IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-02-11

jelknerGood day, mulbah, scooper, svaye, and tboimah!12:42
mulbahGood morning jeff12:42
scooperGood morning Jeff12:42
mulbahhow are you doing jeff12:42
svayeGood morning Jeff12:42
tboimahI'm and you12:43
jelknerscooper, mulbah reached out to me about a project he wanted to try using a usb stick.12:43
jelknerscooper, do you have one available?12:43
scooperI distributed the stick to first batch of students who didn't benefit from us during the closing program12:43
jelknergot you.12:44
scooperLike I told you previously 12:44
jelknermulbah, it looks like we don't have any usb sticks available.12:44
scooperI only have one Jeff12:44
jelknergot you, scooper 12:44
jelknerhang on to that12:44
scooperI trying to be mindful with it12:45
scooperDown to business12:45
jelknermulbah, you really don't need one12:45
jelkneryou have everything you need (and more) to learn sys admin in the lab.12:45
scooperWill I put my group project here12:45
scooperor git12:46
jelknerscooper, one of the projects i am hoping the sys admin group will take on is setting up a gitea server for us to use12:46
jelkneri spoke with thehedgeh0g about it, and they agreed it sounded like a good project12:47
jelknertboimah, you first have to finish with mutter and terminal sharing12:47
jelknerwe want those delivered12:48
jelknerthen we can move on to another project12:48
scooperPlease share the SysAdmin book with me since you want to monitor their progress12:48
tboimahJeff you can connect to mumble now so we can try it12:48
jelkneryou have to get it from tboimah, scooper12:48
scoopergot you12:48
jelknerwe only have 10 minutes, tboimah, but let's give it a try12:49
jelkneri just installed mutter12:49
jelknernow what do i do?12:49
tboimahjeff I want you to install mumble12:50
scooperAfter the SysAdmin group is Python group coming in12:50
jelknerwhen i start it, i see the "Audio Tuning Wizard"12:50
tboimahnow go to sitting 12:51
jelkneri can try to click next12:51
janetGood morning Jeff12:51
jelknerand go through the setup12:51
jelknerHello janet 12:51
tboimahwhen you done configurating let me know12:52
dcammueGood morning Jeff, how was your week days?12:52
jelknerok tboimah i finished configuration, and now have "Mumble Server Connect"12:53
tboimahafter that you should go to sitting you will Audio input with in audio input  you will see Transmission at transmission select continuous12:53
jelknertboimah: i think i did that12:53
jelkneranyway, i have the "Server Connect" screen now, with "Add New..." button12:54
jelknerwhere do i connect?12:54
tboimahnow you should connect to
jelkneruse jelkner as my user name?12:55
tboimahwhere you see address you should put
jelkneri did12:56
jelknerlooks like i'm connnected12:56
jelkneri see svaye and tboimah 12:56
tboimahand at the label you can put anything at your choose12:56
jelknerbut you ar mutted, and don't have mic12:56
jelknerGood morning tmickelson, we are trying mumble now12:57
tboimahtry talking to me let see12:57
jelkneri am talking12:57
tboimahnow at the server bar go to sitting12:58
jelknerok, it's 8 am12:59
jelknerlet's not try to do this now12:59
jelknerthis is a task for the sys admin team12:59
jelknerthat means tboimah, mulbah, and tmickelson 12:59
jelkneryou all should work on this12:59
jelkneruntil you understand it well12:59
mulbahokay jeff12:59
jelkneri just logged off13:00
jelkneri did hear scooper's voice13:00
jelknerand thomas's too13:00
scooperI didn't say anything yet13:00
jelkneri hear you talking13:00
jelknerto thomas13:00
jelkneranyway, time to move on13:00
jelknerlike i said, the sys admin team needs to get this down before the rest of us try to us it13:01
jelknerit can take *hours* (lots of hours ;-) to get things like this to work13:01
jelknerit is not an efficient use of time to have all of us siting around debugging the tech13:01
jelknera small team should work on that13:02
jelknerwhen they get it to work, they can teach the rest of us to use it13:02
scooperOK Jeff13:02
