IRC log of #novawebdev for Friday, 2023-05-12

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scooperclick the link freena10:34
scoopercan you see the link or i should come over to your computer10:36
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scooperDid you see it fkoikoi11:20
scooperjust follow my instruction from here if it not working then I will come to your computer ok11:20
scooperDid you click the link11:21
scooperrule here is +111:21
scooperdid you click the link11:21
scooperwhere did it take you??11:21
fkoikoiI'm at scooper/eatCodeSleep repository11:22
scooperclick on "eatCodeSleep"11:23
scooperNow at the far right corner of the gitea account check for "fork"11:24
fkoikoiwhat should i do next?11:25
scooperDid yoo click on fork??11:25
fkoikoiit says i should sign in to fork11:26
scooperAfter clicking on fork you should see a Https link same as the want I send you11:27
scoopercopy that click11:27
scooperit will be use for cloning from a remote to a local computer11:27
scooperYou did11:27
scooperyou did it11:27
fkoikoishould i paste it here11:28
scoopercopy the https link first11:28
scooper when you carry the cursor over the copy sign you should see Copy URL11:29
scooperdid you notice it, if yes copy that url11:30
scooperNow on your computer create a directory...11:30
scooperBut I advice you use the terminal command to get this done11:30
scooperYes you created the directory on your computer11:31
scooperNow, cd into the Directory you have created11:32
scooperOK, now use the command " git clone "and paste the URL you copy from the remote repository11:33
scooperpress enter on your keyboard11:34
scooperWhat did you noticed in your terminal??11:34
scooperDid you see file copying???11:35
fkoikoiyes 11:35
scooperAfter you follow the instruction???11:35
scooperpress ls in the terminal and tell me what you noticed11:35
fkoikoithere is a directory called "eatCodeSleep" in the directory that i created11:36
scoopernow cd into that "eatCodeSleep"11:37
scoopertype "git branch" and tell me what you notice??11:38
fkoikoithere is a branch called "master"11:38
scooperNow it's time that you create your own of branch name that will allow you to push to this repository... first step11:39
scoopertype "git checkout -b "and the name you will like to give your branch11:40
fkoikoiit didn't work11:41
scooperDid you understand the instruction???11:41
scoopertype the instruction you enter in the terminal here let me see how you did it11:42
fkoikoi git checkout -b "soleh"11:42
scooperremove the quotation marks11:42
scooperNow type git branch again11:43
scooperAnd tell me what you see11:43
fkoikoithe branch name changed from master to sloeh11:43
scooperthis mean what ever change made here will be push to "sloeh in your repository11:44
scooperWhen merge will be push to the main later11:44
scoopercreate a folder on that branch11:45
scooperexample "mdkir Testingthis"11:45
scooperAfter creating a folder of your choice cd into that folder and create a file11:46
scooperexample to create a file "touch" please use the extension .md Jeff insist we use markdown11:47
scooperit time we push to the remote directory following these step.. and tell what error you encounter along the way ok11:48
scoopergit add .11:48
scooperthis will add all your information tot he staging area11:49
scooperto view what was add type "git status"11:49
scooperAnd tell me what you notice11:49
fkoikoion branch "soleh" there is a new file called ""11:50
scooperafter add type git commit -m "first commit"11:51
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scoopertype git push11:51
scooperand tell me what you encounter11:52
fkoikoiThe current branch soleh has no upstream branch.11:52
fkoikoiTo push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use11:52
fkoikoi    git push --set-upstream origin soleh11:52
scooperwhat was the name you give to you branch11:53
scoopersoleh right??11:53
scoopernow type git push --set-upstream origin soleh11:53
fkoikoi! [remote rejected] soleh -> soleh (pre-receive hook declined)11:54
fkoikoierror: failed to push some refs to ''11:54
scoopertype it again I just give you permission11:55
scooperdid it work11:56
scoopernow type git push11:56
scooperlogin you gitea account to see what was push11:57
scooperI just merge you work fkoikoi12:04
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*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)13:21
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jelknerhi scooper fkoikoi_ and shmohamud, great to see you all here!13:28
