IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2022-10-22

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mulbahGood morning jeff11:49
jelknerGood morning fkoikoi, janet, mulbah, tboimah, and scooper 11:49
tboimahI'm fine and you.11:49
mulbahHow are you doing this morning11:49
fkoikoiGood morning Jeff11:49
jelkneri doing well.  just finished my first face ;-)11:50
janetGood morning jeff11:50
jelkneri did that backwards, tboimah 11:52
jelkneri should have wrote: s/i/i'm11:52
jelknerit means "substitute for "i", "i'm"11:52
jelknersince i wrote "i doing well"11:53
jelknerand should have wrote "i'm doing well"11:53
jelknervim supports substitutions very well11:54
jelknerbut you need to learn a pattern matching language called "regular expressions"11:55
dcammueGood morning Jeff, how are you and the family?11:56
jelkneri'm well, dcammue, how about you?11:56
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dcammueI'm doing great.11:57
jelknerglad to hear that11:57
jallahGood morning Jeff, how are you doing this morning ?12:01
jelkneri'm well, jallah 12:01
jelknerbut i'm wondering why LittleWebster didn't print our meeting agenda12:01
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:02
LittleWebsterDiscuss HTML/CSS vs. Python study plan. (added by jelkner)12:02
jelkneri wonder if the clock is off12:02
jelkneri'll have to check that with adrian on thursday12:02
jelkneranyway, good afternoon dear friends in monrovia!12:02
jelknerlet's get started12:02
jelknerscooper: are you here with us?12:03
dcammueI missed your conversation yesterday Jeff. I came when you have already left. but I got the information from Thomas.12:03
jelkneris spencer there?12:03
scooperI m here Jeff12:03
scooperbut printing some documents12:03
jelknerscooper, you are very important to this disucssion12:04
jelknerso we should continue when you are available to participate12:04
jelknerwe need to develop a plan together12:04
jelknerthat's our only agenda item for today12:04
jelknerbut once we have a plan, we can talk about the next steps you should take this coming week12:05
jelknerwhat is your scheduled now?  when do you all meet?12:05
scooperI m here now Jeff12:06
jelknerso please answer my first question12:06
scooperI m was multi tasking 12:06
jelknerLoL, humans don't actually multi-task well, scooper 12:06
scooperwhat is it??12:06
jelknerthe research confirms that12:06
scooperI know12:06
scooperUoP said i12:06
jelknermy first question is: when do you all meet during the week now? what is your schedule?12:07
svayeWe meet every Tuesday and Friday12:07
jelknerfrom when to when?12:07
jelknerwhat times?12:07
scooper4:00 t0 5:3012:07
jelkner12 to 1:30 pm my time12:07
jelkneri have class during that time, but that's fine12:08
scooperDone for my family need me too12:08
jelknerok, let me frame the question i want to address today, which is:12:08
scooperso is seeming late for me but I will continue to make it up to you Jeff12:09
jelknershould we switch our short term learning objectives to something more effective for us?12:09
jelkneri am realizing that the python study is not going well12:09
jelkneri can tell from answers to the questions that i asked12:10
jelknerso let me repeat something i talked about a lot when i was with you last summer12:10
jelknerhere are the skills we will need to do web development:12:11
jelkner1. keyboarding12:11
jelkner2. effective use of computer (unix cli)12:11
jelkner3. power use of a text editor (we are learning vim)12:11
jelkner4. html / css12:12
jelkner5. JavaScript12:12
jelkner6. Python12:12
jelknerand I could through in with that:12:12
jelkner7. some unix system administration and networking12:12
jelknerso we need a plan that you all can follow that will:12:13
jelkner1. make you feel encouraged with your progress12:13
jelkner2. allow you to move along the learning path i just described12:13
jelknerscooper, this is where you come in12:13
jelkneri'm thinking that we should switch focus to html / css, since that is something you know.12:14
jelknerit will allow you to better help folks during your tuesday and friday meetings12:14
jelknerwhat do you think?12:15
scooperI will try base on some condition JEff12:15
jelknertell me more12:15
scooperI got a lot doing right now, UoP, MCSS Novaweb and family matter12:16
jelkneri thought the supe just said he got you a new assistant12:16
scooperFirst condition12:16
scooperWe will commence class sharp 4-5:0012:17
scooperI will only assist for 45 minutes and do assessment12:17
scooperfor 15 minutes..... because I have to leave and wake up by 3:am to focus on myself as well Jeff12:18
jelknerscooper, you are raising some *very* important concerns12:18
scooperWhat you input???12:18
jelknerjallah, fkoikoi, i need to find leaders among you who can help move us forward12:19
jelknerit can't fall on scooper 12:19
jelknerhe is over extended already12:19
jelknerand doing more than is reasonable to ask12:19
jelkneri mention fkoikoi and jallah, since you graduated high school12:19
jelknerand i assume are here because you want to continue learning in the IT field12:20
scooperThe guys is not a programmer Jeff12:20
jelknerscooper and jelkner need you two to step up!12:20
scoopersorry guy12:20
