IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2022-10-08

*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)09:43
tboimahhello Mr. Elkner10:40
jelknerGood morning, Thomas.  Please call me "Jeff".10:41
jelkneri just looked, and don't see anything on the irc logs for yesterday10:41
tboimahokay if you say so.10:41
tboimahthat's what i above to send to you10:42
jelkneri thought your task was to post a link in pastebin10:42
jelkneri wanted time to run the most recent version of your robots.py10:43
jelknerto see how far you all got with the program10:43
tboimahbut scooper said that there will be no class i'm at my house now as i speaking with you10:44
jelknerno one told me10:44
tboimahhe said he is runing after some thing10:47
jelknerYou're Internet at home seems to be working.10:48
jelknerWhy don't you and I meet, and you can fill in everyone else?10:48
jelknerI really like having alternative plans anyway.10:49
jelknerIf this is going to work, we need to keep moving forward.10:49
jelknerWe only meet once a week.10:49
jelknerWe can't afford to loose weeks very often.10:49
tboimahyear i am using my phone to do something, then i just say let me the hexchart.10:49
jelknerok, never mind10:50
jelknerwe'll just skip this week10:50
tboimahbut you the link i have send you now.10:51
jelknerI see it10:51
jelknerthis will be a good place to start10:52
jelknerso we meet next saturday?10:52
tboimahbut if there anything we can do it and i will reach the information to the other.10:52
jelknercan you use your laptop?10:52
jelkneror only your phone10:52
tboimahi can use my laptop, never mind10:53
tboimahi am using my phone wifi.10:54
jelknerok, let me run the version of the program you sent me10:54
jelknerseems to work ok10:54
tboimahokay i am waiting sir.10:54
jelknerok, the code you shared with me does make the robot move, but not in the way the sheet describes (see
jelknerthe idea is that the robot gets a message to move (the function move_robot() is called), and the robot moves *toward the player*, not in response to key presses11:01
jelkneri can show everyone that next time we meet11:01
jelkneror you can try to figure it out during this week11:01
jelknerare we meeting next week?11:02
jelknerok, we'll talk then11:02
jelkneremail me if you have questions11:03
jelkneri'll send an email to scooper and everyone in a few minutes11:03
tboimahokay i will do that11:03
jelknersee you next week11:03
tboimahokay have a nice day11:04
jelkneryou too11:04
LittleWebsterjelkner : tboimah12:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!12:00
LittleWebsterIt's 12:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.12:00
LittleWebsterUh-oh! That is embarassing...12:00
LittleWebsterUnfortunately, there are no items on the agenda!12:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!12:00
jelknertboimah: check your email.12:06
jelkneri just sent an email to the group12:06
jelknerplease let them know, so they can read it12:06
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jelknerACTION signs off12:19
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:19
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:50

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