IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-01-21

*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)12:17
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:47
LittleWebsterDiscuss democratic decision making and our budgeting process. (added by jelkner)12:47
LittleWebsterAlliance for Housing Solutions - a look ahead at where we need to go. (added by jelkner)12:47
fkoikoiHi Jeff12:47
jelknerGood day, fkoikoi 12:47
fkoikoiHow are you today?12:47
svayeGood morning Jeff12:47
jelknerGood day, svaye 12:48
svayeHow are you doing Jeff12:48
jelknerLOL, i appreciate your interest, fkoikoi and svaye, and i don't mean to be rude, but i'm trying to avoid having to type "how i am" 8 times ;-)12:51
jelknertell you what, one of you can ask when the meeting starts, and i'll answer then ;-)12:51
jelknergood morning tmickelson, good to see you here12:51
tmickelsongood morning jelkner12:51
scooperGood morning Jeff12:51
jelknerGood day, scooper 12:52
scooperThanks I received those items from the superintendent yesterday.12:52
scooperBUt unfortunately the two phones and Jallah computer has a password12:52
jkoleahgood morning Jeff12:52
jelkneryes it does12:52
jelknerthe password on the phone is 123412:52
scooperI already give Jallah his phone12:53
jelknerso you can change it once you get in12:53
scooperJallah too need his computer password12:53
jelkneri believe i set it to the same thing as the username12:54
jkoleahIt's not going through 12:55
scooperThanks the phone work12:55
jelknerotherwise, you may need to learn to override a machine with an unknown password, which is something you should learn do to.12:55
scooperI m giving one of the phone to a student 12:55
jelkneri'm really glad to hear that12:55
jelknerhopefully to a student who can use it to learn to be a power user12:56
jelknerso that knownledge and skill in our community continues to grow12:56
scooperThe person is svage12:56
jelknergreat, svaye 12:56
jelknerknow you have some new responsibilities to learn ;-)12:56
scooperShe won the game we play yesterday12:57
jelknerscooper if you were there yesterday, why did no one come on irc at 1:30 pm12:58
jelknerwe didn't see anyone all week12:58
jelknertmickelson checked every day12:58
scooperYesterday I thought it was later 12:58
jelknerit is the same time every day, scooper 12:58
scooperbecause they show up by 3-5 liberia time12:58
jelkner9:30 to 10 am our time, oh, 2:30 to 3 pm your time12:59
jelknerthat's the only time we can do it12:59
scooperI m sorry Jeff12:59
jelknernp, scooper 12:59
jelknerbut we didn't accomplish too much last week12:59
jelkneri looked at the git repos13:00
jelknernot many commits13:00
jelkneroops, tmickelson, it didn't work13:00
jelknerLittleWebster did not fire13:00
jelknerit's 8 am13:00
scooperDaniel, svage and thomas did13:00
scooperthey were the few students that show up yesterday13:01
jelknerok, let's start13:01
jelknerGood day, everyone13:01
mulbahGood day jeff13:01
scooperGood day Jeff13:01
jelknertmickelson is here with us because he was tasked with learning how to control LittleWebster 13:01
jelknerLittleWebster is supposted to automatically print the agenda at 8 am EST and to start our meeting13:02
scooperwelcome tmickelson, thanks for being here13:02
jelknerbut it still isn't working, so i'll print it myself13:02
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:02
LittleWebsterDiscuss democratic decision making and our budgeting process. (added by jelkner)13:02
LittleWebsterAlliance for Housing Solutions - a look ahead at where we need to go. (added by jelkner)13:02
jelkneri sent an email to all of you about another student from last Summer who asked to join the group13:03
jelknerdid you receive it?13:03
scooperYes I saw the mail13:03
jelkneronly two of you saw it?13:03
svayeI saw it13:04
fkoikoiI saw it too13:04
jelknerok, but no one responded13:04
jelknerto have a conversation, it takes more than one person13:04
dcammuemine still giving problem13:05
jkoleahI thought you said it's a group discussion Jeff13:05
scooperFor me I remain mute because I already spook my mind Jeff13:05
jelkneri need your guidance13:05
jelkneri don't know what to tell the student unless i hear from you13:06
