IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-01-14

jelknerscooper, no need to call me12:47
jelknerwhen i say i'll be here at 8 am, i will be here at 8 am.12:48
mulbahGood morning jeff12:48
jelknergood morning, mulbah 12:48
mulbahHow are u doing12:48
jelknerHow are you doing?12:49
dcammueHello Jeff12:49
jelknergood morning dcammue 12:50
dcammueHow are you doing?12:50
dcammueHow the family?12:50
jelknerGood morning scooper 12:52
scooperGood morning Jeff12:52
scooperHow was the breakfast??12:52
jelkneralways good, my friend12:52
jelknerare we ready to start?12:52
scooperI'm having my lunch here too12:53
jelknerAh, your 2nd face, and my 1st ;-)12:53
scooperhahaha +112:53
tboimahGood morning Jeff12:54
jelknerGood morning tboimah 12:55
tboimahI'm and you?12:55
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!12:56
jelknerOK, LittleWebster webster fired 4 minutes early12:56
jelknerI want to ask tmickelson if he can fix that this week.12:56
jelknerLonger term, we want to get one of you to be able to fix it.12:57
jelknerscooper, that will probably be you first12:57
jelknersince LittleWebster is a Python script12:57
jelknerOh wait, i missed mulbah typing the agenda command12:58
jelknermaybe LittleWebster isn't working at all12:58
jelknerlet's see12:58
jelknerOK, good morning everyone!13:00
jelknerGreat to see you all here.13:00
jelknerIt's 8 am (1 pm your time)13:00
jelknerLittleWebster didn't print the agenda13:00
jelknerit's not working right, so i haven't been using it13:00
jelkneri'll see if i can get that fixed next week13:00
jelknerlast week i said i would start posting lesson plans on our website13:01
jelkneri did13:01
jelkneri can also mention some specific learning objectives that i have for us:13:01
*** janet has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:01
jelkner1. For each of you to learn to present summaries of what you are learning13:02
jelkner2. To continue to develop our revision control (git) skills13:02
jelkner3. To learn to use Markdown for documentation13:02
jelknerThis year I started asking my students at ACC to use Markdown to prepare their presentation13:03
jelknerDo any of you know what Markdown is?13:03
jelknerscooper: do you?13:04
scooperNo just hearing of it Jeff,13:05
scooperbut I think it's a lightweight 13:05
jelkneryes, continue...13:05
scooperapplication right for document or13:05
scooperI m just guessing not too sure13:05
jelknerlet's work on learning to use it this week13:05
jelkneri'll show you how13:05
mulbahI think Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML)13:06
jelkneryes, mulbah, you found it13:06
jelknerbut now do you understand what you just wrote?13:06
jelknerand where did you find that definition?13:06
jelknerof course, mulbah ;-)13:07
jelknerbut where?13:07
jelknerwe web people find *everything* online13:07
jelknercool, let's talk about this a bit more13:08
jelknerwhat you just pasted was a search13:08
jelknerGoogle is a "search engine"13:08
jelknerit is a web application that finds resources on the web when you enter a search13:08
jelknerbut it gave you a link13:08
jelknerso what i am asking is the URL of the link13:09
jelknermany times, your best resource is Wikipedia13:09
jelknerI really like the definition that Wikipedia gives us here13:10
jelknerMarkdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor.13:10
jelknerNow we still need to know what a "markup language" is to make sense of this.13:11
jelknerBut this is great, since that is what we are studying.13:11
jelknerWhat is HTML?13:11
jelknerACTION waits for a response from the class...13:12
mulbahHeperText Marker Language13:12
scooperHTML Mean Hyper Test Marker Language13:13
tboimahhyper Text maker Language13:13
jelknerNot, marker or maker, *Markup*13:13
dcammueHeper-text makeup language13:13
jelknerWe're getting close13:13
svayeIt is a hypertext markup language 13:14
jelkneryes, svaye13:14
jelknerthank you13:14
jelkneras we start learning HTML, we need to think about what it is13:14
jelknerthere are three words we need to understand to know what HTML is:13:15
jelkner1. Hypertext13:15
jelkner2. Markup13:15
jelkner3. Language13:15
jelknerWe'll dodge number 313:15
jelknerYou kinda know what a "Language" is13:16
jelknerand we aren't going to try to define it too deeply13:16
jelknerso we know that HTML is a language13:16
jelknerA language for what?13:16
jelknerdefinitely, mulbah 13:16
jelknerbut we need to be more specific13:17
jelknersince there are *lots* of languages for computers13:17
