IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2022-12-03

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LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!12:49
jelkner!add Tell folks to get started with Head First HTML and CSS.12:50
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Tell folks to get started with Head First HTML and CSS." has been added to the agenda.12:50
dcammue_Good morning Jeff12:52
jelkner!add Talk about holiday schedule12:52
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Talk about holiday schedule" has been added to the agenda.12:52
jelknerGood morning12:52
janetGood morning jeff12:52
mulbahGood morning jeff12:52
dcammue_how are you and the family12:52
jelknerEveryone is doing well, dcammue_ 12:53
jelknerI hope you are too.12:53
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff12:53
dcammue_that's great to hear.12:53
jelknerGood morning fkoikoi and janet 12:53
jelknerand mulbah 12:53
dcammue_so so good Jeff12:53
fkoikoiHow are you Jeff?12:54
jelknerI'm busy, fkoikoi, like always12:55
jelknerSince I'm trying to to many, many things12:55
jelknerand only have limited time.12:55
fkoikoiThat's good, you really inspired me alot 12:56
jelknerfkoikoi, during the week this week, we really need to figure out how to get you and jallah logged into the shell server12:57
jelkneri'm confused and a bit frustrated with all the trouble we are having12:57
jelknerthehedgeh0g and toby will be able to help us figure that out i hope12:57
fkoikoialright 12:59
jelknerat the same time fkoikoi, i want to ask you and jallah to practice setting up accounts for yourselves on all the machines in the lab13:00
tboimahGood morning Jeff13:00
jelkneri want you to tell me that you can ssh into each machine in the lab13:00
jelknercan you do that this week, fkoikoi?13:00
fkoikoiJallah and I can work together 13:01
jelknerOK, let's get started everyone13:01
jelknerLittleWebster didn't print the agenda13:01
jelkneri'll have to look into why it didn't go off at the right time13:02
jelknerbut anyway, we have only two items13:02
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:02
LittleWebsterTell folks to get started with Head First HTML and CSS. (added by jelkner)13:02
LittleWebsterTalk about holiday schedule (added by jelkner)13:02
jelknerLet's do the 2nd one first13:02
jelknerWhat is the holiday schedule like in Monrovia around Christmas and New Years?13:03
jelknerWhich weeks should we go on holiday?13:03
tboimahon the three week13:05
tboimahfor me13:05
jelknerfrom when to when tboimah?13:05
jelkneri need dates.13:05
dcammue_for me the last week to christmas is ok13:05
jelkneri'll be traveling to visit my brother in Puerto Rico on Saturday, December 17th, so I can't meet that day.13:07
jelknerI assume we will be off on 12/24 and 12/31 too.13:08
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jelknerAre we back on 12/7?13:08
jelknerThat's my main question.13:08
jelknerI mean 1/7!13:08
tboimahform on the 713:08
jelknerSaturday, January 7, 202313:08
tboimahfrom me on the 713:08
tboimahfor me on the 713:09
jelknerscooper, i'm glad you are here13:09
jelkneri need guidance about our plans for the holidays13:09
scooperI m lost which holiday are you guys talking about/??13:10
jelkneri am proposing that we take off the 3 weeks from 12/17 to 12/3113:10
jelknerscooper: Why Christmas and New Years.13:10
jelknerYou celebrate them in Liberia, right?13:10
scooperYes we celebrate it here Jeff13:11
jelknerWell then, we need to plan.13:11
janetI suggest 12/31 and 1/713:11
jelknerjanet: what do you mean?13:11
jelknerPlease tell me which Saturdays we will *not* meet.13:12
jelknerI can't meet 12/17, so that is one of them13:12
jelknerI assume the MCSS office will be closed on 12/24 and 12/3113:13
jelknerso those two are days off too, right?13:13
jelknerthe question I have is can we resume on 1/7, or is that still a holiday for you?13:13
janetalright,I understand Jeff13:14
janetIs not a holiday13:14
jelknerThank you janet 13:14
