IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-03-04

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scooperGood morning Jeff12:33
scooperKindly check your mail I send the Python group report already12:35
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dcammueGood morning Jeff12:49
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jelknerGood day everyone!12:49
jkollieGood morning Jeff12:49
tboimahhow are you doing jeff?12:49
svayeGood morning Jeff12:50
jelknerscooper, i just read your notes12:52
jelknernow i have a question for you ;-)12:52
scoopergo ahead12:52
jelknerit is clear that *you* have a firm grasp of the content from the first chapters of dr. chuck's book12:52
jelknerbut what about the other members of the group?12:52
jelknerdo they?12:52
scooperfor chapter one and two12:53
jelkneri have a nice suggestion for you12:53
jelknerinstead of a word document12:53
scooperI have access their speedy12:53
jelknerlet's learn to use markdown, so we can keep notes in a shared git repo12:53
jelkneri will keep trying to get folks comfortable with the command line12:54
jelknerand with using vim to edit files12:54
scooperok Jeff12:54
jelknertoby won't be able to be here today12:54
jelknerhe is away for the weekend at a robotics competition12:54
jelknerbut i will keep asking him to work on the terminal sharing that has yet to be delivered12:55
scooperthe terminal is working Jeff12:55
jelknerthen we can run demonstrations easily with each other12:55
jelknerwe've made progress12:56
jelknerbut it isn't working yet12:56
jelknerthe last time we tried i ended up with a login on one of the lab machines12:56
scooperI has a session with Aaron when uploading content to the mcss website and it work12:56
jelknerthat was very interesting, and potentionall useful12:56
jelknerbut not what we need for class12:56
jelkneroh, great12:57
jelkneri don't know about that12:57
scooperSince that day I been updating the MCSS Website through my git repos12:57
jelknerok, it is almost 8 am12:58
jelkneror 1 pm there12:58
jkoleahHello everyone12:58
jelknerlet's see if LittleWebster fires12:58
jkoleahHello Jeff, how have you been?12:58
jelknerTanana said he would join us at this time12:59
jelknerso let's see if he makes it12:59
jelknerif not, we will rearrange the agenda12:59
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:59
LittleWebsterMeet with Tanaka about website project (30 min). (added by jelkner)12:59
LittleWebsterReport from sys admin group by Thomas (10 min). (added by jelkner)12:59
LittleWebsterReport from web design group by Shallon (10 min). (added by jelkner)12:59
LittleWebsterReport from programming group by Spencer (10 min). (added by jelkner)12:59
LittleWebsterDiscussion of expectations and plans by Jelkner (10 min). (added by jelkner)12:59
LittleWebsterdcammue : svaye : jkollie : thehedgeh0g : scooper : tboimah : jkoleah : jelkner13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterMeet with Tanaka about website project (30 min). (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterReport from sys admin group by Thomas (10 min). (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterReport from web design group by Shallon (10 min). (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterReport from programming group by Spencer (10 min). (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterDiscussion of expectations and plans by Jelkner (10 min). (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
jelknerit worked!13:00
jelknerwe will have to congratulate Toby on that13:00
jelknerok, Tanaka isn't here13:00
jelknerso let's start the reports and be ready to pause if he shows up13:00
jelknertboimah: are you giving the sys admin report?13:01
tboimahGood day to all the  presentation for the system aministrator group will be about manipulating files and directories, and Advanced keyboard trick13:01
tboimahokay let start with manipulating files and directories which means to control files and directories13:01
tboimahby using the cp command which means to copy files and directories,13:01
tboimahthe mv command which means to Move/rename files and directories,13:01
tboimahthe mkdir command which means to create directories,13:02
tboimahthe rm command which means to remove files and directories and 13:02
tboimahthe ln command to create hard and symbolic links.13:02
tboimahthese command that are above are known are the most frequently used linux commands.13:02
tboimahhere are some example of the most frequently used command:13:02
tboimahexample 1.if you type mkdir tboimah on the terminal it will make a directories by the 13:02
