IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2023-01-12

*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:09
fkoikoiHi jeff14:30
sysadmin_Hello Jeff14:32
jelknerI'm here.14:32
sysadmin_HOw are you doing today??14:32
jelknerIf you need me.14:32
jelknerOtherwise, I'm working14:32
sysadmin_I want ask you few questions14:32
jelknergo for it14:32
sysadmin_the mcss students server you give us access on14:32
jelknerscooper, it's not that we are giving *you* access14:33
scooperis intended for practices right14:33
jelkneron the contrary, it's *your* server14:33
jelkneroh, wait14:33
jelkneryou don't mean the web / mail server that thehedgeh0g is working on14:33
jelkneron that one, it is *your* server14:33
jelknerand you are giving us access14:33
jelknerare you talking about
scooperi mean the one you give me jallah and freenan access on14:34
jelknerit will be clearer to use the URL when talking about a machine14:34
jelknerso we can be clear on what server we are talking about14:34
scooperok got you14:34
jelkneryes, is a server i purchased14:35
jelknerso what is your question?14:35
scooperI notice that I have administrative privileges on it14:35
jelknerabout students.mcssliberia.org14:35
jelknerwell, you're my comrade and co-instructor14:35
jelknerso why shouldn't you have admin?14:36
jelknerif you don't want it, i can take it away ;-)14:36
scooperI need it14:36
jelkneri'm joking14:36
jelknerso what's the issue?14:36
scooperbut I never knew still last night I tried practicing so basic Unix command14:37
scooperAfter I  spoke with Adrian 14:37
scooperHe give me a link to learn how to deploy on any Ubuntu server once I know the distribution14:37
jelknerscooper, you should practice on machines in the lab14:38
scooperOk Jeff14:38
jelknerbecause you could do things that would render the server inoperative14:38
jelknerit's not the end of the world, but it would mean we need to rebuild it from scratch14:39
jelknerthat's why you have a lab14:39
jelkneryou can reinstall operating systems over and over14:39
jelknerpractice to your hearts content14:39
jelkneras long as no classes are begin taught at the moment14:39
jelkneri'll see the Supe in a few hours14:39
scooperThat is why I brought it to your knowledge14:39
jelknerhopefuly we can talk about the other laptops that are still waiting to arrive14:40
scooperDid you receive my github link I send you, Adrian and Aaron??14:40
jelknerscooper, like usual, i am trying to do too many things with to little time14:41
scooperYesterday, if yes? Our plan for today to meet is confirmed with14:41
jelkneri can't take on any more responsibilities14:41
jelknerthehedgeh0g is setting up the web server14:41
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jelknerdhernandez is porting the LibreOrganize site to static html14:41
jelkneri think she said she will finish today14:42
jelknerthen we will deploy the site14:42
jelknerwe really should put the source under revision control14:42
jelknerin a git repo14:42
scooperWhat about the one I did??? during my christmas break14:42
jelknerand then we can move forward14:42
scooperAre we not using it again???14:42
jelkneryou're the boss on that14:42
jelkneryou can do whatever you want14:42
jelkneras long as the Supe approves, you're good14:43
jelkneri won't have the bandwidth to manage that14:43
jelkneryou will have to do it14:43
jelknerso, i'm going to deliver a working site14:43
jelknerunder revision control14:43
jelknerafter that, you can change it anyway you like14:43
jelknerif you have something you think should be integrated now14:44
jelkneryou need to reach out to dhernandez, not me14:44
jelknersince i'm not working on that14:44
jelknershe will be here at 8 pm your time14:45
scooperI have tried reaching her through mails so many time but no response from her14:45
jelkner8 pm on thursdays, my friend14:45
scooperI will be available by than14:45
jelknerthat's all i can say14:45
scooperToday is Thursday14:45
jelknerthe capstone students are here with me once a week14:45
jelkneryup, today is the day! ;-)14:45
jelknerok, i have to get back to work14:46
scooperThanks for the time Jeff14:46
jelknerremember, if i don't do my job here at APS, i can't keep sending resources ;-)14:46
scooperGot you14:46
jelknersince if i loose my job, i wont' have any :-(14:46
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jelknersee you at 8 pm14:47
jelknerACTION signs off until 8 pm Monrovia time14:47
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LittleWebsterTick Tock!19:00
LittleWebsterIt's 19:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.19:00
LittleWebsterUh-oh! That is embarassing...19:00
LittleWebsterUnfortunately, there are no items on the agenda!19:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!19:00
scooperHello Jeff20:10
scooperSOrry for being late20:11
jelknerhold on, scooper 20:12
jelkneri'm talking to a student20:12
jelknerok, i'm back20:13
jelknerdhernandez isn't here yet20:14
scooperwhat about Aaron??20:14
scooperIf I may ask, how long are we here for Jeff20:15
*** jelkner has quit (Remote host closed the connection)20:15
jelknersorry, scooper 20:16