jelknerso, tmickelson, we don't need to keep you too long13:02
jelknerLittleWebster didn't fire13:02
tmickelsoni saw13:02
jelknerdid you email Adrian?13:02
tmickelsonnot yet13:03
scoopertalking to me Jeff13:03
jelknerwhy don't you do that13:03
jelknerand then we can start with tboimah's sys admin report13:03
jelknerand then you can go13:03
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:03
LittleWebsterPython group presents summary of work from the past week (scooper) (added by jelkner)13:03
LittleWebsterSysadm groups presents summary of work from past week (tboimah) (10 minutes) (added by jelkner)13:03
LittleWebsterWeb design group presents summary of work from past week (svaye) (10 minutes) (added by jelkner)13:03
LittleWebsterEvaluate progress and plan for next week (30 minutes) (added by jelkner)13:03
LittleWebsterBegin work in groups for next week. (60 minutes). (added by jelkner)13:03
jelknerthe agenda says Python group goes first, but let's start with sys admin group to tmickelson can leave after that13:04
jelknertboimah: that's you13:04
tboimahokay let start13:04
tboimahfirstly before i start i will like us to understand what is a shell13:05
tboimahokay the shell is a program that is waiting for keyboard command to pass it to the operating system to carry out13:06
tboimahokay let everyone lunch the terminal or the terminal emulator13:06
tboimahwhen you lunch the terminal you will see something let tboimah@realandtrue:~$13:07
tboimahthat is called the shell prompt13:07
tboimahand it appears when it ready to accept input13:08
jelknertboimah: may i jump in now?13:10
tboimahwhile it may vary in appearance sometime depending on the distrbution it will include you  username@machinename13:10
tboimah yes if their is a question13:10
jelknernot really a question, but a reflection on what you said already, and what we want to do with these weekly summaries13:11
mulbahcan I add to he jeff13:11
tboimahassuming that things are good so far let's try some typing13:11
jelkneractually, tboimah, now is not the time for folks to try that13:11
jelknerlet me explain13:12
jelknerfirstly, great job!13:12
jelknerlearning about the shell is **so** important13:12
jelknerand i can see you are off to a great start13:12
jelknerwhen we meet on Saturdays, i am hoping each team will give a report13:12
jelknerwe won't have time for you to teach us what you are learning13:13
jelknerto much to learn, to little time13:13
jelkneryou only have 10 minutes13:13
jelknerso what i am looking for is this:13:13
jelkner1. who 2. what 3. where 4. why 5. how13:14
jelknerin brief13:14
jelknerfor example:13:14
jelknerthis past week, the sysadmin team, tboimah, tmickelson, and mulbah worked on learning about the unix shell using The Linux Command Line book13:15
jelknerwe are also trying to get mumble to work13:15
jelknerand using (i forget the name of the tech) to share screens13:15
jelknerin future weeks we will show you how to share your terminal screens13:16
jelknerso we can do demonstrations together13:16
jelknerACTION done13:16
jelknertboimah: does that make sense?13:16
tboimahsure 13:16
tmickelsonthe program name is tmate13:16
jelknerthanks, tmickelson 13:16
jelkneryou there will be learning a lot more than the rest of us about system administration13:17
jelknerwe will all learn a bit over time13:17
jelknerbut you three will be the experts13:17
jelknersame with the other teams13:17
jelknerthere is no way we can all learn all of this at the same time13:17
jelknerit will be to slow13:17
jelknerso we will have a sysadmin team, and programming team, and a web team13:18
jelknerthey will all become experts in their own areas13:18
jelknerand we will use our reports on Saturday morning to tell the other teams briefly (in 10 minutes) what we are doing13:18
jelknerok, tmickelson, are you at the robotics meeting?13:19
jelknerif you need to go now, that's fine13:19
jelknerplease work with your team during the next week13:19
jelknertmate may be the best thing to get working 1st13:19