tboimahname of tboimah 2. if yor type rmdir tboimah on the terminal it will remove the directory by 13:02
tboimahthe name of tboimah13:02
tboimahNext will be on Advanced keyboard trick this are command trick use on the terminal13:02
tboimahfor cursor movement, Text edting and cut and pasts.13:02
tboimahhere are some example of  advanced keyboard trick for cursor movement which i sometime refered 13:03
tboimahto it as short cut keys:13:03
tboimah1. CTRL-A which means move cursor to the beginnig of the line13:03
tboimah2.CTRL-E which means move cursor to the end of the line13:03
tboimah3.CTRL-F which means move cursor to forward one character; same as the right arrow key13:03
tboimah4.CTRL-B which means move backward one character; same as the left arrow key13:03
tboimah5.ALT-F  which means move cursor forward one word13:03
tboimah6.ALT-B which means move cursor backward one word. 13:03
tboimahand here are also some example of advanced keyboard trick for text edting:13:03
jelknerif you can really learn that, tboimah, you can teach me when i come visit in Summer 2024 ;-)13:04
tboimah1.CTRL-D which means to the character at the cursor location13:04
tboimah2.CTRL-T Which means to transpose (exchange) the character at the cursor location the one preceding it.13:04
tboimah3.ALT-L Which meanss to convert the characters from the cursor location to the end of the word to lowercase.13:04
tboimahhere are also some example of advanced keyboard trick for cut and pasts:13:04
tboimah1.CTRL-K which means to kill text from the cursor location to the end of line13:04
tboimah2.CTRL-U Which means kill text from the cursor location to the beginnig of the13:04
tboimah3.ALT-D which means kill text from the cursor location to the end of the current word.13:04
tboimahthe Next thing here is the assignment that was giving to mulbah by jeff, to talk about the file system.13:05
tboimahThe linux filesystem is organized like a hierarchical dictionary structure mean their files or directory are arrange13:05
tboimahlike a family tree were in we have the grand parent which have right over the parent and the parent which have right13:05
tboimahover the children and the children which have right over the grand children or in another word their root directory 13:05
tboimahcontain files and subdirectories, which contain more files and subdirectories, and so on.13:05
jelknerWhat is the name of the root directory in unix, tboimah?13:06
tboimahIn linux filesystem all file that begin with a period character are hidden this means that ls will not list13:06
tboimahthem unless you say ls -a and the reason is when your account was craeted, several hidden files were placed in your home directory13:06
jelknerare you finished, tboimah?13:08
jelkneryou should type "/me done"13:08
jelknerwhen you are13:08
tboimahto comfigure things for your account. 13:08
tboimahIn linux filesystem long filenames that may contain embedded spaces13:08
tboimahand punctuation characters, limit the punctuation characters in the names13:08
tboimahof files you create to period, dash (hyphen), and underscore. Most impor-13:08
tboimahtantly, we should not embed spaces in filenames. Embedding spaces in filenames13:08
tboimahwill make many command line tasks more difficult to understand.13:08
tboimahthere are more to talk about but for the time i will stop here.13:08
jelknerso type "/me done"13:08
jelknertry it13:09
tboimahACTION done13:09
jelknernice work, tboimah!13:09
jelknerthank you very much13:09
jelknernext up is svaye with the web development team report13:09
svayeGood day everyone 13:09
svayeThe web development team on a project and this the link
jelknera nice memory!13:11
jelknertell us more, svaye13:12
jelknerwhen did you meet this week?13:12
jelknerwhat are your plans?13:12
svayewe are trying to install the virtual studio code on dcammue computer13:13
svayehe had problem with his operating system and he lost all his files13:14
jelknersounds like he needs help from the sys admin team13:14
dcammuesure Jeff13:14
jelknerok, anything else?13:14
dcammueOne of them was the cause13:15
svayeAfter we get the computer working we decided to visit W3 school and learn more13:15
jelknerremember svaye, there are 12 machines in the lab that you can use13:15
jelknerare you finished?13:16
svayehe has his machine we only need to install few things on it13:16
jelknertype "/me done" if you are finished13:17
svaye"/me done"13:17
jelknerwithout the quotes ;-)13:17
jelknertry again13:17
svayeACTION done13:17
jelknerthere you go13:17
jelknerthank you, svaye 13:18
jelkneri enjoyed seeing your web page13:18
jkoleahHello Jeff13:18
svayeYou're welcome13:18
jelknerok, last group13:18
