IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-04-22

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scooperHello Jeff12:37
jelknerGood day scooper 12:38
scooperYou are up soon today12:39
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!12:39
jelknerI'm here with my friend Sahnun, at his house12:41
jelknerWe are trying to get an irc client on his machine12:41
jelknerSo he can join our meeting today12:41
jelkner!add Planning from now through July12:43
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Planning from now through July" has been added to the agenda.12:43
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:43
LittleWebsterPlanning from now through July (added by jelkner)12:43
jelkner!agenda Introducing Sahnun12:43
LittleWebsterInvalid arguments.12:43
jelkner!add Introducing Sahnun12:44
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Introducing Sahnun" has been added to the agenda.12:44
dcammueGood day Jeff12:45
svayeGood morning Jeff12:46
jelknerGood day dcammue and svaye!12:46
dcammueHow are you doing?12:46
jelknerWe have a new person here today, shmohamud 12:46
tboimahGood day everyone12:47
jelknerGood day tboimah 12:47
dcammuewelcome Shmohamud12:47
svayeHi shmohamud it's nice meeting you12:47
mulbahGood morning jeff12:48
jelknerGood day mulbah 12:48
jelknerGive shmohamud a few minutes12:48
jelknerhe's never used irc before12:48
jelknerand he just installed it on his computer12:49
shmohamudHello! Thanks for welcoming me, nice to meet you too!12:49
mulbahnice to meet you too shmohamud12:50
LittleWebstershmohamud : tboimah : scooper : jelkner : dcammue_ : dcammue : thehedgeh0g : svaye : svaye_ : mulbah13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterPlanning from now through July (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterIntroducing Sahnun (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
jelknerGood day everyone!13:01
jelknernice to see LittleWebster fired on schedule13:01
sysadmin_Good morning Jeff13:01
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jelknerWe've only got two agenda items today13:01
jelknerlet's do them in reverse order13:01
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jelknerI'm here at the house of my friend Sahnun shmohamud.13:02
jelknerWe've been planning to introduce him to you all for awhile now.13:02
jelknerAnd we're finally getting to it.13:02
jelknerWhy don't we start with introductions?13:02
scooperI m Spencer Cooper Mr. Shmohamud13:03
scooperA Liberian residing in Liberia  on the West coast of Africa13:03
shmohamudSpencer, it's a pleasure to meet you digitally :) 13:04
shmohamudI'm residing near Jeff, in Virginia, East Coast of the USA13:04
scooperMe too13:04
jelknerbtw, everyone13:04
jelkneryou dont' have to wait for someone to finish13:05
jelknerbefore you type13:05
jelknerwe can all type at once13:05
jelknerthat's kind of the irc way to do it13:05
jelknerwe'll be able to read everyone's threads13:05
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jelknerSo dcammue_ mulbah svaye_ 13:05
jelknertell shmohamud a bit about yourselves13:06
svaye_Hi I am Shallon Vaye13:06
dcammue_I'm Daniel cammue. A Liberian residing in Liberia on the west cost of Africa13:07
svaye_I am also from Liberia and a high school student13:07
dcammue_Nice to Meet you shmohamud13:07
shmohamudHi Shallon and Daniel, really good to meet you both.13:07
svaye_It's nice meeting you too13:08
shmohamudI'm a university graduate, have worked as a professional software engineer for almost 4 years and love to tutor13:08
mulbahHello shmohamud I'm Mulbah and I'm studying system administrator13:09
mulbahwow that great13:09
shmohamudHello Mulbah, pleasure to meet you. I'm exciting to work with you on your path.13:09
shmohamud**I'm excited13:09
mulbahme too13:10
scooperThanks shmohamud we look forward to having a cordially working relationship adjust ourselves to learn from you13:11
mulbahso do you know about liunx file system  13:12
dcammue_I'm a prospective graduate, studying NEW DEVELOPMENT13:12
