IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2022-10-01

*** jelknet has quit (Remote host closed the connection)01:02
jelknetJoining from my Paco X3 ubun01:03
jelknetUbuntu phon01:04
jelknetI'll see if this is in the log tomorrow.01:04
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scooperGood morning Jeff10:15
jelknerGood morning scooper 10:15
scooperIs there a problem???10:15
jelknerNot that I know of.10:16
jelknerGood morning tboimah 10:16
tboimahI am fine and you.10:16
jelknerGreat to see we have a working connection today.10:17
scooperMy Boss told me yesterday that you said you are disappointed10:17
jelknerThe Supe?10:17
scooperYes sir, concerning the mail you send him10:17
jelknerWe may have some miscommunication going on.10:18
jelknerI'll look at that email, but I don't recall saying I was disappointed.10:18
jelknerI may have said I was disappointed I didn't hear back by Thursday.10:18
scooperOr my response was not in line with what you expected. More beside  I told you that the Sup was busy attending to the Four HIgh School graduation program10:19
jelknerMy situation here is that I'm trying to organize a group of volunteers to help develop a student information system for MCSS10:19
jelknerYes, like I said, a communication challenge.10:20
scooperwhich have to do with signing a thousand plus Diploma for graduates10:20
jelknerMany, many challenges stem from not getting information where it needs to be when it needs to be there.10:20
jelknerAll I really wanted to hear from the Supe was whether out plan to develop an attendance system as a first step would be useful to him.10:21
jelknerAnd then whether y'all think you could find a few teachers who could help us test it as we develop it.10:22
jelknerI saw a few emails that I haven't read yet.10:22
scooperThe Sup will reply you in the shortest possible time. Is just that he been really busy, due to that he was not reporting to work these few day10:22
jelknerI was planning on reading those emails this morning before we meet.10:23
scooperMy mail I send you???10:23
jelknerI don't know, scooper, I had back-to-school night and a lot going on at work, so i'm behind10:24
jelkneri just have a stack of unread emails10:24
jelknerdon't know what they say yet, since i haven't read them ;-)10:24
scooperOk got you10:24
scooperCan we know our agenda for today??10:25
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:10:26
LittleWebsterDiscuss ways to improve reliability of our Internet connection (added by jelkner)10:26
jelknerThat is all i put on the agenda so far10:26
jelknerwhen tboimah and i tried to meet on monday10:27
jelknerit was a disaster10:27
jelknerthe connection was so bad we got nothing accomplished10:27
jelknerwhile i understand that problems like that will occur10:27
jelknerwe need to find ways to minimize them10:28
jelknerthe difference between success and failure of our project is the rate at which small things fail10:28
jelknerso, i'm looking for advice10:29
jelknerif it is likely that when we try to meet outside of saturday morning it won't work, then we can't do it10:29
jelknerif we can find a more reliable way to communicate, then i would like to try that again10:29
scooperI send you a mail the last day Mr. COle conducted a class, that was before your departure for the conference. it include solution on our internet problem10:30
jelknerso the main thing i wanted this morning was your thoughts on that10:30
jelknerremind me of what that is?10:30
scooperI was recommending Litelco as our next ISA, but we need to watch our spending10:31
scooperSo in the mean time let us use the office internet which happen to be Lonestar10:32
scooperBut due tot he SUp engagement this gone time with graduation activites that was the main reason we were unable to recharge. Due to that I have to take the initial to recharge what you left with me10:33
scooper*initiative 10:34
jelknerscooper: i am sending you $650.00 per month10:35
jelkneri can't send more than that, but my advice is that you all work together to figure out how best to utilize that resource10:35
jelknerit's a management problem you have to solve10:35
jelknerwe are on a journey which i hope will result in the mcss websters being able to generate revenue by working on paid work10:36
jelknerthey are probably 2 years away from that10:36
jelkner2 years is an estimate based on my experience teaching this material for 20+ years10:37
