IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2023-05-04

jelknerGood day, scooper 13:24
jelknerWill we have fkoikoi here with us today?13:24
scooperHello Jeff13:29
scooperI told Freena but she appeal to come tomorrow13:29
scooperDeal to family issue13:29
scooperOnly Freena we using for how?? That mean Jallah is not part again right???13:30
scooper*Due to family issue13:30
jelknerscooper, i am operating based on *your* proposal13:34
jelknerwhich we didn't finalize yet13:34
jelknerbut we need to13:34
jelknerplease correct me if i am wrong13:34
scooperOK I m following13:34
jelknerbut i recall you proposed that you be compensated at $250 per month13:34
scooperYes Jeff13:34
jelknerand that your assistant be compensated at $150 per month13:35
jelknerwe need to hire your assistant13:35
jelkneri am *really* sorry i have to be at that workshop this saturday13:35
jelknersince we have so much to accomplish13:35
scooperI understand Jeff13:35
jelknereach week we loose really hurts us13:35
scooperI saw your email13:35
jelkneri may be able to lurk in irc13:36
jelknerbut i can't promise to respond13:36
jelknerand i definitely can't lead the meeting13:36
jelknerscooper, are both fkoikoi and jkolleah enrolled in a course at UoPeople?13:37
scooperOnly Freena13:37
jelknerSo we should definitely have her be your assistant for now13:37
jelkneras long as the rest of the team approves13:37
jelkneri'll mention this to you now, so you can share with the others13:38
scooperOk but did you see the email I send you ever since concerning Jallah???13:38
jelknerremind me13:38
scooperAt have to be done private13:39
jelknerlet's focus on the big picture13:39
jelknerhere and now13:39
jelknerif we want this project to be successful13:39
jelknerwe need to both build the capacity of our team, and generate more outside support13:40
jelkneri've mentioned that i plan to start a non-profit organization this summer13:40
jelknersocial justice computing13:40
jelknerthe goal is to turn that into what we call here a 501c3 organization13:41
jelknertax deductible contributions can be made to such an organization13:41
jelknerand we can seek funding13:42
jelknerthrough it for our project13:42
jelknerbut we need a "story to tell"13:42
jelkneri need to be able to say, for example...13:42
jelknerWe have been working together for a year13:42
jelknerwe have x number of students enrolled in UoPeople13:42
jelknerand they have earned y college credits13:42
jelknerwe have z number of students who have passed the PCEP certification as entry level python programmers13:43
jelknerand w number of students who have passed certification in Advanced HTML5 and CSS3 Specialist13:43
jelknerwe have taken on n number of projects13:44
jelknerand have git repops containing our work13:44
jelknerwe are working hard and learning!13:44
jelknerwith your help, we can go even further and make a positive contribution to the future of Liberia and to the world.13:44
jelknerPlease help us!13:44
jelknerso, you get what i'm driving at here?13:45
scooperYes Jeff13:45
scooperI am 13:45
jelknerwe will keep having to make adjustments13:45
jelknerand we need to try not to loose time13:45
jelknerso, i am waiting to send the next monthly contribution13:46
jelkneri won't do that until we have an assistant hired who promises to show up here each day at this time13:46
jelknernow let me check email13:46
scooperJeff, I thehedgeh0g and Tmickelson be here today??13:48
jelknerthehedgeh0g is here13:48
scooperJeff, will thehedgeh0g and Tmickelson be here today??13:48
jelknerbut they are working with school work they need to complete13:48
jelknertmickelson is taking a test13:49
jelknerthey will both be here after school13:49
jelknerat 8 pm your time13:49
jelkneri know that is late for you13:49
scooperI will be here too13:49
scooperNO I will make it13:49
jelknerscooper, the only email i see is about saturday13:49
scooperI wakeup every day 3:00AM Liberia time13:49
jelknerwow, that is early!13:50
jelkneri thought i get up early at 5:15 am ;-)13:50
scooperAlot need to be learn in a short frame Jeff13:50
scooperFor example mcss site is down and am waiting for Aaron respond by right13:51
scooperI should able to handle these kind of issue13:51
jelkneryes, my dear friend, but research shows you can't learn effectively without adequate sleep13:51
jelkneranyway, i don't see your email13:52
jelknerand we need to decide what to do about your assistant13:52
scooperAnd science say you should sleep for eight hours13:52
jelknerso i am expecting you all to decide on saturday13:52
jelkneri do13:52
jelkner9:15 pm to 5:15 am13:52
jelknermost every night13:52
scooperI go to bed by 7 pm daily13:52
jelknerahh, that makes sense13:53
jelknerso we should not ask you to come at 8 pm13:53
jelknerwe can work on other things13:53
scooperFor this I will be available 13:53
scooperI need to talk with Aaron13:53
scooperI been working on something under the hood and need his advice13:54
scooperSince he is a sysadmin13:54
jelknermaybe you can take a nap13:55
jelkneranyway, i'll leave that up to you13:55
thehedgeh0gscooper, what is the project that you've been working on? If I know now, I can have more information for you tonight.13:56
