IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-04-15

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jkoleahGood morning11:16
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LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!12:52
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!12:57
jelknerGood day, dcammue, scooper, and tboimah!12:58
jelknerIt's been awhile.12:58
scooperyes Jeff12:58
tboimahYeah How are you doing?12:58
scooperbut we are so happy to see you again12:58
jelknerI had a wonderful trip to the UK.12:58
tboimahwow good to hear12:59
scooperThank God you are back12:59
jelknerBest part was getting together with Adrian and Stefan.12:59
scoopersame will happen with us one day12:59
LittleWebstertboimah : thehedgeh0g : scooper : jelkner : dcammue13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
jelknerWith the bonus of meeting Max Parzen13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterUh-oh! That is embarassing...13:00
LittleWebsterUnfortunately, there are no items on the agenda!13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
dcammueGood day Jeff13:00
jelknerGood day dcammue 13:00
jelknerok, so what's on our agenda today?13:00
jelknerI really need to know what you all have been doing.13:00
jelknerI'd like to take a few minutes to talk about
scooperOK Work along with the team on the website you left behind13:01
jelknerAnd I can answer any questions you might have about what I'm working on.13:01
dcammueWelcome Jeff13:01
jelknerTell me more about that, scooper 13:01
scooperOK Jeff13:02
tboimahfor the system administration team we been reading the book and also make sure to create account everyone on the new server.13:02
jelknersuper, tboimah!13:02
jelkneri haven't looked yet13:02
jelknerare folks putting their git repos there now?13:02
scooperbut the were an issue while push from my branch to the github13:03
tboimahour goal this week is to teach the team how to use the server13:03
scooperwhich I send you and Aaron email concerning the way forwarder13:03
scoopersorry  tboimah13:03
jelknerwill you be at our daily meetings again?13:03
scooperdid know you were on board13:03
jelknernone of you were there this week13:04
tboimahi will be there but not everyday jeff13:04
jelknertboimah, do you know which days you *will* be there?13:04
jelknerit would help with planning13:05
jelknerGood day, fkoikoi!13:05
fkoikoiGood day Jeff13:05
jelknerby the way, everyone, i have another meeting at 10 am my time.13:05
jelknerso we need to take care of business within an hour13:06
jelknerand continue one monday13:06
tboimahTuesday and Thursday is sure but the other days are not sure maybe i be their for that days13:06
jelknerthanks, tboimah.  we will work with you on tuesday and thursday13:06
jelknerso, scooper, what is our plan now?13:07
jelknerwhat do you need from me?13:07
scooperI need you to please view the email I send you concerning the website13:07
jelknerwhen did you send it?13:07
scooperI tried pushing from my branch but I was deny access13:08
jelknerthat's not a me issue, scooper13:08
jelknerthehedgeh0g, or tmickelson13:08
scooperWhen you were on your trip Jeff13:08
scooperI cc copy Anna and Aaron13:08
jelkneryou need to show up during our weekday 1/2 meetings and ask them for help13:08
jelkneri'll be there monday13:09
scooperTomorrow right13:09
jelknerand can help nudge them to help you if they aren't paying attention13:09
jelknernot tomorrow, monday13:09
scooperevery member of the web team had the same problem13:09
jelknerGood day, Janet13:09
scoopersorry 13:09
JanetGood day Jeff13:09
jelknerfkoikoi, great news about your class!13:10
scooperApril 1713:10
jelknerplease let me know if you need to schedule time with me to get help with your studies13:10
fkoikoithanks Jeff13:10
scooperJeff we have a little issue13:10
jelknerAnd what is that, scooper?13:11
scooperOne of my team mate which happen to be Janet computer got stolen last week13:11
jelkneran unfortunate, but well known problem to us by now, scooper 13:12
jelknerI guess will be dealing with that for a long while.13:12
scooperI know but I have to inform you13:12
jelknerWe can't stop it completely, probably, but we can hopefully keep it below the threshold that will sink us.13:12
jelknerwhen i come in Summer 2024, i am going to aim to bring another 20 laptops with me13:13
jelkneri'll bring them on the plane13:13
jelknersince we know shipping them doesn't work13:13
jelkneruntil then, we need to use what we have13:14
jelknerscooper, did the other shipment ever arrive?13:14
scooperI didn't received any computer 13:14
jelknerso we can't count on them, i guess13:14
scooperYou mean the computer the sup brought13:15
jelkneri shared a spreadsheet with you13:15
scooperalong with the two phone you send???13:15
jelknerthe phones were small13:15
jelknerbut the laptops were bigger, of course13:16
jelknerdid he bring them?13:16
jelknerthat's what i'm asking13:16
jelknerif so13:16
jelknerwe have more equipment13:16
jelknernice laptops13:16
scooperGood laptop with better spec 13:16
jelknerthat should carry us through until summer 202413:16
jelknerscooper, my recommendation is to use the best of them in the lab13:17
jelknerand the ones that are older can be issued to us to take home13:17
jelknerthey may get stolen13:17
jelknerbut they will be the oldest ones, and the most expendable13:17
jelkneri am hoping the sys admin team, scooper, tboimah, and mulbah13:18
jelknerwill learn your skills by maintaining the lab13:18
jelknerthat's the best way for you to learn13:18
jelkneri've been doing things that way since 199713:18
jelknerand it works extremely well13:19
jelknerall my former students who maintained my lab became successful IT professionals13:19