jelknerbut it's still just an estimate10:37
jelkneranyway, i suggest you all figure out how to use some of that resource to make sure you have internet10:37
jelknerif you don't have internet, it will be much harder for you to learn10:37
jelknerand we won't make progress as fast10:38
jelknerbut honestly, i leave that up to you10:38
scooperI Understand Mr. Elkner all the students know that the amount given to then is intended for their personal used... In light I have the right to minimix our expense right? and restore reliable and stable internet right with in this amount10:38
jelknerso, scooper, here is what i am hoping for that10:39
jelknerwhich is another part of our learning together10:39
jelknerremember, NOVA Web Development is a cooperative10:39
scooperI know10:39
jelknercooperatives work on a one worker, one vote principle10:39
jelknerlearning about that culture is part of our process too10:40
jelknerso, what i am hoping is, we all look together at our available resources ($650 per month)10:40
jelknerand we think about the tasks that need to be done - the personal use that is very important, and the need to continue the study which is the reason we are doing it10:41
jelknerand you together decide what to do10:41
scooperI got you, I will reduce their income and give you reasons, because we need stable internet and electricity10:42
jelkneryou are missing my point, scooper 10:42
jelkneri would like you to:10:43
jelkner1. propose what you are going to do to the mcss interns10:43
jelkner2. ask them to vote to approve it10:43
jelknerif they don't approve it10:43
scooperWe been voting before decision are make10:43
jelknerthey should have an alternative proposal10:43
jelknerdoes that make sense10:43
jelknerwe figure this stuff out *together*10:44
jelknerwe succeed, or fail, together10:44
jelknerso we all have responsibility for both making decisions together and carrying them out10:44
jelknerwe are making progress10:45
jelknereveryone is getting much better at using irc10:45
jelkneri see initiative and improvement in typing skills10:45
scooperWhat I'm about to propose will benefit us greatly.... MOreover they are seeming the challenges we are faced with right now10:46
scooperBecause they are aviable every friday for practices 10:46
jelknerI really am happy about that, scooper 10:46
jelknerthey need as much time to just work together as we can arrange10:47
jelknerlearning all this takes *a lot* of time10:47
jelknerno way around that10:47
scooperFriday activities is mendatory anyone failed to attend friday class will be punish10:47
jelknerthey need to learn keyboarding, unix, vim, and python10:47
jelknerMy dear friend10:48
jelknerwe need to motivate each other, true10:48
jelknerbut i prefer carrots to sticks ;-)10:48
scooperThis is African10:48
jelknerlet's start out with encouragement before we think of punishment10:48
scooperWe believe in harsh hands10:49
scooperThe money being paid is huge encouragement by itself Jeff10:49
jelknerok, i think we have talked about this enough for now10:50
jelknerwe will only learn what works in practice10:50
jelknerso time to put things in practice10:50
jelknerand discuss them again later when we see how they are working10:50
jelkneri'm still not clear on one thing10:51
jelkneri was hoping to set up a meeting during the week with a team leader for the week10:51
scooperWhat is it10:51
jelknerthe purpose of that meeting would be to focus on the programming part of our study10:51
jelkneri was hoping last monday, for example10:51
scooperOf every month??10:52
jelknerto meet with thomas and show him how to use pastebin10:52
jelknerand then ask him about his progress on robots10:52
scooperI'm here all because of you my friend10:52
scooperYOu which is my command10:52
jelknerbut my question is: can we do that?10:53
jelknerit didn't work10:53
jelkneri don't want to set up a meeting again10:53
jelknerand spend 45 minutes trying to connect10:53
jelknerand not being able to communicate10:53
scooperMy passion for technology can make me do anything that you want10:53
jelknerso what can we do?10:54
jelknerright now, we can communicate10:54
jelknerthis is good10:54
jelkneron monday, we could not10:54
jelkneri'm not sure why10:54
jelknerso before we plan something like that again10:54
jelkneri want to understand what went wrong10:54