jelkneri have a guest speaker who just arrived13:28
scooperGood morning JEff13:28
fkoikoi_Hi Jeff, How are you?13:28
jelknerand i am helping her setup for her presentation (on using machine learning to identify birds)13:28
jelknershmohamud, you've got tomorrow, yes?13:28
jelkneri should also note that fkoikoi_ is now here with us full time as scooper's assistant13:29
jelknerand her tasks also include getting passing grades at UoPeople13:29
jelknerso any help you can provide her, shmohamud, would be most gratefully appreciated!13:29
tmickelsonhello fkoikoi_, scooper, and shmohamud 13:31
scooperGood morning tmickelson13:31
tmickelsonhwo areyou13:31
fkoikoi_Good morning tmickelson13:31
scooperwe are fine tmickelson13:31
scoopercan you please view that link to see if we did it the right way13:32
tmickelsonwhat are you tring to accomplish13:34
scooperGetting user contribute to the main branch13:36
tmickelsonare you having people fork that or is that repo a fork13:37
scooperPlease rephrase the question13:37
scooperI done understand13:38
scooperI m having people fork that 13:38
jelknerscooper, tmickelson is helping our guest speaker get ready for her presentation13:40
scooperNo session today13:41
tmickelsoni can help now13:41
jelknerhold on13:41
scooperDid you understand what I mean???13:42
jelknerscooper, i just got off the phone with sahnun13:43
jelknerhe is on his way to his sister's wedding13:43
jelknerso even though he's signed in, he's not really here13:43
scooperwe are here13:43
jelknerbut he told me he will be there with you tomorrow13:43
scoopermeaning the saturday session right?13:44
jelkneri also told him i am thrilled that fkoikoi_ has been with us every day this week!13:44
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jelkneryes, the saturday session13:44
scooperfreena and scooper13:44
jelkneri didn't mean to slight you, my dear friend13:44
scooperhahaha just kidding Jeff13:45
jelknerbut we know how reliable you are already ;-)13:45
scooperwill tmickelson come back Jeff13:45
jelknerit is your new assistant that is stepping up to join you know13:45
tmickelsoni have about 15 minutes to help13:45
scooperThanks for coming back13:45
scooperthe question is though freena fork the repository I created how can we merge with the master13:46
tmickelsonif you want the edits that people make to appear in scooper:master have them create a pull request13:46
scooperI tried merging but I m not seeing it in the master13:47
scooperWe did the pull new tmickelson13:47
tmickelsonhave fkoikoi_ click on "pull requests" then "new pull request"13:47
scooperAll may I was missing the step13:47
fkoikoi_yes i did13:48
scooperlike me tell you what I did13:48
tmickelsonyou need to approve the pull request13:49
scooperAfter creating this repository, I fork it and created a new branch called "new_branch"13:49
scooperAfter creating this repository called "eatCodeSleep" I fork it and clone it on my computer. After cloning13:50
scooperI created another branch on my computer with the following command "git branch -b "new-branch"13:51
scooperI you following?13:51
scooperAre you following?13:51
tmickelsonin the pull requests tab there is a list of pull requests13:51
tmickelsonafter clicking on one there should be an option to approve it13:52
scooperI created two directory called "Push2origin and Anotherone" with file in then13:52
scooperI added it to the staging area, and commit it 13:53
scooperFrom there I merge in the master. 13:53
tmickelsonwhat are you tring to accomplish13:54
scooperMy goal here is understand what your taught me the past time, second it to allow other members to push to this repository13:55
scooperAnd I want to see the push after it has been merged13:55
tmickelsonthere are two open pull requests13:55
tmickelsonone can is ready now and one is still being developeed13:55
tmickelsonif you click on the one that does not have "WIP:" then there should be an option to approve it13:56
tmickelsonapproving it will merge it into new-branch13:56
tmickelsonis this what you are trying to do13:58
scooperYes but not completely so, I want to see what freena pull into "new_branch" and master13:59
tmickelsoncan i continue helping you on monday14:00
tmickelsoni have to go now14:00
tmickelsonACTION leaves14:00
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*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:14
*** fkoikoi_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:37
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