IRC log of #novawebdev for Monday, 2022-11-28

*** LittleWebster has joined #novawebdev04:27
jelknerGood day, scooper and jkoleah 11:58
jelkneris fkoikoi there?11:58
jkoleahgood morning Jeff11:58
jelknerI only have 10 minutes, but I'd like to do this each day11:58
jelknerjkoleah, is Freena there?11:58
scooperGOod morning JEff11:58
jelknerok, let's move on without her then.11:59
jelkneri want to get the two of you sshing into our shell server in Germany11:59
jelknerthere we go, great!12:00
fkoikoiHi Jeff12:00
jelknerok, scooper, have you sshed into that machine yet?12:01
jelknerremember, i only have 10 minutes12:01
jelknerthis needs to move *fast*!12:01
jelkneryes or no?12:01
jelknerjkoleah, i'll message you, since we aren't hearing from scooper 12:02
jkoleahI m here jeff12:03
jkoleahbut my computer just froze12:03
jelknerdo you see my private message?12:03
jkoleahI have not yet ssh in to those computer12:03
*** scooper has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:03
jelknerok i just messaged fkoikoi with the password12:04
jkoleahwhich password Jeff?12:04
jelknerfkoikoi and jkoleah, please try the following command:12:05
scooperI m here now Jeff12:05
jelknerssh students.mcssliberia.org12:05
jelknerscooper, have you sshed into our shell server in Germany yet?12:05
scooperno Jeff12:05
jelkneri only have 5 minutes now12:06
jelknerand i'm hoping the three of you can do that in the next 5 minutes12:06
scooperOk waiting for your instruction 12:06
jelkneri just gave the instructions12:06
jelkneryou should run:12:06
jelknerssh students.mcssliberia.org12:06
scooperI m not seeming any instruction here Jeff12:07
jelkneri just typed it12:07
jelknerYOU SHOULD RUN:12:07
scooperin the cli??12:07
jelknerssh students.mcssliberia.org12:07
jkoleahI got that Jeff12:07
jelknerof course, my dear friend12:07
jelknereverything i do is in the cli ;-)12:07
jelknerthat's the way things should be done! ;-)12:08
jelknerso, if you have a different user name on your local computer, you will need to write that too12:08
jelknerfor example, Freena would need to run:12:08
scooperI m being ask for password12:08
jelkneryes, scooper, i have fkoikoi the password12:08
jelknerfkoikoi would run:12:09
jelknerssh fkoikoi@students.mcssliberia.org12:09
jelknerok, i've got to go.12:09
jelkneri have to get ready to teach12:09
jelknerbut we can meet tomorrow at the same time12:10
scooperI you asking me to use fkoikokoi to login 12:10
jelkner*NO*, scooper 12:10
jelknerI'm asking fkoikoi to use fkoikoi 12:10
jelknerand scooper to use scooper 12:10
scooperGOt you12:10
jelknerand jkoleah to use jkoleah 12:10
jelknerall 3 of you have accounts on that server12:10
jelkneri made the password the same12:10
jelknerbut i want you to change it12:11
jelknerthe command to change your password is:12:11
jkoleahIs it the password that you give freena?12:11
jelknerthat will ask you for your current password, and you new password twice12:11
jelknerplease each of you change your passwords12:11
jelknerthis is a public server12:11
jelknerwe need to try to keep it secure12:11
scooperJallah and I m done have a password yet can freena please share with us12:12
jelkneris fkoikoi there with you?12:12
jelknerok, let me past it for jkoleah 12:12
fkoikoiI already send you the password12:12
fkoikoito Jallah a12:13
scooperShould I check my private message for it12:13
fkoikoiand you too spencer12:13
jelknerok, my friends, i need to go.12:13
jelknerToday please:12:13
jelkner1. change you password on the server12:13
jelkner2. practice logging into the server12:13
jelkner3. practice your unix cli and vim skills12:14
jelknertomorrow we can talk more about how we will use the server to work together12:14
jelknersee you tomorrow12:14
jelknerACTION logs off to go to work12:14
fkoikoialright Jeff12:14
scooperWhat about this evening your time12:14
jelknerscooper, i got to go12:15
jelknerwe can setup evening time on thursday12:15
scooperOk Jeff12:15
jelknerbut that will be late for you12:15
jelknerfor now, let's do this 12 noon your time each day12:15
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:15
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:18
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:37
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:04
*** jkoleah has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:15
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:38
*** jkoleah has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:58
*** scooper has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:35

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