scooperI will be there Jeff, these are some of the sacrifice I need to make if I truly believe in this long tern goal13:57
scooperI will share my ip address with the port 8000 with you that you can use to log the site13:58
scooperBut it will be on Friday......13:59
scooperor Monday13:59
scooperOK Aaron14:00
scooperI m sorry 14:00
scooperI thought it was Jeff14:00
jelknerscooper, students are arriving14:00
scooperOK Jeff14:00
jelkneri still can't find the email you mentioned14:00
jelknercan you email me again to
scooperIt title is UoP14:01
jelkneri have to go14:01
scooperI will14:01
jelknersee you this afternoon14:01
scooperAaron I you still there14:01
scooperOk Jeff14:01
jelknerACTION logs off until this afternoon14:01
scooperAaron are you still there14:01
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:01
scooperAaron I will send you a mail. I will like to talk with Tmickelson14:03
scooperHello tmickelson14:03
tmickelsonhello scooper 14:03
scooperSorry the last time I when out of  power that while14:04
scooperdid you see the pushing I did to the repository???14:04
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:08
*** tmickelson has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:25
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:46
scooperGood afternoon thehedgeh0g and Jeff20:06
thehedgeh0gHello scooper!20:18
thehedgeh0gAre you here currently?20:18
scooperYes I m here20:19
thehedgeh0gSo I've figured out why your server is down20:19
thehedgeh0gThe reason is that you need to get an authorization code from your credit card in order for it to send the payment.20:20
thehedgeh0gIt will send the code to the phone number associated with the credit card20:21
scooperI figure out the same too 20:21
scooperBut unfortunately for me, my credit doesn't have credit20:21
thehedgeh0gI was under the impression this was a credit card from the supe, is that not the case?20:22
scooperNo it's my credit card Aaron20:22
scooperI use my credential to purchase that server base on your instruction20:23
scooperBut I told you before right?? that Hetz was cutting additional money from my card right? after paying the one hundred a fifty united states dollars the supe give me20:24
thehedgeh0gYes, did you follow the instructions I gave you at the time to contact support again and forward me the email if you did not understand it?20:44
thehedgeh0gThat way, you could get your money back20:44
scooperI yes I did Aaron but still the cutting when on???20:45
thehedgeh0gthe credit card attached to the account20:46
thehedgeh0gthey tried to charge it20:46
thehedgeh0gand they were unable to20:46
thehedgeh0gand so they've shut off the account20:46
thehedgeh0gyou should make sure it's the correct credit card20:46
thehedgeh0gif it's not, change it and charge that new card20:46
thehedgeh0gif it is the correct card, I don't know what to tell you20:46
scooperIt's the same card I still have attach 20:47
scooperBut unfortunately I don't have money on it right now???20:47
scooperSo I m thinking if I deposit and follow the instruction hetz give me the site will be up again right???20:48
thehedgeh0gIf you deposit money and then try to charge the card again, the site will be back up20:48
scooperWhat about the mail server20:48
scooperHope it's not next20:48
thehedgeh0gThe mail server is the same server20:49
scooperWill it be shutdown too???20:49
thehedgeh0git is already shut down20:49
thehedgeh0gyou need the 27 euro on your credit card in order to restart it20:50
thehedgeh0gthat will cover both invoices20:50
scooperYou mean the mail server is shutdown too??20:50
thehedgeh0gscooper, it is the same server, so yes it is.20:50
scooperBut I just login to it 3 minutes ago20:51
scooperCan I talk with Jeff Aaron20:51
thehedgeh0ghe's reading back what has been sent, scopper20:51
thehedgeh0gI just asked him to get on20:52
jelknerscooper, you need to work this out with the supe20:52
jelknerwe can't help you on our end20:52
scooperI need to talk with him20:52
scooperCan I call you on signal20:52
jelknerwell, if he wants a website and email, he needs to talk with you20:53
jelkneri have prime interns coming for orientation20:53
jelknerhonestly, this isn't something we should have to be involved in20:53
jelknerthat's why i insisted that mcss manage its own hosting bills20:54
scooperI need you input too20:54
scooperThe Sup only give me 150 USD for the server20:54
scooperJeff, thought it was going to handle it for a whole year20:55
scooperNo going back to him asking him for addition money he might think different that why I said I need your input20:55
scooperMe him understand too20:56
scoopermake him understand too20:56
*** tmickelson has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)21:07
jelknerscooper, you need to get the refund21:24
jelknerjust be clear with him, scooper 21:25
jelknerok, you need to rest, and i need to do other things, scooper 21:33
jelknertalk tomorrow21:33
jelknerGood night, my friend21:33
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)21:33
*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)22:37
scooperhello tmickelson23:06
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)23:07

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