IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-03-25

*** tboimah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)12:48
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LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:01
LittleWebsterWeb team report (svaye - 10 min). (added by jelkner)13:01
LittleWebsterAdmin team report (tboimah - 10 min). (added by jelkner)13:01
LittleWebsterDev team report (scooper - 10 min). (added by jelkner)13:01
LittleWebsterIntroducing our new git hosting server (jelkner - 10 min). (added by jelkner)13:01
jelknerNote to Niamiah: LittleWebster didn't fire at 9 am.13:02
jelknerNeed to fix.13:03
tboimahGood day Jeff13:06
janetGood morning Jeff13:06
jelknerGood day, tboimah and janet 13:06
jelknerand scooper 13:07
scooperGood morning Jeff13:07
jelknerAre we ready to start?13:08
jelknerI only have a short time13:08
jelknerI need to get to the bank before it closes this morning13:08
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:08
LittleWebsterWeb team report (svaye - 10 min). (added by jelkner)13:08
LittleWebsterAdmin team report (tboimah - 10 min). (added by jelkner)13:08
LittleWebsterDev team report (scooper - 10 min). (added by jelkner)13:08
LittleWebsterIntroducing our new git hosting server (jelkner - 10 min). (added by jelkner)13:08
mulbahHello jeff13:09
jelknerIs svaye here?13:09
jelknertboimah: why don't you start13:09
scoopernot yet13:09
scooperstill awaiting here13:09
jelknerso let's start with either Admin or Dev team report13:10
tboimahGood day to everyone to presentation will on Processes13:10
tboimahtoday we will be looking at some command line that let 13:11
tboimahus examine what programs are doing and how to terminate 13:11
tboimahprocesses that are misbehaving.13:11
tboimahthese command line are:13:12
tboimah1. ps— means to Report a snapshot of current processes.13:12
tboimah2. top— means to Display tasks.13:12
tboimah3. jobs— means to List active jobs.z bg— Place a job in the background.13:12
tboimah4. fg— means to Place a job in the foreground.13:12
tboimah5. kill— means to Send a signal to a process.13:12
tboimah6. killall— means to Kill processes by name.13:13
tboimah7. shutdown— means to Shut down or reboot the system.13:13
tboimahwe will also be talking about the process state which tell what state the 13:14
tboimahprogram is in and here are the below process state:13:14
tboimah1. R -- Running. The process is running or ready to run.13:14
tboimah2. S -- Sleeping. The process is not running; rather, it is waiting for an event,13:14
tboimah         such as a keystroke or network packet.13:14
tboimah3. D -- Uninterruptible sleep. Process is waiting for I/O such as      a disk drive.13:15
tboimah4. T -- Stopped. Process has been instructed to stop (more on this later).13:15
tboimah5. Z -- A defunct or “zombie” process. This is a child process that has13:15
tboimah        terminated but has not been cleaned up by its parent.13:15
tboimah6. < -- A high-priority process. It’s possible to grant more importance to a13:15
tboimah        process, giving it more time on the CPU. This property of a process is13:15
tboimah        called niceness. A process with high priority is said to be less nice13:15
tboimah        because it’s taking more of the CPU’s time, which leaves less for13:15
tboimah        everybody else.13:15
tboimah7. N -- A low-priority process. A process with low priority (a nice process)13:15
tboimah        will get processor time only after other processes with higher priority13:15
tboimah        have been serviced.13:15
jelknertboimah: let me jump in here13:16
jelknerit is great that you are studying this13:16
jelknerbut your report is now "getting into the weeds"13:16
jelknerWe don't want the details13:16
jelknerwe want a high level overview13:16
jelknersomething like:13:16
jelknerThis past we mulbah and tboimah focused on unix process control13:17
jelknerWe read chapter n of the book we are using13:17
jelknerand we practiced what we are learning in the lab13:17
jelknerwe now feel more confident how to monitor processes on a machine13:18
jelknerand look forward to applying what we learned on our own servers13:18
jelknerACTION done13:18
tboimahokay thanks for the example13:19
tboimahACTION done13:19
jelknerremember, we will need *a lot* of time to practice13:19
jelknerour weekly meetings should aim to be what is called a "Stand up meeting" in the agile community13:20
