IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2022-09-24

jelknerGood morning mulbah and tboimah!11:15
tboimahI'm fine and you?11:15
mulbahGood moring jeff11:15
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!11:16
jelkner!add Welcome Jallah to our group11:17
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Welcome Jallah to our group" has been added to the agenda.11:17
jelkner!add Webster weekly check-in11:17
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Webster weekly check-in" has been added to the agenda.11:17
jelkner!add Is SIS a good project plan for us?11:18
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Is SIS a good project plan for us?" has been added to the agenda.11:18
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:11:18
LittleWebsterWelcome Jallah to our group (added by jelkner)11:18
LittleWebsterWebster weekly check-in (added by jelkner)11:18
LittleWebsterIs SIS a good project plan for us? (added by jelkner)11:18
jelkner!add Work on robots11:18
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Work on robots" has been added to the agenda.11:18
jelknerGood morning scooper.11:19
jelknerDid you see me emails?11:19
scooperGood morning Jeff11:19
jelknerI didn't get any reply from you or the Supe11:19
scooperThe one tat has to do with my name and Mr. Zawolo?11:19
scooperYes I saw the mail11:20
scooperI thought of responding yesterday but we ran out of Internet credit yesterday11:21
jelknerDid you get to talk to the Supe?11:21
jelknerI will definitely need guidance from you to figure out what to do on my end.11:22
scooperYes Sir, but he said he will respond in the soonest posssible time11:22
jelknerOk, I'll wait for that then.11:22
jelknerHow are you doing?11:22
jelknerJallah will be coming today, right?11:23
scooperMCSS Four High Schools are set to put out their graduates come September 25, 2022 and the Sup is busy right signing those graduate Diploma11:23
jelknergot it11:23
jelknerAny news on the shipment of the second group of laptops?11:24
scooperNot to my knowledge Sir11:24
jelknerI am going to call someone later today about possibly being able to send things faster11:25
jelknerIt's a contact I got from the other Mr. Cooper.11:25
jelknerI plan to call him and see what he says.11:26
jelknerI would like to be able to send things directly from me to you.11:26
scooperPlease share that with Mr. Zawolo but proceeding in that direction Jeff11:26
jelknerI will11:26
jelknerbut I want to send a better laptop for Jallah, for example.11:26
scooperGot 11:26
scooperJallah has arrive Jeff11:28
jelknerAsk him to join us here11:28
scooperOk 11:31
jelknersysadmin_: is this you, Jallah?11:43
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)11:46
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*** sysadmin_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)11:52
jelknerYou're here jkoleah 11:58
jelknerWhat happened?11:58
LittleWebstermulbah : jelkner : scooper : tboimah : jkoleah12:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!12:00
LittleWebsterIt's 12:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.12:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:12:00
LittleWebsterWelcome Jallah to our group (added by jelkner)12:00
LittleWebsterWebster weekly check-in (added by jelkner)12:00
LittleWebsterIs SIS a good project plan for us? (added by jelkner)12:00
LittleWebsterWork on robots (added by jelkner)12:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!12:00
jelknerGood day, all!12:00
jelknerIt's noon where you are.12:00
jelknerSo I won't say good morning now ;-)12:00
scooperGood day Mr. Elkner12:00
jelknerGood day, Mr. Cooper12:00
jelknerWhat happened? I thought you lost your connection. You all disappeared at once.12:01
scooperI would be in for now due to bad network signal. that I giving a space to our interns since the network is bad today12:01
scooperI m using the rounter you left with me12:01
jelknerGood plan12:02
jelknerLet's get started then.12:02
scooperThe is not money on the office internet 12:02
jelknerGot it.12:02
jelknerYou and me need to plan well, scooper 12:02
jelknerso we can make sure we have what we need to make communication work12:02
scooperMy rounter strength is not that strong so I m giving my spot out to our interns12:03
scooperfor now12:03
jelknersounds good12:03
jelknerok, let me start by welcoming jkoleah to our group!12:03
jelknerWait is jkoleah Janet or Jallah?12:04
jelkneri think janet is usually janet12:04
jelknerso i was assuming Jallah12:04
*** jkoleah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:05
jelknergood afternoon janet 12:05
jelknerwho is there today?12:05
jelknerwe have mulbah thomas janet jeff and spencer12:06
jelkneris jallah there?12:06
tboimah_yeah jallah is with me.12:06
janetgood morning jeff12:06
jelknerwhat about daniel freena shallon?12:06
jelknersysadmin_: is this jallah?12:07
tboimah_hi Jeff, i'm Jallah.12:07
jelknertype: /nick jallah12:07
jelknerit will change your name to jallah12:07
tboimah_it's my computer jeff 12:08
