IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-01-07

jelknerHappy New Year dcammue and tboimah!12:49
jelknerHello again, scooper!12:50
scooperThanks Jeff12:50
jelknerHappy New Year fkoikoi, jkoleah, and janet!12:52
jkoleahHappy New Year Jeff12:53
janetMany happy returns Jeff!12:53
dcammue_Good morning Jeff, Happy new year12:53
tboimah_Good morning Jeff12:54
dcammue_how was your trip?12:54
jelknerLooks like only svaye is not here, yes?12:54
jelknerDo you know if she is coming?12:54
dcammue_Hope every things are fine.12:54
scooperShe coming12:54
jelknerOK, let's wait for 5 more minutes before we start then.12:55
jelknerscooper, I gave the Supe two phones for you.12:55
scooperWe can go ahead than she join later12:55
jelknerAnd a laptop for jkoleah 12:55
scooperThanks very much12:55
jelknerHappy New Year, svaye!12:56
jelknerOK, everyone is here.12:56
jelknerIt is great to see you all in 2023.12:56
fkoikoiHappy new year Jeff12:56
svayeHappy new year Jeff12:56
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jelknerI didn't put anything in the agenda, since I didn't know until yesterday if we were going to be able to meet.12:56
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jelknerscooper called me to let me know we are on.12:56
*** tboimah_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:56
jelknerI talk to Superintendent Zawolo on Thursday.12:57
jelknerHe is here, and came by my school.12:57
jelknerHe said they are working on ways to make sure the electricity is more reliable on Saturdays.12:57
scooperWe pray it work12:57
jelknerAnd we have his support to keep meeting at this time.12:58
jelknerSo, let's talk about plans for 2023.12:58
scooperSound awesome12:58
jelknerI have a bunch of thoughts on how to proceed, but I welcome anyone else to jump in before me if they have thoughts.12:58
scooperIs it a open discussion that any one can bring forth his or her thoughts??12:59
scooperLet proceed with your than later we can have a saying12:59
jelknerOK, here is what I see from my point of view of someone who *loves* to plan ;-)13:00
jelknerWe have 4 of us taking courses at UoPeople: scooper, fkoikoi, jkoleah, and jelkner 13:01
jelknerscooper, fkoikoi, jkoleah will be studying computer science13:01
jelknerjelkner is studying business, so that when he comes to Monrovia during Summer 202413:01
jelknerwe can set up a web development cooperative at that time13:02
jelknerthat's the goal we are shooting for13:02
jelknerat the same time, we have 5 of us still in high school: svaye, tboimah, dcammue_, and janet 13:02
jelknerthey need to focus on graduating13:02
jelknerbut at the same time they can continue learning HTML and CSS13:03
jelknerI want them to use Head First HTML and CSS as the resources to guide their study13:03
jelknerif they want to become ICT professionals, they need to learn to use a great resources like that to study together on their own.13:04
jelknerReading the book, understanding it, and applying the practice examples until they feel they know how web pages work, and can make new ones on their own.13:04
jelknerWe should use our Saturday meetings to share what we did during the week, ask questions, and evaluate our progress.13:05
jelknerSo, that's what I have in mind.13:05
scooperSOUND GREAT13:06
scooperMy turn13:06
dcammue_Thanks Jeff13:06
jelknerACTION can't count :-( it's 4 of us still in high school ;-)13:06
scooperBase on what you have said, 13:06
scooperI will like to suggest few things Jeff13:07
jelknerAwesome, scooper, I'm all ears!13:07
scooperFirst step in programming is being passionate about doing something without feeling tire 13:08
scooperSo base on what your have giving them, I mean the book we should exclude Jallah and Freena from this participation for now since them have a huge task it Uopeople13:09
jelknerTotally agreed, scooper 13:10
jelknerThe book is for the 4 high school students13:10
jelknerfkoikoi and jkoleah need to focus on UoPeople13:10
jelkneryou and me too, scooper 13:10
tboimahit 5 Jeff not 413:10
jelknerah yes13:10
scooperIn short the four interns need to submitted a weekly project to show that they I reading the book and in total support of what we are doing13:10
jelknermulbah is not here13:11
jelknerso I can count, after all!13:11
jelknerscooper, i've been teaching this stuff for year13:11
scooperBase on this we will be able to know who I really passionate and will to take this as a career after high school13:11
jelknergit is our magic tool13:11
jelknerwe can see who is passionate, and what they've been doing, but looking at their git commits13:12