scooperI will do everything possible to restore stable and reliable internet10:55
scooperwith the internet here10:55
jelknerok, that sounds good10:55
scooperYou mean Monday when THomas was unable to connect??10:55
jelknerwe spent 45 minutes connecting disconnecting10:56
jelknerwe could not communicate10:56
jelknerhold on10:56
jelknerif you read that log, you'll see what i was talking about10:58
jelkneranyway, enough about that for now10:58
jelknerwe have a good connection now10:59
scooperIt was due to the internet, like I said the office internet is down he was using my internet that you left with me. But the internet I have, signal strength keep droping every time I bring it in the MCSS Building10:59
jelkneri understand, scooper 10:59
scooperThat is because we I not many connected right now10:59
scooperThat is because we are not many connected right now10:59
jelkneroh yes, during the week10:59
jelknerall the office staff11:00
jelkneryes, yes11:00
jelknerso, we have a learned lesson11:00
scooperI sure you have that experience when you were here11:00
jelknerdon't schedule class meetings when the office staff is there11:00
scooperNO they leave by 4:00pm11:01
jelknerok, i'll leave you all to figure that out11:01
scooperI will stay back up to 6 to accomplish the task for monday, how do you see it11:01
jelknerwe have a lot of constraints11:02
jelknerduring the week i'm at work11:02
jelknerand often times i have things i have to do11:02
jelknerit may be that we just keep saturday mornings as our time to meet11:02
jelknerand make sure the websters are doing real work on their own during the week11:02
jelknerso they can show their progress11:03
jelkneron saturdays11:03
jelknerso let's move on to that11:03
jelknertboimah: did you make an account for yourself on
tboimahyes i did that11:03
jelknerwhy don't we try now11:04
jelknerupload your latest version of robots.py11:04
tboimahbut i use my personal email not the novaweb email11:04
jelknerand paste the link here, so i can see it11:04
jelknerusing your personal email is fine, tboimah 11:04
jelknerwe won't see what email you used11:05
jelkneronly the url for the paste11:05
jelknerbtw. scooper, any word on when the next shipment of laptops will arrive?11:05
jelkneri want to get Jallah a more powerful machine11:06
jelkneralso, scooper, my friend James (the other Mr. Cooper) put me in touch with a friend of his here in the states11:06
tboimahthat is the problem am not yet know how to use it.11:06
jelkneri'm looking for ways to send small amounts of equipment to you all11:07
jelknerThe woman he put me in touch with lives in Chicago11:07
scooperNot to my knowledge Jeff11:07
jelknerwhich isn't near me, but she has a friend from near me going to Liberia next month11:07
jelknerI want to send several Ubuntu Touch phones11:07
jelknerAnd perhaps I could send a small laptop for Jallah as well.11:08
jelkneri'll call her later today11:08
jelknerand let you know how that goes.11:08
scoopergot you11:08
scooperWill you share with Mr. Zawolo for his input??11:09
jelknerremember, he can just read this log11:09
jelknereverything we put here is available any time11:09
jelknerbut i'll send him a link11:09
jelknergood morning freenak!11:10
jelknerACTION is waiting for tboimah to post his pastebin link...11:11
jelknergood morning jkoleah!11:11
tboimahjeff i said i did not konw how to use pastebin now  so how can i send the you link.11:11
jelknerah yes11:12
jkoleahGood morning Jeff, how was your night ?11:12
tboimahokay so can you please teach me that11:12
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freenakgood morning jeff11:13
jelknerit's super easy tboimah 11:13
jelknerare you logged in?11:13
jelkneronce you log in, you'll see a green button that says "+ paste"11:14
jkoleahJeff,can you please teach me how to run my program when using vim...11:14
tboimahi will be back please11:14
jelknerjkoleah: yes11:14
jelknerlook here, jkoleah 11:15
jelknerand follow the instructions on Thursday, September 29th Classwork11:15
jelknerjkoleah: let me know if you get stuck11:17
jelknerback to tboimah 11:18
jelknerdid you login, do you see the + paste green button?11:18
jkoleahBut I'm seeing the date that it's the 27th and you said the 29th11:18
jelknerkeep looking, jkoleah ;-)11:19
jelknerit's on the same page11:19
tboimahsorry am back i go to help scooper to get thing set because the time is approaching.11:24