scooperI m optimistic that you are very good at Python and Java programming......13:12
dcammue_**NEB 13:13
svaye_I am studying Web development13:13
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shmohamudSpencer, I'm looking forward to working with you. I'm a Javascript developer with some Python experience too :)13:13
shmohamudDaniel, that is really cool! I'm excited to work with you on your path.13:14
scooperThanks for the encouragement 13:14
svaye_Will you also work with the web team?13:14
shmohamudSpencer, I'm a professional Web Developer, so I will certainly work with you :)13:14
dcammue_Okay you are welcome13:15
svaye_I am looking forward to working with you13:15
shmohamudAbsolutely. You all are an inspiration for me and I look forward to working with all of you to reach your goals.13:16
scooperWow Thanks once again shmohamud as we  interns of mcss adjust our seat belt to learn from you.... Thanks Jeff for alway thinking ten step ahead of us13:16
dcammue_That's great13:16
shmohamudHaha, thanks Spencer!13:17
mulbahso shmohamud will you be on the hex chat doing the week13:17
shmohamudI will keep the chat on throughout the week13:18
svaye_should we refer to you as shmohamud?13:18
shmohamudAnd welcome any questions and communiations13:18
mulbahGood 13:18
shmohamudShallon, yes, refer to me as shmohamud13:19
scoopershmohamud could you please place your email in here for everyone to have a direct contact with you??? 13:19
shmohamudMy first name is "Sahnun" prounounced "Suh-noon"13:19
shmohamudMy last name is "Mohamud" pronounced "Moh-ha-mood" 13:19
jelkneri'm going to set up shmohamud with a nova web email13:19
jelknerso we can use that to communicate13:19
scooperThanks Jeff that will be ok for us all.......13:20
shmohamudI want it to go to my personal email13:20
svaye_Okay Jeff13:20
mulbahI will join you doing the week to practice my skill13:20
shmohamudmulbah that sounds great!13:20
shmohamudI encourage you to reach out. I am in between jobs at the moment, and so have ample time to assist everyone. Now's the best time!13:21
svaye_Which time during the week13:21
shmohamudBetween 2PM and 8PM Liberia time is best for me13:22
jelknerOK, this is great13:23
jelknerLet's now move to the other agenda item13:23
svaye_will you be on the hexchat?13:23
dcammue_Great! We are getting somewhere13:23
jelknerPlanning from now through July13:23
shmohamudI will be on the Hexchat Shallon13:24
jelknerI chose July since I will be working full time with NOVA Web during the month of July13:24
jelknerI will also have more availability in general between now and then, but unfortunately it will be difficult to plan13:25
jelknerThey school schedule gets crazy as the end of the year approaches13:25
jelknerwe have testing days, and special activities, etc.13:25
jelknerSo often I don't know where I'm going to be when.13:25
jelknerAnd the goal is still the same13:26
jelknerThe teams there need to "lean how to learn"13:26
jelknerwhich means you can make progress on your own even when we aren't meeting13:26
jelknertboimah, mulbah, i haven't had the chance to look in detail, but i understand thehedgeh0g and tmickelson have you using an online git tutorial, yes?13:27
jelknerthehedgeh0g told me it was a web application that teaches you git13:28
jelknertboimah can you please post the url?13:28
tboimahthe url of whah13:28
jelknerof the website you are using to learn git13:28
tboimahokay give me a min please13:29
jelknerand while we wait for that13:29
jelknersvaye_ and dcammue_, you are working with annie on the website for the safe oven design, yes?13:30
jelknerThat's our server, tboimah 13:30
jelkneri know about that13:30
jelkneri mean the git tutorial13:31
jelknersvaye_ and dcammue_, i'll have more time in may to help you with that13:31
jelknertboimah: i think it is this:
jelknerbut i'm not sure13:32
jelkneri can ask thehedgeh0g on monday13:32
tboimahno i don't have any link for git tutorial13:32
jelkneri heard them talking in class about giving you one13:32
svaye_May 16 2023 to June 7 2023 we will be writing our WASSCE so we won't have enough time with you13:33
