IRC log of #novawebdev for Sunday, 2021-05-23

*** ubuntourist has joined #novawebdev11:24
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Managing accounts for US Tech Worker Coops (SITarabuta)15:05
What is going on with Freenode? (SITarabuta)15:05
Update on (jelkner)15:05
Is our business model viable (in the present, not in the future)? (SITarabuta)15:05
Approval to sign on to Capital for Cooperatives Act ( (jelkner)15:05
We need to do a better job updating our mail server (jelkner)15:05
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jelknernrcerna: Good morning!15:10
jelknerCan we BBB?15:10
nrcernaGood Morning jelkner !15:11
nrcernagive me 5 mins15:11
nrcernaand all be there15:11
Managing accounts for US Tech Worker Coops (SITarabuta)15:33
What is going on with Freenode? (SITarabuta)15:33
Update on (jelkner)15:33
Is our business model viable (in the present, not in the future)? (SITarabuta)15:33
Approval to sign on to Capital for Cooperatives Act ( (jelkner)15:33
We need to do a better job updating our mail server (jelkner)15:33
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Andrei : SITarabuta : lelkneralfaro : abuchholz : +jelkner : nrcerna : Hisham : @mjsir911 : @ChanServ : wolcen16:00
Good afternoon everyone!16:00
It's 16:00 UTC and NOVA Web Development's bi-weekly meeting is starting.16:00
This is the agenda for today:16:00
Managing accounts for US Tech Worker Coops (SITarabuta)16:00
What is going on with Freenode? (SITarabuta)16:00
Update on (jelkner)16:00
Is our business model viable (in the present, not in the future)? (SITarabuta)16:00
Approval to sign on to Capital for Cooperatives Act ( (jelkner)16:00
We need to do a better job updating our mail server (jelkner)16:00
Have a nice day!16:00
nrcernaHello Everyone! :-)16:00
jelknerGooood morning!16:00
abuchholzGood day!16:00
nrcernaOkay, let's start!16:01
nrcernafirst item: Managing accounts for US Tech Worker Coops16:01
SITarabutaAlright so:16:01
SITarabutaWe have spam account on US Tech Worker Coops; not good16:01
jelknerWe need a process to keep spammers out.16:02
jelknerSo let's think about that.16:02
SITarabutaOne of them being Official_KMSpico - tool used for pirating Windows16:02
jelknerThat could be one topic for discussion at Show-and-Tell this week.16:02
SITarabutaUnfortunately (and fortunately) anyone can register on the website16:02
jelknerYeah, simple solution is to require approval16:03
SITarabutaSo unless we manually manage the accounts, I am not sure of a different way.16:03
SITarabutaOr that16:03
SITarabutaIf the system allows it16:03
abuchholzI think the approval of accounts makes sense16:03
jelknerLet's look into it.16:03
abuchholzor a Captcha though that's not really a solution16:03
jelknermore discussion after in BBB16:03
SITarabutareCAPTCHA by Google ;-)16:03
abuchholzThey came out with version 316:04
abuchholzits really cool16:04
SITarabutaACTION done?16:04
SITarabutaACTION thinks he's done.16:04
nrcernanext item: What is going on with Freenode? 16:04
SITarabutaWell this discussion could not be compressed into an IRC chat16:04
jelknerAnyone who hasn't read ubuntourist's emails should16:05
SITarabutaBut basically Freenode is privately owned and the new owner is doing "interesting" stuff16:05
jelkneri talked with SITarabuta in our pre-meeting discussion16:05
SITarabutaWe should probably move to OFTC ( is also an option - just putting it out there)16:05
jelkneri would like to propose that, *if* ubuntourist and SITarabuta are in agreement16:05
SITarabutaBut OFTC is used by Debian16:05
SITarabutaand Debian is cool16:05
jelknerwe move to OFTC16:05 is also newer16:06
abuchholzand was rushed to be set up16:06
jelknerubuntourist already registered #novawebdev there16:06
abuchholzso maybe we want to go with something that has been around for a little while16:06
SITarabutaWell it seems like people like OFTC. Can others weigh in? I know it is a bit of a blind-choice16:06
abuchholzwe also would have to discuss what do with with novawebdev_learn16:06
SITarabutabut it would be good to know16:06
SITarabutaabuchholz It will move as well after the school year ends16:07
SITarabutaand it will become #novawebdev-learn16:07
SITarabuta(notice the dash)16:07
jelknerabuchholz: for the rest of the school year, *leave it be*!16:07