jelknerIt's called a stand up meeting since everyone is supposed to stand13:20
jelknerso they don't get to comfortable13:20
jelknerthat's because the meeting needs to be quick13:20
jelknerso we can get down to work!13:20
jelknerwhose next?13:20
janetI'm next13:21
jelknergot for it, janet 13:21
jelknergo for it13:21
janetGood day everyone, let go through with the python team presentation.13:21
janetThe python team work on a program that has to do with variables, functions, iteration, and strigs. some of these functions include: def,  for, return, and etc. we also study about operators, which include: =, +, *, <, >, /, and etc.13:22
janetwe wrote a program that reads and check in numbers and print the largest value of the number.13:23
janet we also work on a program that repeatedly reads numbers, and print out the total, count, and the average of the numbers. 13:23
jelknerthanks, janet 13:24
jelkneryou should end with /me done13:25
scoopercan I add up 13:25
scooperfrom there13:25
scooperwe follow study logical operator13:25
scooperBoolean exxpression13:25
janetACTION done13:25
scooperconditional execution13:25
scooperalternative execution13:25
scooperchained conditional and nested conditionals13:26
scooperlooking at logical operator it has to deal with and, or not13:26
jelknerscooper: is it just you and janet?13:26
jelkneror has jallah been working with you?13:27
scooperand compared two value to know whether it is true13:27
jelknerremember scooper, avoid the weeds ;-)13:27
scooperi done undestand  your questions13:27
jelknerjanet gave us an excellent example of a quick summary report13:27
jelknerjust tell us in a few lines what you did the past week, and paste us a link13:28
jelknerif we are curious, we can look at your git commits and see what you did13:28
jelknerok, my turn, since svaye isn't here13:28
scooperKindly check  you repository13:28
scooperWe update it before13:29
jelkneror can dcammue give the web team report?13:29
dcammueGood day everyone13:30
dcammueI will be presenting for the web team13:30
dcammueWe have been trying to setup things with Annie for the meeting13:31
jelkneryou meet today, i understand13:31
jelknerthat's what Annie told me13:31
dcammueAnd also been reading the book for better understanding so after that we will create a large web site next week 13:33
jelknerok everyone, please allow me to give my report, and then we can end the meeting and get to work13:34
jelkneri talk to scooper regularly about the need to have *much* more lab time13:34
dcammueFor the meeting with Annie has already been set on saturday for the web team.13:34
jelkneryou wont' learn without practice13:34
jelknerso meetings need to be short, and practice needs to be *long*!13:35
dcammueACTION done13:35
jelknerI have only two things:13:35
jelkner1. I will be in England during the next 2 Saturdays, so we won't meet again until April 1513:36
jelkner2. Thanks to thehedgeh0g we now have our own git server13:36
jelknerWe should move all our work onto this server13:37
jelknerHere's the plan:13:37
scooperThanks Jeff and Aaron13:37
jelknerscooper: you, mulbah, and tboimah will be made admins on the server13:37
jelkneras the admin team, it will then be your task to get everyone else set up13:38
jelknerand to teach them how to use it13:38
jelkneri'm doing it this way on purpose13:38
jelknerit's what my dear friend Dave Welsh taught me was a "skill driver" activity13:38
svayeGood morning Jeff13:39
jelknerso, mulbahk and tboimah, can one of you be around during the 1:30 to 2 pm daily meetings13:39
jelknerthis week?13:39
jelknergood day svaye 13:39
jelknerthat way thehedgeh0g can walk you through the process13:39
jelkneractually, i can do that today mulbahk 13:40
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:40
jelknerok, scooper, i'm counting on you to help move things forward during the next 3 weeks13:40
jelkneri don't want to come back on April 15 and find us in the same place were we are now, right scooper?13:41
scooperI will try my possible best Jeff13:41
jelknerthe whole team will help you, i know they will!13:41
jelknerok, let's end the meeting13:41
scooperSure I trust their ability as well13:42
jelknersee you all in 3 weeks!13:42
scooperSafe Journey Jeff13:42
jelknermulbahk, tboimah, please stay so i can work with you13:42
jelknerthanks, scooper.  i'll get to see Adrian13:42
mulbahkokay jeff13:42
svayeSafe travel Jeff13:42
scooperMy regards to him13:42