jelknerlastly, i'm working with the Python group13:33
tboimahokay 13:33
jelknerthanks, svaye_ 13:34
jelkneri'll keep that in mind13:34
jelknerby june 7 i will have alot of time available13:34
jelknerso that will be good13:34
jelknerso that's what i wanted to discuss in this planning session13:34
jelknerdcammue_, svaye_, mulbah, and tboimah all have WASSCE, yes?13:35
jelknerbut janet does not13:35
jelknersince she still has another year13:35
jelknerwhere are Freena and Jallah?13:36
jelknerthey don't have WASSCE either13:36
jelknerso i should focus on working with the three of them during May13:36
jelknerand scooper, of course13:36
jelknerscooper and i set up a git repo on our server for the python group13:37
jelknerscooper: where are Freena and Jallah?13:37
jelknerhave you heard from them lately?13:37
scooperOnly Freena13:38
scooperMay Jallah trying calling but my phone was off13:38
jelknerplease reach out to them13:38
jelknersee if you can get them here next saturday13:38
jelknerso we can plan13:38
jelknerjanet, since you don't have to study for the exam, let's focus on python during may13:39
jelkneryou can work with scooper 13:39
jelknerand i'll help guide you13:39
scooperBut Janet done have a computer for now13:39
jelknercan she come into the lab?13:39
jelkneryou can set her up with admin on one of the lab machines13:40
jelknerthat is another of our goals13:40
jelknerto get you to learn to use the lab effectively13:40
jelkneryou have a large number of machines13:40
jelkneryou should use them to learn13:40
jelknerlearn to install linux13:41
jelknerlearn to setup servers13:41
scooperBut I done think it will work for her every day Jeff13:41
jelknerand try new things13:41
scooperher distance is far13:41
jelknergot you13:41
jelknercan't you issue her a machine?13:41
jelkneranyway, i have to leave it up to you all to fix that problem13:41
jelkneri'll provide the machines13:42
jelkneryou need to figure out how to best deploy them13:42
jelknerbut we *must* make sure each of us has the access they need to learn effectively13:42
jelkneror we won't be successful13:42
scooperGot you Jeff13:42
jelknerthanks, my friend!13:43
jelknerok, that's all i have for today13:43
jelkneranything else?13:43
svaye_We have not been able to push to the codeberg account that Anna created 13:46
jelknersvaye_: i talked to anna about that13:47
jelknershe said she fixed it13:47
dcammue_We have not been able to meet up with Anna for the pass two weeks now13:47
jelkneri'll see her again on tuesday13:47
svaye_I wasn't able to meet with her because my computer had problem and I had to fixed it 13:47
dcammue_She hardly meet us13:47
svaye_Okay Jeff13:49
jelknerdcammue_: i understand13:49
jelknershe is a very busy student13:49
jelknerwe can only count on her begin available during my class13:49
jelknerif you can be available then13:50
jelkneryou can chat with her13:50
jelknerlet's talk about that for a minute13:50
jelkneri can help you figure out when she has my class13:50
svaye_What time 13:50
dcammue_Okay Jeff13:50
jelknershe is in my class on "A days" from 8 am to 9:27 am my time (12 noon to 1:27 pm your time)13:51
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jelknerThat is a link to the A day / B day calendar for our school13:51
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jelknerso you can see that the next A day is what?13:52
jelknersvaye_: can you answer that question?13:53
jelkneror dcammue_ 13:53
jelknersince your top priority is your WASSCE13:53
svaye_That will be on Monday13:54
svaye_Sorry Tuesday13:54
jelknerso now you know how to figure out when she is in my class13:54
jelkneri can always get her to join irc during those times13:54
jelknerany other times, she probably can't13:54
jelknerok, i think we've accomplished a lot today13:55
jelkneri'm super happy that Sahnun has join us!13:55
jelknerscooper: please try to get Freena and Jallah here next saturday13:56
scooperI will Jeff13:56
shmohamudI'm super excited to be here! I encourage you all to reach out with any questions to sahnunhm@gmail.com13:56
jelknerwe can focus on working with them and janet during May13:56
