IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2022-09-13

scooperHi Jeff13:41
scooperPlease let me know when you are  ready Papi13:44
*** scooper has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:51
jelknerGood afternoon scooper!13:59
jelknerThanks for meeting with me.13:59
scooperYou are welcome Jeff14:00
jelknerSo, I just wanted to check-in with you.14:00
jelknerAnd talk about a few goals.14:00
jelknerFirstly, let's *not* worry about video or audio.14:00
scooperAs it relate to what??14:00
jelknerRelated to how we communicate with the MCSS Websters14:01
scoopergot you14:01
jelknerThere are 2 very good reasons not to even think about that now.14:01
scooperif you say so sir14:01
jelknerThe 1st, and most important, is we need to focus on learning, not fiddling around with tech14:01
jelkner(as fun as that might be ;-)14:01
jelknerabuchholz, so great to see you.14:02
abuchholzscooper you here?14:02
jelknerhe is14:02
scooperHello Abuchholz14:02
scooperYes I'm here14:02
jelknerwhy are you now Guest249?14:02
Guest249I got your email so I figured I would join quickly14:02
Guest249I haven't set up IRC on this machine to use HexChat14:03
Guest249Or rather authenticate myself14:03
jelknergot you14:03
jelknerthere you go14:03
jelknerok, scooper, as i was saying14:03
scooperI'm listening sir14:03
jelknerthe learning objectives for the MCSS Websters include:14:03
jelkner1. Learning to type14:04
jelkner2. Learning Unix CLI14:04
jelkner3. Learning Vim14:04
jelkner4. Learning Python14:04
jelkner(using 1, 2, and 3)14:04
jelknerSo we need to stay focused on that.14:04
jelknerI think we only need 3 communication tools for now:14:05
jelkner1. irc14:05
jelkner2. email14:05
jelkner3. pastebin14:05
jelkneroh, codeberg14:05
jelknerthat counts too14:05
scooperWhic is appropriate for now codeberg or pastebin?14:05
jelknerbut only i'll be using it until we get the websters a little further along with unix and vim14:05
jelknerscooper, codeberg is a web application that hosts git repositories (repos)14:06
jelknerOnce we are all more comfortable with unix and vim, i'll teach the websters to use it14:06
jelknerfor now, pastebin is a way for us to share code while using irc14:07
jelknerit lets you paste text, and get a url for it14:07
jelkneri haven't set up a pastebin account14:07
jelknerand for now i don't plan to14:07
jelknerthat means the urls i paste during our saturday sessions may break later on14:08
jelknerbut that's ok14:08
jelknerwe aren't doing anything that needs to be saved long term yet14:08
jelknerone last thing about the websters presentations on saturdays14:08
jelkneri am going to start asking them for *details* about what they did during the week14:09
jelknerso if thomas says "I worked on the vimtutor"14:09
jelknerI will ask him to tell me one new thing he learned about vim14:09
jelknerthe general answers they have been giving don't really tell much about what they learned14:10
jelknerso i can't measure progress14:10
jelknerok, that's all i have for saturday class14:10
jelknerwhile abuchholz1 is here, i want to talk about something else14:10
jelknerbut first, do you have a questions about saturday class, scooper?14:10
scooperOk friday when they all arrive at the lab I will inform them14:10
jelkneranything questions, scooper?14:11
scooperI discuss will them to make it mendidatory that we all gather here every friday for practice and share idea14:12
jelknerThat is *so* important14:12
scooperI coming with my question 14:12
jelknergreat idea14:12
scooperI'm just posting what I have suggested over the past term since I learning time is only schedule for one time a week14:13
jelkneryes, and the websters are supposed to put in at least 20 hours a week14:13
jelknerthat's what they are being paid for14:13
jelknersaturday's are to meet with me14:14
jelknerbut they should be working toward the learning objectives together during the week14:14
jelknerso making fridays a time for them to meet is a great idea14:14
scooperI'm just posting what I have suggested over the past term. Since they learning time is only schedule for one time a week, I talk with them to come at the  lab two times a week Friday and Saturday14:15
jelknerhow is UpPeople going, scooper 14:15
jelkneri mean14:15
jelkneryour classes have started, yes?14:15
jelknerwhile i wait for a response, let me update you on one more thing14:16
scooperThe Environment seem to a lil bit challenging for me Jeff, The internet is a serious problem I'm face with right now.14:16
jelknerYes, i can imagine14:16
jelknerthat's why it is so good i came to visit14:17