*** tmickelson has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:19
*** fkoikoi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)13:20
jelknerok, scooper, do you want to present the summary of the python team?13:20
scooperWhy not13:20
scooperThanks for this opportunity13:20
scooperWe as Python group will present a project that take a input from a user and display those informatin that has been typed by the user13:21
scooperJeff should I post our program code here??13:21
jelknerjust a link to the git repo13:21
jelknerthat's the easiest way to share python or web code13:21
scooperOh I will do it13:22
scoopernow just a minutes13:22
tboimahso should go ahead i 13:23
jelknertboimah: 10 minutes was up13:23
jelkneryou're done for this week ;-)13:23
jelknerwe will talk after scooper and svaye finish13:24
scooperWelcome_message = "To Nova Web Python Group Project"13:24
scooperprint("Welcome", Welcome_message)13:24
scooperprint("The below porgram will accept information from a user and display what the user wrote.)13:24
scooperdef User_info(name, age):13:24
scooper    print("Welcome ", Welcome_message)13:24
scooper    print ("Hello", name)13:24
scooper    print ("You are", age, "year old")13:24
scoopername = input("What is your name?")13:24
scooperage = input("What is your age")13:24
scooperUser_info(name, age)13:24
scooperdef ask_Any_Question(message):13:24
scooper    print("This is your ans:", message)13:24
scooper    print("This is your ans:", message1)13:24
scoopermessage = input("Why you choose to do programming?")13:24
scoopermessage1 = input("List all the arethmetic operator you learn from this book")13:24
scooperJeff please accept my code from here13:24
scooperTried to figure out my git password13:24
jelknernp scooper13:25
jelknerwe'll talk about that after13:25
jelknerwho is in your group, scooper?13:25
scooperthree person13:25
scooperSo let me explain what the above code is doing13:26
jelknerah, you should try to teach us13:26
jelknerwe won't have time for that13:26
scooperI m about to do so13:26
jelkneryou should be teaching each other13:26
jelknerso tell me who is in your group13:26
jelknerwhat resource are you using?13:26
scooperJanet, freena13:26
scooperand spencer13:27
jelknerwhat goals did you have for the past week?13:27
scooperWe are using Python for everybody13:27
jelknerdid you meet your goals?13:27
jelknerwhat are you goals for next week?13:27
jelknerthis a report, not a lesson13:27
scooperOur goal for next week is to refactor our code and make it look better13:27
jelknerand i want to suggest another goal, get it into a git repo13:28
scooperI m sorry for that13:28
jelknernot a problem13:28
jelknerjust a suggestion13:28
jelknerfor a goal for next week13:28
jelknerthat's the process13:28
scooperI accept it13:28
jelknersweet ;-)13:28
jelknerok, it is 8:3013:29
jelknersvaye, can you give your report?13:29
svaye sure Jeff13:29
scooperWe are done now??13:29
jelkneryes, scooper, since time's up13:29
jelknerwe will have 30 minutes after to reflect13:30
scooperok Jeff13:30
jelknersvaye: you're on13:30
svayeThe web developer team, svaye and dcammue worked on a html/css project using codes from both Getting down with html/css and Head first html/css13:31
svayeThis is a link to our work
jelknerUmm, makes me hungry ;-)13:32
dcammueAnd this mine too
jelknerwhat are your goals for next week?13:33
svayewe completed chapter one(1) of Head first html/css and was able to write a program using the code13:33
jelkneryes you did, and next week what do you want to accomplish?13:34
svayeour goal for next week is to read chapter two(2) and also write a program using the codes we will learn13:34
dcammueAdvancing our skills in hTML and CSS 13:35
jelknernice report13:35
jelknerare you finished?13:35
jelknerok, let me share my thoughts / reflections13:35
dcammueThat's is our goal for next week.13:35
jelknerfirst of all, mcss novawebsters, YOU ROCK!13:36
jelknerthis is really exciting13:36
dcammuecan I come in abit13:36
jelknersure you can13:36
dcammueok thanks13:36
dcammueI just want to let you guys know about the HTML and CSS13:37
