IRC log of #novawebdev for Sunday, 2021-04-25

*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev09:23
Dogfooding - Using the NOVA Web assembly on US Tech Worker Coops site (jelkner)09:23
jelkner!remove Dogfooding - Using the NOVA Web assembly on US Tech Worker Coops site09:24
'Dogfooding - Using the NOVA Web assembly on US Tech Worker Coops site' removed from the message queue09:24
*-* nothing to see here *-*09:24
*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev10:18
*-* nothing to see here *-*10:18
jelkner!remind Can NOVA Web Dev help with AEA-PAC online organizing needs?10:19
'Can NOVA Web Dev help with AEA-PAC online organizing needs?' added to message queue10:19
*** ChanServ has joined #novawebdev12:08
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Can NOVA Web Dev help with AEA-PAC online organizing needs? (jelkner)14:01
nrcerna!remind Schedule Members meeting - Regarding taxes14:02
'Schedule Members meeting - Regarding taxes' added to message queue14:02
Can NOVA Web Dev help with AEA-PAC online organizing needs? (jelkner)14:04
Schedule Members meeting - Regarding taxes (nrcerna)14:04
nrcerna!remind plans for this week14:04
'plans for this week' added to message queue14:04
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev15:05
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Can NOVA Web Dev help with AEA-PAC online organizing needs? (jelkner)15:10
Schedule Members meeting - Regarding taxes (nrcerna)15:10
plans for this week (nrcerna)15:10
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*** lelkneralfaro has joined #novawebdev15:23
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Can NOVA Web Dev help with AEA-PAC online organizing needs? (jelkner)15:29
Schedule Members meeting - Regarding taxes (nrcerna)15:29
plans for this week (nrcerna)15:29
*** jelkner has joined #novawebdev15:30
Can NOVA Web Dev help with AEA-PAC online organizing needs? (jelkner)15:33
Schedule Members meeting - Regarding taxes (nrcerna)15:33
plans for this week (nrcerna)15:33
*** abuchholz has joined #novawebdev15:43
Can NOVA Web Dev help with AEA-PAC online organizing needs? (jelkner)15:50
Schedule Members meeting - Regarding taxes (nrcerna)15:50
plans for this week (nrcerna)15:50
*** Hisham has joined #novawebdev15:52
Hisham!remind potential job15:55
'potential job' added to message queue15:55
Can NOVA Web Dev help with AEA-PAC online organizing needs? (jelkner)15:55
Schedule Members meeting - Regarding taxes (nrcerna)15:55
plans for this week (nrcerna)15:55
potential job (Hisham)15:55
*** SITarabuta has joined #novawebdev15:58
nrcernaHello everyone! :-)15:59
jelknerHello, World!15:59
SITarabuta : Hisham : abuchholz : +jelkner : nrcerna : lelkneralfaro : @ChanServ : wolcen : @mjsir91116:00
Good afternoon everyone!16:00
It's 16:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.16:00
This is the agenda for today:16:00
Can NOVA Web Dev help with AEA-PAC online organizing needs? (jelkner)16:00
Schedule Members meeting - Regarding taxes (nrcerna)16:00
plans for this week (nrcerna)16:00
potential job (Hisham)16:00
Have a nice day!16:00
jelknerIt\'s Mr. German\'s B\'Day, so he is taking the day off16:00
*** Ksbihi has joined #novawebdev16:00
SITarabutaHappy birthday to him!16:00
*** nrcerna has joined #novawebdev16:01
nrcernaI'm back16:01
nrcernalet's start16:01
nrcernafirst item:Can NOVA Web Dev help with AEA-PAC online organizing needs?16:01
jelknerThis is mine16:01
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jelkneri want to request a meeting with lelkneralfaro and nrcerna either later today or tomorrow to talk about this16:02
jelknerbut in brief, here for the record16:02
jelknerOur PAC committee went through an endorsement process last week16:02
jelkneronce again, my hunch about what the movement needs feels like i'm on the mark16:02