scooperI started since September first with Assignment and peer to peer assessment that was posted in moodle14:17
jelkneri have a really good sense of the challenges14:17
jelknerit is all in moodle14:17
scooperThanks God you told me to carry one course14:17
scooperALl else I was going to be in a serious mess14:18
jelkneri knew what i was talking about, scooper ;-)14:18
jelknerplease let me know if i can help you in any way14:18
jelknerwe could meet either saturdays after class sometime sunday14:18
jelkneri have a few times during the week too, like now14:19
scooperThis Semester will be worst for me, but after this semester I very optimistic that then I will adjust14:19
jelknerbut the schedule changes from day to day14:19
jelkneryou can do it14:19
jelknerlet me know if i can help14:19
jelknerok, last thing, just so you know14:19
jelkneri have a tech group that meets in my classroom on thursday evenings14:19
jelknerCode for NOVA (
scooperWhat time from end??14:20
jelknerWe agreed to make developing a Student Information System (SIS) our project for the year14:20
jelknerdon't worry about the time, scooper, i'm not asking you to participate14:21
jelknerjust to know what is going on14:21
scooperI can recall I saw that post from you14:21
jelkneryes, that was so you know what is happening14:21
jelknerwhat i hope is that this year we develop a basic attendance taking tool14:22
jelknerwhere you will be crucial is in testing it with MCSS teachers14:22
jelknerwe will need a pilot group willing to try it out once we have something usable14:22
scooperI will like to be part in order to gain insight of what will be happening14:22
jelknerdefinitely! you are key14:22
jelknerbut you don't have classes of students, so you can directly use it, but you can train teachers14:23
jelkneri'm assuming starting with Tubman High makes the most sense14:23
jelknersince they are a block away from you14:23
scooperBecause if this work It will definitely reach me14:23
jelknerwe are probably a few months away at least from any testing14:24
jelknerbut i just wanted you to be aware that it is coming14:24
jelknerthe long term goal is:14:24
jelkner1. to produce a minimal viable product that MCSS teachers can actually use14:24
jelkner2. deploy it14:24
jelkner3. seek funding (from the UN?) so that novawebdevelopment can continue its development professionally14:25
jelkner4. eventually involve the mcss websters in it14:25
jelknerthat's the plan14:25
scooperSound good14:26
jelknerthat's all i have for today14:26
scooperYOU know14:26
scoopersomething about you I really admire14:26
scooperyou I'm a innovative person, always look for better way to strengthen 14:27
jelkneryou too, my friend, that's why it is so much fun to work with you14:27
scooperYou are a innovative person, always looking for better way to  strengthen14:27
jelkneri'll be with kevin at hackdc this saturday14:27
jelknerso we'll both be in class at 12 noon14:28
scooperJeff how was the conference?14:28
jelknerthe conference was great14:28
jelkneri told abuchholz1 that i met someone from the co-op group in the UK14:28
jelkneri need to get that email out soon14:28
jelknerthe three women who started Mujeres Manas a la Obra cleaning co-op had a great time14:29
jelkneri'm working on a blog post about it14:29
jelkneri'll share that when it done14:29
scooperI will follow it14:29
jelknerokie dokie, i need to get back to my teacher duties14:29
jelknerlooking forward to chatting with you again on saturday14:29
scooperI we done for today14:30
abuchholz1Scooper could you stay for a little longer?14:30
abuchholz1I just wanted to talk about the email you sent me14:30
scooperDId you saw my email i send you???14:30
jelknerthanks for joining us, abuchholz1!14:30
abuchholz1Yeah, just had a couple of questions14:30
jelknerACTION logs off14:30
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:30
abuchholz1The first thing regarding the removing the school content14:30
abuchholz1I believe I removed it but I'm not 100% sure14:30
scooperAdrain is that you??14:30
scooperThank God I get you bro14:31
abuchholz1Could you send me a photo of the content that has to be removed through email pelase14:31
scooperwe need to talk Adrain14:31
abuchholz1And I can also try to help with the LibreOrganize14:31
abuchholz1though it will be tricky considering we can't upload images14:31
abuchholz1to IRC14:31
scooperBut we can use the video chat Jeff once sure me14:32
scoopershow me14:32
abuchholz1Cool that would be the easiest thing to do14:32
scooperYOu want me send you a email right now???14:33
abuchholz1Yes please, I just need a photo of the content you want removed. 14:34
abuchholz1And I'll go ahead and remove it14:34