jelkneri can answer questions about html and css12:20
jelknerwhat i need is to receive them12:20
jelknertboimah did a great job last week starting with that process12:21
jelknerit was *very* helpful12:21
jelknerwithout his email with answers to my questions (the only way I can assess your understanding from here), i would not know where you are12:21
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jelknerand i can't plan effectively if i don't know what you are getting and what you are not12:22
jelknerthis is remote learning12:22
jelkneri want to be able to assign discrete, doable tasks12:22
jelknerand have you do them12:22
jelknerthen i can look at the results, and judge what tasks to assign next12:23
jelknerso i have some resources we could use for html12:23
jelknerthe project would involve each of you making your own personal web page12:24
jelkneri would use that to evaluate your progress12:24
scooperJeff are we do???12:24
jelknerscooper, i don't understand?12:24
scooperWe were discussing 12:24
scooperBut didn't conclude yet12:25
jelknergood point, scooper 12:25
jelknermy apologies12:25
jelknerplease continue12:25
scooperif you want me serve as study class teacher for html and css12:26
scooperthey have to be in before 4:0- and end 512:26
scooperbefore of my distance now12:27
scooperbecause of my distance now Jeff12:27
scooperI they willing to abide by those guideline?12:28
jelknerscooper, are you looking for a reply from me here, or are you asking the interns?12:29
jelknerinterns, what do you all think?12:36
jelkneri need to hear from you12:36
jelknercan we start with our graduates?  fkoikoi, jallah, what do you think?12:36
scooperI m asking them all???12:36
dcammue+1! we are willing Scooper12:37
jelknerwell, at least i know daniel is willing!12:38
fkoikoiyes, we are willing to abide by the guideline 12:38
tboimah+1 i'm willing.12:38
jelknergreat, tboimah12:38
jelknerand fkoikoi 12:38
jelknerbut i want to know more12:38
jelknernot just "are you willing""12:38
janet+1 is okay with me12:38
svaye+1 I am willing12:38
jelknerbut "what do you want?"12:38
jelknerthat's why i started with the two graduates12:39
jelkneryou're out of high school now12:39
jelknerwhat are you plans, and how do you see this fitting into them?12:39
mulbah+1 jeff it is cool12:39
tboimahwhat you means by what do you want jeff?12:40
jelknerwell, why don't you try asking me the same question and see how i respond, tboimah?12:40
jelknerthat might give you an idea12:40
jelknerask me, mulbah12:41
jelknertype out the question so i can understand it12:42
tboimahwhat do you think jeff?12:42
jelknerwhat do i think, or what do i want, tboimah?12:42
jelknerwhat do i think about what?12:43
tboimahsorry what do you want?12:43
jelknerahh, ok12:43
jelkneri have big dreams12:43
jelkneri want to do something that helps make the world a more just and equitable place12:43
jelkneri hate inequality, injustice, exploitation, and oppression12:44
jelknerso i want to use my life to try to make it better in whatever small ways i can12:44
tboimahthat nice to year12:44
jelknerfor myself, my children, my friends and neighbors, and all god's children12:44
jelknerthat's what i want12:44
jelknernow, more specifically, what do i want from our work together here?12:45
jelkneri'll answer that too.12:45
jelkneri want to help my friend the Superintendent develop an ICT program in MCSS that can help the country of Liberia develop cadre with the ICT skills needed12:46
jelknerto move the country forward12:46
jelkneri want to start with a small group of hard working, dedicated students, and train them to be leaders in this field12:46
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:47
jelkneri also want to see if economic partnerships are possible between Liberia and cooperators in the US that can be mutually beneficial12:47
jelkneri could go on and on12:47
jelknerand talk about what i want all day long12:48
jelknersince i think about it a lot12:48
jelknerdoes that give you and idea what i'm asking?12:48
scooperYes Jeff12:48
jelknerwhat inspires you to be here? what makes you want to show up each week?12:48
scooperI want you drean to be visualize 12:48
scooperthat is my main objective for now12:48
mulbahit is a good idea12:49
jelknerbut scooper, it isn't democracy unless my dream changes to become our dream in the context of what we are doing here together12:49
jelknerwhat i mean is, we need to learn from each other12:49
jelknerand develop our plans together12:49
jelknerthat's why over time i need to understand what motives each of you12:49
jelkneri wanted to start with the graduates12:50
jelknersince they are at a point in their lives now where they need to think about what they do after high school12:50
jelknerok, unless anyone has more to say on this topic for now, we need to refocus on the concrete tasks for next week12:51
jelknerwe won't get anywhere unless we can continue to develop real skills12:51
jelknerok, scooper 12:52
jelknerdo you want me to suggest curriculum materials?12:53
scooperYes Jeff let me follow you teaching stuff12:53
scooperto be on path with you12:53
jelknerone more practical question:12:54
jelknerhow is the bandwidth?12:54
jelknerlet me post a link and see if it loads for you:12:55
scooperHere, ou mean right now?12:55