jelkneri wanted to ask jallah if he was able to update his computer12:09
jelkneri was then going to tell him that next time he has a good connection he should install hexchat12:10
jelkneron his computer he needs to use: sudo -Syu hexchat12:10
tboimah_i try doing it but it doesn't want work 12:10
jelknercan someone please let jallah use a computer so he can type with me?12:11
tboimah_okay he will use my12:11
*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)12:11
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*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)12:11
tboimah_Jeff, it's me Jallah using tboimah computer12:13
jelknerjust type: /nick jallah12:13
jelknerwhich will change tboimah_ to jallah12:13
jelknerthe /nick is short for nickname12:13
jelknertry it12:14
jelknerok, let me start12:14
jelknerFirst, I want to welcome jallah to our group!12:14
jallahyeah Jeffj12:14
jelknerWe are very fortunate to have him12:14
jelknerSince he has been showing just the kind of initiative and leadership we need12:15
jelknerHe messaged me several times on Zulip during the week12:15
jelknerand we set up a time to work together so I could get him his NOVA Web email and introduce him to irc12:15
jelknerYou can see the end of our chat at:
jelknerI want to encourage all of you to take that kind of initiative12:16
jelknerthat is the only path that will lead us to success12:16
janetthat's good,thanks jeff12:17
jelkneron his own, he identified that to be able to most things in ITC, you need to be able to type fast12:17
jelknerso he has been working hard on that12:17
jelknerthat will be a huge help12:17
jelknereven though we meet once a week, i think about our project all the time12:18
jelkneri'm thinking of where we will be in two years12:18
jelknerif we are serious about success, we need to think at least that far in advance12:18
jelknerin two years i want you all to have the skills to begin contributing to the software projects that will be useful in Liberia12:19
jelknerbut we can't wait 2 years to start developing projects like that12:19
jelknerso i'll start developing a student information system for mcss now12:20
jelknerwith volunteer professionals here in virgiina that want to help12:20
jelknerbut we can't do that without collaboration from mcss12:20
jelknerwe want to start by developing a mobile app that will allow teachers to there to take attendance12:21
dcammuehello Jeff, how was your weekend?12:21
jelknerwe can't develop it if we don't have someone there to test it12:21
jelknermy weekend is just beginning, dcammue 12:21
jelknerso i dont' know yet ;-)12:21
jelknerAnyway, time for agenda item 2: Webster weekly check-in12:22
dcammueoh! sorry, I forgot. how was the week days?12:22
jelknerYou all should say what you did last week to improve your skills12:22
jelknerACTION waits patiently for the websters to write what they did12:25
svayeHi Jeff I added the lesson you sent to us to the robot program and when I tested it, it didn't move 12:27
tboimahi work on my robots problem but it give me a hard time and my self give it a hard time so i was able to finish with challenge 7, and i also add what you send last week to the problem, not forgetting i also work on my unix command and vimtutor thanks.12:30
dcammueI was on "vimtutor" and learned how to delete a word, and deleting two, three to four words with just one command. deleting whole line, and replacing it with the undo command, moving a line and placing it under another line with the 'dd', and 'p' command.12:31
janetlast week was good,i continue with the 'robots are comming' i also studied on vim and the lesson you send us last week. 12:31
fkoikoiHi Jeff, last week was very challenging. I am having a little software problem with my computer so i give it to spencer to fix it. i  didn't complete the program and i also work on my typing skills. 12:35
scooperI have tried all the linux distribution to install hexchat on jallah computer but it's not working12:36
scooperwhich distribution did you installed on Jallah computer12:36
jelkneri know how to install hexchat on jallah's computer12:36
jelknerit's not your problem, scooper, it's jallah amd mine12:37
jelkneris everyone finished with their reports?12:37
scooperOk sir got you12:37
mulbahthis gone week i been studying my unix command and vimtutors and i learn some useful command i learn the id, echo, data, and the wc command and i'm on chellange 912:37
jelknerok, let me provide some feedback on what you all just wrote12:38
*** scooper has quit (None)12:38
jelknerplease ask Spencer to rejoin us12:38
jelknerwe need him here for this part of the conversation12:38
jelknerGood, scooper, we need to do some planning12:39
jelknerand to try some new things12:39
scooperOK sir12:40
jelknerwe will always need to do that12:40
jelknertechnologists need to learn to innovate12:40
jelknerto look at what is working, and what is not, and to continually try new things to make what isn't working work12:40
scoopergot you12:41
jelknerso first, dcammue, i like your response the best12:41
