IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2022-08-27

*** tboimah has quit (None)11:07
scooperGood morning Mr. Elkner11:16
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:19
tboimahGood morning Mr. Elkner11:41
jelknerGood morning tboimah and scooper!11:42
jelknerGreat to see you.11:42
jelknerAre you in the MCSS lab?11:42
scooperGood morning Jeff how was your night??11:42
tboimahyes we are in the lab11:42
jelknerSince you two are here early, can we use this time to see if we can get Jitsi and screen share working?11:43
scooperOk sir11:43
jelknerI'm thinking you need to use one of the two machines that supports 1920x1200 resolution.11:44
scooperYou didn't respond to my message yesterday concerning the bad reception I was asking you about???11:44
jelknerThat would either be bonobo or slipway11:46
jelknerI didn't know what to say, scooper 11:46
jelknerLet's try today, and see if it works.11:46
jelknerI'll start a jitsi11:46
scooperCan we use my computer as well11:46
jelknerok, that might be easiest.11:47
scooperI m already on jitsi but can't see you11:47
scooperWelcome Svaye11:47
jelknerTry joining:
svaye_Good morning11:48
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)11:50
jelknerFolks, only *one* person should join the jitsi11:50
jelknerscooper: 11:50
jelknerdon't try to project11:50
jelknerthe projector doesn't have the resolution we need11:50
jelknerlet's see if everyone can gather around your computer and watch.11:50
jelknerGood morning everyone!12:00
jelknerWelcome to our first meeting.12:00
jelknerThis is where we will conduct the business of our meeting.12:01
jelknerLittleWebster is a bot written in Python12:01
jelknerit allows us to add items during the week that will be displayed automatically at the start of the meeting at 12 noon UTC each Saturday12:02
jelknerI didn't get that setup yet, but I'll have it ready by next week.12:02
jelknerI want to begin with each of you describing briefly what you worked on during the week.12:03
jelknerWho wants to go first?12:03
tboimahI'm going first12:04
tboimahi work on the robot problem doing the week but it was little bet hard but i think i make some progress.12:06
tboimahand not forgeting i also read on vin tutor12:07
*** scooper has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:08
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svaye_I will go next12:08
jelknergreat, svaye_, go ahead.12:09
*** dcammue_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:10
scooperWho is planning to go after svaye??12:11
svaye_I work on the robots and made some progress by completing challenge 1 and 2, but I catching problem in figuring out challenge three, however I will try my best to complete it.12:12
fkoikoiI'm in, I read a little bit on vim tutor and also on the python lesson. I also try working on the root program but its giving me hard time to start on lunch the program. for each time i try to start in using thonny, it will say that begin_graphics not defined. 12:14
jelknerfkoikoi: you probably don't have gasp installed.12:15
fkoikoialright, Mulbah will assist me in the process12:15
jelknerfkoikoi: that is great, and just what I want to hear.12:17
jelknerYou all need to support each other.12:17
jelknerI've already noticed that our dear friend mulbah is usually quickest to explore and get things working.12:17
jelknerSo let's rely on him for support.12:17
jelknerHe already private messaged me on irc.12:18
jelknerWhich means he was exploring its features on his own (nice work, mulbah ;-)12:18
scooperDaniel is almost done12:20
scooperPLease give them 30 second12:21
scooperI m sure them will be done by than12:21
dcammue_how are you Jeff, I worked on the robots program, and I made some progress by placing two circles on the graphic sheet, and making one moves randomly and the other is stable in the edge of the graphic sheet. but to place the pixels is very hard for me. I make research some command for pixel but it didn't work I don't know why.12:21
jelknerexcellent, dcammue_!12:22
jelknerThat sounds great.12:22
dcammue_Thanks Jeff12:23
mulbahI'm in12:24
mulbahI'm working on the robots game and i think i'm making progress i was useing thonny because the vim tutor is giving me head time to run my program so i'm using thonny for own until i can find out how to run it i read the vim tutor and i don't see it there thanks12:24
scooperJeff, I think everyone is done12:27
scooperWith the exception of Janet who seeing to be absence for today12:27
jelknerOK, let me use the next time to talk about process and expectations12:27
scooperOK sir, we are listening 12:28
jelknerIt is really important that you all move toward proficiency in:12:28
jelkner1. Unix CLI12:28
jelkner2. vim12:28
jelknerSo please keep working on that.12:28
jelknerYou are being paid $100 per month, and my thought was that meant a 20 hour a week job.12:29
jelknerDoes that sound right to you?12:29
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:29
*** dcammue_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:29
jelknerAlso, of course, you need to continue keyboarding faster to do those things.12:30
