IRC log of #novawebdev for Sunday, 2021-03-21

*** ubuntourist has joined #novawebdev14:45
Recruitment poster for AEA? (jelkner)14:46
How close are we to deciding if Decidim would be a good tool for AEA's collective bargaining drive? (jelkner)14:46
We need to reply to Patrick (jelkner)14:46
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev14:48
Recruitment poster for AEA? (jelkner)14:48
How close are we to deciding if Decidim would be a good tool for AEA's collective bargaining drive? (jelkner)14:48
We need to reply to Patrick (jelkner)14:48
nrcerna!remind Check in on NEURODIVERGENT-U progress14:50
'Check in on NEURODIVERGENT-U progress' added to message queue14:50
nrcerna!remind Check in on Cheyenne's website meeting14:50
LittleBrotherInvalid arguments: No closing quotation.14:50
nrcerna!remind Check in on Cheyenne website meeting14:51
'Check in on Cheyenne website meeting' added to message queue14:51
Recruitment poster for AEA? (jelkner)14:51
How close are we to deciding if Decidim would be a good tool for AEA's collective bargaining drive? (jelkner)14:51
We need to reply to Patrick (jelkner)14:51
Check in on NEURODIVERGENT-U progress (nrcerna)14:51
Check in on Cheyenne website meeting (nrcerna)14:51
*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev15:46
SITarabutaAren't more people supposed to be here?15:48
nrcernayeah SITarabuta 15:49
nrcerna Right?15:49
SITarabutaYeah lol15:49
nrcernaI thought it was just me SITarabuta lol15:49
*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev15:50
Recruitment poster for AEA? (jelkner)15:50
How close are we to deciding if Decidim would be a good tool for AEA's collective bargaining drive? (jelkner)15:50
We need to reply to Patrick (jelkner)15:50
Check in on NEURODIVERGENT-U progress (nrcerna)15:50
Check in on Cheyenne website meeting (nrcerna)15:50
*** mr_german has joined #novawebdev15:51
jelknerGood morning, mr_german, so good to virtually see you! ;-)15:51
mr_germangood day jelkner15:51
jelknerubuntourist, SITarabuta, and jelkner are in BBB too.15:52
Recruitment poster for AEA? (jelkner)15:52
How close are we to deciding if Decidim would be a good tool for AEA's collective bargaining drive? (jelkner)15:52
We need to reply to Patrick (jelkner)15:52
Check in on NEURODIVERGENT-U progress (nrcerna)15:52
Check in on Cheyenne website meeting (nrcerna)15:52
mr_germanshoud i join now? jelkner15:52
jelknersure, why not?15:52
mr_germanim going15:52
nrcernaI'll join after our meeting15:52
jelknersounds good, nrcerna 15:52
jelknersince you have to chair15:52
nrcernakinda feel that I'm distracted sometimes lol15:52
*** abuchholz has joined #novawebdev15:57
*** lelkneralfaro has joined #novawebdev15:59
jelknerGood morning, abuchholz!15:59
jelknerI thought you were going to be away today?15:59
abuchholzI was15:59
jelknerGood to see you.15:59
lelkneralfaro : abuchholz : mr_german : +jelkner : SITarabuta : nrcerna : @ubuntourist : @msirabella : @ChanServ16:00
Good afternoon everyone!16:00
SITarabutaYou are16:00
It's 16:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.16:00
This is the agenda for today:16:00
Recruitment poster for AEA? (jelkner)16:00
How close are we to deciding if Decidim would be a good tool for AEA's collective bargaining drive? (jelkner)16:00
We need to reply to Patrick (jelkner)16:00
Check in on NEURODIVERGENT-U progress (nrcerna)16:00
Check in on Cheyenne website meeting (nrcerna)16:00
Have a nice day!16:00
nrcernaHello Everyone!:-)16:00
jelknerGood morning, madam chair!16:00
nrcerna;-) jelkner 16:00
ubuntouristHail and well-met all!16:00
nrcernaOk, let's start!16:00
nrcernafirst item: Recruitment poster for AEA? 16:01
jelknernrcerna, this is for you.16:01
nrcernayeah, kinda noticed ;-)16:01
jelknerwe can talk after the meeting, but basically, it came up at our last collective bargaining cadre meeting16:01
jelknerone of the members suggested we develop a poster16:02
jelknerwith a QR code and listing our website16:02
jelknermore after the meeting16:02
jelknerACTION done16:02
nrcernathank you jelkner 16:02
nrcernanext item: How close are we to deciding if Decidim would be a good tool for AEA's collective bargaining drive?16:02