jelknertboimah: we have already started11:24
jelkneri already discussed the only agenda item with scooper 11:25
jelknerso now we want to move forward11:25
tboimahokay 11:25
jelknermoving forward means that you all will share what you've done11:25
jelkneryou're going to need pastebin (for now) and later git to do that11:25
freenakalright jeff11:30
jelknerwhat do you mean, freenak?11:31
jelkneralright what?11:31
freenakWhat i was saying is that we will create our account on paste bin11:32
jkoleah_Jeff, I try running the command but it's telling me that command not found!!!11:33
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jelknerjkoleah_: are you still here?11:34
jelknerlooks like 3 of you dropped11:34
jelknerfreenak: are you still here?11:34
jelkneris anyone besides me still here?11:34
jkoleah_I'm here Jeff..11:34
jelknerok, what command did you run11:35
jelknergreat freenak 11:35
tboimah_Good afternoon Mr. Elkner , during the week I work on the robot problem I make the robot to move along with player and I also work on the collisions of the robot and the player so I am done with challenge 1,2,3,4,5,6,7and 8, I also learn some Unix command like htop, echo, cat, ps, ping, shred,tail,head,whoami, uname and etc I also read on vim and I learn  A which means to append text, :wd to save a file and exit, dd to delete a whole line, U to fix 11:36
tboimah_a whole line, % to find a matching and etc, thanks.11:36
jkoleah_sh install_vim_fugitive_plugin.sh11:36
freenakI was install all of the programs on my computer i lost everything that was on my computer11:37
jkoleah_that's the command that i try running Jeff..11:37
jelknerso here is where you you need unix skills, jkoleah_ 11:37
jelknerso let me explain11:37 is a file11:37
jelknerspecifically, it is a shell script written by my student, Aaron Rabach11:38
jelknersh is a program (a unix command)11:38
jelknerthat runs shell scripts11:38
jelkneri taught you that there were three parts to a unix command11:38
jelkner1. the command11:39
jelkner2. options11:39
jelkner3. arguments11:39
jelkneryou don't always have 2 and 311:39
jelknerbut in this case11:39
jelknersh is the command11:39
jelknerand is the argument11:40
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jelknerif you type ls11:40
jelknerand you don't see install_vim_fugitive_plugin.sh11:40
jelknerthen you are not in the same directory with that file11:40
jelknerand sh won't be able to find it11:40
jelknerwhen you click the link to download it, where does it go?11:41
jelknerfor that, you need to think about the file system11:41
jelkneranswer: it probably went into the Downloads directory of your home directory11:42
jelknerso you need to *change directory* (using cd) to be in that directory11:42
jelknerbefore you can run sh with as an argument11:42
jelknerdo you understand, jkoleah_?11:43
jelknerGood morning scooper 11:45
jelknerOps,. svaye ;-)11:45
jelknertab completion messed me up there11:45
jelkneri said good morning to scooper a long time ago11:45
svayeGood morning Jeff11:46
jelknerGood morning mulbah!11:48
svayeGood morning Jeff11:48
jelknerGood afternoon, Shallon.11:49
jelknerWait, you have 11 more minutes of morning11:49
jelknerSo good morning11:49
jelkneri have 4 more hours of morning11:49
svayeshould we submit our work11:56
jelknersvaye: the goal is for one of you (we don't need all of you, since you are supposed to be working together)11:57
mulbahFor the pass days i have been working on challenge 8 but form the meating yestday i was able to over come it and now i'm on challenge 9 but i promise next week i will over come enough challeng that i can and not forgeting i also read my vimtutor and pratics my unix command i understoodd that you can use x to delete the character under the cursor and dd to delete whole line and also use u to undo it. on my unix command i learn some basic command like 11:57
mulbahthe last, who, ps and whoami command. Thanks11:57
jelknerto upload your latest version of robots.py11:57
jelknerand to paste the link here11:57
jelknerso we can all see the code11:57
jelknerjkoleah_: the links where broken in the page i sent11:58
jelkneri just fixed them11:58
jelknernow you can download install_vim_fugitive_plugin.sh11:59
jelknerand dot_vimrc11:59
jelknertry it11:59
LittleWebstermulbah : jkoleah_ : jelkner : tboimah_ : scooper : sysadmin : svaye12:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!12:00
