IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2022-10-27

mulbahHow are you doing18:52
abuchholz1I’m good, how are you?18:53
mulbahi'm good too18:54
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scooperPlease check your email Adrian, I just send you the pictures 19:18
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abuchholz1You don’t need that much. Yeah could do Level 9, you need about 4GB of ram, the email server only requires 2 and the website is like less than 1GB19:20
abuchholz1You don’t need that much. Yeah could do Level 9, you need about 4GB of ram, the email server only requires 2 and the website is like less than 1GB. Reposting because you just joined19:21
abuchholz1Anyway I’m going to sign off and if Jeff joins I’ll join back 19:22
abuchholz1scooper I’ll send you an email with my recommendations for server specs 19:23
scooperOk Adrian but please take to consideration that the MCSS Site will expand in the near future.....19:24
abuchholz1It should be easy to upgrade later. You can just click a button to change specs.19:26
scooperGot you19:26
inanahello everyone!19:27
inanawhere's Jeff?19:27
scooperHello inanan19:27
inanaAnyone knows?19:27
abuchholz1No idea. Maybe he forgot.19:27
inanaI dont think he forgot19:28
abuchholz1To answer the other question I’m doing well, how about you?19:28
inanais weird tbh19:28
inanaGood to read that abuchholz1 19:28
inanaDoing ok, abuchholz1 19:28
abuchholz1Yeah. I sadly have plans so I’m not sure how much longer I can stick around 19:28
inanaI see19:29
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!19:29
inanaagenda empty as well19:29
inanaweird coming from Jeff, right abuchholz1 ?19:30
inanaMaybe he just got stuck with something urgent19:30
scooperinna can you please be patient for a while Jeff will soon come in19:30
inanaokay scooper 19:30
*** abuchholz1 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)19:32
scooperinana can you place a call to Jeff as a reminder19:32
inanasure I can try19:32
scooperI will appreciate that19:32
inanacalling him now19:33
scoopergot you19:33
inanatrying again abuchholz1 19:35
inanascooper: *19:35
abuchholz1I sent him a message on Zulip. 19:35
scooperIm still relying on your feedback19:35
abuchholz1Haven’t tried calling him but I’m walking to my thing atm.19:36
scooperis he active on Zulip Adrian???19:36
abuchholz1scooper what other questions do you have?19:36
inananope it says away19:36
abuchholz1He is away on Zulip so not sure 19:36
scooperAs it relate to today discussion all about the server????19:37
abuchholz1I gave you my opinion on resources. You can upgrade them later if need be. Ultimately, the ball is in your court to create the account, create the server, hook up the bank details, and give Aaron access19:39
inanaThere he is19:40
jelknerSorry for the delay everyone19:40
jelknerWe had a fire drill19:40
scooperOk oh... I was actually awaiting your approval before proceeding in the act of purchasing the server19:40
jelknerI didn't know about it.19:40
jelknerWe had to leave the building.19:40
jelknerAnyway, I'm here now.19:40
inana:) jelkner 19:40
scooperWelcome Jeff19:40
abuchholz1Well you have my approval scooper, but I’m not the main person in charge. 19:40
jelknerSo now that abuchholz1 has approved everything, we're done here, right?19:42
scooperSo, that mean MCSS can go ahead and purchase the server now because it has been confirm from the expert himself19:42
jelknerDo ya'll want me to read the logs to find out what i missed?19:43
scooperOk tomorrow when it done I will let you know Adrian19:43
jelknerWe need MCSS to get a server19:43
jelknerand we need to then work with scooper to migrate the services19:43
abuchholz1Yep, that’s what we have been discussing Jelkner. I believe we have everything figured out and now scooper just needs to set the account up19:43
jelknerscooper emailed me19:43
scooperI send you a mail Jeff, asking for your view before purchaisng the server19:44
jelknerscooper, another email? or the one i already responded to?19:44
scooperI send Mr. Zawolo mail today and cc you in it19:45
jelknergot it19:45
jelknerso let's see what he says19:45
scooperYou mean the supe???19:45
jelknerwe need MCSS to purchase this, or we will have nowhere to host19:46
jelknerscooper, i purchased my own hetnzer server19:46
jelknerand already pointed to it19:46