jelknerthis is my weekly check-in16:03
nrcernaseems like this is for SITarabuta and lelkneralfaro 16:03
jelknerdirected at lelkneralfaro 16:03
jelkneragain, i'll have more to say after the meeting16:03
lelkneralfarowell, I've deployed it and that won't be a problem16:03
jelknernext step, lelkneralfaro, is for us to begin using it16:04
lelkneralfaromain thing I don't have lots of understanding of yet is use cases16:04
jelknerso we can see how it works16:04
lelkneralfarojelkner +116:04
nrcernaI would like to keep testing it 16:04
nrcerna:D lelkneralfaro 16:04
ubuntouristBTW there's an app in the repo "qrencode" which creates QR codes. (Also, see in my Linux tips about making the file an SVG 16:05
jelknerlelkneralfaro, let's talk about that in work session after the meeting16:05
lelkneralfaroI created NOVA Web Development as an "Assembly"16:05
ubuntouristACTION is asynchronous but done. ;-)16:05
lelkneralfarojelkner, okay16:05
lelkneralfaroACTION done16:05
jelknerwe can make Agaric one too16:05
jelknerACTION done16:05
nrcernaThanks ubuntourist, lelkneralfaro and jelkner 16:05
nrcernanext item: We need to reply to Patrick16:06
jelknernrcerna, you said you still have fairly regular contact with zOnny16:07
nrcernaACTION wonders if she lost an email thread16:07
nrcernayeah jelkner 16:07
jelknernrcerna, let me forward them to you16:07
jelknerRick emailed zOnny directly, and cc'd me16:07
jelknerzOnny did not respond16:08
nrcernasometimes, I can try to reach him to ask him regarding that16:08
jelknersomeone needs to16:08
jelknernrcerna, i'll forward you rick's emails, and then let you try to reach zOnny16:08
nrcernaGreat, thanks. I'll do it.16:08
jelknerif he isn't interested in continuing to work on National Hospital, we will need to take it over16:08
jelknerACTION done16:09
SITarabutaI am sure he isn't16:09
ubuntouristSITarabuta, ;-)16:09
nrcernanot sure about it SITarabuta 16:09
nrcernalet's se what he says16:09
nrcernaIf not we need to care about Rick16:10
nrcernaas we tried last time16:10
jelknerubuntourist is getting those emails too16:10
jelknerlet's move on16:11
nrcernanext item: Check in on NEURODIVERGENT-U progress 16:11
nrcernaI added this SITarabuta 16:11
nrcernajust to check how things are going regarding that16:11
SITarabutaWell I need to get him a working prototype by tomorrow16:11
SITarabutaSomehow I hope I will do that16:12
SITarabutaAnd that's about it16:12
SITarabutaIt's moving; sometimes slower, sometimes faster16:12
SITarabutaLife gets in the way sometimes;-)  But I will get it done16:12
SITarabutaACTION done16:12
nrcernaSomething that matters is having a good communication with him, and thanks because you're doing that SITarabuta 16:13
jelknerSITarabuta, let's talk about partner love and care (and managing expectations), after the meeting16:13
jelknernrcerna, +1!16:13
SITarabutaI emailed him a few days ago16:13
SITarabutaHe seems pretty happy with the email16:13
SITarabutaNow I just gotta deliver ;-)16:13
nrcernaYeah, I noticed that ;-)16:14
nrcernathanks again16:14
nrcernanext item: Check in on Cheyenne website meeting16:14
nrcernaalso I added this lelkneralfaro 16:14
nrcernajust to check in regarding that as well16:14
lelkneralfaroYeah I met with her on Thursday to help with her Wix site16:14
lelkneralfaroso it's a few hours of work and I like it because it gives me experience with Wix16:15
lelkneralfaroShe gave me a few things to work on and I'll be meeting with her again on Wednesday16:15
nrcernaNice, good to know that is moving and that you're learning something new16:16
nrcernathanks for the update lelkneralfaro 16:16
nrcernaanything else to add, anyone?16:18
jelknerThe VEA convention was awesome!16:18
jelknerI feel like I am living through the rebirth of the labor movement.16:19
ubuntouristjelkner, oh face it: You just like conferences. ;-)16:19
jelknerLet's talk in BBB, nrcerna 16:19
nrcernaThanks everyone16:20
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel16:20
jelknernice work, nrcerna!16:20
jelkneryou rock16:20
*** abuchholz has left #novawebdev (None)16:22

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