IRC log of #novawebdev for Sunday, 2021-07-18

LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:16
LittleWebsterWho can take care of: ? (added by nrcerna)12:16
jelkner!add Process for updating our operating agreement?12:17
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Process for updating our operating agreement?" has been added to the agenda.12:17
jelkner!add Decidim business plan update12:17
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Decidim business plan update" has been added to the agenda.12:17
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:17
LittleWebsterWho can take care of: ? (added by nrcerna)12:17
LittleWebsterProcess for updating our operating agreement? (added by jelkner)12:17
LittleWebsterDecidim business plan update (added by jelkner)12:17
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:21
LittleWebsterWho can take care of: ? (added by nrcerna)15:21
LittleWebsterProcess for updating our operating agreement? (added by jelkner)15:21
LittleWebsterDecidim business plan update (added by jelkner)15:21
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:25
nrcerna!remind NWD rebranding 15:26
jelknerlelkneralfaro: can you meet me on BBB?15:26
nrcerna!agenda NWD rebranding15:26
LittleWebsterInvalid arguments.15:26
nrcerna!add NWD rebranding15:26
LittleWebsterSuccess: "NWD rebranding" has been added to the agenda.15:26
lelkneralfarojelkner, not yet 8 3015:26
jelknernrcerna: you too15:26
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:26
LittleWebsterWho can take care of: ? (added by nrcerna)15:26
LittleWebsterProcess for updating our operating agreement? (added by jelkner)15:26
LittleWebsterDecidim business plan update (added by jelkner)15:26
LittleWebsterNWD rebranding (added by nrcerna)15:26
jelknerfair enough, but if you are available, why not?15:27
lelkneralfaroI'm not available15:27
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:15:48
LittleWebsterWho can take care of: ? (added by nrcerna)15:48
LittleWebsterProcess for updating our operating agreement? (added by jelkner)15:48
LittleWebsterDecidim business plan update (added by jelkner)15:48
LittleWebsterNWD rebranding (added by nrcerna)15:48
LittleWebsternrcerna : jelkner : lelkneralfaro : abuchholz : mjsir91116:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!16:00
LittleWebsterIt's 16:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.16:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:16:00
LittleWebsterWho can take care of: ? (added by nrcerna)16:00
LittleWebsterProcess for updating our operating agreement? (added by jelkner)16:00
LittleWebsterDecidim business plan update (added by jelkner)16:00
LittleWebsterNWD rebranding (added by nrcerna)16:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!16:00
nrcernaHello everyone! :-) 16:00
abuchholzGood Morning/Afternoon!16:00
jelknerGood day all!16:00
nrcernaOk, let's start!16:00
nrcernaFirst item, done, thanks abuchholz, for taking care and closing the issue16:00
jelknerThanks abuchholz!16:01
abuchholzNo problem :)16:01
nrcernanext item: Process for updating our operating agreement?16:01
jelknerthis is mine16:01
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:16:02
LittleWebsterWho can take care of: ? (added by nrcerna)16:02
LittleWebsterProcess for updating our operating agreement? (added by jelkner)16:02
LittleWebsterDecidim business plan update (added by jelkner)16:02
LittleWebsterNWD rebranding (added by nrcerna)16:02
jelkneri want to begin working on the new draft section on retirement (for ubuntourist and me)16:02
jelknerand don't remember where we keep our working version16:02
jelkneris it in gitlab?16:02
jelknerprobably should be16:02
jelkneri remember we couldn't decide last time16:03
jelknerso i'm asking again16:03
jelkneranyone know?16:03
jelknerif not, i'll make my own markdown version16:03
abuchholzI thought it was on Nextcloud16:03
nrcernawhen was the last time that we updated?16:03
jelkneryes, when stefan joined16:04
jelknernext time will be in less than 6 months16:04
nrcernawhen Edzon leave and Louie rejoined?16:04
lelkneralfarolet me find it16:05
jelknermy goal is to have the changes i would like to see on retired members ready by the time colombene and abuchholz become full members16:05
nrcernaYeah, I remember that we were using github and then nextcloud16:05
jelknerfor the draft, i want git16:05
jelknerto make it easy to track changes16:05
jelknerthen we produce a "nice looking" final copy and put it in nextcloud16:05
jelknerACTION done16:05
nrcernanext item, yours as well jelkner  :-)16:06
nrcerna"Decidim business plan update" 16:06
jelkneri'll just sum up briefly here16:06
jelknerwe are now at the half way point in our summer sprint16:07
jelknerwe have two very important meetings tomorrow and tuesday16:07
jelknerwe need to decide by early august whether we can make a go of decidim or not16:07
jelknerand we have potential users waiting for us16:07
jelknermainly AEA (arlington education association)16:08
jelknerACTION done16:08
nrcernaThank you jelkner 16:08
nrcernanext item: NWD rebranding16:08
nrcernawell... I added this and you know that is going to be a process16:09
nrcernaThis is just for the record, because we didn't talk about this here, 16:09
nrcernaWe agreed to change our name and start a rebranding process,16:09
nrcernathanks colombene that found out that "NOVA" is everywhere (about 15 names, maybe more)16:09
nrcernaso we're going to start brainstorming and adding some name ideas to this document:16:09
nrcernaWe should start adding something there16:10
nrcernaso we can decide the name and after that start designing the branding and the new website16:11
jelknerACTION will rely on the creative namers for proposals, but promises to weigh in when there are some choices to react to16:11
nrcernaACTION Done16:12
nrcernagreat jelkner 16:12
nrcernaAnything else? Anyone?16:12
jelkneri won't be here next Sunday16:13
colombenedoes the brand exploration and name change need a formal vote? or was the meeting good enough?16:13
jelkneri'm going to PA to visit my nephew for his 40th b'day16:13
nrcernagood question colombene 16:13
jelknercolombene: we need to vote to change the name16:14
jelknernot to explore changing the name ;-)16:14
colombeneok, thanks16:14
nrcernaThanks jelkner 16:14
nrcernaACTION Drops the bag of gravel16:14
jelknerthanks, nrcerna!16:14
*** lelkneralfaro has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:14
nrcernaThanks everyone! :-)16:14
jelkneryou rock, as always16:14
nrcerna:-D jelkner 16:14
jelknerback to bBB16:14
jelknerACTION signs off16:15
*** nrcerna has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:15
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:15
*** abuchholz has quit (Quit: Leaving)17:52
*** lelkneralfaro has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)18:04
*** lelkneralfaro has quit (Quit: Leaving)18:31
*** colombene has quit (None)20:05
*** ubuntourist has quit (None)23:46

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