jelknerthe pac committee has a number of very active, retired members16:03
jelknerthey tend to be issue folks16:03
jelknerand one of the most active said the following when we met16:03
jelknerHow can we set up a process for the pac to have a longer conversation about issues like housing, diversity in schools, school climate?16:04
jelkneri told this activist, please stay tuned, we may be setting up a website that could help us do just that16:04
jelknerlet's see16:04
jelknerbut this is a need that activists will keep requesting16:04
jelknerACTION done16:04
*** Andrei has joined #novawebdev16:05
AndreiHey guys!16:05
nrcernaI see16:05
jelknerGM< Andrei!16:05
nrcernaGreat, can we talk tomorrow regarding this?16:06
nrcernalelkneralfaro, jelkner 16:06
jelkner3 pm?16:06
nrcernasounds good16:06
jelknerACTION adds 3 pm meeting with nrcerna and lelkneralfaro to his calendar16:06
jelknerfor monday16:06
jelknerACTION done ;-)16:07
nrcernaok, next item...16:07
nrcernaSchedule Members meeting - Regarding taxes 16:07
nrcernaI added this bc I was talking with lelkneralfaro 16:07
nrcernacan we schedule a members meeting to talk about this?16:07
nrcernawhen, lelkneralfaro, jelkner , ubuntourist , SITarabuta ?16:08
jelknerlelkneralfaro: do you need ubuntourist and jelkner?16:08
lelkneralfarolater today, tomorrow, any day16:08
jelknerthe $0 earned folks16:08
lelkneralfarojelkner, ubuntourist not necessarily16:08
SITarabutaWell, I am available anytime before 4PM today and I can adjust the rest of the week based on when the meeting is16:08
ubuntouristI find such stuff "taxes" my brain. ;-)16:08
nrcernatomorrow before our meeting with jelkner then?16:08
lelkneralfarowell actually I'll just send otu an email16:08
lelkneralfarono meeting16:09
nrcernaOkay lelkneralfaro 16:09
nrcernathanks 16:09
nrcernanext item: plans for this week 16:09
SITarabutaubuntourist I see what you did16:09
nrcernafeel free to share ;-)16:09
ubuntouristSITarabuta, it's nice to be appreciated (or depreciated, as the case may be).16:10
HishamI love you <316:10
SITarabutaubuntourist I am into those jokes ;-)16:10
nrcerna!ACTION Start working on redesign, Help Heylin with NOVALACIRO Blog, keep learning Decidim16:11
SITarabutaACTION Well what is Stefan gonna do? Probably work and attend these meetings.16:11
ubuntouristI guess the only thing on my plate, is Tuesday's dive into the arcane / occult corners of Linux sys admining.16:11
lelkneralfaroThe Vulk is starting up? @nrcerna 16:12
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, yes, looking forward to that16:12
jelkner!ACTION follow up with lelkneralfaro and nrcerna on CJS, MSP, and AEA-PAC16:12
lelkneralfaroubuntourist, I'll see if I can come up with some questions today16:12
abuchholzSanjay reopened the issue on BusinessTracker. I want to sit down with Stefan to talk about the database relationship between the apps. Hopefully we can do this in the next week or so once he is done with his current tasks. I sent a message to sanjay to inform him of what was going on16:12
nrcernayaaaas I have the first documentation to read and try to start with the website resources / layout16:12
ubuntouristlelkneralfaro, I guess I should consider what the hell I'm gonna talk about. ;-)16:12
jelknerThanks, abuchholz!16:12
jelknerIt is important to keep this process moving16:13
nrcernanext item: potential job 16:13
HishamI was scrolling through the Python job board and found what seemed like a pretty important post, perhaps out of our reach but it would still be awesome to give it a try. I've browsed through their restrictions and requirements, and while they're okay with agencies, they have some requirements I'm unsure of. If someone could look over the link and16:13
Hishamlet me know if this is something we can take on, I'll draft an email.