jelknerremember dcammue, its a report, not a lesson13:37
dcammueOK Jeff13:37
jelknerdcammue, in one sentence, how do you feel your learning is progressing?13:38
jelknerdo you feel you understand HTML and CSS better now, and what those two languages do?13:39
svayeHe's typing13:40
jelknerthanks, svaye 13:40
dcammueI feel very comfortable in my learning progress Jeff. This keep telling me that this the skill you have been looking for. Thanks13:40
jelknerlet me continue13:41
jelkneri want to remind you what we are doing is part of a big plan we talked about in august when i was there with you13:41
jelkneri want to return in summer 202413:41
jelknerby then i want us to have the skills we need to start a small web development cooperative13:42
jelkner(you all will need to think of a name for it)13:42
jelknerwe will need all of the skills that the three teams are developing13:42
jelknerwe will need system admins to set up servers for us and configure our applications13:43
jelknerwe will need web developers and designers to make nice looking web applications13:43
jelknerwe will need programmers (python and php, mostly) to handle the back-end development13:44
jelknerone other piece of the puzzle we haven't started yet is databases13:44
jelknerall of you in the UoPeople program will learn all these things13:44
jelknerso we can add databases when you take the database class13:45
jelknerone other thing13:45
jelknerthe Supe wants to start a sister-school program between MCSS and APS13:45
jelkneri want to help with that concretely by having us work together across the ocean13:46
jelknertboimah and mulbah, you already have tmickelson and thehedgeh0g 13:46
jelknersvaye and dcammue, you will soon be introduced to three of my students here who will work with you on HTML and CSS13:46
jelknerscooper, fkoikoi_, and janet, i'm not teaching python this year, my colleague dr. yung is13:47
jelknerso it's harder to pair you with students at the moment13:47
jelknerbut you have the biggest team already13:47
jelknerand i will be available to work with you and the web team13:47
jelknerso we are making great progress13:48
jelknernext Saturday, let's run the same plan13:48
scoopergot you Jeff13:48
jelkner2 to 2:30 pm your time will be the three reports13:48
jelkner10 minutes each13:48
jelknerso plan what you are going to share before you start13:48
tboimahJeff can i ask you a question13:48
svayeOkay Jeff13:48
scooperPlease experiment our code Jeff before you leave13:49
jelknerscooper: i can stay and help you with git13:49
jelkneryou need to recover your access13:49
scooperI can handle myself13:49
jelknersince we will need that13:49
tboimahdose each of the intern going to develop each of the skill or are they only going to be intitle to one13:50
tboimahbecause you are talking about three skill here13:51
scooperI want to be a full stack developer Jeff13:51
jelknertboimah: great question13:51
jelknerlet me give you the best answer i can for now13:52
jelknerwe will keep discussing this as we go13:52
jelknerit will be important for all of us to have a little skill in each area13:52
jelknerbut in the "real world", people specialize13:52
jelknermy brother is a software developer13:52
jelknerhe has been one for 35 years13:53
jelknerhe writes python code13:53
jelknerhe does not administer systems, nor does he want to learn how to do that13:53
jelknerif the system needs fixing, he calls on the person in his company whose job it is to fix it13:53
jelknerthere is way too much to learn for everyone to know everything13:54
jelknerif we want a real business to start around Summer 202413:54
jelknerwe have *a lot* to learn13:54
jelknerwe won't all be able to know everything13:54
jelknerthat said, each of you who earn your A.S. degree from UoPeople will get a nice introduction to each area13:55
jelknerbut then you'll need to figure out which area you like best, and specialize in that13:55
jelknerdoes that sort of answer your question, tboimah?13:55
