IRC log of #novawebdev for Friday, 2023-01-27

*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:32
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LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!14:45
jelkner!add Work with tmickelson to test screen sharing and mumble.14:46
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Work with tmickelson to test screen sharing and mumble." has been added to the agenda.14:46
mulbahHow are you doing jeff14:46
jelkner!add Discuss question mulbah sent jelkner about assigned projects and expectations.14:46
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Discuss question mulbah sent jelkner about assigned projects and expectations." has been added to the agenda.14:46
jelknerI'm great, mulbah 14:47
jelknerbut it's the end of the semester14:47
jelknerso i have to submit grades14:47
jelknertmickelson is working on some cool new tech for us14:47
jelknerand will join us tomorrow morning to test it out14:47
jelknermulbah, are you in the lab?14:48
jelknerwe could use your help on one of these14:48
jelkneryou always had an interest in system administration14:48
jelknerwe want to install the mumble client on one of the machines in the lab14:48
jelkneri would say pick the nicest one14:48
jelknerand do each of the following:14:49
jelkner1. Run $ sudo apt update14:49
jelkner$ sudo apt dist-upgrade14:49
jelkneryou should be doing that regularly anyway14:49
jelknerif y'all haven't been doing that, it might take awhile14:49
jelknersince there will be lots of packages that are out of date14:49
*** svaye has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:50
jelkneronce the system is updated14:50
jelkneryou can:14:50
jelkner$ sudo apt install mumble14:50
jelknerif it works, we will be able to use it to talk during class, not just type14:51
jelknertmickelson is also working on a way for you to share your terminal with me14:51
jelknerso i can watch what you are typing in vim14:51
jelknerand in the terminal in general14:52
jelknerwe need to do that on the server we have in Germany14:52
jelknerso i'll need a volunteer to have a shell account on that machine14:52
jelknerand that volunteer will help us test this out14:52
jelknerif we get it working the way we want, both you and i will be able to type in the same terminal at the same time ;-)14:53
jelknerright now only freena and jallah have accounts on that server14:54
jelknerbtw, mulbah, did you get help from thehedgeh0g to fix you email problem?14:54
jelknerso that you can use novaweb email?14:54
jelknermulbah, i only have 10 minutes14:55
mulbahno my network was giving problem14:55
mulbahthat why14:55
jelknercan you access email from the lab?14:55
jelknerok, then you don't need help14:55
jelkneryou just need to come to the MCSS office! ;-)14:56
jelknermulbah, i only have 10 minutes14:56
jelknerdo you want to try to log in to the server?14:56
*** janet has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:57
jelknertry to login, mulbah 15:00
jelkneri have to go15:00
jelkneri'm at work and the bell just rang15:00
jelknersee you tomorrow15:01
jelknerACTION logs off15:01
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:01
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*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:06
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*** mulbahk has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:07
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*** sysadmin__ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:20
*** svaye_ has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)15:27
*** tboimah_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:30
*** mulbah has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:30
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)22:28

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