jelknerlike thehedgeh0g and tmickelson surely will too13:19
jelknerit's project based learning of the best kind13:19
jelknerthe project is configuring and maintaining your own lab13:20
jelknerit requires learning about installing and updating linux systems13:20
jelknernetworking them together13:20
jelknerchoosing and installing the right software13:20
jelknersetting up in lab servers to practice server skills13:20
jelknerscooper, you and i should perhaps meet with the Supe to discuss this plan13:21
jelknerbut i am counting on project based learning to drive your skill development13:21
jelknersame with the website projects13:21
jelknerwe learn by doing13:21
jelknerwe take on important tasks, and learn what we need to learn to make them happen13:22
jelknersome day, if the dream comes true, we could have enough skills to work on projects like PyPSA13:22
jelknerand be able to use Python tools to help Liberia better provide energy to its people13:23
jelknerthat's the dream for me, anyway13:23
jelknerACTION done ;-)13:23
scooperSound impressive 13:24
jelknerit is impressive ;-)13:24
tboimahpray that our dream come through13:24
jelknerand not just pray, tboimah, but *work hard*!13:24
tboimahsure 13:25
scooperJeff still Aaron and tickner solve our problem can I send you what  was done on the website project with a different git repos???13:25
scooperwill that you will know what was being done, and also recommend the appropriate color to use13:25
jelknerscooper, you can send it, but i can't promise to have any time to do anything with it13:25
jelkneri'll have time to read email tomorrow, scooper 13:26
jelknerso i can glance at it then13:26
jelknerscooper, how is the safe cooking oven website going?13:27
scooperThat is it am talking about13:27
jelkneroh, i definitely want to look at that!13:28
jelknera very important project13:28
jelknerdcammue, can you be at a meeting on monday?13:28
jelknerso we can look at that?13:28
scooperbut you said you don't have the time still tomorrow13:28
jelknerscooper, 13:28
dcammueI will be  there13:28
jelkneri'll read the email tomorrow13:28
jelknerbut we can chat about it live on monday13:28
scooperyou mean the safe cooking oven website???13:29
dcammueDo you want to take a look at the website for the cooking oven?13:30
jelkneri have another meeting coming up, but i have 10 minutes13:30
jelknerlet's let everyone else get working13:30
jelknerwe don't want to waste time13:30
dcammueokay 13:30
jelkneronly you, dcammue, and jelkner need to stay for that13:30
jelknerok, everyone, until next saturday then13:31
jelkneri won't have another meeting next week, so i'll have more time13:31
jelknerscooper, can you past a link13:31
jelknerdcammue, i have 10 minutes now13:31
jelknerthen i have to go13:31
dcammueokay Jeff  13:31
scooperlet me create a different repos and paste the link13:31
dcammueSee you then13:32
scooperWill that be ok??13:32
jelkneri'm confused13:32
jelknerwill what be ok?13:32
dcammuefor us to discuss now?13:33
jelkneri have 10 minutes13:33
jelknerthat's what i'm saying13:33
jelknerso start13:33
jelknerACTION waits13:34
dcammueSo I want to understand about the website well13:34
jelknergood, dcammue, i'm glad you do!13:34
dcammueWhat aare those things that we the web owner needs to be added to it?13:34
jelknerdcammue, when you talk about features, we need to meet with the customer13:35
jelkneri am not the customer13:35
jelknerbut i can set up a meeting13:35
jelknerwhat i wanted you to do first13:35
jelknerwas to make a nice site that had all the information from his PDF file13:35
jelknerso that we can then say, "look what we have done"13:36
jelknerwe need to meet with you to talk about what to do next13:36
dcammueI have a link here13:36
jelknerdoes that make sense?13:36
jelkneri can't see that, dcammue 13:37
jelknerit's on you local computer13:37
jelknerit's not available on the web13:37
dcammuethat what I have been wishing to do13:37
jelknerwhenever you see the file:/// protocal13:37
jelknerit means it's local13:37
jelknertboimah can explain that to you13:38
jelknerthe workflow should be that you have a shared git repo on a web server13:38
jelkneri would love to use git.mcssliberia.org13:38
dcammueso when we will meet with him13:38
jelknerbut we already have it on github13:38
jelknerdcammue ?13:39
jelkneri don't know what your ? means13:39
dcammueI was asking that's why I sent that "?"13:40
jelknerwhat are you asking?13:40
jelkneri don't understand13:40
scooperYou still there13:40
dcammueI said when you will meet the customer13:40
jelknerwe will set up a meeting *after* you finish putting all the PDF info into a nice looking website13:41
scoopernot complete this is what was done in your absence13:41
jelknerthat you are proud to show him13:41
jelknerthanks, scooper 13:42
jelknerlet me look at that tomorrow13:42
jelknerwe can talk on monday13:42
scooperNot meant for the client now13:42
jelknergotta go now13:42
scooperit is still in production model13:42
jelknerunderstood, scooper 13:42
jelknerso that is our answer to dcammue 13:42
jelknerwe aren't ready to meet yet13:43
dcammueoksy 13:43
jelknersee y'all next saturday13:43
scooperOK Jeff13:43
jelknerand hopefully several of you during the week13:43
jelknerACTION signs off for today13:43
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:43
dcammuewe will keep working Jeff13:43
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*** dcammue has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:43
*** Janet has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:44
*** fkoikoi has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:58
dcammuehi guys 18:38
dcammueAre we not meeting today?18:38
dcammueSvaye if you get on line please contact me.18:39
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