tboimahyes, but you sample try to say we all will have idea on each of the skill but we will need to specialize in one13:56
scooperOur like13:56
scooperOur link Jeff13:56
jelknertboimah you're going to need a lot of patience here13:57
jelknerit will take years for you to "sample" all of them13:57
jelknerright now, we need to be able to do things13:57
tboimahi understand Jeff13:57
jelknerso i am hoping i can count on you to be able to set up a server for us13:58
jelknersince you are on the sys admin team13:58
jelknerthe rest of us need you13:58
jelknerwithout you, we can't do what we need to do13:58
tboimahthat's for sure Jeff you can count on me for that13:59
scooperJeff please click on the link Janet send. it's the source code to our project13:59
jelknerhold on14:00
jelknernice work, janet!14:01
jelknerthis is what we need14:01
janetthanks Jeff14:02
jelkneri was in the middle of trying to piece together the program from what scooper pasted in the chat14:02
jelknerbut that's not the way to do it14:02
jelknerthis is14:02
jelknerso do you have any questions?14:02
jelkneri see a few things i could mention14:03
scooperYes question14:03
scooperOk thanks14:03
tboimahso Jeff who did the best the presenting today.14:03
jelknerthat's not a fair question, tboimah 14:04
tboimahwhy not14:04
jelknersince i dropped this on you at the last minute14:04
scooperWhat I need for you right now to show us our weakiness and suggest a room for improvement14:04
jelknerand the group that went first had no idea what i was expecting14:04
jelkneri think we learned as we went14:05
jelknerso let's ask that same question next week14:05
jelknerand not just to me14:05
jelknerto each of us14:05
jelknernext saturday, let's start with our 10 minute presentations14:05
jelknerthat's 30 minutes14:06
tboimahokay scooper is asking you to show our weakiness and suggest a room for improvement14:06
jelknerafter that we have 30 minutes scheduled to evaluate and reflect14:06
jelknerlook at the logs, tboimah, i did that14:06
jelkneragain, we need to learn!14:07
jelknerso each group needs time to work14:07
jelknerand their presentations should only report back to the rest of us what they are doing14:07
jelknernot try to teach us14:07
jelknerwe won't have time for that14:07
jelknerwe want to know who worked on what when, and what their goals are for the next week14:08
jelknerso we can all feel each group is making progress14:08
jelknerjanet: before i go, do you want me to talk about your program?14:08
janetsure Jeff14:09
jelknerwe don't need all the groups to stay for that, but if the python group wants my feedback, i can provide it14:09
scooperyes go ahead14:09
jelknerokie dokie14:09
scooperLet every body be present14:09
jelknerscooper: we don't have time14:09
scooperWith that I think we will improve better by the way14:09
jelkneri need the sys admins to learn system adminstration14:10
jelknernot python14:10
jelknerwe won't get anywhere if each group doesn't use the limited time you have to move forward14:10
scooperI love for people to see my failing paper than my passing paper Jeff14:10
jelknersvaye and dcammue should start on chapter 2 now14:10
jelknerthey need to see both, scooper 14:10
jelknerbut i understand you14:10
jelknermy point is, i wanted to talk python with the python group14:11
jelkneri want to set up separate meetings to talk web with the web group14:11
jelkneror else we won't make progress14:11
jelknerwe need people with skills!14:12
jelknersvaye, please let me know if you need to set up a time to meet14:12
jelknerit seems you are doing ok, but when you are reading the book, and there are things you don't understand, you can request a time to meet with me.14:13
jelknerso i can help you14:13
jelkneri am the mentor for the python and web groups14:13
svayeOkay Jeff 14:13
jelknersys admins, i don't have the skills you need14:13
jelknerso you need to meet with thehedgeh0g 14:13
jelknerand tmickelson14:13
svayewhen we need help, we will let you know14:13
jelknerand others i can bring in when needed14:13
jelknerthanks, svaye 14:14