abuchholz1Then we can use BBB and troubleshoot whatever issues you are having with LibreOrganize14:34
scooperIf yes It's not a problem I can do it right now. But I want you and myself to do the cloning on my computer like we did it first when I was using window Adrain14:35
scooperJust give me a minute14:35
abuchholz1Yeah not an issue. Take your time, send the photo first and then we can hop in BBB (video call)14:36
scooperOk 14:36
scooperPlease check your mail14:41
scooperPlease ask me if you don't understand what I mean14:42
abuchholz1Ok so you want me to remove Tubman High school from the "School" tab?14:42
abuchholz1I see, one sec14:43
abuchholz1Give me 5 minutes and I will remove the content14:43
scooperYou are removing all Brief HIstory, images from Tubman HIgh School to Point Elementary School that I give you earlier to help me post on the page14:44
abuchholz1Is this correct now?14:45
scooperPlease hold on let me view it14:46
scooperYou got it14:47
abuchholz1We can now get LibreOrganize and everything set up14:48
scooperNow can you please help me let clone the site on my computer like you did with me when I was using window?14:48
abuchholz1password: 6255ee662014:49
abuchholz1Do you think your internet will be able to handle voice call?14:49
abuchholz1If not we can debug in IRC it just might take longer14:49
scooperLet give it a try Adrain with voice and video14:49
scooperWhere in we can share our screen14:50
abuchholz1Sounds good. The link above and the password should be all you need to access the voice call room14:50
scooperI just click on the link, and it's loading14:51
abuchholz1Then lets just use IRC14:52
abuchholz1Could you send me the error message you are getting please14:52
scooperOK LET ME RUN Webserver 14:54
scooperI you still there14:58
scoopercan we use the link now14:58
scooperit has finally load from my end14:59
abuchholz1Sure, if it works14:59
scooperWhat so I do with Name and Acess Code15:00
scooperWhat should I do with Name and Access Code?15:00
abuchholz1Name type ur name and for the access code its: 6255ee662015:00
scooperJust did and it is reading 15:01
scooperWhile it's still loading let me proceed to vs code and discribe the error I m face with15:02
abuchholz1Sounds good15:03
scooperYou would mine I send you a screen shot to you email??15:03
abuchholz1Sure, or you can paste it in IRC15:03
scooperERROR: Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'requirements.txt'15:08
scooperI got this error after I text: pip install -r requirement.txt15:09
abuchholz1Make sure you are in the correct directoy15:09
scooperafter I type: pip install -r requirement.txt15:09
abuchholz1So basically you need to be in the directory with that file15:09
abuchholz1try the following pip install -r ../requirement.txt15:10
scooperI'm presently in the second libreorgaize 15:10
abuchholz1that should work15:10
scooperI use this command before and it work15:10
abuchholz1alright then you should have the requirements15:11
scooperCan you still remember I send you a image of the site that appear before me after I run the server15:11
abuchholz1so try doing python runserver15:11
abuchholz1Let me check15:11
scooperI'm following the instruction from the readme.md15:11
abuchholz1Yeah, I see the last email15:12
abuchholz1one sec15:12
scooper(venv) scooper@amilcarcabral:~/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize$ python3 runserver15:12
scooperTraceback (most recent call last):15:12
scooper  File "/home/scooper/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize/", line 5, in <module>15:12
scooper    from dotenv import load_dotenv15:12
scooperModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dotenv'15:12
abuchholz1So firstly type the following please pip install django-compressor15:13
abuchholz1Then type pip install dotenv15:14
abuchholz1Once you have typed both and they are done installing run "python runserver" again and lets view the errors15:15
scooperPlease hold on the pip install dotenv is downloading15:18
scooper(venv) scooper@amilcarcabral:~/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize$ python runserver15:19
scooperTraceback (most recent call last):15:19
scooper  File "/home/scooper/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize/", line 5, in <module>15:19
scooper    from dotenv import load_dotenv15:19
scooperModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dotenv'15:19
scooperThis is what I got15:19
abuchholz1Can you type "git status"15:19
abuchholz1and paste what it outputs please15:20
scooperOn branch master15:20
scooperYour branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.15:20