jelknerthen we can take it down16:07
jelknerACTION done16:07
abuchholzmakes sense16:07
nrcernathank you SITarabuta, abuchholz , jelkner 16:07
nrcernanext item: Update on ustechworkercoops.org16:07
nrcernayou jelkner ;-)16:08
jelknerColombene, Nurul and I met again16:08
jelknerIt is great to have real collaborators on this16:08
jelkneri'll paste our notes16:08
jelkneri am calling July "Decidim Summer sprint"16:09
jelknermore later on that16:09
jelknerACTION done16:09
abuchholzbtw just did a quick google search and I found this... This refers back to the "Managing accounts for US Tech Worker Coops (SITarabuta)"16:09
abuchholzManaging accounts for US Tech Worker Coops (SITarabuta)16:09
abuchholzmy bad16:09
nrcernathanks jelkner 16:09
nrcernanext item: Is our business model viable (in the present, not in the future)?16:10
SITarabutagood to know16:10
SITarabutaso this is one is not as important as it sounds16:10
SITarabutaBut I made this spreadsheet which members could use to see if we can generate enough revenue in a month16:10
SITarabutaMaybe we could meet to look into it a bit?16:11
SITarabutanrcerna, lelkneralfaro?16:11
jelknerlelkneralfaro, nrcerna, and SITarabuta should *definitely* do that ;-)16:11
SITarabutaAlright, we'll set up a time after the meeting16:12
SITarabutaACTION is done16:12
nrcernathanks SITarabuta 16:12
nrcernanext item: Approval to sign on to Capital for Cooperatives Act (
jelknerWe need a vote on this one16:12
SITarabutaI read a bit about this16:12
jelknerif y'all approve16:12
jelkneri'll sign us on16:12
jelknerany questions, SITarabuta?16:13
SITarabutaIf I understand correctly, in order to get a small business loan from SBA someone with more than 20% of ownership would have to guarantee16:13
SITarabutaIf this goes through, that would change?16:13
jelknernot sure16:13
jelkneror two people16:13
jelknerregardless of the details, the fact that we get legislation with "cooperative" in the title is good for us16:14
SITarabutaQuote: "In the case of cooperatives, the one member, one vote structure of cooperatives precludes them from accessing this money (at least without a single individual, with a small ownership share, volunteering to put up the collateral)."16:14
SITarabutaSounds like a good thing to me16:15
jelknerboth the USFWC and NCBA are asking coops to sign on16:15
jelknerACTION done16:16
SITarabuta"Within 180 days of the bill signed into law, requires SBA to amend criteria for cooperative businesses to qualify for loan guarantees."16:16
jelknermore on this in later meetings16:16
jelknerbut i'll sign us on today16:16
nrcernanext item: We need to do a better job updating our mail server16:17
jelkneri put this here16:17
jelknerand SITarabuta and abuchholz already addressed it16:17
jelknerthey have a plan and it is well under control16:17
jelknerjust for now, i should mention to Andrei the importance of developing our sysadmin / devopts skills16:18
jelknerACTION done16:18
nrcernaGood jelkner 16:18
SITarabutaTick-Tock, 10 minutes on the clock.16:19
nrcernaanything else to add, anyone?16:19
lelkneralfaroI think I've said enough16:19
SITarabutaThe silence is so loud.16:19
nrcernalol lelkneralfaro 16:19
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel16:19
nrcernaThank you everyone16:20
jelknerNice job, nrcerna!16:20
SITarabutaWell done.16:20
jelknerShall we move over to BBB?16:20
jelknerMany of us are there already ;-)16:20
nrcernajelkner, SITarabuta , lelkneralfaro  Can you give me a couple of minustes? I received a urgent call from my abuelita while this meeting, I'll call her back16:20
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jelknersure, nrcerna, no rush16:21
SITarabutaYes of course16:21
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*-* nothing to see here *-*21:21
SITarabuta!remind Partnering with Northwest FCU (
'Partnering with Northwest FCU (' added to message queue21:21
SITarabuta!remove Partnering with Northwest FCU (
'Partnering with Northwest FCU (' removed from the message queue21:21
SITarabuta!remind Partnering with Northwest FCU
'Partnering with Northwest FCU' added to message queue21:21
Partnering with Northwest FCU (SITarabuta)21:22
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