IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2023-05-09

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scooperGood morning Shmohamud12:51
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tmickelsonhello scooper and fkoikoi 13:26
fkoikoihow are you tmickelson?13:27
scooperhello tmickelson13:27
scooperhow are you doing today???13:27
jelknerGood day scooper and fkoikoi!13:28
tmickelsonim good how are you13:28
jelknerSo good to see you each day like this.13:28
scooperGood morning Jeff13:28
jelknerfkoikoi, anything i can help you with?13:28
scooperwe have a goal so we need to show up Jeff13:28
jelknerI'm counting on it, scooper.13:28
tmickelsonscooper: were you able to get git working13:29
fkoikoiGood morning Jeff, how are you?13:29
scooperssh key did not work13:29
scooperAfter I copy it to the server as instructed, can we do it again since you are here to know the exact area of failure??13:31
tmickelsonyou need to change the remote13:31
tmickelsonfrom https to ssh13:31
jelknerfkoikoi, i'm always happy to see you here13:31
jelkneranything i can help with in your studies?13:31
scooperjust a minute tmickelson13:31
jelknerscooper, since you'll be working with fkoikoi all day, please let me know how i can support you.13:32
scooperOk Jeff13:32
scooperwhat I m done with tmickelson I will let you know13:33
fkoikoinothing for not jeff, I am done with all of my assignments and i am waiting for unit 6 to open13:33
tmickelsonin .git/config replace "" with ""13:36
tmickelsonthen try to git push13:40
fkoikoiyou mean something like this right "https cat.ssh/id_rsa.pub13:42
scooperyou be placed in the ssh13:42
scooperwhat should I do13:42
scooperI just saw a message from you  "saying in .git/config replace "
scooperright?? but I m not having issue pushing to that repository, fkoikoi is the one13:44
tmickelsontry running this command: "git remote set-url origin"13:45
tmickelsonwhat does it say now when you run git push13:48
scooperI m comig 13:48
scoopertrying to do it on her computer13:48
scooperI ran the commit no error message13:50
scooperwhere you have my user name I placed fkoikoi the instead of mine13:50
tmickelsonin the git remote set-url?13:51
scoopertmickelson are  you asking me a question or giving an instruction?13:52
tmickelsonasking a question13:52
scooperPlease re phase the question I done understand13:53
tmickelsonwhen you ran "git remote set-url origin git@git..." did you replace scooper with fkoikoi in the command13:54
tmickelsonwhen you are pushing, you are trying to push to a repo named TestwithWebteam under fkoikoi's account13:55
tmickelsoninstead of tring to push to the repo named TestwithWebteam under your account13:56
tmickelsonso running the command again without changing the username should fix it13:56
tmickelsongit remote set-url origin
fkoikoiECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:EnnFTyPihNBYQTCqSBO1vh17gIqgBm6EGefd0QEmlK0.13:59
fkoikoiAre you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? y13:59
fkoikoiPlease type 'yes', 'no' or the fingerprint: yes13:59
fkoikoiWarning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.13:59's password:13:59
scooperthis is what we got13:59
tmickelsoncan i continue helping tomorrow14:00
tmickelsoni have to go now14:00
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jelknerscooper, i have to go too.14:01
jelknerlet's talk tomorrow14:01
jelkneruntil then...14:01
jelknerACTION logs off for the day...14:01
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mulbahjjjjjjjjjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiii67y66666gvvvvvvvvvvvvvb b         l14:03
mulbahsorry for the mistake how are you doing fkoikoi14:04
fkoikoiI'm good14:06
fkoikoiHow are you?14:06
mulbahI'm good too14:06
mulbahso how was today meeting14:06
mulbahHello shmohamud14:08
mulbahHow are you doing14:08
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mulbahbut if it's not there use sudo apt install mumble14:37
mulbahhave you install it yet14:39
mulbahokay 14:42
mulbahI was reading the conversation your was having in the chat14:42
mulbahokay go to the software14:45
mulbahand open it 14:45
fkoikoi_it's open already14:47
mulbahgo to server14:47
mulbahyou see it14:48
mulbahthe place you see servername put iron.guildbit.com14:49
mulbahport is 5000614:51
mulbahyou putting it in14:51
mulbahHow are you doing shmohamud14:53
fkoikoi_so what should i put to address and label?14:54
mulbahthe same iron.guildbit.com14:55
mulbahyou done14:57
fkoikoi_it says "connection refused"14:57
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mulbahthey are asking you for password14:58
mulbahThan try different one15:00
mulbahgo to addnew connection and put students.mcssliberia.org15:02
fkoikoi_I think the problem it with the address15:05
mulbahto where you see address15:05
fkoikoi_the server name and the address can't be the same15:05
mulbahjust put it there15:06
fkoikoi_that's what i did first but it didn't connect15:07
mulbahtry it again15:08
fkoikoi_it is still saying the same thing15:09
mulbahyou when to add new connection15:11
mulbahit's still doing the same thing15:13
fkoikoi_it connect15:16
mulbahso you are connected15:17
mulbahbut I'm not seeing you15:20
mulbahwhat is the IP address on the server you are connected to15:21
fkoikoi_When I was adding new connection, I put my name to where they have username15:22
mulbahthan what you put to the ip address15:23
fkoikoi_I just change the port to 50006 but it says "connection refused"15:26
mulbahgive me all the information you use to connect to the server you are in right now15:27
fkoikoi_Address: students.mcssliberia.org15:29
fkoikoi_Port: 5000615:29
fkoikoi_Username: freena15:29
fkoikoi_Label: students.mcssliberia.org15:29
fkoikoi_that's all the information15:29
mulbahokay let me join your server15:32
fkoikoi_how will you join when it i am not connected?15:33
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