jelkneryou mentioned 'dd' and 'p', so i know *specifically* what you have been learning12:41
jelkneri am assuming you are spending 20 hours a week working on this project12:41
jelknerit will take that amount of time if we want to move forward12:42
jelknerotherwise, we will bog down12:42
jelknersvaye: if you try a program and it doesn't work, what should you do?12:43
jelkneri would suggest that what you should not do is wait until Saturday.12:43
jelknerso, svaye, what should you do?12:44
svayeI figure out the problem and I fix it12:44
jelknermaybe, svaye, but you might not be able to12:45
jelknerso if you can't figure it out on your own, what should you do?12:45
svayeIt was because of the robot command 12:45
svayeto ask my friends12:45
jelknerNOVA Web Development is a cooperative12:46
jelknerWe are cooperators12:46
jelknerAnd cooperators cooperate12:46
jelknerI want to try something new this week12:46
jelknerI would like you to select one of you to be the team leader for this week12:47
jelknerthat person will meet with me a few times during the week12:47
jelknerand be responsible for bringing me questions from the rest of you and working to find solutions12:47
jelknerJallah did that on his own last week12:48
jelknerHe reached out to me12:48
jelknerAsking me questions12:48
jelknerI don't have school on Monday12:48
jelknerSo i can meet with the team leader that day12:48
jelknerWho should that be?12:49
jelknerI'll give you a few minutes to talk among yourselves, then let me know what you decided12:49
tboimahi can try12:49
jelknerdid you talk to the rest of the group, tboimah 12:50
jelkneryou should all decided together12:50
jelknerperfect, so tboimah is selected to meet with me during the week12:50
jelknerwhat time would you be available on monday, tboimah 12:50
tboimahby 3:30pm12:51
jelknerthat works for me12:51
jelkner3:30 pm your time is 11:30 am my time12:51
jelknerso i will look for you here at 3:30 pm liberia time on monday12:52
jelknertboimah, we will see if you can help jallah install hexchat12:52
jelknerit is easy to do on his machine, but only if he has a good Internet connection12:53
jelknerotherwise it won't work :-(12:53
tboimahokay i will do that.12:53
jelknerAll he needs to do is run: sudo -Syu hexchat12:53
jelknerthat's it12:53
jelknerwith a good internet conntection, he will have hexchat when that finishes12:53
jelknertboimah, the other thing we need to talk about is what our agenda should be for the following saturday12:54
jelkneri sent you a version of last week that i asked you to study12:54
tboimahokay sir.12:54
jelkneri was hoping you all would say, "We studied the version of the program and we understand what you did."12:54
svayeI understand it12:55
jelknerOr "We looked at the program and don't understand why [put code here] is on line 12"12:55
jelkneror something like that12:55
jelknerSo, svaye, what does my version do differently from the one in the sheet, and why did i make the changes that i did?12:56
svayeBoth player_x and player_y are moving at the same time 12:57
jelknerusing which keys?12:57
svayen, m, u, and i12:58
jelknerwhich keys does the original version use?12:58
svayen makes it move left and down12:58
svayeh, j, k, and l12:59
jelknerh, j, k, and l are also my version12:59
jelknerin this original version, does anyone know what keys are used in this version?13:00
jelknerdo tell mulbah 13:01
svayethis version uses numbers13:01
jelknerso why do you think i am changing it?13:01
mulbahwget command13:01
jelknernot sure what you mean, mulbah 13:02
jelkneri don't know if mulbah is typing13:03
jelknerbut i'll explain13:03
jelknerthe original version was written with a full size keyboard in mind13:03
jelknera full size keyboard has what is called a "numeric keypad"13:04
jelknerwith that kind of keyboard, using numbers makes a lot of sense13:04
jelknersince the keys are arranged in just the way you want to know which way pressing them will make the player move13:05
jelknerbut i am on a laptop13:05
jelknerlike you all are ;-)13:05
jelknerand i don't have a numeric keypad13:05
jelknerso using numbers makes no sense at all13:05
jelknerthink about it, and ask scooper to show you a full size keyboard if he has one available13:06
jelknerso, for a laptop, i needed to change the keys13:06
jelkneri chose h, j, k, and l for left, down, up, and right13:06
jelknerwhy did i do that?13:06
tboimahbecause the lab top is not full side key board.13:07
jelkneryes, tboimah, but i could have chosen many different keys13:08
jelknerwhy h, j, k, and l13:08
jelknermaybe dcammue can answer?13:08
jelknerhe might know13:08
jelknerbased on his report today ;-)13:08
tboimahbecause in vim we use the h,j,k and l key for movement on the scream.13:09
jelknerthat's the answer i was hoping for13:09
jelkneri want you to learn vim, so i though, "Why not make the robots game a way to practice the vim keys?"13:10
dcammuei went in the restroom Jeff.13:10
jelkneras the programmer, i can choose any keys i want13:11
jelknerso i chose the vim keys13:11