LittleWebsterIt's 12:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.12:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:12:00
LittleWebsterDiscuss ways to improve reliability of our Internet connection (added by jelkner)12:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!12:00
jelknerGood morning all!12:00
jelknerWe only have 1 item listed on our agenda12:00
jelknerthat's because i was planning on adding more when i met with tboimah_ on monday12:00
jelknerbut we couldn't meet12:00
jelknersince the internet wasn't working12:00
jelkneri talked with scooper earlier this morning12:01
jelkneryou should all look at the irc logs to see what we said12:01
jelknerso we addressed that item already12:01
janetHi jeff12:01
jelknerto sum up, and please, scooper, let me know if i say something you don't think is correct:12:02
jelkner1. we aren't going to try meetings during the week, since internet is not reliable12:02
jelkneri'll add here that we should use email during the week12:02
jelknersince it is asynchronous and does not depend on two ends having connectivity at the same time12:03
jelkner2. we will use saturdays for synchronous communication12:03
jelknerdo you understand what i am saying?12:04
jkoleah_but what if I have internet at home ,will I still meed to email you Jeff?12:04
dcammueGood morning Jeff.12:04
jelknerGood morning janet and dcammue 12:04
jelknerjkoleah_: i would be most happy to try an experiment with you12:05
jelknerduring the week12:05
jelknerif you have internet that you think is reliable12:05
jelknerhere is what you should do if you want to try to set that up:12:05
dcammueHow was your days through the week and how the family doing there?12:05
jelkner1. using email and/or Zulip, message me asking me if i am available and suggeting a few times we could meet12:06
jelknerremember, i am *very* busy during the week, so i need to look at my schedule and see if i can spare a few minutes12:06
jelknerthen, i'll write / message you back confirming a time12:06
jelknerwe should meet here so we get an automatic log which we can all use to study12:07
jelkneri would be most happy to do that12:07
jelknerwhat i don't want is to spend 45 minutes of my busy day trying to unsuccessfully to communicate12:07
jelknerit is both frustrating and a waste of valuable time to do that12:08
jelkneremail would be better in that case12:08
jkoleah_so I should firstly email you right?12:08
jelkneri want to get you all in the habit of using your nova web email anyway12:08
jelknerand checking it12:08
jelknera good email might read something like this:12:08
jelknerHi Jeff, Would you be available to meet with me tomorrow? I am available between 1 and 3 pm or 5 and 6 pm Monrovia time.12:09
jelknerLet me know if you can meet and I'll join you on irc.12:09
jelknerSincerely, Jallah12:10
jelknerthen i'll confirm, and we can meet12:10
jelkneror i might have to say i'm not available and propose another time12:10
jelknerok, the next thing i need is for you to be able to share your code12:11
jelknerwe want to learn to use git12:11
jelknerand to setup accounts on codeberg.org12:11
jelknerbut we should first use pastebin12:12
jkoleah_which code is that Jeff?12:12
jelknerjkoleah_: the long term goal is for you to become software developers, right?12:12
tboimah_jeff i have place the program on pestebin so how can i send it.12:12
jelknersoftware developers develop software ;-)12:12
jelknerso the code we will be sharing is the software we will be learning to develop12:13
jelkner"code" is another word for software12:13
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jelknertboimah_: cool12:13
jelknerlet me look back at that12:14
jelknerso you pasted your "code" in the "New Paste" input, yes?12:14
jelknerif you did, you simply click "Create New Paste"12:15
jelknerand you should get back a url you can share with us here12:15
jelknerwhich will let us all see your code12:15
jelknerso while we wait for tboimah_ to do that12:16
tboimah_yeah i when to create new paste and i put novaweb there 12:16
tboimah_dose it right12:17
jelknerthe Paste Name / Title should be something like "Robots Challenge 8"12:17
jelkneranyway, give us a link12:17
jelknerand we will be done with that task12:18
tboimah_after doing that what next?12:18
jelknerpaste the url here12:18
jelknerso we can click on it12:18
