IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-05-06

mulbahHello! tmickleson12:48
tmickelsonhello mulbah 12:48
mulbahHow are you doing12:48
tmickelsonim good how are you12:49
mulbahI'm good too12:49
mulbahcan we do a little terminal sharing12:50
mulbahokay sir12:50
mulbah ssh C5GhDXavqa6ZWvMVTdL7hXSaH@nyc1.tmate.io12:51
mulbahYou in12:53
LittleWebstertboimah : thehedgeh0g : scooper : tmickelson : mulbah : dcammue13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterVote on scooper's proposal for compensation (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterDiscuss how to find an assistant (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
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mulbahCan we start the meeting now13:05
mulbahOn the agenda today meeting is all about choosing an assistant for the lab13:09
scooperlet wait a little while for sahmnud... if he doen't show up we can proceed13:13
mulbahOkay Mr. Cooper13:15
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scooperdcammue and svaye kindly click the above link13:24
scooperit will take you to the gitea account that thomas created weeks agao13:25
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!13:31
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scooperHello fellow interns13:31
scooperWelcome once again to our Saturday session13:32
tmickelsonscooper: the agenda is cleared 30 minutes after the meeting starts13:32
scoopergot u13:32
scooperUnfortunately for us Jeff had an important meeting schedule this same time and will not be in our meeting but promise to following all of our discussion13:33
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scooperMean while as we begin I m hoping that Sahmnud be present during our discussion13:34
scooperGuys let us give fkoikoi five minutes to setup???13:35
scooperWelcome fkoikoi13:38
jelknerscooper: this workshop requires my total attention13:38
scooperI understand Jeff13:38
jelknerdid sahnun show up?13:38
scoopernot yet13:38
jelknerok, if he doesn't, can you all decide about your assistant today?13:38
jelknerand let me know13:39
jelknerwhen we meet on Monday13:39
scooperI will 13:39
jelknerACTION quits13:39
scooperJust follow our discussion when you are done13:39
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scooperGuys any one in here is interesting in being my assistant??13:40
scooperI m awaiting for a respond from anybody??? else I will nominate someone13:41
fkoikoiSpencer I want to know if the person will be coming to the lab from Monday to Friday and By what time the person should be at the office in the Morning13:41
scooperMonday to Saturday13:42
scooper9:00 to 5:0013:42
scooper9:00 am to 5:00pm13:42
scoopermake sure to attend our regular meeting from monday to friday13:43
scooperUse the lab to demonstrate what was learn during the 1:30 to 2:00 meeting13:43
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fkoikoiOkay but will the person come Saturday by the same time?13:44
scooperAssistant me mainly when I m not around to allow the other interns in the lab during our Wednesday and Friday 3:0 5 session13:44
scooperWe meet in the lab every Saturday 1:00 Liberia13:45
fkoikoiOkay thanks for the clarity 13:45
fkoikoiI'm interest 13:45
scooperSo the question is are you interesting???13:45
fkoikoiYes, I'm interested 13:46
scooperThat mean your work begins this coming Monday May 8, 202313:47
scooperare you prepare for that????13:47
scooperThanks fkoikoi13:48
fkoikoiThank you too13:48
scooperJeff will need an answer from you, can you please state why you didn't turn up for the past two days after I placed a call to you???13:48
scooperNext every body input fkoikoi and I will be paid for the service what is your intake or view about that???13:50
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shallonI don't really understand what you are saying scooper13:54
scooperWhat exactly you done understand svaye, indicate it and I will make it clear for you13:55
shallonHow are we going to input fkoikoi?13:55
jelknerhi all, my apologies for popping in and out13:56
jelknerbut they gave us a 10 minute break13:56
jelknerso i thought i'd join13:56
scooperI Propose to JEff13:56
scooperOk you are welcome Jeff13:56
shallonapologies accepted Jeff13:56
jelknerthanks, shallon!13:56
jelknerso i read the dialog13:56
shallonyou're welcome13:57
jelknerfkoikoi: one more thing to mention13:57
jelknerif you show up at the lab, i can help you with your studies during that time13:57
jelkner1:30 to 2 pm your time13:57
scoopersorry I forgot to mentioned that Jeff13:58