jelknerscooper: tell us what the python team is working on13:18
scooperGood morning everyone13:19
scooperI will like to inform you that the python team will look forward to work with the Website group in sebsequent time13:20
scooperWhere in the can emerge our python skill on their website they are  building to rebuild repeating of code13:21
scooperBy using Python syntax that will help control a specific block of html code if it seem to be repeating in the program13:22
scooperAnd this will work if we introduce the  pythons tags/ operators that was mentioned in our report13:23
scooperLooking at the prospective of programming especially pythons which is a high level programming language that human understand13:24
scooperIf we properly understand some basic logic like variable, expression and operator for now can work in that direction13:25
scooperLook at variable  in python13:25
scooperSince it's memory location that store value.... and it's also cardinal to program... we need to understand how it work13:26
jelknerscooper: let me know when i can start asking questions and making suggestions13:27
jelknerjust type "/me done" ;-)13:27
scooperstill typing13:28
jelknergot it13:28
scooperBut come in with your questions13:28
scooperI can still continue after it has been answered13:28
jelknerno, no, i'll wait13:29
scooperAnother key thing we need to look at in program as a beginner is operators13:29
scooperThe are so many operators in python which include Arithmetic operators, logical operators, comparison operators condition operators but for this presentation we will look at Arithmetic operators13:31
scooperArithmetic operators in python are use to calculate two operand. some basic arithmetic operators are:13:32
scoopermodulus %13:32
scooperexponentaition **, division /, addition +, and substraction -13:33
scooperThey operator play a key role in programming for beginner13:34
scooperACTION done13:34
scooperfor now13:34
jelknerThank you scooper!13:34
jelknerGreat, i am really happy to see how our process is progressing13:34
jelknerplease let me take this time to reflect on the reports we just saw13:35
jelknerand how we can refine them to make them even better13:35
jelknerfirst, i would like to introduce you to an expression you will see me use in the future13:36
jelkner"Getting into the weeds"13:36
jelknerwe don't want to get into the weeds in our report13:36
jelknerthe "weeds", in this case, are the specific details of what you have been learning13:36
jelknerstop and think about why i am asking for this report process13:37
jelkneri am imagining our future13:37
jelknerwe are a web development cooperative with around 30 members and a lot of business13:37
jelknerwe need to move *fast*, since the internet moves fast13:37
jelknerand as a democratic organization, we need a broad understanding of what we are all doing13:38
jelknera broad understanding, not low level details13:38
jelknerwe want to know: who, what, when, where, why, and how13:39
jelknermore or less13:39
jelknerso, for example, a report of the web team might sound something like this:13:39
jelknerThe web team is expanding13:39
jelknerwe now have three students from virginia joining the team13:40
jelknerAnna, Danayit, and Ashley13:40
jelknerwe have a customer too, and a very exciting project13:40
jelknerhis name is Tannaka13:40
jelknerand he is a student from Zimbabwe who is now studying in Germany13:41
jelknerhe won a prize at an international science fair13:41
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jelknerfor designing a stove that can keep women in developing countries from getting ill breathing fumes from burning fuel13:42
jelknerhe wants us to make a website for his project13:42
jelknerthe project will involve html, css, javascript, and like scooper said, python13:42
jelknerwe met three times this week to work on the project13:43
jelknerwe plan to meet four times next week, since we are so excited about our project13:43
jelknerwe will update you again next week13:43
jelknerACTION done13:43
scooperCan I come in Jeff13:43
scooperconcerning the project you are talking about here???13:43
jelkneryou don't need to ask scooper 13:44
jelknerjust do it!13:44
scoopervisualizing what you send me via mail relating to the project13:44
scooperif my memory can still retain the project is own is asking for a site that will allow user view and comment on the site right13:45
jelknerwe need to get Tanaka here13:45
jelknerto answer questions13:45
jelkneri don't know what happened13:46
scooperI m trying to reflect on what I saw through the mail Jeff13:46
jelkneri will call Dr. Stephan Hubbard13:46
jelknerin a few hours13:46