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tboimah_how can i paste it  here12:19
jelknerok, i just did a test12:20
jelkneri named it "Test for Thomas"12:20
sysadminI have just created an account on Pastebin so how can I share my work 12:20
jelknerafter i submitted it, i see it in the list of "My Pastes" in the upper right corner12:21
jelknerActually, it already had the url in the address bar of the browser12:21
jelkneri copy that12:22
jelknerand paste it here12:22
jelknercontrol-c to copy12:22
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jelknercontrol-v to paste12:22
jelknerOk, let's do this12:23
jelknerI have a lot of work to do today12:23
jelknerand i've been here with scooper since 6:15 am my time12:23
jelknerperfect, tboimah_!12:24
jelknerwhere is scooper?12:24
tboimah_he when out for something12:24
jelknerit is important that he hear (see actually ;-)12:24
jelknerwhat i am about to say (write, actually ;-)12:25
jelknerSpencer is doing all he can to help you all move forward12:25
jkoleah_Jef, i'm creating my account  on pastebin but it's telling me add website URL..12:25
jelknerincluding having you come in on Fridays12:25
scooperYes, Jeff12:26
jelkneryou can look in the logs to see what we discussed before you came12:26
dcammueJeff, I already did that last week so I have a pastebin account.12:26
jelknerbut i agree with scooper that attendance should be required12:26
jelknerin fact, it should be part of you receiving your pay12:26
jelknersince if you don't show up to work, you don't get paid for that day12:26
scooperI'm following you12:27
jelknerperhaps, scooper, you take the pay of the websters who don't show up on a given day12:27
jelknerand use that together to purchase things like internet credits12:27
jelkneri'll leave that all up to you12:28
jelknerbut we need to work together to move forward12:28
scoopergot you sir12:28
jelknerso, here is your assignment, due next Friday at the end of your session:12:28
jelknertogether you will decide who will share your latest version of robots.py12:29
jelkneryou will put it in pastebin, and paste the link here in our irc chat12:29
jelkneryou should also post questions you have about what to do next12:29
jelknerwhen i wake up *early* saturday morning, i'll look at the irc log, see your code and your questions12:30
jelknerand prepare our discussion of python for that day based on them12:30
jkoleah_Jeff, I've created my account on pastebin... 12:30
jelknerquestions about what i just wrote?12:31
jelknersince i don't see any questions, does that mean you all understand? (confirm with +1 if you do)12:32
jelkneryou're missing a 1, dcammue 12:33
scooperThomas will take the lead for now, because he is the President for the class12:33
scooperFailure on his part to deliver I will nominate another person12:33
jelknerthat's great, but we want a president who governs with the consent, and collaboration, of the governed12:33
scooperHope that serve you well12:34
jelknertboimah: do you understand the task?12:34
jelknerthen i am going to sign off and let you all get to work12:34
jelkneri'll see you next saturday, and am really looking forward to seeing tboimah's pastebin link before class starts12:35
jelknerso we can talk about Python again12:35
jelknersee you all next week!12:35
scooperPLease reply my mail12:35
scooperi send you JEFF12:35
jelknerscooper: which one12:36
jelknerabout the internet?12:36
jelkneri read it, but i don't know what you want me to say?12:36
scooperAbout UoPEOPLE12:36
jelkneroh, when did you send that?12:36
scooperYesterday SIr12:37
jelknerI see it now.12:37
jelknerWhy don't you send the interns off to work together, and you and i can work on that now?12:38
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scooperok, sir12:38
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jelknerdo you see the private message i just sent you?12:39
scooperin my email??12:39
jelknermy name should appear in the upper left corner of hexchat12:39
jelknerno, here?12:39
jelkneryou should see #OFCT12:40
jelknerand #novawebdev below that12:40
jelknerand jelkner below that12:40
jelknerif you click on jelkner12:40
jelkneryou'll see a different chat window12:40
jelknerwith just you and me in it12:40
jelknerask mulbah12:40
jelknerhe knows how to do that12:40
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jelknerACTION signs off for the day12:44
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