jelknerSo we should meet again on 1/7, yes?13:14
*** scooper has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:14
fkoikoiI suggest From the 23rd of December to the 7th of January. 13:15
jelknerfkoikoi: I can't meet on 12/1713:15
fkoikoialright 13:15
scooperSO when will this take effect???13:15
jelknersince it is the start of my Winter break, and I'll be in the airport on my way to Puerto Rico to visit my brother13:15
jelknerEveryone, we are taking too long to figure this out.13:16
jelknerThis was supposed to be a 5 minute agenda item13:16
scooperSO we had some technical issues that why13:16
jelknerand here we are 20 minutes later still talking about it13:16
jelknerHere is what I understand, correct me if I am wrong please:13:17
jelknerWe will meet next Saturday, 12/10.13:17
jelknerThen we will be off on 12/17, 12/24, and 12/31.13:17
jelknerAnd we will meet again on 1/7.13:18
jelknerIs that correct?13:18
scoopermeaning this coming saturday will be our last day meeting in this year  right13:18
jelkneryes, scooper 13:18
dcammue_we will come here on the 17 and climax on the 17 and resume on the 1 of jan 202313:18
jelknerok, let's move on13:19
jelkneri have two goals for us for the end of the year:13:19
jkoleahgood afternoon Jeff13:19
scooperWhat is it13:20
jelkner1. Everyone should start reading Head First HTML and CSS and adding all the sample sites to their git repos13:20
jelkner2. fkoikoi, jkoleah, and scooper will get access to our student server13:20
jelknerscooper: while you were away I asked fkoikoi if she could work with jkoleah during the week to set up accounts for themselves on all the machines in the lab.13:21
jelknerand then they can practice using ssh to log in from one machine to the other13:21
jelknerlike i showed you last summer scooper 13:21
jelknerthey can run updates on the machines, and install software13:22
jelkneri need to get them practicing their Unix CLI and Vim skills13:22
jelknerThat's all I have for you.13:22
jelkneri notice no one makes any commits during the week13:23
jelknerso if this is the only time you have to work, you should use the time to practice13:23
scooperJeff let me inform you at head of time. We are having so technical issues with our generator. It might go off any time due to the router charge that the generator blow off.13:25
jelknerscooper, i really need guidance from you13:26
jelknerif you don't have power, i guess we can call it a day13:26
jelknerbut if people aren't practicing during the week, it is going to take us a loooooong time to make any progress.13:27
jelkneri understand the challenges13:27
jelkneri'm not sure of the solution13:27
scooperPower is here but the generator is not producing stable current13:27
scooperI'm only informing you just in case we all go off suddenly 13:28
jelknergot it13:28
dcammue_i try doing what you was torturing thomas to do last week about clearing the website but when I try typing git push it says your website not recognize13:29
jelknerunfortunately, scooper, that is one of those problems that is, as we say here "above our pay grade" :-(13:29
jelknerWe can't fix that.13:29
jelknerI have this fantasy that in the Summer of 2024 I am going to come back to Monrovia an we are going to build a solar powered, Internet work space.13:30
jelknerThat won't need a power generator, only the Sun.13:30
jelknerAnd then we can have reliable electricity.13:30
jelknerI plan to start a non-profit organization called Social Justice Computing next Summer13:31
jelknerand to use it to try to raise funds for our project13:31
jelknerIf you all think this kind if idea sounds exciting, what I need from you is to keep learning!13:31
jelknerI can't solve the access or electricity problems now.13:32
jelknerSo we have to work with what we've got.13:32
jelknerAnyway, what questions do you have about the book I gave you?13:32
dcammue_I we going to read and put simple in the repo of the book?13:34
scooperJeff, did you send book13:34
jelknerscooper: i gave everyone a link to it last week13:35