jelknerHere is a link to the student pages in my class this year:
jelknerThey all have accounts on github12:56
jelknerwhere they host their websites12:56
jallahshould we put in our email or we should sign up?12:56
jelknerjallah, you should use a personal email address for your github account12:57
jelknersince it will be *your* website12:57
jelkneri forgot to mention git12:57
jelkneron our list of skills12:57
jelknerso we don't really need the github account yet12:58
scooperthe link you send led me into my personal gihub account Jeff12:58
jelknersince we don't know git12:58
svayecan we sign up12:58
jelknerLoL, that's because your browser remembers, svaye 12:58
jelknerscooper: 12:58
jelkneranyway, let's not get distracted with the github account12:59
jelknerwe're not ready for it yet, since we don't know git12:59
jelknerscooper, it might make more sense for us at this point to use a shell account13:00
svayewhat do you mean by my browser remembers 13:00
jelknersorry, svaye 13:00
jallahwhat is a shell account Jeff ?13:01
jelknerthat was a tab completion mistake13:01
jelknerjallah a "shell account" is what i showed you in class13:01
jelknerwhere you use ssh to log in to a remote machine13:01
jelkneri could setup a server in germany next week13:01
jelknerwith the domain: students.mcssliberia.org13:02
jelknerand give you all accounts on it13:02
jelkneryou could ssh in13:02
jelknerand put your websites there13:02
jelkneri think that would be our best plan for this stage13:02
jelkner*later*, when both your unix and your html / css skills are better, you can move your websites to github13:03
jelknerthat should be our plan13:03
scoopergot you13:03
jelknerso, scooper 13:03
scooperI you leaving now13:03
jelknerhere's what we'll do this week13:03
jelknerhold on for 2 minutes13:03
jelknerso we can make our plan13:03
jelknerand then both leave13:04
jelknerstudents: you will begin reading and working with lesson 1 here:
scooperwhat text editor do unix use to teach html and css?? for window is notepad ++ for beginner13:04
jelknerscooper: you will use tuesday and friday to help them13:04
jelknerjelkner: you will get a server on thursday for student shell accounts13:05
jelknerwe will check in next saturday and see where we are13:05
jelknerjallah and fkoikoi: you will send me an email during the week with your dreams and plans13:05
scooperTalking to me Jeff????13:05
jelknerto everyone, scooper, including you13:06
jelknerany questions before i let you all get to work?13:06
mulbahjeff my nova web email is still giving me problem13:07
fkoikoiyes concerning the email13:07
jelknermulbah: we need to ask adrian or aaron about that13:07
jelkneryou can send an email from your personal email address describing the problem13:08
fkoikoiI don't have a nova web email so how will I sent you an email13:08
jelkneri'll paste their email addresses here13:08
jelkneryou do, fkoikoi, but you can start using your personal email13:08
jelkneri can help you with the nova web email once we get writing to each other13:09
mulbahi try it but no response13:09
jelknermulbah: what do you mean?13:10
jelkneranother skill i need to teach you is how to use email effectively13:10
jelknerit is more about good communication than it is about tech, but it includes both13:11
jelkneryou should email adrian, and cc aaron and me13:11
mulbahi can not long in to my email13:11
jelknerso, mulbah, do you have a gmail account?13:11
jelkneruse that for now, then13:12
jelkneri can reset your password and send it to you if that is the issue13:12
jelknerbut you can email from your gmail to my novawebdevelopment email, and include adrian and aaron13:12
jelknerwith cc13:12
jelknerother questions?13:13
jallahJeff, is it my personal email that I'm gonna email you on or what ?13:14
jelknerjallah use whatever works, for now13:14
dcammueI did something like that the other day, I don't konw if your saw it.13:14
dcammueon goole13:15
jallahwhat was that?13:15
jelknerdcammue: i just replied to your email13:18
dcammueis all about my novaweb account13:18
jelknerremember everyone, email is for longer, more detailed messages that require thought13:19
jelknerit isn't chat13:19
jelknerso don't send an email saying, "Hi"13:19
jelkneri get too many emails13:19
jelkneronly send an email with communications that require time and thought13:19
jelknerotherwise, chat is better13:20
jelknerok, anything else?13:20
jelkneri want you to have time to start looking at html13:20
jelknerlast call for questions before i sign off...13:21
scoopergot you jeff13:21
mulbahso soon jeff13:22
jelknerokie dokie, everyone, have a great week and see you next saturday13:22
jelknerACTION signs off for the day...13:22
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scooperWe will start tuesday but will not assist on friday because this coming week is my final exam week at UoPeople, I need a little time to study Jeff, would that be ok for us????13:24
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*** janet has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:58
*** jallah has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:58
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:14

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