jelknerso we want to understand what makes HTML different from CSS, and Python, and JavaScript, and SQL, and...13:17
tboimahit is a language for web developer13:17
jelknertrue, tboimah 13:17
jelknerthat's good13:17
jelknerbut we need more13:18
jelknersince there are 3 languages we will need to learn as front-end web developers:13:18
jelkner1. HTML13:18
jelkner2. CSS13:18
jelkner3. JavaScript13:18
jelknerthese are sometimes called the "web development trifecta"13:18
jelknerwe will be learning all 313:18
jelknerso we need to understand what makes them different13:19
jelknerand they are *very* different13:19
jelknerand why we need all three13:19
jelknerso today, we want to talk about the first one, HTML13:19
jelknerthat brings us back to two terms:13:19
jelkner1. Hypertext13:19
jelkner2. Markup13:19
jelknerWho can tell us what hypertext is?13:20
svayehypertext is a text which contains links to other texts13:20
jelknersvaye: YES!13:20
jelknerwell done13:20
jelknerhypertext is all about links13:20
jelknerit is really the magic of the web13:20
jelknerthe way you can "click on" text, and be taken anywhere else on the web13:21
jelknernow, what about markup? This is harder to define13:21
jelknerstart with Wikipedia13:22
jelknerand do what Shallon did, try to simplify what you read in your own words13:22
tboimahmarkup have to do with a better way to collaborate 13:23
jelknertboimah: take a look at Wikipedia13:23
jelknerYou can just read the first paragraph13:24
jelknerand try to understand what is saying13:24
jelknerthis is technical13:25
jelknerso the vocabulary gets challenging13:25
jelknerbut we want to try to be able to restate it in our own words13:25
janetmarkup defines how elements of the page are structure13:26
jelknerYes, janet, excellent!13:26
svayeA markup is  for defining and presenting text13:26
jelknerwe should combing those 213:26
jelknersince it is about presenting the structure of a document and the relationship between its parts13:27
jelknerso, in markup languages we can indicate that some text is a *heading*13:27
jelkneror a *paragraph*13:27
jelkneror an *item* in a *list*13:27
jelknerin HTML we will use <h1></h1>, <p></p>, <li></li>, and <ul></ul> tags for each of those respectively13:28
jelknerthe *tags* come in pairs13:29
jelknerwith an *open tag* and a *close tag*13:29
jelknerand data in the middle13:29
jelknerthe data in the middle is the text that we are "marking up".13:30
jelknerSo those are the big ideas I wanted to discuss today13:30
jelknerAnd this is such an important idea, I think we should leave our theory part for today at that13:31
jelknerand talk about how to put it into practice13:31
jelknerI promised to start putting up lesson plans again.13:31
jelknerI did that.13:31
dcammueIt is the easy way to leave a comment or feedback on a digital content or to control how document display.13:32
jelkneryou just asked two questions, dcammue 13:32
jelknerask one at a time13:33
jelknerwhich one do you want first13:33
jelknerwhen you ask, "Is there a way to control how a document displays?"13:33
dcammueI didn't asked13:33
dcammueit is my idea about markup13:33
jelknerWhere did you get that?13:34
jelknerI would not say that HTML is "the easy way to leave a comment or feedback"13:34
dcammuefrom the link you posted just few minutes ago13:35
jelknerscooper: i need to take a 10 minute break13:35
jelknerthe coffee i had is running right through me ;-)13:35
jelknercan you take a look at Markdown until i come back?13:35
*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:39
jelknerok, i'm back13:40
jelknersorry about that13:40
jelkneri'm getting to be an old man13:41
jelknerwhen nature calls13:41
jelkneri have to answer!13:41
jelknerso, did you get to look at the lesson plan for this week?13:41
jelkneri assigned reading Chapter 1: Getting to Know HTMLL The Language of the Web13:42
jelkneri noticed many of you have already been doing this13:42
jelknerthat is awesome, but let's do it again13:42
jelknerto make sure we understand what the chapter is trying to teach us13:42
jelknerthis year i started asking my students to use Markdown for their presentations13:43
jelknerit is working really well13:43
jelknerlet me show you a few of them13:43
jelknerThis is my 9th grade computer science class:13:43
jelknerThey have to submit all their work to me using their git repos, just like you do13:44
jelknerHere is an example of notes in markdown from one of my students in this class:13:45