scooperTalking to me Jeff??13:06
svayeWe wanted to discuss it as a group that's why we didn't respond13:06
jelknerok, svaye 13:06
jelknerthat sounds reasonable13:06
jelknerbut let's use this as a chance to talk more about our process13:06
jelkneryou all are there together13:06
jelknerso you can talk among yourselves when you meet in person13:07
jelknerthen one of you could send me an email, so i know what is going on13:07
jelknerdon't leave me in silence13:07
jelknerit makes it hard for me to plan13:07
jelknerand you all know i *love* to plan!13:08
jelknerefficient communication will be key to our future success13:08
jelknerso, what to you all want to do?13:08
scooperLEt vote13:09
scoopersince we all have already understand the content of the mail13:09
jelknerok, before we vote, let me review how13:09
jelkner+1 - yes13:09
jelkner0 - abstain13:10
tboimahwe just have a discussion the group is saying  that it is not the right time now to add another person. 13:10
jelkner-1 - no13:10
jelknerok, tboimah.  thank you13:10
jelknermoving on to the next item13:10
jelkneri'm confused13:11
jelknerhold on13:11
jelknerlet's do this right, so our records are clear13:11
jelknerthere are 8 of us here13:12
scooperFor me Jeff is a NO13:12
jelkner*each* person should vote, then the vote will be over13:12
jelknerthat's 0, scooper 13:13
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jelknerthis is a big day for us13:14
jelknerwe are making progress13:14
jelknerwe took a vote, and even though we didn't all agree, we made a decision13:14
jelknerthe vote was Yes - 2, No - 5 Abstain - 213:15
jelknerthe NO's have it13:15
jelknerwe can talk about this again in 6 months or so13:15
jelknerbut for now, no new member13:15
jelknerit is going to be very important if we are going to start a worker co-op to learn how to take decisions like this13:16
jelknerNext item, which is related, is the budget13:16
jelkneras i have said several times, i can afford to send $650 per month13:16
jelknerthat's all i can send13:16
jelknerso you all need to spend that limited budget together13:17
jelknersome items are fixed13:17
jelknerthat budget needs to cover the cost of UoPeople fees for fkoikoi, jkoleah, and scooper 13:17
jelknerour plan is to budget for all of you to be able to attend when you graduate13:18
jelknerso you all need to support the first 3 of you13:18
jelknerwho can help the others along when it is their time13:18
jelkneri plan to start a non-profit this Summer13:18
jelknercalled Social Justice Computing13:19
jelknera non-profit, also called a 501c3 (
jelknerwill enable me to ask for donations from other folks here to support our project13:20
jelknerthat's fine to help us move forward13:20
jelknerbut i am hoping to come to Monrovia again the following Summer (2024) to start a work co-op business with you there13:20
jelknerso that instead of having to ask for assistance, we can generate our own revenue from our own resources13:21
jelknerNOVA Web Development had a meeting on Thursday night to discuss whether we should meet with a perspective customer to take on their website13:22
jelkneryou can read that discussion in our irclogs13:22
jelkneri was hoping scooper would be at that meeting13:22
jelknerplease take a look at it this week13:22
scooperOK Jeff13:23
jelkneri want you to begin to see what level of skill you will need to make our business successful13:23
jelkneryou can watch over the next two years as we handle some of the customers we have13:23
jelknerand little by little, when you have the skills, you can begin to take on some of that work13:24
jelknerthat's the plan13:24
scooperI you done??13:24
jelknerACTION done13:24
scooperThanks for everything Jeff13:25
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scooperWe as interns understand and support your vision toward us. 13:25
scooperHaving you around is a complete  blessing for us. 13:26
jelknerthat sounds fine, scooper, but as long as it is only my vision, i have failed13:26
jelknera worker co-op is a democratic organization13:26
jelkneruntil it becomes *our vision*13:26
jelknerwe don't have it13:26
scooperOK our vision13:27
jelknerand that means it changes as we decide together what it will be13:27