jelknerHappy New Year, mulbah!13:12
jelknerby looking at their git repos13:12
scooperBase on this we will be able to know who are really passionate and will to take this as a career after high school13:12
mulbahwish you the same jeff13:12
jelknerAnd NOVA Web will sponsor them to attend college if they are13:13
scooperLike I told you prior13:13
jelknerare you still typing, scooper?13:16
jelkneri don't know whether to wait, or respond13:16
scooperSomeone else can come in13:17
jelknerah, let me take the time then to share another irc protocol we use13:17
jelkneryou can type "/me done"13:17
jelknerACTION done13:17
jelknerwhen you are finished13:17
jelknerso others know they can jump in13:17
jelknerACTION done13:18
scooper"/scooper done"13:18
jelkneractually, scooper, you type "/me"13:18
jelknertry it13:18
jelknerif you start a line with /me, it will substitute your nick13:19
jelknerACTION done13:19
scooperany one have a input????13:20
jelknersince no one else is saying anything, perhaps i should say this...13:21
jelknerit is *so* important in a cooperative that we all learn to take initiative and develop leadership skills together13:22
jelknerin scooper, i have a comrade in this effort13:22
jelknerwithout him, it would not be possible13:22
jelkneryou should all observe two things he does that are essential to our success:13:22
jelkner1. he thinks about the "big picture" related to our goals and work together13:23
jelkner2. he takes initiative in proposing solutions that move us forward13:23
jelknerat present, it is mostly scooper and jelkner who do that13:23
jelknerif we are going to build a successful cooperative, we will need more of you to join us in being able to do that13:24
jelknerACTION done13:24
jkoleahSound great Jeff13:25
svayeAlright Jeff13:25
jelknerso, are there any practical things we need to do before we end our meeting?13:27
jelknerfkoikoi and jkoleah, are you on track to register for your first course this term?13:27
jelknerthe term starts january 2613:28
jelkneri'm taking a class13:28
jkoleahyes Jeff13:28
fkoikoi+1  13:28
jelknergreat, jkoleah13:28
dcammue_Ok Jeff, we heard you and got your point, and we will do all we can to work with you and make sure that we all move to our success by working as team.13:28
jelknersvaye, janet, dcammue_, tboimah, and mulbah, you all have a PDF of the Head First book, yes?13:29
jkoleahI'm done with the orientation and I'm waiting to start classes on the 26 13:29
jelkner+1 dcammue_ 13:29
jelknerjkoleah: that is great! i look forward to hearing how it goes13:29
jelkneri'll be there with you13:29
svaye+1 Jeff13:29
jelknerso, svaye, start with the beginning of the book, chapter 113:29
jkoleahOkay, thanks for the support Jeff13:30
jelkneryou should organize yourselves into a study group13:30
svayeokay Jeff13:30
jelknerand meet together during the week to discuss what you read and try out the examples13:30
jelknerput them in your git repos13:30
jelknerthen, like scooper said, on Saturday you can show us what you did, and we can talk about it13:31
jelknerACTION done13:31
dcammue_We did similar things like that during the brake13:32
jelknerdcammue_: do you have anything ready to share?13:32
jkoleahJeff, do I and Freena need to come here every saturday or we can stay at home and go online base on our task now ?13:33
jelknerjkoleah: i'm here to serve you13:33
jelkneryou tell me what you need13:33
jelknerand work out the logistics with scooper 13:33
jelknerin fact, jkoleah and fkoikoi, toby was showing up here during the week at 9:30 am our time13:34
jelknerand he didn't see anyone13:34
jelkneri told him i would ask you if you want him to continue doing that13:34
jelknerthat's 2:30 pm your time i think13:35
jelknerthehedgeh0g and tmickelson (Toby) are in my classroom each day during that time13:35
scooperAs it relate to toby13:35
scooperI been online but didn't get a response from toby13:36
jelknerscooper, let's work on figuring that out13:36
jelknerhe told me he was online and didn't see you13:36
jelknerso i don't know what happened13:36
jelknerhe is in irc from 9:30 to 10 am EST13:36
scooperAt first I came in as sysadmin but later change it to scooper.13:37
jelknerwhich is 2:30 to 3 pm UTC13:37
scooperI even greet him but no response13:37
jelknerscooper, should we try again on Monday?13:37
scooperI need to conclude with Aaron13:38
jelknerhe did respond, scooper, look at the log13:38
scooperPlease give me 10 minutes I want to use the rest room13:38
jelknerlet's pause for 10 minutes13:38
*** dcammue_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:39
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*** janet has quit (None)13:49