jelknerso the soon to be graduates can graduate!13:56
jelknerand then after June 7th i'll be available a lot to work with everyone13:57
jelknergreat everyone13:57
jelknersee you next saturday13:57
jelknerscooper: do you have any other python questions before i go?13:58
jelknerwe shoud post them in the git repo13:58
dcammue_If we have free time we will meet you guys Jeff13:58
jelknerhere's the workflow:13:58
scooperOK Let give you a gitea link that you will lookup for question from me13:58
jelknerof course, dcammue_, but studies come first!13:59
jelknerscooper: 13:59
svaye_Jeff_ :we also have classes at that time, but when we are available we will be online13:59
jelkner1. you use markdown to create questions13:59
jelkner2. and .py files for code13:59
jelknerthat's all we need13:59
jelkneralright everyone, it's ok to log off14:00
jelkneri want you to use lab time to practice14:00
mulbahokay jeff14:00
svaye_See you next saturday Jeff have a blessed weekend 14:01
jelkneryou too, svaye_!14:02
jelknergreat, svaye_ 14:02
jelkneri mean great scooper 14:03
jelknerNow, put something into the README.md14:03
jelknerThat acts like the home page14:03
jelknerif you visit this url:
jelkneryou will see the rendered as HTML14:04
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scooperI will put something there before the day end.. I was actually experiting how to use my gitea efficiently 14:05
jelknerbest way to learn is to use it to do real things14:05
scooperThis is were I choose to send you python question am facing with14:06
jelknerLet's try to use our shared repo for that14:06
jelknersince both you and i can post14:06
jelknerit is owned by the "python-team"14:06
jelknerand you and i are both owners of that team14:06
dcammue_Have a nice day Jeff and shmohamud14:07
jelknerthanks, dcammue_ 14:07
jelkneryou too14:07
*** dcammue_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:07
jelknerscooper: you can work with tboimah and mulbah 14:07
jelknerthey need to learn get14:07
jelknerso they can help everyone else learn14:07
scooperI willing to learn from both of them14:07
jelknerso what we are talking about now is part of what they need to learn14:07
jelknerscooper: do you have a clone of the repo yet?14:08
jelkneri could help you through that now14:08
jelknerso when using a repo on more than one machine14:08
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:08
scooperYou mean to clone from another person project once you have the link??14:08
jelkneror like we are doing now, sharing a small repo together14:09
jelkneri tell students:14:09
jelkner"breath in, breath out"14:09
jelkneryou need to remember that14:09
jelknerthat means the first thing you do before you start is:14:09
jelknerbreath in: git pull14:09
jelknerthe last thing you do before you stop is:14:09
jelknerbreath out: git push14:09
jelknerremembering that will avoid problems14:10
jelknerthough i'm sure we'll forget a few times and have to recover14:10
jelknerthat's part of the learning process too14:10
jelknerif you forget to "breath in"14:10
jelknerand make changes to your local repo14:10
jelknerwhen you try to push14:10
jelkneryou will often get conflicts14:11
jelknerthat means changes were made the remote repo that you don't have14:11
jelknerand now you've made local changes that the remote doesn't have14:11
jelknerwhen those changes are on the same file14:11
jelknerthere is a conflict14:11
jelknerand git doesn't know what to do14:11
jelknerso, always remember to breath in and breath out114:12
scooperOk Jeff14:13
scooperbefore you leave there are few days I will need to know14:13
scooperMy program have a semantic error14:14
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:14
scooperin the file I just push14:14
scooperJeff I m lost here? "When should I use pull? "Question" Pull and clone are they the same????14:17
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:22
jelknerscooper: i just did a push14:22
jelkneryou should now git pull14:22
jelkneryou can see what i added here:
jelkneri just added a bit more to the README14:23