jelknerthe more you learn, the more your considered opinion will emerge13:28
jelkneri look forward to the day when i loose a vote13:28
jelknerthat will mean we are making progress13:28
jelknerACTION done13:28
dcammuecan I come in 13:28
jelknersure dcammue 13:28
jelknerno one is really chairing13:29
jelknerjust jump in13:29
jelknerACTION done13:29
dcammueI didn't understand what you said about the budget13:30
jelknerok, i can see that13:30
jelknerlet me try to be more clear13:30
dcammueand secondly can we follow the meeting13:31
jelknerfor now, i will send $650.00 per month13:31
jelknerwhat do you mean "can we follow the meeting?"13:31
jelkneri don't understand13:31
dcammuecan we follow the meeting13:32
dcammueI mean the link you sent us13:33
jelkneryou should do that after we finish here13:34
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jelkneryou should read that, and talk about it13:34
dcammueokay 13:34
jelknerlet's finish with what you need me here for first13:34
jelkneryou can do that after i'm gone13:34
jelknerlet me finish with the budget13:34
jelkneri would suggest that you all ask scooper, since he is the treasure13:35
jelkneri can't spell!13:35
jelkneranyway, you know what i mean ;-)13:35
jelkneri would suggest you ask him for a financial report once a month13:35
jelknerwhat money came in, what money went out, and for what it was spent13:36
jelknerthen you decide together how to use it13:36
jelkner*but*, you must pay for the fixed expenses13:36
jelknerin other words13:36
jelkneryou have to pay for college13:36
jelknerafter that, you can use whatever is left over however you think is most wise13:36
jelknerdcammue: does that help clarify things?13:37
jelknerbtw, dcammue i'm glad you are asking about it13:38
jelknereven though UoPeople is not too expensive13:38
jelknernext year, after svaye, mulbah, tboimah, and dcammue graduate13:38
jelknerwe will need more than $650 per month13:39
jelknerthat is part of what i want to accomplish with the non-profit13:39
jelknerto get other folks to help fund the education expense13:39
jelknerso all of you who want to can go to college13:39
jelknerACTION done13:39
jelknerso, any other questions for me?13:40
jelkneror should you all just get to work13:41
jelknerbtw. next week we may have a new guest instructor13:41
jelknermy friend Sahnun would like to join us a teacher13:41
jkoleahsounds great13:42
janetthat's good13:42
dcammueWill he be teaching us that day? 13:43
jelknerhe is a web professional13:43
tboimahgood to hear that13:43
jelknerwe will both be here13:43
jelkneri am excited about this13:43
jelknersince he has real experience as a professional13:43
jelkneri'm just a teacher13:43
scooperwow sound great13:43
scooperThanks to Sahnun13:44
scooperWe appreciate his kind gesture13:44
jelknerme too13:44
jelknerbut remember, teaching is joyful13:44
jelknerso while he is certainly being kind13:44
jelknerthe kindness goes both ways13:45
jelknerok, let's talk about what we want to accomplish13:45
jelknerand then i will go off and start planning lessons13:45
jelkneri posted several questions in the week 1 lesson13:46
jelknerdo you feel ready to discuss them?13:46
jelknerif not, we can do it next week with Sahnun13:46
jelknerbut i want you to be ready13:46
jelknerto give him a good welcome13:46
jelknerhere is how i am hoping it will go, something like this:13:47
jelknerok class, who can tell me what a webserver is?13:48
jelknerjanet answers "I can!"13:48
jelknerand then she gives us a thoughtful answer, which we then discuss13:48
jelknerthat's the learning environment i am hoping we can create little by little as we move forward13:49
jelknereventually, you all generate the questions we discuss, not me13:49
jelknerand we will have arrived at a true learning community13:49
jelknerACTION done13:49
jelknerscooper: what's next?13:51
jelknerthey need time to work13:51
jelknerso we should probably end the meeting here and let them do that13:51
scooperI wanted to ask you something Jeff13:51
jelkneri'll drop in each day at 3:30 pm your time during the week13:52
jelknersure scooper 13:52
scooperUnfortunately for me this gone thursday I didn't attend the NOVAWEB meeting13:52
scooperSo my question13:52
scooperWhen will Aaron do the deployment?13:52
