IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2023-02-23

mulbahHow are you doing scooper14:24
scooperfine and u14:24
mulbahI'm doing good14:25
mulbahHello Jeff14:25
tboimahHello to everyone14:27
tboimahI'm fine and you14:27
jelknerscooper, are you here?14:29
scooperyes I m14:29
jelknercan we chat for 5 minutes?14:29
scooperok Jeff14:29
jelkneri didn't check yet, but i am hoping svaye has responded to the email14:29
scooperDid saw my reply to the communication you send me yesterday??14:29
jelknerno, scooper 14:30
jelkneri'm swamped14:30
jelkneri am really struggling to keep up14:30
scooperI send you mail 3:00am my time14:30
jelkneri'm trying to do too many things, as usual14:30
jelknerright now i have a UoPeople post i have to make14:30
jelkneranyway, i'm going to take next term off14:31
jelknerso after this term ends, i'll have a bit more time14:31
jelkneranyway, i don't want to be in the middle of all these communcations14:31
jelkneryou and i, scooper should only have to monitor what's going on14:31
jelknerand the better it is working, the less we need to intervene14:32
jelknerif we have to intervene too often, the project is a failure14:32
jelknerand we won't be able to progress14:32
jelknerso, i'm trying to get teams together14:32
jelknerwe have the sys admin team working pretty well14:32
jelknertmickelson takes intiative14:33
jelknerand i see tmickelson and thehedgeh0g every school day14:33
jelknertmickelson will be here next year too14:33
jelknerso i think that group, with tboimah and mulbah on your end14:33
jelkneris solid14:33
jelknernext group to focus on is the web group14:34
jelkneri introduced the three participants on this end14:34
scooperI saw the mail14:34
jelknerdanayit, ashley, and anna, to shallon14:34
jelkneri'm counting on shallon to respond14:34
jelknerand start to get to know the three folks in virginia14:35
jelkneryou can help with that14:35
jelknertheir first goal is just to get to know each other a bit14:35
jelknerthey can email back and forth a few times, and maybe even set up some times to meet here on irc14:35
jelknerso, can you help with that, scooper?14:35
*** tmickelson has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:36
scooperOK I will remind svaye and Daniel14:36
jelknergreat, scooper 14:36
scooperto check their mail and also learn to response frequently 14:36
scooperThanks yesterday 14:37
jelkneri'll have time when i'm at the programming contest on saturday to read my mail14:37
scooperI had a session with Aaron and 14:37
scooperwas able to update content on the site14:37
scoopertoday I just did not too long ago and it was wonderful14:37
jelknerthat is wonderful to hear, scooper!14:38
jelknerwe are definitely making progress14:38
jelknerwe have a loooooooong way to go, of course14:39
jelknerbut we are on the path14:39
jelknerok, i gotta go14:39
jelkneri'll be on again tomorrow at the same time14:39
jelknerbye for now...14:39
jelknerACTION logs off14:39
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:39
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:48
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:56
*** tmickelson has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:58
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:32
*** jelkner has quit (None)16:01
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)21:44

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