jelknerI'm going to England, fkoikoi 13:42
scooperOne more thing Jeff13:42
jelkneryes, scooper 13:42
scooperI send mail to you, Anna and Aaron13:43
scooperconcern the github repository13:43
scooperis like Anna didn't give me permission on codeberg 13:43
jelknerscooper, let's please not waste everyone's time13:44
janetTake care Jeff13:44
jelknerthey need to get learning, not sit around watching us type13:44
jelknerscooper: you need to send her your codeberg account13:44
jelkneri talked to her about that13:44
jelknerwhen you send her your account, she can add you to the project13:45
jelknerok, everyone, lab time!13:45
jelknertboimah, mulbahk, and scooper can work with me13:45
jelkneri only have about 30 minutes, so let's "git" to it! ;-)13:45
jelknermulbahk, we can start with you13:47
dcammueSave journal Jeff13:47
jelkneroh, thanks, dcammue 13:47
jelkneri got you!13:48
jelknermulbahk: your user name is your novaweb email address13:48
dcammuesafe journey13:48
jelknerthanks, dcammue!13:48
jelknermulbahk: try to log in13:49
jelknertboimah: let me create an account for you13:49
jelknerwe want to use the following conventions:13:50
jelkner1. username will be first initial + last name13:50
jelkner2. email will be novaweb email address13:50
mulbahkso what is the password13:51
jelknermulbahk: look at the private message13:51
jelknertboimah: you now have an account too13:52
tboimahso what should i do next13:53
jelknerlog in, tboimah 13:53
jelkneryou are there with mulbahk, right?13:53
jelknerhelp each other out13:53
jelkneri want you to make an account for scooper 13:54
jelknerhe will be an admin too13:54
jelkneryou will also make accounts for everyone elese13:54
jelknerthey will *not* be admins13:54
jelknermulbahk: do you see a drop down in the upper right corner?13:55
jelknerIt should have Profile, Starred, Subscriptions, Settings, Help, and Site Administration13:56
jelknerwe are running a web application called gitea13:56
jelknerIt is the same application that codeberg runs13:57
jelknertboimah and mulbahk, you will be entry level professionals when you can set up things like this13:57
jelknerso to help you on that journey, thehedgeh0g set it up13:58
jelknernow you can learn to use it as an admin13:58
jelknersince you have a lab to play with13:58
jelkneryou could later try to install it on one of the machines in the lab13:58
jelknertboimah: are you in13:59
LittleWebsterfkoikoi : jelkner : svaye : thehedgeh0g : tboimah : mulbahk : janet : scooper : dcammue14:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!14:00
LittleWebsterIt's 14:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.14:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:14:00
LittleWebsterWeb team report (svaye - 10 min). (added by jelkner)14:00
LittleWebsterAdmin team report (tboimah - 10 min). (added by jelkner)14:00
LittleWebsterDev team report (scooper - 10 min). (added by jelkner)14:00
LittleWebsterIntroducing our new git hosting server (jelkner - 10 min). (added by jelkner)14:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!14:00
*** mulbahk has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:00
jelknerah, LittleWebster fires an hour off14:01
jelknerwe'll fix that by our next meeting14:01
jelknertboimah: any success?14:01
jelknerdon't know what happened to mulbah14:01
jelknerbut i could log in14:01
jelknertboimah: ?14:02
jelknerscooper: i have to go14:02
jelknerbut i'd like tboimah to confirm first14:02
jelkneris he still there?14:02
jelknerhe isn't answering me14:02
tboimahyeah i manager to login14:02
jelknerit made you change your password, yes?14:03
scooperSorry did you create account for me or mulbah will??14:03
tboimahand i created new password for myself14:03
tboimahso what next14:03
jelknerscooper: i did not create an account for you14:03
jelknersince tboimah needs to do that!14:03
jelknertboimah: create an account for scooper 14:03
jelkneruse scooper as the username14:04
jelknerand set his email address to spencer.cooper@novawebdevelopment.org14:04
tboimahjeff where should i go to do that on the server14:05
jelknerlook at the drop down menu when you click on the arrow in the upper right corner14:06
jelknerthe user interface is pretty clean14:06
jelkneri was able to figure it out without any help from thehedgeh0g 14:06
jelknersee if you can, tboimah 14:06
jelkneryou need to "look around"14:06
jelkneruntil you get a feel for where things are14:07