jelknerand they downloaded the PDF13:35
scoopernot to my knowledge 13:35
jelknerask them, scooper 13:35
jelkneryou were away13:35
jelknerbut we did13:36
dcammue_Jeff please answer my question13:36
jelknerI'm trying to understand your question, dcammue_ 13:37
jelknerit is a bit hard for me to show you how to do this, since i can't demonstrate things to you live13:37
jelknerbut you need to look at the examples i send13:37
jelknerand try to figure out from what i share with you how things work13:38
jelknermy git repo that i use with my web development classes is the same one i linked from our students page:13:38
jelknerMy link to the repo is on that page, but here is it again:13:39
jelknerNotice that I have 151 commits13:39
jelknerthere will be a lot more in the weeks ahead13:39
jelknerand that i make commits many times during the week13:39
jelknerhere is the website generated from that repo:13:40
jelknerdcammue_: as you read the book, it will show you how to make different web pages13:40
jelknerfor example, there is one called lounge13:40
jelkneri would make a lounge subdirectory13:41
jelknerand put the home page for the lounge site in it13:41
jelknerthe home page must be named index.html13:41
dcammue__we are going to read and put the sample sites in our repo right13:41
jelknerYes, dcammue__!13:42
jelknerThe Head First Lounge idea starts in chapter 213:42
jelknerThere is another project called Starbuzz Coffee13:44
jelknerOops, take a look at your PDF everyone13:45
jelknerI just noticed the one I am looking at hear only goes to page 6613:45
dcammue__network problem Jeff13:45
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jelknerfkoikoi_: 13:50
jelknerfkoikoi_: can you please tell me if you have the full book or only the first 66 pages?13:50
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tboimah_i have 76 page13:51
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fkoikoi_I have 166 pages 13:53
fkoikoi_i mean 116 pages13:53
jelknerfkoikoi_: hmmm13:53
jelknerthe book has over 700 pages13:53
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jelknerwho has a decent connection now?13:56
fkoikoi_everyone 13:56
jelknerfkoikoi_: since you answered first13:56
jelknerlet me work with you13:56
jelkneri'm going to private message you a link13:57
jelknerand then you can run wget with that url to download the full version of the book13:57
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jelkneri need you to copy it onto a usb stick and pass it around to the others13:57
dcammue__I have 74 pages14:01
jelknerdcammue__: fkoikoi_ is getting the full version14:04
jelknershe will pass it around to everyone14:04
jelknerdcammue__: fkoikoi_ has the book14:07
jelknercan you all please get a copy from her?14:07
dcammue__while she is going through the download can you please help me torture me on what you was torturing thomas last week? 14:07
dcammue__about cleaning the website14:07
jelknerdcammue__: LoL14:07
jelkneryou mean tutor, right?14:07
jelknerjkoleah: you can show dcammue__ 14:08
jelkneri need the shell account to demonstrate that14:09
jelknerwhich is why we will continue during the week to try to get that working14:09
jelknerall i can do now, dcammue__ 14:09
dcammue__because I trying doing it but I was stork somewhere14:09
jelkneris show you by example:14:09
jelknerYou need to look carefully at what I have here.14:10
jelknerAnd try to understand what you see.14:10
jelknerWhat, for example, is in this directory named "Orange"?14:10
jelknerOh, it's a little website14:10
jelknerWhat about this "gdw" directory?14:11
jelknerOh, that's what Jeff was trying to tell us about how we should organize our own files!14:11
jelknerI keep saying over and over that we need to learn to work as a team.14:13
jelknerI can't be physically there14:13
jelknerSo I can't "show you live" how to do things.14:13
jelknerBut if one of you figures it out, you *can* share with the others.14:14
jelknerEach of us teaching the others.14:14
jelknerThat is how we will move forward together.14:14