jelknerwe will try again next week13:46
scooperSecondly we need the project owner to be around13:46
jelknerand I'll ask Dr. Hubbard to practice joining us here13:46
jelkneryes, scooper 13:46
scooperBecause when doing site mapping the project owner give you his blue print13:47
jelknerwe won't do this project if the customer is not here with us13:47
tboimahJeff, i hope you will not get it wrong, i Know it's my goal to become a system administrator and i am working on that, but can you please allowed me to take part in the website building of tanakan maybe i may be a help or a benficiary by learning something new while building the website, i promise that i will also be reading the book so i can develop my skill as a system administrator please.13:47
jelknerscooper: can we talk about tboimah's proposal please?13:47
scooperok 13:48
jelknertboimah, this is for you and *everyone*13:48
jelknerI AM NOT THE BOSS!!13:48
jelknerI DON'T WANT TO BE THE BOSS!! ;-)13:49
jelknerwe have a built-in contradiction13:49
jelknersince i am the patron13:49
jelknermy goal is to change that13:49
jelkneri want the team to develop to where you can generate your own revenue, and not need me for that13:49
jelkneri'm hoping to share with you in the process of creating a democratic business13:50
jelknerso all of you will be worker owners13:50
jelknerand leaders13:50
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jelknerso tboimah, you are encouraged to ask the team you want to work with if you can help them13:50
jelknerwe need to learn to plan our work, and work our plan13:51
jelknerit will change over time13:51
jelknersvaye, i asked Anna to lead the group in virginia13:51
jelknershe needs to work with someone on your end13:52
svayeIs the web team included in the creation of the website?13:52
jelknerour goal is to use real projects to drive our skills forward13:52
jelknerso we can deliver real value to real customers13:52
jelknerand have a business13:52
svayeWhen will Anna be available to talk 13:53
jelknersvaye: you should email her13:53
jelknerand ask her what times she can meet13:53
jelkneryou should use a combination of email and irc13:53
svayeWhat's her email address13:53
jelkneryou should have it13:53
jelknersince i sent an email to the two of you13:53
jelknerask scooper 13:54
jelknertboimah: did i answer your question?13:54
tboimahsure but i only have the change to ask the team here but not at your end13:55
jelknerjust do it, my friend13:55
jelkneryou don't need me13:55
tboimahso can you ask the team at the end for me13:55
jelknerah, a different question13:56
jelknerand a good one13:56
jelknerwe need to work out the communication13:56
jelknerso it is efficient and fast13:56
jelkneri suggested one person on each side of the atlantic take the lead13:56
jelkneryou all can decide to change that13:57
jelknerif you have a better idea13:57
jelknerwe just need to make sure that the communication happens13:57
jelknerand in a timely way13:57
jelknerso we move forward13:57
jelknersvaye, if you are taking the lead13:57
jelknertboimah should coordinate with you13:57
jelknerAnna Litwiler will be the lead on the Virginia side13:58
jelknerShe is an excellent student13:58
jelknerand very responsible13:58
svayeI will get in touch with Anna and see how best we can work together,and learn new things from her13:59
jelknerthanks, svaye 13:59
jelknerthat's what i am hoping for13:59
jelknertboimah, i have been talking to Toby and Aaron about another project13:59
jelknerhosting our own git server14:00
jelknerthehedgeh0g (Aaron) likes that idea14:00
jelknerand even though we don't technically need it14:00
jelknerit would be a great learning opportunity for us14:00
jelknerremember, thehedgeh0g and tmickelson are available here for 30 minutes most days of the week between 2:30 and 3 pm your time14:01
jelknerscooper: we want everyone to learn markdown14:02
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jelknerand learn how to use it for notes14:02
jelknerlike the notes you sent me14:02
jelknerinstead of word, use markdown!14:02
jelkneri can show you an example of how i use it14:03
scooperif I m saving a mark down file in vs code the extension should be .md right14:03
jelkneryes, .md14:03
jelkneris markdown14:03
jelknerif you look at that repo14:04
jelkneris it all notes14:04
scooperyes will be in a different file14:04
scooperwhy the code with be in a different file as well14:04
scooperwill that be ok14:05
jelknerthe file system that tboimah talked about is really important to understand14:05
jelknertboimah: you never answered my question, What is the root of the unix file system14:06
jelknerThe answer is: /14:06