scoopernothing to commit, working tree clean15:20
abuchholz1type git checkout refactor10015:21
abuchholz1then please try python runserver again15:22
scooper(venv) scooper@amilcarcabral:~/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize$ git checkout refactor10015:23
scooperBranch 'refactor100' set up to track remote branch 'refactor100' from 'origin'.15:23
scooperSwitched to a new branch 'refactor100'15:23
abuchholz1Cool, now try python runserver15:23
scooperShould I paste the feedback?15:24
abuchholz1If there are errors yes please15:24
scooperTraceback (most recent call last):15:25
abuchholz1just the end if its really long15:25
scooper  File "/home/scooper/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize/", line 26, in <module>15:25
scooper    main()15:25
scooper  File "/home/scooper/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize/", line 20, in main15:25
scooper    execute_from_command_line(sys.argv)15:25
scooper  File "/home/scooper/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 446, in execute_from_command_line15:25
scooper    utility.execute()15:25
scooper  File "/home/scooper/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 440, in execute15:25
scooper    self.fetch_command(subcommand).run_from_argv(self.argv)15:25
scooper  File "/home/scooper/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 402, in run_from_argv15:25
scooper    self.execute(*args, **cmd_options)15:25
scooper  File "/home/scooper/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/django/core/management/commands/", line 74, in execute15:25
scooper    super().execute(*args, **options)15:25
scooper  File "/home/scooper/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/django/core/management/", line 448, in execute15:25
scooper    output = self.handle(*args, **options)15:25
scooper  File "/home/scooper/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/django/core/management/commands/", line 81, in handle15:25
scooper    if not settings.DEBUG and not settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS:15:25
scooper  File "/home/scooper/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/django/conf/", line 92, in __getattr__15:25
scooper    self._setup(name)15:25
scooper  File "/home/scooper/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/django/conf/", line 79, in _setup15:25
scooper    self._wrapped = Settings(settings_module)15:25
scooper  File "/home/scooper/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/django/conf/", line 207, in __init__15:25
scooper    raise ImproperlyConfigured(15:25
scooperdjango.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: The ALLOWED_HOSTS setting must be a list or a tuple.15:25
scooperTraceback (most recent call last):15:25
scooper  File "/home/scooper/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize/", line 26, in <module>15:25
abuchholz1one second15:26
scooper    main()15:26
scooper  File "/home/scooper/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize/", line 20, in main15:26
abuchholz1Could you open the core folder and then go to the file ""15:28
scooperLet me reclone this again15:28
scooperwhat you think??15:28
abuchholz1No, it shouldn't matter15:29
abuchholz1because you have no changes15:29
scooperBecause the first time I did, I didn't encounter this 15:29
abuchholz1find ALLOWED_HOSTS15:29
abuchholz1and replace it with ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["*"]15:29
abuchholz1in 15:29
abuchholz1in the core/ folder15:29
scooperPLease wait a minute15:29
abuchholz1Quick question do you have the theme folder in the second libreorganize folder?15:31
abuchholz1If you want you can reclone the repo and try again. Just make sure that you type "git checkout refactor100"15:34
abuchholz1Because otherwise it will not work15:34
scooperSECRET_KEY = "8=spx6&7hxk_3+jr^9^4oz4demzqpw9&lk!504r9gyq(2cyx(s"15:34
scooperWEBSITE_NAME = "LibreOrganize"15:34
scooperALLOWED_HOSTS = ["*"]15:34
scooperHope it's correct?15:34
abuchholz1try python runserver15:35
abuchholz1Do the followng15:35
abuchholz1Delete venv/15:35
abuchholz1then do15:35
scooperI'm coming checking for the theme folder in the second libre15:36
scooperYou mean the app folder right15:36
abuchholz1no theme should be in the second libreoganize folder15:37
scooperThe second libreorganize content: apps15:37
abuchholz1it should be libreorganize/libreorganize/theme15:38
abuchholz1not libreorganize/libreorganize/apps/theme15:38
scooperThe is no theme in the apps folder: what am seem is, pycache, accounts announcements, boxes events, membership tec15:38
abuchholz1ok good15:39