jelknerI take notes for all my classes.  Here is my repo for my Database class:13:47
jelknerThe file is a Markdown file13:47
jelknerYou write it in plain text, but the web application *renders* it in HTML13:48
jelknerIf you make a directory, and put a file in it, it acts like an index.html file does13:48
jelknerit loads when your URL points to the directory13:49
jelknerSo let's bring it back closer to home13:49
jelknerHere is our student repo page13:50
jelknerscooper: are you here?13:50
jelkneris scooper here, anyone?13:51
scooperI m here13:51
jelknerso i need your help this week13:51
jelknersince i am going to give the students an assignment and they will need your help13:52
jelknerin addition to reading chapter 1 again, and being ready to discuss it next saturday13:52
jelkneri would like you all to:13:52
jelkner1. Organize your git repos by using subdirectories13:53
jelkner2. Add some Markdown to your file to explore what Markdown can do13:53
jelknerthose are the tasks13:53
jelknerso let's make sure you all understand what i am asking13:53
scooperCan I come in13:54
jelknerand especially make sure scooper understands, so he can help you13:54
jelknerACTION waits for scooper to come in...13:56
scooperMeaning I should come in right13:56
scooperAs it relates to the assignment.13:56
jelknerMaybe i'm confused13:57
jelknerbyt "come in" i thought you wanted to say something13:57
scooperI want to say something13:57
jelknerplease do, my friend13:57
jelknerACTION waits for scooper to say something ...13:59
scooperIf I fully understand your question. You want  each students to create a file with their prefer text editor ending with the extension md right? in this file for example my is Each students should explain what was learn from chapter one right???13:59
jelknerthanks, scooper 14:00
jelknerthat's *almost* right14:00
jelknerlet me be more specific14:00
jelknerif you look at each of your repos14:00
jelknerlet me pick two:14:00
jelknerbut they all look like that14:01
jelknerall the files are in a single directory14:01
jelknerwe are getting to have *a lot* of files14:01
jelknersoon it will difficult to view them all since there will be so many14:02
jelknerwe want to start organizing them14:02
scooperI think I understand what you are saying. Can I explain it in my own word???14:02
jelknerbut you might want to let me finish the example14:02
scooperOK sir14:02
jelknersince i think that will help14:02
jelknerchapter 1 has you make a website for the "Headfirst Lounge"14:03
jelkneryou don't want to mix the files for this in the same directory14:03
jelkneryou create a *subdirectory*14:03
jelknername it something like lounge14:03
jelknerinside the lounge subdirectory you should have another subdirectory named images14:04
jelknerthen, you can name the homepage for the Headfirst Lounge with the file name index.html14:04
jelknerWait, don't we already have an index.html?14:04
jelknerYES, we do14:04
jelknerbut you can have lots of index.html files, as long as they are not in the same directory14:05
jelknerin fact, the homepage for each project should be named index.html14:05
jelknerscooper: does that make sense?14:05
scooperGot you14:05
scooperI think I understand what you mean14:06
scooperThe first project I send you this gone thursday that was written in django. I have Assets as the main directory, in Assets I have Img-folder that contain all of the images, next14:07
jelknerthe file system is a tree14:07
jelknermathematical tree14:08
jelknerwe use that to manage complexity14:08
jelknerwe make subdirectories of subdirectories14:08
jelknerso we can have thousands of files14:08
jelknerand only have to see a few at a time14:08
jelknerwhen we meet next week, i'll have an example to share14:09
jelknerbut i hope we don't need it14:09
jelknerit will be better if the students can have an example14:09
jelknerok, i want to let folks use the rest of class for lab time14:09
scooperok Jeff14:09
jelkneri will add these tasks to our week 1 assignment page14:10
jelknerone last thing14:10
jelknerand i realize i may be trying to do too many different things at once14:10
jelknerso let me make this a small task14:10
jelknertake a look at dcammue's README.md14:10
jelknerIf you click the raw button:14:11
jelknerYou can see that his file only has two lines of plain text14:11
jelknerIf he changes the first line to:14:12
jelkner# Daniel Camune's Website14:12
jelknerthe '#' in the beginning will make that an <h1></h1>14:12