jelknerok, tboimah, mulbah, and scooper 14:10
jelkneri need to go14:10
jelknertboimah, see if you can figure it out14:10
jelkneri leave that as a challenge for you14:10
tboimahokay I'm trying to that14:10
jelknerif you have trouble, mulbah can get help on Monday14:10
jelknerat 1:30 pm14:11
jelknermulbah, you should be able to login too14:11
jelknerso both of you can try to figure it out together14:11
jelknerit is gitea14:11
jelkneryou can use web search for help14:11
jelknerthose are the real skills IT professionals need14:11
jelknersee y'all in 3 weeks!14:12
*** mulbah has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)14:12
jelkneri'll be online Monday through Thursday at 1:30 pm your time14:12
jelknermy wife and i get on the plan Friday afternoon14:12
jelknerand then i get back on April 11114:12
jelknerso i'll be back on irc on April 12 at 1:30 pm14:13
jelknerACTION logs off...14:13
jelkneroh wait14:13
jelkneri look forward to reading the irc log to see your meeting with Annie today svaye and dcammue 14:14
svayeOkay Jeff14:14
jelknerACTION logs off14:14
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:14
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tmickelsonPING 167970521718714:40
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tboimahhi tmickelson14:49
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AnnaquariusHello Shallon19:15
AnnaquariusI am so sorry for not being here earlier19:15
svayeHi anna19:16
AnnaquariusThere was a robotics thing that ran later than expected19:16
AnnaquariusIt is very nice to finally meet you :)19:16
Annaquariusin regards to the stove project, do you have a codeberg account?19:17
svayeIt's okay19:17
*** svaye has quit (Remote host closed the connection)19:17
Annaquariushello again19:22
svayeSorry about that 19:22
Annaquariusits ok19:22
svayeHi 19:22
Annaquariusso about the stove project19:22
Annaquariusdo you have a codeberg account?19:23
Annaquariusbecause I can add you to the repository and let you access the code if you do19:23
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svayeShould I create an account on codeberg19:24
Annaquariusyes you should create an account19:28
Annaquariusthis would give you access to push changes to the code19:29
svayeI just did that, I am setting it up now19:29
*** Annaquarius has quit (Remote host closed the connection)19:29
AnnaquariusSorry I keep disconnecting19:30
AnnaquariusI am not very familiar with irc19:31
Annaquariusbut once you have it set up, could you send me your username?19:31
dcammueGood day everyone19:34
svayeAnna I am not really familiar with codeberg 19:35
Annaquariuswhere are you running into trouble?19:35
svayeI need your help in making my repository 19:35
AnnaquariusLet me give you access to the one already created for the stove19:36
svayeShould I make the repository a template19:36
AnnaquariusIf you give me your username then I can add you and you don't need to make your own19:36
Annaquariusthere is already a created repository19:36
svayesvaye is my user name19:37
Annaquariusok give me 2 minutes to add you19:37
svayeHi dcammue19:38
Annaquariushere is the repository:
Annaquariusdo you know how to clone it?19:38
svayeI cloned it already19:39
Annaquariusif not, we may need to get help from Jeff or someone else as I am not very familiar with that process19:39
*** Annaquarius has quit (Remote host closed the connection)19:39
Annaquariusoh great19:39
Annaquariusthen I believe you should be able to push changes now19:40
svayeAm I added 19:40
Annaquariusyes you are19:40
*** dcammue has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)19:41
Annaquariusfor now we will all just work on the same files until we are able to figure out branches19:41
AnnaquariusI think most of the basic portions of the website are completed and now the focus will be on adding more interactive components19:42
AnnaquariusI will discuss with Jeff on Tuesday abou what the next steps should be19:43
AnnaquariusIt has been very nice to meet you today Shallon :D19:43
svayeIt was nice meeting you too anna19:46
dcammueI having internet trouble19:46
dcammueso svaye you now know how to create the codeberg account? 19:48
*** Annaquarius has quit (Quit: Page closed)19:48
dcammueso you guys done19:49
svayeI think so19:49
*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Leaving)19:53
*** svaye has quit (Quit: Leaving)20:00

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