jelknerREMEMBER: everything we type here is available for all the world to see.12:30
jelknerI am proud of what we are doing, and I want it that way.12:31
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:31
jelknerWe will be asking for solidarity from kind folks who like what we are doing, and I want them to be able to see in detail, if they wish, what they are supporting.12:31
jelknerSo, does 20 hours per week sound reasonable to each of you?12:32
scooperSure Jeff, I will continue to encourage them on a dailly basic t0 continue typing12:32
scooperJeff are you still there??12:33
jelknerI am12:34
jelknerBut I you seem to have lost the Jisti connection12:34
jelknermulbah: here is how we quickly respond to a question on irc:12:34
jelkner+1 means yes12:34
jelkner-1 means no12:34
scooperThat was the main reason I asked you that question??/12:34
jelkner0 means nuetral / not sure12:35
jelknerSo, dcammue_ fkoikoi mulbah, svaye_, tboimah_ answer my question with either +1, 0, or -112:35
jelknerWe want that to happen quickly12:35
scooper+1 sir12:36
mulbah+1 yes12:36
jelknermulbah: you don't need the yes12:36
jelkner+1 *means* yes ;-)12:36
mulbahi understand now12:36
jelknerGreat, so I expect to see evidence of 20 hours of work each week.12:37
fkoikoie will make sure to devote our time and effort to this because we are gaining more knowledge from everything thing that we are ask to do.12:37
fkoikoiwe will make sure to devote our time and effort to this because we are gaining more knowledge from everything thing that we are ask to do.12:37
jelknerMy plan was to do a demonstration with the last hour, but we lost our jitsi connection12:37
jelknerwe can try to reestablish it12:37
jelknerbut i really don't want to send each saturday mucking around with broken tech12:38
jelknerthat's why i chose irc12:38
jelknerrock solid, simple, stable12:38
jelknersee if you can reconnect, scooper 12:38
jelknerthe channel is still there, but i'm the only one in it12:39
jelknercan you hear me?12:39
jelkneryou reappeared, but you are muted12:40
scooperI m hearing you jeff12:40
scooperis like you can't hear me12:40
scooperI m not muted 12:40
jelknerscooper: let's try my BBB12:48
jelknersee if you can join that12:48
jelknerscooper: are you trying to connect?12:49
scooperI just did and it's reading12:49
janetHi jeff12:50
jelkneryou will need to give audio permission12:50
jelknerhi janet 12:50
scooperStill doin the same thing that first day we experience 12:50
jelknergot you12:50
jelknerok, plan b, back to jitsi12:50
scooperbb load with a message unauthorized seesion not found12:51
janetI have been working on sheet five,but i did not finished because am having a problem with running the program,but am still trying to figure it out.12:55
jelknerlooks like you just joined again12:55
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:56
janetYes i came a little late today jeff12:57
jelknerI am now going to do a demonstration of the workflow for writing python code and using git to track revisions.12:58
jelknerAs you can see, I am logged into codeberg.org12:58
jelkneri just clicked on the projects tab12:59
jelknerand now i'll create a new project12:59
scooperCan you please take it from the vi 13:06
scooperyou were coming in broken13:06
jelknercan you see my screen?13:06
jelkneri understand, audio takes a lot of bandwidth13:07
jelknercan anyone see what i'm typing?13:07
scooperTHe robots are coming take the whole screen jeff13:07
jelknerdon't talk13:08
scooperOK sir13:08
jelknerlet's communicate here13:08
jelknerforget trying audio13:08
jelknerit isn't reliable13:08
scooperTHe Robot are coming take the whole screen we can not see what you are doing sir13:08
jelknercan you see my screen?13:08
jelkneri'm not doing anything13:08
jelknerso that's ok13:08
scooperI m seeing your entire screen13:09
jelknerok, i won't talk, i'll type13:09
jelknerand i'll only use the screen to *show*13:09
scoopergot you13:09
jelkneri have now create a git repository, call a "repo" for short13:09
jelknerfirst thing i will do is the "outline of a program"13:10
jelknercan you see what i typed?13:11
jelknernow I'll try to run it.13:12
jelknerit didn't work.13:12
jelknerbecause the function place_player is not defined13:12
jelknerso i need to fix that13:13
jelknermove_player isn't defined either13:14
jelknerwith any luck, it should run now...13:15
scooper+1 we are13:15
jelknerevery time i press a key, it says "I'm moving..."13:15
jelknerbut there is no way to quit13:15
jelknerso i'll control+c13:16
jelknerit ran without error, so time for a commit13:16
scooperMulbah asking, Jeff which key did you use to run the program in vim13:17
jelknerlooking at the git site again13:17
jelkneryou can see my commit13:17
jelkneron to the next challenge13:19
jelknerthe idea here is our *mathematical model*13:19
jelknerthe screen works in pixels13:19
jelknerbut we want to work in grid squares13:19
jelknereach grid square will be 10 by 10 pixels13:19
jelknersince we have a 640 by 480 pixel window, that's 64 by 48 squares13:20