jelknerI'm hoping the two graduates, fkoikoi_ and jkoleah, can take the lead14:15
jelknersince they can meet with me during the week14:15
jelknerWe need to get the shell server working14:15
jelknerthat will make it possible for us to use a program called screen14:15
jelknerto share terminal windows14:15
jelknerso we can see live what the other person is typing14:15
jelknerand what the computer does with it14:16
jelknersince we will be on the same computer together14:16
jelknerwe'll keep working on that during the week14:16
jkoleahsure jeff, that sound great14:17
jkoleahSo Jeff, what's the plan about the ssh logging ?14:21
scooper_is like I'm login through ssh14:21
scooper_please view my private text am about to send you to see it it's actual login14:22
jelknerscooper_: were you able to login to
scooper_I think so base on the information I m seeming on my screen14:25
jelknerhold on14:25
jelknerare you logged in now?14:25
scooper_something like that 14:25
jelknerYes you are!14:25
scooper_you sure14:25
*** dcammue__ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:25
jelknerI am totally sure14:25
jelkneryou know how?14:26
jelknerI ran who14:26
jelkneri type who at the prompt14:26
jelknerand I see this14:26
jelkner$ who14:26
jelknerscooper  pts/0        2022-12-03 14:21 (
jelknerjelkner  pts/1        2022-12-03 14:25 (
jelknerthat means both you and i are logged in!14:26
scooper_ok but why was the problem this gone time14:26
jelknerI don't know14:26
jelknerwe need to ask thehedgeh0g about that14:27
jelknerlet's keep experimenting and see how it goes14:27
jelknerfkoikoi_: can you try to log in now?14:27
scooper_what next??14:27
jelknerand jkoleah 14:27
scooper_after login14:27
jelknerscooper_: i want to make sure this is reliable before i take the next steps14:28
jelknercan you help fkoikoi_ and jkoleah log in now?14:28
jelknerwe will work together during the week to take the next steps14:28
jelknerthe plan will be to use this machine for our development14:28
jelknerwe can keep our git repos on it14:28
jelknerand i will be able to see what you are doing14:29
jelknerso i can help you figure out how to reorganize your website, fix problems, etc.14:29
jelkneryou will need to become skilled at unix cli14:29
jelknerand vim14:29
jelknersince we won't have any GUI on the server14:29
*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)14:30
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jelknerscooper: did the connection drop?14:32
scooperwhat do you mean??14:33
jelkneri saw everyone quit14:33
jelknerand then come back14:33
jelknerare you still logged in to the server?14:33
scooperyes. but should I run the command again since my internet strip14:34
jelknerDo it. Log in again14:35
jelknerAnd what about fkoikoi and jkoleah_ 14:35
jelknerare they going to log in?14:35
scooperplease check if freena is login14:35
jelknerscooper  pts/0        2022-12-03 14:21 (
jelknerjelkner  pts/1        2022-12-03 14:25 (
jelknerfkoikoi  pts/2        2022-12-03 14:35 (
scooperWhat about me am I still login14:36
jelknerfkoikoi: try typing ls14:36
jelknerand tell me what you see14:37
jkoleah_please check mine jeff14:37
jelknerwe are all here14:37
scooperI did ls and see MessageToScooper14:37
jelknerfkoikoi should see MessageToFreena.txt14:37
fkoikoiMessageToFreena.txt is what I saw14:38
jelknerfkoikoi: vi MessageToFreena.txt14:38
jkoleah_what about me jeff?14:38
jelknerlook now14:39
jkoleah_where jeff ?14:39
jelknerin your home directory14:39
jelknerask fkoikoi 14:40
jelknershe can show you14:40
jelknerI have been asking you since right before I left to learn:14:41
jelkner1. Unix CLI14:41
jelkner2. Vim14:41
jelknernow you know why14:41
jelknerthere you are, logged into a linux machine in Germany with only a "shell account"14:42
jelknerWhat can I do? you ask.14:42
jelknerWell, you can do *a lot*!14:42
jelknerbut you need to know the commands to tell the computer what to do.14:42
jelkneryou can create files, manage websites, run programs14:42