jelknerthat is the root of the tree14:06
tboimahof course it will be14:06
jelkneryour weekly summary is not the place to teach us14:07
jelknerthat is "getting into the weeds"14:07
tboimahit can also be called the pathway14:07
jelknerbut when you are in the lab working with people14:07
jelkneryou should be teaching whenever you can14:07
jelknersince everyone will need a basic level of knowledge of the file system and common unix commands14:08
jelknerlike the ones you listed14:08
jelknerok, are we done here?14:08
jelkneranything else we need to discuss?14:08
jelknerwe want folks to have time to work14:08
jelknernot just meet14:09
jelkneri will call dr. hubbard14:09
jelknerand find out what happened today14:09
jelknerwell, are we finished?14:10
scooperYes can we talk14:10
jelkneri'm waiting14:11
jelknerscooper: go14:11
scooperOk i was learning how to deploy a django project on my local computer that can be use through my ip address for another person to see 14:11
scooperI m typing Jeff14:11
jelknergot you14:11
jelknerspeed will come with practice ;-)14:11
scooperplease hold on Jeff14:12
jelkneralso, be brief14:12
jelknerit's faster14:12
jelknerwe don't want to do too much holding on scooper 14:12
jelknerit is wasting a lot of time14:12
jelknerwe have 7 people here14:12
jelknerholding on14:12
jelknerwhen they could be working14:12
scooperThese are instructions I gather so far14:12
jelknerwe'll never be a successful business doing that14:12
jelknerso, for efficiency's sake14:13
jelknerthis seems like an email14:13
scoopershould I hold now and let the other talk with you Jeff14:13
jelkneryou can take your time to write it14:13
jelknerand everyone else won't have to hold on while you do14:13
scooperok 14:13
scooperlet talk about the ufw14:13
scooperwhy exploring14:14
jelknerscooper: we need to get people *working*14:14
jelknerand learning14:14
jelknernot sitting around14:14
jelkneri will be wanting to see results14:14
jelknermore and more14:14
scooperpeople are busy on their computer right now14:14
jelknerok, that's different14:14
jelknerjust you and me14:14
scooperYes Sir14:14
jelknerscooper: we should close the meeting14:14
scooperOk Sir14:14
jelknermeeting adjurned ;-)14:15
jelknernow, you and i can chat14:15
scooperprivately or openly14:15
jelkneri have notes on how to do what you are asking14:15
jelknerit has to do with setting the listening ip address to
jelknerinstead of
scooperfirst step for a machine being use as a server14:15
jelkneror something like that14:16
scooper Let me explain Jeff14:16
scooperShould I 14:16
scooperI m waiting for your instruction14:17
scooperShould I explain Jeff14:17
scooperfirst step setting up a fresh server.. if you I login as a root user. type sudo apt-get install update && apt-get install upgrade14:19
scooperthis will install the latest software need for a fresh server14:19
jelknerscooper: these sound like questions for thehedgeh0g 14:20
jelknerbut i can give you a bit of suggestions14:20
scooperAaron is not really avaialable like he promise14:20
jelknerscooper: remember what happened with Adrian14:21
jelknerthey are busy14:21
jelknerthey only have very limited time14:21
scooperUnderstand so I m learning on my own14:21
scooperfor now14:21
jelknerand that is where my advice comes in14:22
jelknerwe need to crawl before we walk, and walk before we run, and run before we fly14:22
jelkneri notice that you often want to fly ;-014:22
jelknerbut we aren't ready14:22
jelknerthere are so many things you will need to learn first14:22
jelknerand it takes discipline14:23
jelknerin our python study, for example14:23
jelkneryou are absolutely right that we will use python to manipulate web pages14:23
jelknerbut to try to do that without really knowing python or html and css first, is like to turn out bad14:24
jelkneri'm saying that learning Django first is probably not going to work14:24
jelkneryou need to learn python first14:24
jelkneri love your notes from dr. chuck's book14:24
jelknerwe need to go through the whole book14:25
jelknerand learn python14:25
scooperWhat I notice when you are self taught programmer, you do not wait for people to feed you with every details....14:25
jelknerthere are lots of ways to learn things14:25
jelknerand i'm not going to say there is only one way14:25
scooperI m reading two Python Books at the since time Jeff. Python for every body and Think Python14:26
jelknerbut be aware that there is a big difference between being a programmer14:26
jelknerand what is called a "script kiddy"14:26
jelkneryou don't want to be that ;-)14:27
jelkneri mispelled14:27
jelknerscript kiddie14:27
scoopersure I don't want to be that kind of person14:27