jelknerwe will use that as the server where students will host their websites19:46
jelknerwhat is next on our agenda?19:47
jelknerscooper, we'll talk about that on saturday19:47
abuchholz1Not sure we had anything else 19:47
inanathere's no items19:47
jelknerinana, you and johanna and i are meeting at 4:30 pm19:47
scooperThe supe promise that tomorrow will be a done deal, he will provide all neccessary fund needed to on carry this exercise....19:47
jelknerso i don't mean that19:47
inanaI thought it was at 3:30 jelkner 19:48
jelknernope, johanna gets off of work at 4:00 pm19:48
jelknershe hopes to arrive here at 4:30 pm19:48
jelknershe is usually a few minutes late19:48
inanashe said 3:30 maybe,she didnt noticed19:48
jelknerhold on, inana, let me finish with abuchholz1 and scooper 19:49
jelknerscooper, that is great news!19:49
scooperAdrian recommend that Level 9 will be ok for MCSS later when we expand we call upgrade to another option19:49
jelknerabuchholz1, we need to get aaron taking over the support from you19:49
jelknerhe wants to run both mail and web on same machine19:50
jelknerbut i'll run that by matt gallagher this evening to see what he thinks19:50
jelkneranything else abuchholz1 or scooper?19:50
abuchholz1Don’t think so, and that sounds good jelkner19:51
jelknerwe are making steady progress19:51
jelknerthis is good19:51
jelknerscooper i'm looking forward to saturday19:51
jelknerwe can get everyone to log into the shell server19:51
scooperFor now anything yet... an19:51
scooperany other questions I will email you Jeff19:52
jelknerokie dokie19:52
jelkneruntil next thursday then19:52
scooperConsider it done Jeff19:52
abuchholz1Sounds good. Goodbye, enjoy the rest of your day everyone!19:52
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jelknerabuchholz1, antonio and luke have college apps19:52
jelkneri missed him19:52
scooperCan I go rest and now Jeff19:53
inanai was about to say bye too19:53
jelknergo rest scooper 19:53
inanabut he left19:53
jelknerno inana 19:53
jelknernot you19:53
inanaadrian right?19:53
jelknerscooper, see you saturday19:53
scooperThanks Jeff it's always nice working with you Mr. Elker. P19:53
jelknerYou too, Mr. Cooper19:54
inanaI mean, to him.... I was about to say good bye to him jelkner 19:54
jelknergot it19:54
jelknerok inna19:54
scooperI'm doing my final test this comming saturday after  our saturday activities and also doing python this coming term19:54
jelknerAwesome, scooper 19:54
jelkneri can help you with python you know19:54
scooperI got you19:55
jelknerso we should plan that for saturdays too19:55
jelknerscooper, one last thing19:55
jelknerwe need to talk about our resources again this saturday19:55
jelkneri'll wait until we have the interns here19:56
scooperI wanted you to be my proctor but the distance can permit it19:56
jelknerbut i wanted to give you "heads up"19:56
scooperI'm listening 19:56
jelkner? can, or can not?19:56
jelkneri'm confused19:56
scooperWhat it's Jeff19:56
jelknerwhat would i need to do to proctor?19:56
scooperNo not now19:57
jelknerok, let's talk saturday19:57
inanaWhat's a proctor, btw? jelkner 19:57
jelknergot get some rest, my friend!19:57
scooperYes I'm listening to saturday discussion 19:57
scooperLet talk Jeff19:57
jelknerinana, some of the classes at UoPeople require a proctor19:57
jelkneri'm not sure how it works19:57
jelknerbut Zonny told me about it19:57
inanaI mean, I need to google the word19:58
inanacause I havent hear it before19:58
jelkneroh, a proctor is someone who monitors a test19:58
jelknerwatches to make sure the testing conditions have been complied with19:58
inanaI see19:59
inanaThanks for sharing20:00
scooperJeff and Inana I think I'm leaving you now20:00
jelknerBye scooper 20:00
scooperit 8:00pm on my end20:00
jelkneryes, my friend, go! ;-)20:01
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)20:01
jelknerinana, we should move to NOVALACIRO Zulip now20:01
jelknersince the NOVALACIRO folks will want access to our conversation20:01
inanajeff, I need to be away 15 mins20:01
inanaand I'll be back20:02
jelknersure, we can log off here20:02
inanaI dont have NOVALACIROS BBB20:02
jelknerbut you are in the zulip20:02
jelknerso i'll look for you there20:02
jelknerhasta 15 minutos entonces20:02
jelknerACTION logs off20:02
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