jelkneryou can do most of the things we use computers for14:43
jelknerbut there is no GUI14:43
jelkneronly a CLI14:43
jelknerso you need to learn how to use that14:43
jelknerwe need to edit files, of course14:43
jelknersince html pages are text files14:43
jelknerand css is text14:43
jelknerso you need to become good at using a text editor14:44
jelknera text editor is the tool that software developers use14:44
jelknerjust like carpenters use hammers and saws14:44
jelknerprogrammers and web developers use text editors14:44
jelkneri want you to learn to use vim14:44
jelknerbtw, you can run vimtutor on the sever ;-)14:45
jelknerSo this was a great day14:45
jelknerwe had a breakthrough14:45
scooperCan we talk before you leave Jeff14:46
jelknerlet's talk now, scooper 14:46
jelknerbtw, scooper 14:46
jelknerdo you have signal working on your phone?14:46
jelknerwe should try to get that working so we can talk for free14:46
jkoleah_Is this a command jeff, *a lot*!14:47
scooperI just message you14:47
jelknerjkoleah_: ??14:47
jkoleah_yes jeff14:48
jelknerOh, no, *a lot* is not a command14:49
jelknerit just means a lot ;-)14:49
jelknerwith emphasis14:49
jelknerwhat are the commands you need to start with?14:49
jelkneri don't know if you remember14:49
jelknerpwd, ls, mkdir, cd, rm14:50
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jelkneryes, fkoikoi 14:59
jelknerok everyone, i have to go14:59
jelknerwe will meet again next week14:59
fkoikoiJeff each time I try running Vimtutor in the terminal, it goes straight to the work page instead of the tutorial.14:59
jelknerfkoikoi and jkoleah_, i'll see you on Monday at 12 noon your time?15:00
jelknerfkoikoi: i don't know what you mean by "work page"15:00
jelknerwhen you type vimtutor15:00
jkoleah_I have question Jeff15:00
jelkneryou will see  W e l c o m e   t o   t h e   V I M   T u t o r15:01
jelknerjkoleah_: make it quick15:01
jelkneri gotta go15:01
jelknerjkoleah_: what's your question?15:01
fkoikoiwhen I type vimtutor it says command not found15:02
jelknerare you logged in on the server?15:02
dcammueGoo bye Jeff, tell the family hello for me.15:02
jkoleah_okay, is it everytime we wanna log into the server we'll use the same command ?15:02
jelkneryes, jkoleah_ 15:02
jelknerssh jkoleah@students.mcssliberia.org15:02
jelknerjkoleah is your user name15:03 is the URL of the server15:03
jkoleah_will they still ask for password15:03
jelknereach time15:03
jelknerwe are going to make that easier for you soon15:03
jelknerwe are going to add your ssh public key15:03
jelknerand make it so that if you have the ssh private key on your local machine15:04
jkoleah_but u told us to change our password jeff15:04
scooperCan you please check you mail again15:04
jelkneryes, jkoleah_ 15:04
jelknerso you use the changed password15:04
jelknerGot it, sd15:04
jkoleah_passwd right ?15:04
jelknerGot it, scooper 15:04
jelknerOh no, jkoleah_ 15:04
scooperWhat I send you was also cc to my mcssmail and I am seeing it here15:04
jelkneryou don't need to keep changing your password15:04
jelkneronce you change it15:05
jelkneryou can keep using that15:05
jelknerscooper: 15:05
jkoleah_I have change it yet jeff15:05
scooperYes Jeff what15:05
jkoleah_i haven't change it15:05
jelknerplease forward that email to Toby and Aaaron15:05
jelknerthey are going to help you with that, not me15:05
scooperOk please send me their email addresses in my Novaweb mail please sir15:06
jelknerbtw scooper i have been emailing all three of you15:07
jelknerso you could have gotten their email addresses from one of my earlier emails15:07
jelknerbut there they are15:07
jelknerok, gotta go15:08
jelknersee you all next saturday15:08
jelknerand fkoikoi and jkoleah_ and scooper, see you Monday15:08
jelknerenjoy the rest of your weekend!15:08
jkoleah_see you jeff, have a great weekend 15:08
jelknereveryone has the book, yes?15:08
jelkneryou to jkoleah_ 15:08
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:08
jelknerACTION logs off...15:09
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