jelknerthis is our *abstraction*13:20
jelkneras you know, it's all just bits! ;-)13:20
jelknerbut we humans need to work at much higher levels of abstraction to be able think about problems like this effectively.13:21
jelknerour player is going to be a Circle13:21
jelknerour robots are going to be Box13:22
jelknerfor Box, we can use the lower left corner of our grid squares13:23
jelknerbut not for Circles, since Circles are specified by center and radius13:23
jelknerso we need to offset them13:23
jelknerok, so this is code for challenge 213:25
jelkneri'm going to create two variable, player_x and player_y, so I can store the random values13:26
jelknerevery time i run it now, i get a random circle13:28
jelknerusing the variables lets me test something13:28
jelknerbut first, let me commit13:28
jelknerok, i made my next commit13:29
jelknerwhich we can see on codeberg13:29
jelknernow for my test13:30
jelknercan anyone tell me what i'm doing here?13:31
jelknerwhat will be the values of player_x and player_y now?13:36
tboimah_the values is going to be 63 and 4713:37
jelknernope, tboimah_ 13:37
jelknertry again13:37
jelknerlook at the code13:37
jelknerwhat values am i assigning?13:37
jelknerhint, the come *before* the #13:37
tboimah_the values is going to be  1013:37
svaye_player_x and player_y will be random13:38
mulbahthe value is going to be 1013:38
jelknermulbah: nope13:38
jelknerwhy 10?13:38
jelknerok, do you want me to tell you?13:38
jelknerplayer_x will be 013:39
svaye_No not yet13:39
dcammue_the value is 63013:39
jelknerwhat will player_y be?13:39
tboimah_the same 013:39
jelkner+1, tboimah_ 13:39
jelknerok, let me run it13:39
jelknerwhat happened?13:47
jelknerdid you get disconnected?13:47
jelknerand you can see the result in the git repo13:49
jelknerwe only have 8 minutes left13:50
jelknerso probably best to stop here this week13:50
jelknerquestions for me before we leave?13:50
jelknerwe have 9 minutes, actually13:51
jelknerscooper: are you going to pay them for the first month today?13:52
svaye_How can we access the git repo13:52
jelknerno one has questions?13:52
jelknersvaye_: don't worry about git yet13:52
jelknertoo many new things13:52
jelknerlet's talk about that again in 3 weeks13:52
tboimah_he is not around but when he come i will let you know.13:52
jelkneryou should practice vim and unix cli first13:53
jelknerwe'll add git to the mix when you're ready13:53
jelkneri'll model it for now13:53
fkoikoialright Jeff, so we should just focus on running the robot program for now?13:53
dcammue_so we don't need to add chalenge #3 to the program right?13:53
svaye_alright Jeff13:53
jelknerright, dcammue_ 13:53
jelknerand it will be useful to you now since you can see everything i did in my presentation in my repo13:54
janetok jeff13:54
jelknerkeep that url handy13:54
mulbahso jeff how to run your code on vim13:54
dcammue_so how can we place the pixels in the program?13:54
jelknerdcammue_: i don't know what you mean by place a pixel?13:54
jelknerin gasp we place higher level abstractions like Circle and Box13:55
jelknerthe coordinates are measured in pixels13:55
jelknerwe don'13:55
jelknerwe don't place pixesl13:55
fkoikoijeff,how can we run the program using vim?13:55
tboimah_so how to place the box on the screen13:56
jelknerfkoikoi: you need to configure your .vimrc file13:56
jelknerdo any of you have the one i shared with you?13:56
jelknerhold on, let me add it to the get repo13:56
svaye_How can I operate dosbox13:57
jelknersvaye_: ask your teammates if any of them can help you on that13:58
jelknerremember: ask 3 before me ;-)13:58
dcammue_we will try our best to work hard this time around Jeff13:59
jelkneri just added dot_vimrc13:59
mulbahjeff i will help svaye to set it13:59
svaye_Alright Jeff13:59
jelkneryou need to rename (mv, remember) it to your home directory and call it .vimrc13:59
jelknerthen it should work13:59
jelknerok, folks, time to go14:00
jelknerthis was great!14:00
jelknerwe made a lot of progress14:00
jelknersee you all here *on time* next saturday!14:00
fkoikoialright jeff, thanks for the time. 14:00
jelknermy pleasure, fkoikoi 14:00
tboimah_okay thanks for the time14:00
janetThank jeff14:00
dcammue_ok I see Jeff14:00
svaye_Alright Jeff have a good day14:01
jelknerbye all...14:02
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:03
*** tboimah_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:05
jelknerOk, before I leave, this will be really good to know...14:06
jelknerACTION logs off14:11
*** jelkner has quit (None)14:11
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:13
*** janet has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:13
*** svaye_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:13
*** dcammue_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:14
*** scooper has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:18
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:22
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:35
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:35

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