IRC log of #novawebdev for Monday, 2022-10-10

scooperGood morning Mr. Elkner11:26
scooperI'm here awaiting for the meetiing to proceed as you requested via email.....11:28
jelknerGood morning scooper~11:30
jelknerOr should I say Mr. Cooper, since we're doing the Mr. thing ;-)11:30
scooperhahaha no jeff11:31
scooperjust something that is use to me 11:31
jelknerLoL, I understand11:31
scooperespecially when referring to a older person11:31
jelknerand i certainly am old, but like i told you, i'm not dead yet!11:32
jelknerok, i wanted to get together to answer any questions i could about the changes in nova web development.11:32
scooperUnderstand, so what are our discussion for today 11:32
jelknerwell, let's start with any questions you have about what i already wrote11:33
jelknerbasically, the full time members of the co-op need to move on11:33
scooperPlease share with me, I do believe I can use that to double up my effort is not effort...11:33
jelkneryou and i talked about this when i was there11:33
jelknerit does not come as a surprise11:34
scoopergot you11:34
jelknerwe've been talking about it for about a year11:34
jelknerwe made the decision that when they went to Django Con in Portugal together, if they didn't find work for the co-op, they would need to take other jobs.11:34
jelknerthey didn't find work, so that's what they are going to do11:35
jelknerwe have begun meeting already to plan the transition11:35
jelknerthe first question was: should we close the business, or try to keep it going?11:35
scooperClosing is not appropriate Jeff11:36
jelkneri didn't want to close it, scooper 11:36
jelknerbut keeping it open means i have to step back in and take responsibility for our current customers11:36
jelkneri am already overextended, doing too much for an old man.11:37
jelknerbut i met with my very talented and eager capstone students for this year: Antonio, Dafni, and Luke11:37
jelknerthey want to try to step up and take on the challenge11:37
jelknerthey can build their resumes11:38
jelknerand earn some money11:38
jelknerlike i said to you when i was in monrovia, my long term hope is that we can train a group there to be able to do paid work11:38
jelknerthat's why i was a bit frustrated with the lack of attendance last saturday11:39
jelknerand the overall very slow pace of progress11:39
scooperJeff, I can help with the font end, right I'm not that solid to take up the backend side......11:39
jelkneryes, integrating you into that will be our first goal11:40
scooperI understand Jeff, sine you left I continues to have sleepless night include to make this a success....11:40
jelknerbut you need to learn at least enough Django to be able to manage Django templates11:40
jelkneranyway, it will be a process over the next few years11:41
jelknerso i have a group of students in my web class who say they want to learn Django11:41
jelknerYou can see them in Period 1A: Avery, Julian, Joseph, and Ana.11:42
jelknerDafni is in that class too11:42
jelknerSo my plan is to have them take on supporting the MCSS website as their project for the year11:43
jelknersince MCSS has no budget for this, we need to find students who can do it for academic credit11:43
jelkneri meet with the three capstone students each Thursday from 3 to 7 pm my time (7 to 11 pm your time)11:44
jelkneradrian has kindly offered to help mentor them11:44
jelknerhe will meet with them to answer any Django questions they have11:45
scooperI will be part of that section every Thursday Jeff, please include me...11:45
jelknerbut they will be responsible for helping you11:45
jelkneri figured that was too late for you, but you are totally welcome11:45
jelknerit would be great to have you there at least some of the time11:46
jelknerthis thursday i'll get them all on this irc channel11:46
jelknerwe need to make communication easy11:46
jelknerand effective11:46
scooperI know but to maintain this I must make some sacrifices jeff11:46
jelkneryou also need to be a good dad and take care of your children and support their mother.11:47
jelknerso let's seek balance11:47
scooperMy wife understand already11:48
jelkneranyway, i want to talk about the interns11:48
jelknerwhat is holding things up?11:48
jelkneri keep hoping a few leaders will emerge11:48
scooperOnce I m home doing my work she has no problem with it, because it's for the betterment of them alll11:48
jelknerJallah was messaging me on his own initiative11:48
jelknerbut now that stopped11:48
jelknerhe didn't even some on saturday11:48
jelkneronly Thomas came11:49
jelknerand no messages during the week11:49
jelknerit is frustrating to me, as you can imagine11:49
scooperI'm sure because I was not around to put pressure on them11:49
jelknerbut that's what we need to fix11:50
jelknera cooperative is all about shared ownership11:50
jelknerand shared initiative11:50
jelknerthe secret to our success will be the resilience i mentioned in my email11:50
jelknerif jeff or spencer get sick, need to do something important in their personal lives, or can't be there for any reason11:51
jelknerno problem11:51
jelknersomeone else will step up and make things happen11:51
jelknerwe absolutely need to get to that situation11:51
jelkneror we are wasting our time11:51
jelkneri really want to meet with Jallah and Freena11:52
jelknerthey graduated11:52
scooperJeff, everytime I encourage them to engage in self learning...... But this is Africa if them need constant pressure I will continue to remind them all11:53
jelknerif they are serious about this, now is the time for them to take initiative11:53
jelknerask Jallah and Freena to email me: jeff.elkner@novawebdevelopment.org11:54
jelknerfrom their nova web email addresses11:54
scooperbecause they are less engage 11:54
jelknerno, because they are the graduates11:54
jelkneri assume they are now looking to make this a real job11:55
jelknerand to figure out how they will continue with their education11:55
scooperwe are speaking in the  same direction jeff11:55
jelknerso, to sum up:11:55
jelkner1. you will try to join us on irc this thursday at 7 pm your time11:55
scooperless engage mean they don't have active academic work doing11:56
jelkner2. you will ask jallah and freena to email me11:56
jelkneron the last point, let's make it a 4 way conversation11:56
jelknerto teach them how to use email effectively11:56
jelknerso, for example, when freena or jallah email me, they should cc you and the other intern11:57
scooperI think I have done that before, But I will go over it again11:57
jelknerso we will have a discussion among the 4 of us11:57
jelknermy immediate goal is to get them to use pastebin11:58
jelknerso we can talk about Python code11:58
jelknerand then, when they are ready, to setup git11:58
jelknerthey will need that to share code with the folks here11:58
jelknerthat's how we do it11:58
jelkneroh, my dear friend, before we leave, i have one more favor to ask you11:59
scooperI m listening jeff12:00
jelknerplease try to get some sleep! ;-)12:00
jelknerwe need you rested, not sleepless12:00
jelknerwe'll be fine12:00
scooperJeff a lot need to be learn12:00
jelknerwe're going to keep going forward together12:00
scooperHOw will I sleep12:00
jelkneryou learn better when you're rested12:01
jelkneri try to teach that to my students12:01
scooperMCSS work and the employees 12:01
jelknerok, i need to get to work here for APS stuff12:01
jelknerit was great chatting with you12:01
jelknersee you on thursday12:01
scooperkeep cominng for simple thing jeff, So I have to deliver to impress my Boss12:01
scooperThanks Jeff,12:01
jelknersee if you can get jallah and freena to send that email over the next few days12:02
jelknerok, my friend, i'm signing off...12:02
scooperI will jeff, me too12:02
jelknerACTION signs off12:02
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:02
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:02

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