jelknerso we need deeper knowledge14:28
jelknerit will take time14:28
jelknerwe need a sys admin group14:28
jelknersince they will have the skills to look at Django config files and setup the servers14:28
jelknerthey will have experience looking through bash log files for error messages14:29
jelkneri don't know how to do that well14:29
jelknerbut thehedgeh0g does14:29
jelknerand tmickelson is learning14:29
jelknerso we need a team there with skills14:29
jelknerand there is *so* much to learn14:29
jelknerthat's why i wanted to break into teams14:29
jelknerso we can increase the speed at which we are learning14:30
jelknerwith different teams focusing on different parts of what we need14:30
jelknerhold on for one second14:30
jelknerscooper: it is really important for you to learn git14:31
jelknerand cli14:31
jelknerand markdown14:31
jelknerso you can document what you are learning14:31
jelknervscode may help you edit python and html files14:32
jelknerbut unless you can use a cli editor like vim and are comfortable with bash commands14:32
jelkneryou are going to have a hard time setting up a Django server14:32
scooperI been using nano for the past time now14:33
scoopersince it use on the server14:33
jelkneryou can use nano14:33
scooperwith some basic linux commands14:33
jelknerthat's a great way to start14:33
scooperthat allow you to navigate through a file sor flder14:33
jelknervim is *much* more powerful14:34
jelknerbut nano will work14:34
scooperfiles or folder14:34
jelkneri never learned to use nano well14:34
jelknerit has a bunch of short cuts14:34
scooperthen this bring me to ask question I will like to ask you14:34
jelknerask away14:35
scooperOh it's ok for 14:35
scooperyou make me understand already14:35
scooperthat you didn't really use nano14:35
jelkneri use vim14:35
scooperBut if you instead I can ask you14:35
jelknerscooper, am i waiting?14:39
scooperThough you where not around14:39
jelknerLOL, why?14:39
jelknerI didn't go anywhere14:39
scooperI use nano/etc/hostname14:40
scooperon my local machine in the computer lab14:40
jelknernano is just a text editor14:40
jelknerlike vim14:40
jelkneror vscode14:40
scooperit open the hostname file before me14:40
jelknerthey will all open the same files14:40
jelknertext files14:40
jelknerany text editor can edit them14:41
scooperI try editing my hostname by inserting the name that I want to use before my computer ip address14:41
scooperexample: scooperliketocode14:41
scooperthe digit is my computer ip address in the lab and scooperliketocode is my hostname I chose to use14:42
jelknerscooper: i really don't have time to dig into the details of this14:42
scooperok sir14:42
jelknerlike i said14:42
jelknerwe need to focus on basics14:43
jelknerdon't try to admin a system14:43
jelkneruntil you are more comfortable with how the system works14:43
jelknerotherwise, you will have *lots* of questions14:43
jelknerand you will experience a lot of frustration14:44
jelknersince you know what you want to do14:44
jelknerbut you do not yet have the skills to do it14:44
jelkneryou want to fly14:44
jelknerbut you need to walk first14:44
jelknerscooper: i just sent the disbursement14:47
jelknerwhat you and i need to do most, my friend, is to project manage14:47
jelknerwe need to grow the skills of the team14:48
jelkneryou and i are the ones most responsible for that14:48
jelknerfor making phone calls and sending emails helping move things along14:48
jelknerour job is not to do everything14:48
jelkneri like to say that i'm the "unstucker"14:48
jelknerwhen things get stuck14:49
jelknerit's my job to figure out how to unstuck them14:49
jelkneri'm going to call dr. hubbard now14:49
jelknerand see if he can join us14:49
scooperI haven received an alert yet14:53
jelknerhi Stephen 14:53
scooperHello Stephen14:53
*** Stephen has quit (None)14:54
webJeffHere is am as webJeff 14:54
StephenOk, I;m in14:55
jelknerTanaka emailed me14:55
jelknerhe appearantly couldn't get it14:56
jelknerscooper: Stephen will take responsiblity for helping Tanaka get on next week15:00
jelknerand teach him how to connect15:01
jelknerso we will try again next Saturday15:01
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jelknerscooper: you'll get the notice15:01
jelkneri got a receipt15:02
jelknersays disbursement will arrive wednesday march 815:02
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jelknerStephen: email to Tanaka with cc to you, scooper, svaye, and anna sent15:05
jelkneri think that's all for me today15:06
jelknerscooper: see you monday15:06
jelknerACTION signs off for the day15:07
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