IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2023-02-07

*** tboimah_ has quit (None)14:24
tmickelsonhello scooper and tboimah14:24
tboimah_tmickelson how are you14:26
tmickelsonim good14:26
tmickelsonhow are you14:26
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scooperHello tmickelson14:28
scooperI m good and you??14:28
tmickelsonim good14:28
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tmickelsonyou said that you were working on chapter 4 right?14:31
tboimahYes but i done with it Yesterday14:31
jelknergood afternoon tboimah 14:32
jelknerand scooper 14:32
jelknerthehedgeh0g is here with me14:32
scooperGood morning Jeff14:32
tboimahI'm fine and you14:32
scooperoh that is great14:33
jelknerwe are working on getting the mail server working14:33
tboimahyes i can see him from the chart room14:33
jelkneri'm talking about the novawebdevelopment one now14:33
jelknerbut we are using the same system with mcss, scooper 14:33
jelknerto manage groups on the mail server14:33
jelkneryou need to use postgresql14:34
jelkneri'm learning that this year along with a class i'm teaching14:34
jelknerit's a new class this year, so i'm learning the same time my students are14:34
scooperI following Jeff14:35
mulbahHello everyone14:36
jelknerscooper, you texted me about the website14:36
jelknerwe need to figure out the workflow14:36
scooperyes I did14:36
jelknerthe basic idea will be to setup a git repo14:36
jelknerand have you ssh into the server and run git pull14:36
jelknerthat's how you'll update the site14:36
jelknerso you can try things out in the lab first14:37
scooperSound great14:37
jelknerthen git push, ssh into the webserver when you're ready, and git pull14:37
scooperSo when do we get started with Aaron14:37
scooperTo get that that done??14:37
jelknergood question14:37
jelknerthese things take time14:38
jelknerso i'm thinking thursday is the day14:38
jelkneri just confirmed with thehedgeh0g 14:38
jelknerthey will be here thursday14:38
jelknerso 3 to 7 pm is the block of time we'll need14:38
jelknerto make real progress on this14:39
scooperI will be there as usual 14:39
jelknergood afternoon, mulbah 14:40
jelknertboimah and mulbah, we are really going to be depending on you14:40
jelknerwithin the next 6 months, let's see if the two of you can become fairly skilled sys admins14:40
jelknerthat will enable us to do a lot of things14:41
mulbahgood afternoon too14:41
jelknerand not have to rely on tmickelson and thehedgeh0g all the time14:41
mulbahyou can count on us jeff14:41
jelkneri know i can14:41
jelkneryou two should be reading through that book14:41
jelknertrying out what you learn on the machines in the lab14:42
jelknerand coming here with questions or challenges you encounter14:42
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mulbahJeff hear you talking about postgreSQL14:45
mulbah so how dose postgreSQL work14:45
tboimahso tmickelson what are doing for today?14:45
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tmickelsonare there any commands that you need help learning?14:47
tboimahI want understand more about the wildcard14:48
tmickelsonis there one part that you would like help on14:51
tboimahI want to learning more about how to use the *,?,[character],[!character] and [[:class:]] in the terminal,can you do that for me please?14:54
tboimahcheck in the book chapter 4 you will what i am talking about14:55
tmickelsonthe '*' represents all of characters, for any length14:56
jelknertmickelson, can i make a suggestion here14:56
jelknerit would be super helpful if tboimah could share his terminal with you14:56
jelknerso you could watch as he typed14:56
jelknerand see what he gets back14:56
jelknerthat's why i was asking for that14:57
jelknerwe are at the stage now where we could *really* use it!14:57
tmickelson* +114:57
tboimahso should I ssh the student shell now14:57
tboimahto share our screen14:58
tmickelsonmaybe wait until tomorrow bc/ i hva to go now14:58
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tboimahokay Jeff and everyone see you people tomorrow15:00
tboimahI will take that as my task today to read more about the wildcard15:01
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*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)15:24
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:19
*** scooper has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)16:36

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