jelkneryou are doing a great job!14:14
svayeThanks Jeff14:14
jelknermy other role, which i want scooper's help on14:14
jelkneris project management14:14
jelknerscooper, that doesn't mean we know how to do everything14:14
jelknerit means we know what needs to be done, and who we can all on to do it14:14
jelknerfor a successful business, we will need that14:15
jelknerok, so everyone except the program team is free to go14:15
jelknerand you should14:15
jelknersince you need to use your time to focus on your study14:15
jelkneri'll stay and talk about the program janet sent me14:16
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:16
jelknerjanet: give me 5 minutes to make a copy and make a few changes14:17
jelknerthen i can describe what i changed and why14:17
svayeOkay Jeff 14:17
*** mulbah has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:17
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:17
svayeHave a nice weekend Jeff14:18
*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:18
janetam waiting Jeff14:19
jelknergive me 10 minutes14:21
jelknerit takes time ;-)14:21
jelkneri made some changes to your program14:31
jelkneri'll tell you why14:31
jelknerand what14:31
*** fkoikoi_ has quit (Read error: No route to host)14:31
jelknerfirst, i put the function definitions at the top14:31
jelknerlines 1 to 914:31
jelknerand then had the main program statements at the bottom (lines 12 to 23)14:32
jelkneri also used a triple quoted string for formatting in lines 14 to 1714:32
jelknerwhen you run it, you will see that that does14:32
jelknertriple quotes """ in python allow you to have a string that is many lines long14:33
jelknerand has newlines14:33
jelkneryou have an error in you version with the newline14:33
jelknera newline character is "\n"14:33
jelkneryou wrote "n\"14:34
jelknerthat won't work14:34
scooperI understand that was a typography error which happen to be syntax error that was mentioned in the book 14:34
jelknerthe only other change i made was not to use capital letters in my variable and function names14:34
jelknerso i changed Welcome_message to welcome_message14:35
scooperI was trying to use camel casing jeff14:35
scooperin the naming of my variable 14:35
jelknerand i renamed User_info to print_user_info14:35
jelkneri also changed the way ask_a_question works14:36
jelknerit passes the question to the function as an *argument*14:36
jelknerthere are two vocabulary words that are really important when you start using functions:14:37
jelknerparameter and argument14:37
scooperSo by convention is wrong to start a function with a capital letter??14:37
jelknerpython won't complain, scooper 14:37
jelknerbut i'm following the python style guide14:37
jelknerdon't worry about it now14:38
jelknerit isn't important14:38
scooperbefore you proceed I need to ask you a question Jeff14:38
scooperlet dive in parameter and argument first14:38
jelkneryes, that is *really* important!14:39
scooperso according to the book parameter is the value within the parenthesis right14:39
jelkneractually, the argument is the *value*14:39
scooperwhy argument is the value being use when the function is call right14:39
jelknerthe parameter is the name14:39
scoopermy question here Jeff14:40
jelknerlet me show you an example14:40
jelknersince this is so important an idea14:40
jelknerdef print_twice(scooper):14:40
jelkner    print(scooper, scooper)14:40
jelknerthat is a function definition14:40
jelknerwhat is the parameter?14:41
scooperthe nanme scooper14:41
scooperthe value in the parenthesis14:41
jelknerif we *call* the function14:41
jelknerprint_twice("First face!")14:41
jelknerit will print:14:41
jelknerFirst face First face14:41
jelkneroops, i forgot the !14:42
jelknerit will print:14:42
jelknerFirst face! First face!14:42
jelkner"First face!" is the argument14:42
jelknermake sense?14:42
scooperNot really yet14:42
scooperstill I ask you a question here14:42
jelknerso this is a challenging idea always14:43
jelknerin my 30 years teaching programming14:43
jelknerit has always been a challenge14:43