jelknergetting good grades at UoPeople is an important task for scooper's assistant13:58
jelknerwe need to demonstrate to the world that we are making real progress13:58
jelknerso that when we reach out for support, it will be granted us13:58
fkoikoiokay Jeff13:58
fkoikoiso to answer your question scooper 13:59
fkoikoifor Monday to Thursday, Yes it is true that I accepted to be your assistant but I didn't turned up because i was aware that I will be starting because of the discussion we had last week Saturday. We didn't conclude on the assistant topic and Jeff said that the if we conclude than the person will start this week Monday. When you call my Thursday afternoon, I told my uncle who I normally help at the cafe in West Point and he said that I should come 13:59
fkoikoiFriday morning for us to discuss it better. That the reason13:59
jelknerwe will really need you there each day if you're going to do this, fkoikoi 14:00
jelknerwe need to depend on you14:00
fkoikoiyes Jeff, I understand 14:00
jelknerscooper: i need to return to the workshop14:02
scooperOk Jeff14:02
jelkneri just sent the $800 through remitly14:02
scooperthank for passing by14:02
jelknersee you both monday scooper and fkoikoi 14:03
scooperNo alert yet14:03
jelknerit will come14:03
scooperfrom my phone14:03
scooperI m sure it will do the same thing14:03
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jelknerenjoy the rest of your weekend everyone14:03
fkoikoiokay jeff14:03
jelknerACTION signs off14:03
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tboimahfirstly let me ask will the assistant and scooper pay will be coming from the 650 that is by Jeff every month14:05
scooperThanks for asking tboimah14:06
scooperI admire that question some much14:06
scooperThe answer is yes14:06
scooperthe money is not eight hundred not sixty fifty any more14:06
scooperThe money is now eight hundred not sixty fifty any more14:07
scooperfkoikoi and I will be paid from there14:07
tboimahif the money is 800 now how much will the assistant ann scooper will be taking14:07
scooperthat mean fkoikoi and I will not  longer receive 42 / 40 from that about14:08
scooperfkoikoi and I will receive 400 for ourself tboimah14:09
scooperbalance 400 hundred left14:09
scooperPlease wait14:10
scooperI will explain14:10
scooperwhy I explain14:10
scooperMeaning fkoikoi and I will not take addition 40 from the money that we usually received on a monthly basic...... excluding the 120 we normally per tuition14:11
scooperWe paid school fees after ever two months....14:12
tboimahbecause in that same money we are taking money to pay the three intern school fees at you and we are also taking money from their for the certificate test in August in that same money we taking money from their for the machine and wifi, when the program first started we was told that we was going to be reciving 100USD pre month but now because of that we are taking 25USd pre month so my question here is if you people pay be included how will we be 14:12
tboimahtaking per month14:12
scooperThis coming June first will be a the end of the term we are presently in??????14:13
scooperWhere did you received 25 per months thomas!!!!14:14
scooperThis term we only have fkoikoi and myself in????14:15
tboimahthat is going start this next month right14:15
scooperWhat is going to start this month????14:15
tboimahthe other you told us that we are going to be taking 25USD starting next month right14:16
mulbahThinking on the conclusion that we came up to the time we was talking about the test fees14:16
mulbahI mean he is thinking on the conclusion that we came up to the time we was talking about the test fees14:17
scooperYou mean saving for our certificate14:17
scooperLet me make it clear to you, I told Jeff about us saving a minimum of 15USD every months still August, it was something we all agreed about right???14:18
tboimahbut my question here is how much will we be taking per month now that is what i am asking.14:19
scooperOK I m coming to that14:19
tboimahokay i hope we reach to that soon 14:20
scooperbefore I speak, I will like to know are you speaking on behave of the other???14:20
scooperbecause I m not seeing their input toward this discussion14:20
tboimahI'm speaking for them14:20
scoopercome again????14:21
mulbahhe is the prezo the mouth pace for us14:21
tboimahi am speaking for them as the leader for then 14:21
scooperok I will need a yes or no to know who all had consent to this14:21
scooperthem I can proceed14:22
mulbahwhat do you mean14:22
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scooperthanks dcammue14:23
