerConfiguration management is one of the key skills we need in our toolbox.16:03
jelknerThis is a big step in that direction.16:03
jelknerACTION done16:03
nrcernanext item: Get Business Tracker listed in Alternative To16:04
SITarabutaAgaric mentioned this in Zulip. I didn't know what to do with this information, so I just added it here as an item ;-)16:04
jelknerubuntourist, is this something you could look into?16:04
jelknerYou have often done things like this for us in the past.16:05
ubuntouristSITarabuta, Dunno if it's worth the effort: There are currently 218 alternatives to Harvest listed...16:05
jelknerAh, but filter for open source16:05
lelkneralfarowe need an alternative to "Alternative To"16:05
SITarabuta^ xD16:05
jelknerAnyway, Agaric may do this themselves now that Sanjay is there16:06
ubuntouristjelkner, I can put something in there, based on our own press, but we will be a needle in a haystack.16:06
jelknerThis came from Agaric, ubuntourist, not me.16:06
nrcernawe can try16:07
jelknerSo I don't know what to make of it.16:07
jelknerACTION done16:07
ubuntouristjelkner, When / if that happens, it will be up to people to go to the site and provide testimonials and up-vote it.16:07
SITarabutaI always find the needle in the haystack16:07
SITarabutaOr not16:07
ubuntouristSITarabuta, I sit on the needle. Painful.16:07
ubuntouristACTION will toss the needle in, and hope for the best.16:08
ubuntouristACTION is done16:08
nrcernathanks ubuntourist 16:08
nrcernanext item:  It's time to prune unused NWD email addresses (Jeff sent a notice about this in January)16:08
jelknerBeen there, done that16:09
SITarabutaAh yes. It was getting messy16:09
jelknerACTION done16:09
jelknerI did it in response to your item, SITarabuta, so it worked ;-)16:09
nrcernaNext item: Decidim proposal from jelkner 16:09
jelknerI purchased the domain, ustechworkercoops.org16:10
jelkneri would like to hire NWD to create a decidim site for that project16:10
jelknerlooking for an estimate16:10
lelkneralfaroI'll get started on the proposal16:10
jelknerwe can talk more after in BBB16:11
jelknerACTION done16:11
ubuntouristjelkner, nice snagging of the domain name. Clear and discoverable.16:11
jelknerthanks, ubuntourist 16:11
nrcernanext item: Support for TLS 1.0 1.1 and TLS 1.3 16:11
SITarabutaAhh this one is so complicated.16:11
SITarabuta It basically relates to our incorrect usage of certbot in a way, but also to Debian.16:12
SITarabutaDebian's repo does not update Certbot in any way. It is like 20 versions behind.16:12
SITarabutaWhich means that we still support TLS 1.0 and 1.1, but don't support TLS 1.316:12
SITarabutaWhich wouldn't be such big of a deal16:12
SITarabutaif it would be for this site (
jelknerSITarabuta, is this a job for StackScripts?16:13
SITarabutathat capped our grade at B because we still support TLS 1.0 and 1.116:13
SITarabutaIn a way jelkner16:13
SITarabutaBut we have been using certbot wrong basically16:13
SITarabutaI read their documentation and we should NOT use the distribution version, ever16:13
ubuntouristSITarabuta, certbot. Let's Encrypt, right?16:14
SITarabutaSo we'll have to figure a way.16:14
SITarabutaEither we keep doing it like this16:14
SITarabutaand we wait for Debian 11 to update certbot to the newest version, problem fixed16:14
ubuntouristSITarabuta, So, use the "official" one directly from LetsEncrypt rather than any apt package, correct?16:14
SITarabutaor we use it like intended and use whatever script they recommend16:14
SITarabutaYep ubuntourist16:14
jelknerSounds like your call, SITarabuta, as the only one among us who can figure this out16:15
ubuntouristSITarabuta, I vote use the script from the source. IIRC it's just a Bash script. No need to bother Debian for it.16:15
SITarabutaWell, I like doing it the way "if it ain't broken don't fix it"16:15
ubuntouristBut... it sounds broken. ;-)16:15
SITarabutathat means that we shouldn't change what we already have16:15
SITarabutaubuntourist I was thinking of use the correct one from now on16:16
SITarabutaAs at somepoint we'll have to reconfigure the current servers anyway16:16
ubuntouristSITarabuta, +116:16
SITarabutaConsidering some are on Ubuntu..16:16
SITarabutaSo then I'll just add it to the StackScript or something and it will be available in the correct form on new Linodes16:17
SITarabutaACTION done16:17
ubuntouristACTION is done16:17
nrcernanext item: Add collective bargaining webinar to AEA home page16:17
jelknernrcerna, can you help me with this tomorrow?16:18