jelknernope, Hisham 16:14
jelknerthey are hiring16:14
jelknera *Senior* backend engineer16:14
jelknerwe are looking for gig work16:14
SITarabutaWhat is the limit for being a *senior*?16:14
jelknerWell, i'm not sure, but i know it ain't us, SITarabuta 16:15
SITarabutaDo we take the max() from the company? Kevin got it ;-)16:15
nrcernayears of experience 16:15
HishamThey mention that agencies are okay, I'd assume that it would be possible to arrange something?16:15
nrcernabut is like we can try16:15
SITarabutaMaybe we can add all of our years together and get there?16:15
SITarabutaACTION is just kidding...16:16
jelknerWhat is good about this, though, is reading what they are looking for16:16
jelknerwe need to keep aiming to add things like "Django-REST-Framework" to our skill set16:16
jelknerAlso "Experience with container tools like Docker and Kubernetes"16:16
jelknerwhich will keep coming up16:17
SITarabutaWell we never really had the need to use it16:17
SITarabutaDocker on the other hand16:17
SITarabutaI was going to use that with DoctestQuiz. It would be fun to learn16:17
SITarabutaAnd I am hopeless about Kubernetes lol16:17
jelknerSITarabuta: mattva01 gives talks on that all the time16:18
jelknerwe are restarting Code for NOVA16:18
SITarabutaI think his job revolves around it16:18
jelknerhe loves to present on that16:18
jelknerACTION done16:18
SITarabutaACTION done16:18
ubuntouristSurprisingly -- at least to me -- the wild man of the north, Mr. Flint, has fooled with Docker.16:18
nrcernathanks Hisham for trying to get us work16:19
SITarabutaHe doesn't seem the kind ;-)16:19
ubuntourist(Whereas I have not fooled with either Docker or Kubernetes.)16:19
HishamWhat I think I'll do is make a list of potential jobs and run them by Natalia and Stefan16:19
jelknerthat would be a big help, Hisham 16:19
SITarabutaYeah that sounds good16:19
jelknerkeep in mind, we are looking for static web design too16:19
jelknerdoesn't have to be Django16:20
HishamThat opens up a flood of possibilities, filtering for static web site jobs on upwork is like drinking water from a firehose.16:20
nrcernayeah, could be something graphic design realated, or translations (in Spanish)16:20
HishamWhich is good16:20
nrcernaanything else, anyone?16:21
ubuntouristI am finally going back to learning Rust -- though I still fight with concepts like "variables are immutable by default but are not constants".16:21
jelknerKsbihi, Hisham, can you jump on to BBB after?16:21
SITarabutaubuntourist I gave up on it, but jelkner says I should still try ;-)16:22
jelkneri want to follow up on our PD plans16:22
ubuntouristMeanwhile, I reached out to David at Gallaudet, and got hopeful feedback, which I shared with jelkner and abuchholz 16:22
abuchholzYep! I saw the email16:22
jelknerthat's great news16:22
ubuntouristLooks like they'll be sort of back in business in the summer.16:22
jelknerlooks like July16:22
jelknerthings are returning back to more or less "normal"16:23
ubuntouristI'm HOPING to be involved, especially since David has a new toy to play with, and I like toys. ;-)16:23
ubuntouristIn fact, a brain toy, and before getting into computers, I thought I'd be some sort of neuro-tech engineer.16:24
ubuntouristACTION is done16:24
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel16:24
jelknerThanks, nrcerna!16:25
nrcernaThanks everyone!16:25
nrcernaI'm muting myself bc of the noise. (just in case I'm gone is bc I lost connection)16:26
jelknerKsbihi: can you join us in BBB?16:30
jelknerKsbihi: when?16:33
jelknerWe're waiting ;-)16:33

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