jelknerand it will be big and bold14:13
jelknerso, in addition to reorganizing your repos to use subdirectories14:13
jelknertake just a few minutes to make your look a bit nicer14:13
jelknerThis Markdown cheat sheet:14:14
jelknerwill show you how14:14
jelkneri think it will be fun14:14
jelknerthat's all i have 14:14
jelknerany questions before i go?14:14
dcammueJeff please check my assignment14:15
tboimahjeff did you check the repo14:15
jelkneri'm looking now, dcammue, but don't see any changes14:15
jelknerdid you git push?14:15
jelkneryour last commit is 5 days ago14:16
tboimahjeff please check my14:16
dcammueThis is the link
jelknerThat page looks nice, dcammue!14:17
jelknerthat is information i wanted to have as well14:17
jelknerthank you!14:17
jelknerdcammue: you are learning fast!14:17
jelknerthis is a nice looking page14:18
tboimahjeff did you check my14:18
jelknerpaste a link tboimah 14:19
jelknerwhich one do you want us to look at?14:19
jelknerwhile we wait for tboimah to paste a link14:21
tboimahcheck the later commit in the student shell14:21
tboimahcheck the student shell jeff14:23
jelkneri found it14:23
jelknerLet me just say how much fun this is getting to be!14:24
jelknerYou are learning faster and really applying your skills.14:24
jelknerWe have a lot of work to do before I return in Summer 2024.14:24
tboimahbut you did not been check my commit this past days why? 14:24
jelknerI'm not sure what you are asking, tboimah?14:25
jelknerI am teaching at ACC during the week.14:25
jelknerI only have Saturday mornings available for our class here.14:26
tboimahDuring the vacation you told us to read the book and make commit and i did a lot o fwork and posted it on the student shell14:26
jelknerYes, that's wonderful.14:27
jelknerWhat do you mean "student shell"?14:27
jelknerWhat's that?14:27
dcammueit is the students web site page Jeff14:28
tboimahokay i means the student web site page14:29
jelknerYou mean your github site.14:29
jelknerYes, you all did a lot of work.14:29
jelknerIt is excellent.14:29
jelknerSo what is your question.  I'm confused.14:29
tboimahyes github site jeff14:30
jelkneri can see it, tboimah 14:30
jelknergreat work14:30
jelknerwhat is your question?14:30
jelknerthis learning process needs to be a "conversation" among us14:31
jelknerit is because you all did such fine work14:31
jelknerthat we now have a large collection of files14:31
tboimahmy question is we want you to give us some page to work on to test our skill14:31
jelknerok, tboimah, got you14:32
jelkneri will14:32
jelknerbut back to the conversation14:32
jelknerlooking over your work, i determined that this week what you need to learn is how to organize you site14:32
jelknersince now we have a lot of files to work with14:33
jelknertrust me on this, tboimah, i have some experience doing this ;-)14:33
jelknernext week i hope you can show me how you created subdirectories and moved your files into them14:33
jelknerthen we will move on to chapter 214:34
jelkneri will be giving you many web page challenges in the weeks ahead14:34
jelknerbut before we do that, you need to begin organizing all these projects in their own directories14:34
jelknerdoes that make sense?14:34
jelknergood question, tboimah 14:35
jelkneranyone else?14:35
jelknerok, eveyone, this was another great class14:36
jelkneri look forward to talking with you all again next saturday14:36
jelknerhave a great week!14:37
jelknerscooper, monday is a holiday for us14:37
jelknerMartin Luther King Day14:37
jelknerso we won't be on at the usual time14:37
jelknerwe will be back on tuesday as usual14:37
scooperOk Jeff before you leave14:38
scooperIs the any update concerning the mcss site14:38
jelkneri don't know, scooper 14:38
jelknerdafni was out sick14:38
jelknerand thehedgeh0g worked to set up the server14:38
scooperAre we not using the work I send again14:39
jelknerso it will be next thursday before that moves14:39
jelknerscooper: i can't manage that14:39
scooperI done understand14:39
jelknerlike i said, i plan to deliver you a working server14:39
jelknerwith mail and static web hosting14:39
scooperYou asked me to send the static version right14:39
jelkneri never saw that14:39
jelknerwe left14:40
scooperNo Jeff14:40
jelknermy suggestion would be to show up again at 2:30 pm on tuesday14:40
scooperAaron approved that he saw the link after I called you by 12:00 my time14:40
jelknerthat isn't on my radar14:40
jelknerso, let's check-in again on tuesday at 2:30 pm your time14:41