scooperSecondly will he use the project I did or the girl project? sorry I got her name again13:53
jelknerit is important to attend those meetings when you can, scooper 13:53
jelknerbecause like i've mentioned many times before13:53
jelkneryou and i are managing *volunteers*13:53
jelknerthey do what they do13:53
jelknerwe need to encourage them to move things forward13:53
jelknerit will take time13:53
jelkneri asked Dafni how she is doing13:54
jelknershe said she only has two more pages13:54
jelknermy plan is to deliver a static website that looks just like the one you have now13:54
jelknerthen we can work on the development workflow you will use to change it going forward13:55
scooperWhy can we deploy my static project for now13:55
jelknernot a great idea, scooper 13:55
jelknerhold of on that13:55
scooperSince the sup have already saw what I did13:55
jelknerplease come next thrusday13:55
jelknerdoes he want that instead?13:55
scooperYes, because it has alot of new information about the mcss13:56
jelknerin that case13:56
jelkneryou need to show up each day at 3:30 pm your time13:57
jelknerand communicate directly with thehedgeh0g 13:57
scooperconsider it a deal13:57
jelkneri will tell dafni, thanks, but we don't need the old site any more :-(13:57
jelknerdafni may be relieved, or she may feel a bit mad about doing all that work for nothing13:58
jelknerjust like you did earlier, scooper ;-)13:58
jelkneranyway, this happens13:58
scooperI have already these the work to you and Aaron13:58
jelkneryou didn't have it ready two weeks ago13:58
scooperI have already send the work to you and Aaron13:58
jelknerdon't send it to me!13:58
jelkneri don't want to be in the middle of that13:58
jelkneri'm a project manager on this13:58
jelkneri'm not going to move the files or deploy them on the server, thehedgeh0g will13:59
scooperI only did it so you can know that I already send the work to Aaron13:59
jelknerthat's smart13:59
jelknerand it's my job to check-in with Aaron to make sure the work is progressing13:59
jelknerwhich i will do13:59
jelknercool, Monday at 3:30 pm your time then14:00
jelkneri'll see you then14:00
scooperOK Jeff14:00
jelknerok, everyone, enjoy the rest of your weekend!14:00
scooperYou sounding if to say we are done for today??14:00
scooperare we??14:00
jelknerand please, put in the time to be ready for Sahnun next Saturday14:00
jelkneri think we are, scooper 14:01
*** dcammue has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:01
jelknerif students don't do much during the week14:01
jelknerwe aren't ready for questions on Saturday14:01
jelknerso we should give them the time to work14:01
jelknernot sit around in a meeting they aren't ready for14:01
jelknermake sense?14:02
jelknerACTION done14:02
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jelknerwhat do you think?14:03
scooperAbout what???14:03
jelknerare we done?14:03
scooperYou mean today class??14:04
jelkneryes, LOL14:04
jelknerthat's what you asked me about14:04
jelknerACTION imagines scooper having two conversations at once, and not following this one...14:04
scooperBecause you said I will see you then,14:04
jelkneri'm confused14:05
jelknerClass, are we finished?14:05
scooperYOU and I were talking14:05
scooperThen you concluded by saying you then14:05
scooperThat I asked, are we done for today???14:06
scooperThat why I asked, are we done for today??14:06
jelknerscooper: i can't see what is happening there14:06
jelknerso i'm guessing14:06
scooperNo we are still here Jeff14:06
jelknernow i'm asking14:06
jelknerscooper: can i call you?14:06
scooperI haven install the app on my phone yet Jeff14:07
scooperAfter class I will install the app on my phone14:07
jelknerok, i'm signing off14:07
scooperthen we can talk14:07
jelknersee you all next Saturday!14:07
scooperThanks for the time JEff14:08
jelknerbye dcammue_, fkoikoi, janet, jkoleah, mulbahk, svaye, and tboimah 14:08
svayeHave a good day Jeff14:08
jelkneryou too, svaye!14:08
jelknerACTION signs off...14:09
janettake care jeff14:09
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*** janet has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:00
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