scooperyou got the question correctly14:23
scooperthanks mulbah14:23
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scooperThanks guys14:26
scooperPLEASE GET ONLINE Thomas14:26
mulbahHe is trying to get online14:26
scooperOk thanks for coming back thomas14:27
tboimahyou are welcome14:27
scooperIf I m correct your question is how much will you guys received right???14:27
scooperAfter the deduction had been make from the eight hundred we will be left with 400 USD14:28
scooperNow we pay 120 per course14:29
tboimahso can i know how much your assistant will be carrying14:29
scooperCan you hold on14:29
scooperthe thing is clear thomas fkoikoi will the received 150 every month14:29
scooperso hold let me explain14:30
scooperso hold on let me explain14:30
scooperfollow by me 25014:30
scooperbalance 40014:30
scooperNow in this 400  240 will be deducted from the after very two months14:31
scooperI personally will give 5014:31
scooperfor my 250 so that we can't deducted 240 every two months14:32
scooperI you following???14:32
tboimahyou main after every two month right but not every month14:32
tboimahwe are getting their14:33
scooperSo that mean I will take 50USD from my 250 to buttress our schools fees...14:34
scoopernote this will be done like this....14:34
scooperplease minute 50 from 240 and tell me the balance??14:34
scooperthat mean one hundred and 190 will be deducted from the 40014:35
scooperdo you understand???14:35
dcammue210 balance14:36
mulbahThan we will left with 21014:36
tboimah190 will be deducted after every two will understood14:36
dcammueso can I ask14:36
tboimahi mean two month14:36
scooperYes thomas after every two months14:36
scooperbefore I conclude14:37
scoopercan you ask fkoikoi how much she think she can contribute to was this too???14:37
scooperI m doing this because this is our fees being talk about here14:37
mulbahI want to ask14:38
scooperplease wait14:39
mulbahokay sir14:39
scooperthanks boss man14:39
fkoikoiTaking into consideration of my transportation and feeding for the time that i will be coming to the lab, I will contribute $40USD.14:39
scooperThanks fkoikoi14:39
scooperNOw thomas14:39
fkoikoi\nick tboimah14:39
scoopercan you add 50 and 40 and tell me what is the total14:40
mulbahcan I ask now14:40
scooperplease wait14:40
mulbahso when your will be paying for fees14:40
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scooperplease follow the above chat mulbah14:41
scooperguys this mean that fkoikoi and I will be contributing 90 toward the 240 that is to be pay after every two months14:42
scooperMulbah this coming june the term will end14:42
scooperand we will begin another one immediately 14:43
scooperI m sure the new term will end hopefully August since each term run for two months14:43
mulbahso June your will be paying for the fees14:44
scooperYes mulbah but I will not take money from this months budget14:45
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sysadminBut fkoikoi and I will contribute the 90 above them I will pay as well for the charge that will come from card14:50
sysadminsome let use proceed to the next task14:51
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sysadminThomas if my assist and i contribute that amount how much will be balance??14:52
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tboimah-it will remain 14014:53
mulbahkI want to ask a question15:02
mulbahkthe 50USD that we will be receiving it's every two months or every month15:04
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sysadminTo conclude15:13
scooperSO Jeff have already send the money to my phone but unfortunately it have not arrive yet15:14
scooperMay be Next week Thursday or Wednesday15:15
scooperYou all might get paid15:15
scooperIs there any thing before we leave???15:15
scooperBefore we leave web team15:17
tboimahokay on behave of the intern i will like to appreciate Jeff for his Kindness and also the money that he send every month, and i will also like to appreciate scooper and fkoikoi for their contribution to was the money once again we hardly appreciate you guys thanks.15:18
scooperWhich money thomas???15:19
tboimahthe money you guys contribute for the school fees to you people15:20
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scooperWhat is the amount15:21
scooperare you talking about Thomas???15:21
tboimahthe 90USD you people contribute after every two month for the school fees15:22
scooperYou are welcome thomas15:23
tboimahokay sir15:23
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