jelknerlet me try another way14:44
jelknerif i write:14:44
jelknernum = 514:44
scoopernum is a variable14:44
jelknerin python, do you understand what that will do?14:44
jelkneryes, but what does that mean?14:44
jelknerwhat will the computer do?14:44
scooperif I called num in the interpreter14:45
scooperthe computer will print the value 514:45
scooperwhich is an integer14:45
jelknerso what is happening is that the computer sets up a place in memory14:45
jelknerwith the name "num"14:45
jelknerand in that place, it stores the *value* 514:45
jelknerparameters and arguments work the same way14:46
jelknerthe parameter, scooper, in the print_twice example i gave you14:46
jelkneris a name14:46
jelknerthe computer sets up a place in memory where a value can be stored14:46
jelknerwhen we *call* the function14:46
jelknerthat's why you need to see the difference between a function *definition* and a function *call*14:47
jelknerwe give it a value14:47
jelknerso if i call:14:47
jelknerit will print14:47
jelknercheese cheese14:48
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jelknerbecause the definition of the function says: "print(scooper, scooper)"14:48
jelknerand scooper, the name, is sent the argument (value) "cheese"14:48
jelknerif i call print_twice("MCSS")14:49
jelkneri will see:14:49
jelknerMCSS MCSS14:49
jelknerthis was a great question, scooper14:49
jelknerand a really important idea14:49
jelknersuch an important idea that it will keep coming up14:49
jelkneri need to go now14:49
jelknersince i have my UoPeople homework14:49
scooperBefore you leave 14:49
scooperanother quesiton please14:49
jelknerone more scooper 14:50
jelkneryou don't want me to fail, right? ;-)14:50
scooperok you can go14:50
jelknerno we have 10 minutes14:50
jelknerone more14:50
scooperOK thank14:50
scooperWe talk about indentation in def right14:51
scooperso my question is14:51
scooperwhy we indent a def body under a function but we calling the function we don't indent it as well14:52
scooper** function body14:52
jelknerso when you *call* a function, it is only one line14:52
scooperDO you understand my quesition14:52
jelknerthe *body* of a function is a collection of python statements that is given a single name14:53
jelknerthat is a *big* idea14:53
jelknerthe name for that idea is, *procedural abstraction*14:53
jelknerthat's how we can write big programs, millions of lines long14:53
jelknerand have your heads not explode ;-)14:54
jelknerwe give a single name to a series of steps14:54
jelknerthe *definition* says, when i *call* this function, these are the steps it will do.14:54
jelknerthe "call" is just a single line14:54
jelknerwith the name of the function and the arguments you need need to send it14:55
jelknerwhen you call it, it performs the action you *defined* in the function definition14:55
jelknerthese are great questions, scooper 14:55
jelkneras you see more and more examples, the answer will begin go solidify in your mind14:56
jelknerit will make more sense14:56
jelknerand soon, you'll have it down14:56
scooperThanks Jeff I really appreciate you constant contribution to my life14:56
jelknerand you to mine, my dear friend14:56
jelknerthis is just a joy for me14:56
jelknerworking with wonderful people and doing important stuff14:57
jelknerwho could ask for any more than that from life14:57
jelknerjanet, do you have a codeberg account?14:57
jelknerscooper: is janet still there?14:58
janetno Jeff14:58
jelknerplease make one14:58
jelkneryou to, scooper 14:58
scooperYes right beside me14:58
jelkneruse the same username and email you used with github14:58
jelkneri'm going to set up a team on codeberg for our python work14:58
scooperThanks alot Jeff14:59
jelknerthen we can all edit the same code together14:59
jelknerok, times up14:59
jelkneri really need to do my UoPeople homework14:59
jelkneror i'm in trouble!14:59
jelknerenjoy your holiday14:59
jelknersee you soon14:59
scooperThanks Jeff14:59
jelknerACTION signs off14:59
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