jelknerAPS network just went down for a minute20:16
scooperI understand Jeff. I know how engaged you are20:16
jelknerno, i'm totally focused on our task now20:16
scooperAre you still at work???20:17
jelknerschool ends at 3 pm, scooper 20:17
jelknerbut i stay in my classroom on thursdays until 7 pm20:17
jelknerthis is the day we have the interns here20:17
jelknerluke, antonio and aaron (aki thehedgeh0g) are here20:17
jelknerdafni is not yet20:18
scooperThank God20:18
scooperHello Luke, Antonio and Aaron20:18
jelknerscooper, danfi is sick20:21
jelknerso this may be the chance you were looking for to role out your new design! ;-)20:21
thehedgeh0ghello scooper20:21
scooperOh my God! speedy recovery from my end to her20:21
jelknercan you show them where it is?20:21
*** LukeR has quit (Remote host closed the connection)20:22
scooperJeff, are you talking to me???20:22
jelkneryes, scooper 20:22
jelknernow would be the time to paste the url here of your new design for the MCSS website20:23
jelknerthehedgeh0g is setting up the server, and we need content20:23
scooperI share the github link with Aaron already through his email20:23
jelkneri'm sure you did, but you could also paste it here now20:23
scooperOk let me do it now20:24
jelknerscooper, i just talked to danfi on the phone20:24
jelknershe says she didn't see any emails20:24
jelknerthis is the problem in the 21st century20:25
jelknerwe have *way too many* different ways to communicate20:25
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scooperThere is it20:28
scooperHere is it Jeff20:30
jelknerthanks, scooper 20:32
jelknernow here's the problem, this site is currently using Django20:32
jelknerlike you told me, but i wasn't connecting all the dots20:32
jelknerwe don't want to deploy it that way20:33
jelknerso do you want to convert it to a static site20:33
jelkneror use the old one that dafni is converting?20:33
scooperJeff the Sup have already approve of this project? if I may ask20:34
scooperWill it not work if Aaron deploy it20:34
scooperSecondly you have encourage me greatly to continue to learn Python so I think using this site will help explore on a daily basis20:36
jelknerscooper, i am so happy you are continuing to learn20:36
jelknerbut spinning up a toy server is easy, and a great way to learn20:36
jelknerconnecting Django to WSGI to a front end webserver is complicated!20:37
jelknerwe aren't going to do that20:37
jelknerlike i told you the other day, there are two choices:20:37
jelkner1. LibreOrganize20:37
jelkner2. Static Website20:37
jelkneryou chose 220:37
jelknerthose are your only 2 choices for now20:38
jelknersince we don't have the capacity to support anything else20:38
jelknerby the time i come to Monrovia in 202420:38
jelknerwe will want to look at other options20:38
jelknerbut we need to train a crew there that can support them first20:38
jelknerthat will take at least a yar20:39
jelknerprobably longer20:39
jelknerso, i ask you again my question20:39
jelknerdo you want to take the new design you worked on20:39
jelknerand convert it to a static site?20:39
jelkneror, just take dafni's conversion of the current site?20:40
scooperI we doing this tonight20:41
scooperI mean the deployment if the static version of my is available????20:41
jelknerthe static version isn't available, right?20:42
jelknerbut we could scrape the homepage, and make that happen at least20:42
jelknerwe need to setup a git repo for the site20:42
scooperI did two version20:42
scooperDjango and static20:42
jelknergive us the static!20:42
jelknerthen yes, we can do this now20:42
jelknerotherwise, we wait another week20:43
scooperBut I put most of my time in the django because I was interested in understanding the urls and views routing 20:43
jelknersince i only have everyone here on thursdays20:43
jelkneryes, my friend, that's great20:43
jelknerbut doesn't your boss want a website?20:43
jelknerwhat you did will pay off in the future20:44
scooperI coming let me send the other version Jeff20:44
jelknerbut we need to migrate the MCSS website now20:44
scooperPlease hold on.....20:45
scooperWhat I have here is being placed in django as well21:01
scooperCan you guys give me like 45 minutes to change it21:01
jelknerwe are here until 7 pm our time21:01
jelknerLukeR and AntonioA will need to switch to something else when the evening folks arrive21:02
scooperWhat time is it right now on your side???21:02
jelkner4 pm21:02
jelknerwe are here for 3 more hours21:02
scooperSo we have like three hours right???21:02
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thehedgeh0gscooper, I am here23:35
sysadmin_I you still there??23:38
*** sysadmin has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)23:38
thehedgeh0gI see that23:40
scooperAaron please send me your official email23:43
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thehedgeh0gmy email is aaron.rabach@novawebdevelopment.org23:53
*** AntonioA has quit (Remote host closed the connection)23:54
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)23:56

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