jelknerso i could show you the "breath in, breath out" workflow14:23
jelknerbefore you can make changes, you need to git pull14:23
jelknerthen you make your changes, and before you leave, you git push14:23
jelknernext time i want to do anything, i do the same14:24
jelkneras long as we aren't making changes *at the same time*, we'll be fine14:24
jelknerwhen our project grows, we need to learn a more complicated workflow14:24
jelknerthen when you want to do something new14:24
jelkneryou make your own branch14:25
jelknerwe'll do that soon14:25
jelknerbut not yet14:25
jelknerok, scooper 14:25
jelkneri think that is all for today14:25
jelknerdo you need anything else before i go?14:25
scooperJeff please hold on I reading you message in hex concerning the steps14:26
scooperJeff after clone the repos....14:27
scooperthat mean I should create my own of branch first right???14:27
scooperNow if my branch is created with git checkout -b "follow by the user name"14:28
scooperThat mean I m in my own of branch right??? If am in error please let me know14:29
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:31
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jelknerACTION logs off for the day14:39
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jelknerscooper: 14:41
jelkneri'm glad you came back14:41
scooperYes Jeff14:41
jelknerNo need to branch14:41
jelknerplease don't14:41
scooperbeen waiting for you14:41
jelkneryou'll make things very complicated14:41
jelkneri was talking to Sahnun14:41
scooperI didn't Jeff14:41
jelkneri'm at his house14:41
jelkneryou don't need to branch14:41
jelknerthere are only two of us14:41
jelknerwe can work in the same main branch14:42
scooperI asking you a question14:42
jelknerall you need to do is: git clone 14:42
jelkneri use ssh14:42
scooperI think I push to this main branch this morning14:42
scooperdid you notice such14:42
jelknerlet me look14:42
jelknerhere's how to tell14:43
jelknerit shows only 3 commits14:43
jelknerall mine14:43
scoopergot you14:43
jelknerscooper: did you create an ssh key pair and upload your public key yet?14:43
scooperon gitea14:44
jelkneryou'll need to do that before you can push commits14:44
scooperyes I  did14:44
jelkneron *our* gitea ;-)14:44
jelknercause there are lots of gitea servers14:44
jelknercodeburg uses gitea14:44
jelknerfor example14:44
jelknerbut we are running our own14:45
jelknerself-hosting, as they call it14:45
jelkneri've got to leave in 15 minutes14:45
jelknerto get my wife's car back to her14:45
jelknerbut i can walk you through the ssh key thing if you want me to14:46
jelknerwe can do most of that in 15 minutes14:46
scooperI think what I  did today was Token Acess in gitea14:46
scoopernot ssh14:46
jelkneri only know ssh access14:46
jelknerso if you are doing something different, i can't help14:46
jelknershould we wait until monday and ask thehedgeh0g what you should use?14:47
scooperThis is what I got14:47
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scooperGitea server token: 4a353c949253ad199ac0ed2c46a4417766023bd414:47
jelkneryeah, i don't know anything about that14:47
jelknerlike i said, i use ssh access14:47
jelknerlet's wait until monday14:48
jelknerand get advice from thehedgeh0g 14:48
scooperThis same step was shown to me by Aaron during Github14:48
scooperbut let us wait till monday14:48
jelknerwe want to work smart, not hard14:48
jelknerso we need to ask advice from those who know14:48
jelknerAaron aka thehedgeh0g is the one who knows14:49
jelknerokie dokie14:49
jelkneruntil monday then14:49
jelknerenjoy the rest of your weekend, my friend14:49
scooperok JEFF14:49
jelknerand please send my regards to your wife, your mother, and your daughters14:49
jelknerhow is mom?14:49
scooperThanks for always being here14:50
scooperShe is better now Jeff14:50
scooperand on here feet14:50
jelkneri'm so glad to hear that!14:50
jelknersay hi to her for me please14:50
jelknersee you monday14:50
jelknerACTION logs off for the day14:50
shmohamudACTION logs off for the day14:51
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