jelknerwhen thehedgeh0g (Aaron) will be there14:41
jelkneryou can ask them yourself14:41
jelknerdoes that make sense?14:41
jelkneri can't do anything on my own14:41
jelknerso asking me doesn't solve the problem14:42
scooperI will but for the record14:42
scooperI send you the link and you yourself attested to that Jeff14:42
jelkneryes, my friend, for the record...14:42
jelknerscooper, i totally believe you dide14:42
jelknerso what does that mean?14:42
jelknerthe issue we are facing is we are relying on volunteer students14:43
scooperNothing just clearing my side of the story14:43
jelknerto do professional work14:43
jelknerwe are going to have issues14:43
jelkneryou know the saying "you get what you pay for?"14:43
jelknerwe aren't paying anything14:43
jelknerso, you and i need to be very patient, and very understanding14:44
jelkneror else they could just say "i don't want to do this anymore"14:44
jelkneryou have to send the link 5 times, you just need to do that14:44
jelkneryou and i are the professional14:44
jelknerthe students are volunteers14:44
jelkneractually, i'm a volunteer here too ;-014:45
jelknerwhich is another thing i often have to remind you of so we can work this out effectively14:45
jelkneri have a full time job teaching at ACC14:45
jelkneri need to keep that job14:45
jelknerso i do what i can14:46
jelknerbelieve me, i am motivate to stop paying for hosting for the mcss website14:46
jelknerso i want to get this done14:46
jelknerbut we can only move as fast as our volunteers with skill will allow us14:47
jelknerif, on the other hand, in Summer 2024 when i return to Liberia14:47
jelknerwe can set up a worker cooperative with owners tboimah, svaye, mulbahk, janet, dcammue, fkoikoi, and jkolleah14:48
jelknerthey can be hired to do all of this!14:48
jelknerthat's the plan14:48
jelknerwith me, my friend?14:48
scooperOK jeff14:48
scooperI understand 14:48
scooperBut I was not really happy this gone thursday14:49
jelkneryes, i was frustrated that dhernandez was out sick14:49
scooperAfter you encouraged me to learn Django which I m learning. You refused the Django project I send first14:49
jelknerbut remember, you didn't have a static site to give thehedgeh0g at the beginning of the day14:50
scooperBut any way I will continues to learning Django on a  daily basis14:50
jelknerscooper, you still don't understand this14:50
jelknerwhich is part of our issue14:50
jelknerhow do you deploy a Django site?14:50
jelknerWhat is WSGI?14:50
jelkneruntil you understand that14:50
jelkneryou will be frustrated because you don't get why i said we can't use your Django14:51
jelknerthere is so much more to learn14:51
jelkneryou need to be patient on that14:51
jelkneryou aren't ready to manage a Django application and to set up a WSGI server14:52
jelknerit requires not one, but two different web servers to operate14:52
jelknera front end server (we are using Caddy for that)14:52
jelknerand a WSGI server14:52
jelknerusually gnuicorn14:53
jelknerit is complicated14:53
jelkneryou can't set that up14:53
jelkneri can't14:53
scoopergunicorn, nignx14:53
jelknerwe aren't using nginx14:54
jelknerwe are using Caddy14:54
scooperOK now I m understanding you gradually Jeff14:54
jelknerbelieve me, i am protecting you, my friend14:54
jelknerif we set up Django14:54
jelknerwhat happens when it breaks?14:54
jelknerand the Supe comes to you and says, "Spencer, why is our website not working?"14:55
jelknerwhat will you say?14:55
jelkneryou can't fix it14:55
jelknerand MCSS can't afford to pay anyone to fix it14:55
jelknerso then what?14:55
jelknerto be successful14:55
jelknerwe need to keep our tech as simple as possible14:55
jelknerso you and i can fix it14:56
scooperI understand you now14:56
jelknerok, my wife and i have afternoon plans14:56
jelknerso she wants me to get ready14:56
scooperTake care14:57
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:57
jelknerenjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone!14:57
jelknergreat work!14:57
svayeenjoy your weekend Jeff14:58
jelkneryou too svaye 14:58
jelknersee you next saturday14:58
dcammueyou too14:58
jelknerby dcammue 14:58
janetTake care jeff14:58
jelkneryou too janet 14:58
jelknerACTION signs off14:58
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:59
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*** mulbahk has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:12

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