jelknerfor the diagonal keys, i just chose keys near h, j, k, and l.13:12
jelkneri need to take a quick break13:12
jelknerbe back in 2 minutes13:12
jelkneri'm back13:16
jelknerthat morning coffee runs right through me ;-)13:16
jelknerok, the next step is to get the robot (we only have one robot) to follow the player13:17
jelknerdo you think you can work together to make that work?13:17
jelkneri can meet with tboimah during the week to provide help13:18
jallahJeff, I and Boimah trying to get hexchat but it doesn13:19
jelknerit doesn't what?13:19
jelknerwhat happens when you run the command i gave you?13:19
jallahit doesn't want to work13:19
jelknerjallah: "it doesn't want to work" is not very helpful13:20
jelknerit doesn't want anything ;-)13:20
jelknerit does or does not ;-)13:20
jelknerwhat *exactly* does it do?13:20
jelknerto get help on these kinds of problems, you need to tell me what happens in the terminal13:21
jelknerwhat messages do you see?13:21
jelknerwhen you run the command i gave you13:21
jallahthe feed back it give is that command not found or invalid13:21
jelknertboimah: let me give you a homework assignment before monday13:22
jelknermake an account for yourself on pastebin.com13:22
tboimahthe feed back is sudo: invalid option -- 'y'13:22
jelknerThat way, when you get an error message, you can copy and paste it into pastebin, put the url here, and i can see it13:22
jelknerthat's the kind of thing i needed13:23
jelknergive me a minute13:23
jelknerACTION does a web search for "pacman cheatsheet"13:23
jelknerpacman is the package manager on jallah's computer13:24
jelknerwhich is running Majaro Linux13:24
jelknerACTION finds
jelknerSo, you need to be in a terminal13:25
jelknerand you should type: sudo pacman -Syu hexchat13:25
jelkneri tried it on my virtual machine, and it worked13:25
tboimahit's working jeff.13:27
jelknerthere we go13:27
tboimahthanks for the help13:27
jelknerof course, tboimah, that's what i'm here for! ;-)13:27
jelknerwhat i need from you is to ask for help in ways that show increasing skills13:28
jelknerso, back to our task13:28
jelknerdo you think you can work together this week to try to complete the next challange, which is to make the single robot (a Box) follow the player when it moves?13:29
jelknerthen when we meet next Saturday, you can show me what you did13:29
jelknerand we can talk about the next challenge13:29
jelknerand i want you to all share this task together13:30
jelknerso if one of you (or even better, two of you working in a pair) figures it out13:30
tboimahokay we will do that as team13:30
jelkneryou'll explairn it to the others13:30
jelknerawesome, tboimah!13:30
jelknerok then, we can stop here for today13:31
jelkneri'll meet you on monday, tboimah 13:31
jelknerand i'll see everyone else next saturday at the usual time13:31
tboimahokay i will be awaiting you sir.13:31
jelknerlooking forward to it, sir!13:31
jelkneranything else before we go?13:32
svayealright Jeff have a great weekend 13:32
jelkneryou too, svaye!13:32
jelknersee you all next week13:32
tboimahhave a great weekend sir13:32
fkoikoiso soon Jeff13:33
jelknersee you then, fkoikoi 13:33
jallahhave a great weekend Jeff.13:33
dcammueJeff I ooen the nova account on my sysimid and I want to open it on my real acccount but I having hard time doing it.13:33
jelkneryou too, jallah, great to have you with us!13:33
fkoikoiit's not yet 2:00pm13:33
mulbahhave a great week end jeff13:33
jelknerdcammue: i don't understand13:33
dcammuewhere I can emial You.13:34
jelknerahh, ask scooper to help you13:34
jelkneryou are there with him now13:34
jelknerwe want to use both irc and email effectively13:35
jelknerand we are making great progress with that13:35
dcammueSo yOu leaving?13:35
jelkneryes, i'm going to sign off13:35
jelknerunless you need something else from me before i go13:35
fkoikoihave a nice weekend Jeff13:36
dcammueso soon!!!!13:36
jelkneryou too fkoikoi 13:36
jelkneri have family visiting, so i want to spend time with them13:36
jelkneri told them i have class, but this is a good time to stop for today13:36
jelknersince you have your tasks for the week13:36
jelknerand we have thomas scheduled to meet with me on monday13:37
dcammueokay Jeff, have a nice weekend, tell the family hello for me. 13:37
jelknerthanks, dcammue 13:37
janetalright, take care jeff!13:37
jelkneryou too, janet 13:37
jelknerACTION signs off13:37
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:37
*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:49
jallah\nick tboimah13:57
jkoleahhi I am  now conected.13:58
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:12
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*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:05
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!18:44
LittleWebsterError: Cannot add an empty item to the agenda!18:45
LittleWebsterError: Cannot remove an empty item from the agenda!18:45
*** Guest1278 has quit (None)18:46

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