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jelknerhmmm, everyone is quitting13:50
jelknerare we done for today?13:50
*** jkoleah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:50
*** scooper has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:50
jelknermulbah: what's happening?13:51
jelknerpower issues?13:51
jelknerlet's stop for today13:51
jelknerwe had a great meeting13:51
jelknersee you all next Saturday13:52
jelknerwe don't have time to fight with the power13:52
dcammueJeff you check the repo13:52
jelknerdcammue: paste a link here13:52
mulbahthe internet is giving problem13:52
dcammuewe are still here13:52
jelknerdcammue: i'm still here13:52
jelknerbut everyone else disconnected13:52
jelkneri have so much to do13:53
jelknerlet's work quickly, and stay focused13:53
jelkneractually, dcammue:
jelknerNice work!13:54
jelkner8 commits yesterday, and 1 today13:54
dcammueok thanks13:54
jelknerthat warms my heart!13:54
jelknerWow, dcammue, look at this:
jelknerI like it!13:55
jelknerNow here is a challenge for you, dcammue 13:55
dcammuewe worked very hard during the brake, because we wanted to make you happy.13:55
jelknerAnd you did, dcammue, I'm overjoyed!13:56
jelknerdcammue: here is a challenge for you13:56
jelknertake this page as a starting point:
dcammueplease check tboimas repo13:57
jelknerand create a new page named ourphones.html13:57
jelknertake pictures of your mobile phones, the ones each of you use13:57
jelknerand instead of pictures of ipods, use your own pictures13:57
jelknerdo you understand the challenge?13:57
jelknerthis is great13:58
jelknerremember, the book is a resource, so the first step is using it to learn new skills13:59
jelkneryou all did that.13:59
jelknerthe next step is applying those skills to make something new13:59
jelkneryour own creation13:59
dcammueok I will do that Jeff13:59
jelknerso don't do anything else from the book this week13:59
jelkneryou have already done that14:00
*** janet has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:00
jelknerinstead, this week, let's make ourphones.html14:00
jelknerthis is really great, everyone14:00
*** svaye has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)14:00
jelkneryou have done a lot14:00
jelknerwe are moving forward!14:00
jelknerok, anything else before we leave for the day?14:00
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jelkneri will post the assignment i just mentioned in our website14:01
jelkneras our plan for the week14:01
jelkneri look forward to seeing what you do this week14:01
jelknersee you next Saturday14:01
jkoleahokay Jeff14:02
dcammueokay Jeff14:02
sysadminSorry I m back14:03
jelknersysadmin, this was a wonderful meeting14:03
jelknerwe are really moving forward14:03
jelkneri'll see you here on Monday at 2:30 pm your time14:04
scooperSpencer came in as sysadmin14:04
jelknerenjoy the rest of your weekend14:04
scooperPlease tell Aaron we need to conclude14:04
jelknerwill do14:04
jelknerAaron has an important task he is working on14:04
scooperOK Jeff14:04
scooperooo ok I see14:04
jelknerpoor Aaron get the same pressure you and i do14:05
jelknerhe has so many skills, everyone wants him to do things14:05
jelknerand he can't do everything :-(14:05
scooperbut he give me the assure that we will continue during the first week in the new year 14:05
jelkneryes, but i had to ask him for help with something14:05
scooperI understand14:05
jelkneri believe he will be available again on Monday14:06
jelknerwe can talk in irc14:06
jelkneri'll be there14:06
scooperok Jeff14:06
scooperHe promise to meeting me twice14:06
scooper7pm my time Monday and Thursday14:06
jelknerscooper: i get it14:07
jelknerplease send an email to Aaron and me today14:07
jelknercc the Supe14:07
jelknerthen i'll follow up14:07
scooperI will ok Jeff14:07
jelknerthank you, my friend14:07
jkoleahand to Toby, please tell him that we need to complete the task about the terminal sharing Jeff14:08
jelknerenjoy the rest of your weekend14:08
scoopersame to you too14:08
jelkneryes, Toby should be available for that next week.14:08
jelknerACTION signs off for the day14:08
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*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:11
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:20
*** janet has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:32
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:40
*** scooper has quit (Remote host closed the connection)21:50

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