jelknerwe have the webinar coming up March 2116:18
jelknerACTION done16:18
nrcernanext item: members please share your info with me for tax forms16:18
lelkneralfaroubuntourist and SITarabuta please send me your tax id and address16:19
SITarabutaAh yes. Although it's our own email servers, I would rather not have stored in plain text on some server? xD16:19
lelkneralfaroSITarabuta, yes I definitely understand the security concern16:19
ubuntouristlelkneralfaro, Ah. I was thinking, with zero income, it was a pointless exercise, but will do.16:19
lelkneralfaroSITarabuta, let me know how you want to handle that16:19
SITarabutaI can tell it to you out loud16:20
SITarabutaOr on Signal or something16:20
lelkneralfaroSITarabuta, sounds good! then our enemies can download it from my brain16:20
nrcernai feel like that info would be great have it on BT16:20
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, jelkner said that although we didn't receive income we should file our taxes16:20
SITarabutanrcerna I don't trust myself with storing that xD16:21
jelknerACTION was waiting for ubuntourist to mention GPG16:21
nrcernaeach account info16:21
nrcernaI see16:21
jelknera perfect use case, this16:21
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, for the purpose of getting loans in the future or such16:21
SITarabutaUnless I encrypt it somehow16:21
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, we need to have all our papers filed16:21
lelkneralfaroSITarabuta, no need to solve that problem16:21
lelkneralfaroSITarabuta, just tell me via Signal or voice16:21
SITarabutaWe are becoming a legit business. Unacceptable!16:21
SITarabutalelkneralfaro alrighty16:21
ubuntouristSITarabuta, as I said above (and jelkner echoed): GPG. ;-)16:21
ubuntouristACTION is done16:22
lelkneralfaroyes I agree that solution is important and we should have this info somewhere secure where we can access it.16:22
SITarabutaubuntourist that doesn't ring a bell in the Django part of my brain ;-)16:22
SITarabutaACTION done16:22
nrcernanext item:  Add content indexing to MSP website16:23
jelknerWhere is mjsir911 when you need him? ;-)16:23
jelknerACTION done16:23
ubuntouristSITarabuta, Python has an encryption module... ;-)16:23
SITarabutaAh! Got it ubuntourist16:23
jelknerok, on MSP, nrcerna, and soon lelkneralfaro are in on the conversation16:23
jelknerit's about indexing the newsletter contents16:23
jelknerjust wanted to put it our radar now16:23
jelknerfollow up by email after16:24
jelknerACTION done16:24
nrcernagreat, thanks jelkner 16:24
nrcernaanything else, anyone?16:24
ubuntouristjelkner, et al: This is (to a degree) a use for and microdata...16:24
nrcernajust a reminder, Daylight saving is going to begin next week, Sunday, March 1416:25
SITarabutaAre we moving the meeting to 12PM EST?16:26
ubuntouristSo, those of us to the north move to 12?16:26
SITarabutaSo that it stays in place for us16:26
SITarabutanot us, damnit I messed up16:26
SITarabutafor El Salvador16:26
nrcernawhat do you all think?16:26
jelknerI'll meet whenever y'all say16:26
jelknermakes no matter to me16:27
SITarabutaI'll always take a later meeting ;-)16:27
jelknerbut we need to make sure LittleBrother is set right16:27
SITarabutadon't worry jelkner16:27
SITarabutaAlso it would probably help lelkneralfaro a bit16:27
SITarabutaBecause it is 8:27 for him right now16:27
lelkneralfaroSITarabuta, wouldn't hurt :)16:27
SITarabutaI think we have our answer!16:28
jelknerSo, 12 noon EST?16:28
nrcernaNice, so will be 12 PM ET, 10 AM (El Salvador), 9 AM for lelkneralfaro 16:28
SITarabuta1 AM China, 5 PM UK16:29
SITarabutaSo on, so forth16:29
ubuntouristSITarabuta, Memory fails. Does LittleBrother use cron? If so, cron rules can be set up to accommodate the change in time... (I'm sure there are other ways too.)16:29
jelkner5 PM UK is important, SITarabuta 16:29
jelknersince that will be your time in September ;-)16:29
SITarabutaubuntourist ah, I always went in and changed it myself16:29
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel16:29
SITarabutaindeed jelkner !16:29
jelknerJust when you're waking up, SITarabuta ;-)16:30
nrcernathank you everyone!16:30
SITarabutajust in time!!16:30
ubuntouristSITarabuta, yeah, I know. I'm just thinking that this keeps coming up and time for ti to be artificially intelligent.16:30
nrcernamr_german, join us on BBB16:30
mr_germannrcerna im there16:31
nrcernathanks ;) mr_german 16:31
*** SITarabuta14 has joined #novawebdev18:27

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