abuchholz1do you get the same error when you type python runserver15:39
scooperWhat I notice here is that: if I activate the source venv/bin/activate: it should be en right not env? which one is correct15:40
abuchholz1it should be venv15:41
abuchholz1So lets try the following15:41
abuchholz1otherwise what I'm going to recommend is you reclone it 15:41
abuchholz1and if you have problems email me and we can join IRC15:41
abuchholz11. Remove the venv/ folder15:42
scooperSorry it venv15:42
abuchholz1but lets try the following15:42
abuchholz1remove venv15:42
abuchholz1like delete it15:42
abuchholz1then type15:42
abuchholz1python -m venv venv15:42
abuchholz1then source venv/bin/activate15:42
abuchholz1but make sure you are doing this in the first libreorganize15:42
abuchholz1that is very important ^15:43
abuchholz1Let me know once you did that and I'll give you the other instructions15:43
scooperdelete venv/ command not found15:44
scooperdelete: command not found15:45
scooper(venv) scooper@amilcarcabral:~/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize$ Delete venv/15:45
scooperDelete: command not found15:45
scooper(venv) scooper@amilcarcabral:~/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize$ delete ven/15:45
scooperdelete: command not found15:45
abuchholz1in unix its rm15:45
abuchholz1so you would do15:45
abuchholz1rm -f venv15:45
abuchholz1rm -rf venv15:45
scooper(venv) scooper@amilcarcabral:~/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize$ rm -f venv15:46
scooperrm: cannot remove 'venv': Is a directory15:46
abuchholz1you need to do cd .. first15:46
abuchholz1cd ..15:46
scooperI'm out of the libreorganize folder15:48
scooperthe venv has remove already15:48
abuchholz1type python -m venv venv15:48
abuchholz1then source venv/bin/activate15:48
abuchholz1actually needs to be python -m venv venv15:48
abuchholz1python3 -m venv venv*15:48
abuchholz1without star15:49
scooperawait Adrain15:49
scooperRight now I'm in a folder I created on my desktop before I clone the project15:49
abuchholz1ok so cd libreorganize15:49
abuchholz1then type python3 -m venv venv15:50
abuchholz1then source venv/bin/activate15:50
scooperThe folder that have the libreorganize is called Pull-Git15:50
abuchholz1yep make sure you cd into the libreorganize folder15:50
scooperin this folder is where I clone the site for the first time15:50
scooperIn short I should  follow the instruction right?15:50
abuchholz1I'm not sure I follow15:50
abuchholz1Follow the README.md15:51
abuchholz1I have to go. So can you email me when if you have any issues. I'll try to respond as fast as possible15:51
scooper(venv) scooper@amilcarcabral:~/Desktop/Pull-Git/libreorganize/libreorganize$ pip install -r requirements.txt15:53
scooperERROR: Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'requirements.txt'15:53
scooperstill encounter error for the pip install -r requirements.txt15:53
abuchholz1you need to do all of this in the first libreorganize15:53
abuchholz1the file does not exist in libreorganize/libreorganize15:53
scooperGot you15:54
abuchholz1it exists in libreoraganize/15:54
scooperI'm sorry for the hard time given 15:55
scooperit working now15:55
abuchholz1All good don't worry15:56
scooperMaking progress15:57
scooperCollecting git+ (from -r requirements.txt (line 10))15:57
scooper  Cloning to /tmp/pip-req-build-chcpfr3b15:57
scooper  Running command git clone -q /tmp/pip-req-build-chcpfr3b15:57
abuchholz1once that's done please type pip install django-compressor 15:58
abuchholz1then keep following the README.md15:58
abuchholz1I have to go so email me if you have any issues15:58
scooperInstall the dependencies using `$ pip install -r requirements.txt`.15:59
scooper  - *Note: You can safely ignore any errors about `bdist_wheel`.*15:59
scooperbut what become of this command 15:59
abuchholz1not a command15:59
abuchholz1just a comment15:59
abuchholz1type pip install django-compressor15:59
abuchholz1before continuing 15:59
scoopergot you15:59
scooperWill I do this all of the time before running server??16:00
scooperAny thanks I really appreciate Adrain16:00
scooperany way16:00
abuchholz1but I have to go, so keep following the instructions and everything should work16:01
abuchholz1if not send me an email and we can meet again on IRC if you continue having issues16:02
scooperI appreciate you did a wonderful job with me today16:02
abuchholz1Yeah no problem16:02
abuchholz1Have a good rest of your day!16:02
*** abuchholz1 has quit (Quit: Page closed)16:02
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)17:50

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