IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-05-20

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shmohamudGood day scooper12:08
scooperGood shmohamud12:08
shmohamudI'm here with Jelkner12:08
scooperWow you came online too soon today?12:09
shmohamudat my house12:09
shmohamudYes, we are both early hah12:09
scooperJeff went at your house by 6am??12:09
shmohamudwe had breakfast at 730am and now it's 8am12:09
scooperAh it 12:10 Monrovia12:10
scooperI should I submit my challenge now???12:10
shmohamudare you ready? Please do 12:11
scooperok thanks12:11
scooper#Write me a funciton that takes in a parameter (num) and return me the12:11
scooper#number squared.12:11
scooperdef squaringANumber(num):12:11
scooper    num = num * num12:11
scooper    if num == num:12:11
scooper        return num12:11
scooper    12:11
shmohamuddoes that work?12:12
scooperdef squaringANumber(num):12:13
scooper    num = num * num12:13
scooper    return num12:13
scooper    12:13
scooperboth work but use the second one12:13
shmohamudbeautiful. but why do you prefer the second one?12:14
scooperThe season is that question did not asked me to compare the value12:15
scooperI was trying  something to see what the output was going be like12:15
shmohamudgood reason. The second one simpler12:16
shmohamudthere's no need for a conditional statement 12:16
shmohamudhow was the exercise for you - easy, medium or hard?12:17
scooperthe first assignment was challenges but this one was easy12:17
shmohamudok, that's good to hear.12:18
shmohamudYou mean FizzBuzz was challenging right?12:18
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scooperSo I had to put my thinking cap on like you said as a programmer12:18
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shmohamudThat's really good to hear :)12:19
scooperGood morning Jeff12:20
shmohamudJeff is having connectivity challenges12:22
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jelkneri wonder if the oftc server is having issues this morning sysadmin_ 12:30
jelkneryou and i both seem to be having trouble with our connection12:31
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mulbahGood morning jeff scooper shmohamud12:35
shmohamudgood morning mulbah12:35
jelknerGood day, mulbah!12:35
jelknerGood day tboimah!12:36
shmohamudgood day tboimah12:36
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tboimahI am fine and you12:36
shmohamudcan't complain12:36
tboimahThanks 12:37
jelknerGood day, janet!12:39
janetGood morning Jeff12:39
jelknerjanet, when do you begin your Summer break?12:40
jelkneri was just telling shmohamud that you will have a different schedule than mulbah, tboimah, etc.12:41
jelknerthey finish June 6 with their exam12:41
jelknerWhat does your Summer schedule look like?12:42
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jelknersomething is wrong with the oftc server today, i think12:42
jelknerpeople keep getting logged out12:43
janetI'm not attending school right now till june 712:43
jelkneryou begin again on june 7?12:43
jelknergot it12:44
janetyou welcome12:44
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scooperGood morning Jeff Elkner, how are you doing this morning??12:50
jelknerGood day, scooper 12:53
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:12:53
LittleWebsterCelebrate our progress and talk about moving forward. (added by jelkner)12:53
LittleWebsterFinancial Report by(Spencer Cooper) (added by scooper)12:54
jelknerscooper: do you want to go first with the Financial Report?12:59
scooperYes Sir12:59
scooperWhen LittleWebster pop up I will paste in the link12:59
LittleWebsterscooper : tboimah : shmohamud : thehedgeh0g : jelkner : mulbah : janet13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterCelebrate our progress and talk about moving forward. (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterFinancial Report by(Spencer Cooper) (added by scooper)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
scooperGood morning fellows developers/programmers13:00
tboimahgood morning scooper13:00
shmohamudgood day scooper13:01
scooperBefore I proceed with the financial report let me us this medium to inform Jeff13:01
janetHi scooper13:01
scooperthat svaye lost her aunty and might likely not come today...13:01
jelkneri am so sorry to hear about her loss13:02
jelknerplease send my condolences13:02
scooperI will do Jeff13:02
shmohamudsorry to hear it. Please send my condolences too.13:02
scooperOk I will13:02
scooperkindly check the gitea link to grab a copy of the financial report for the month of May13:03
jelkneri just did scooper 13:03
jelkneryou are doing a great job managing the budget13:03
jelknerit is clear and easy to read13:03
scooperSecondly another important information was left out kindly permit me to state it in here13:04
scooperand add it later doing our next meeting.13:04
scooperAfter the distribution of the money we received for the month of May.....13:04
scooperthe below listed individuals give me their contribution toward our certificates test dated for Aug/Sept13:05
scooperSvaye 20.USD13:05
scooperThomas 15.00USD13:05
scooperFkoikoi 15.0USD13:06
scooperMulbah 15.0USD13:06
scooperJanet 15.0USD13:06
scooperSpencer 15.00USD13:06
scooperTotal 95USD in save for the Aug/Sept Test13:07
jelknerscooper: can i ask a few questions about this?13:07
scooperyes Jeff13:07
jelknerwhich certification is each person planning for?13:07
jelknerthat is important13:08
jelknerto build our team, we should focus on 3 i think:13:08
jelkner1. Advanced HTML5 & CSS3 Specialist13:08
jelkner2. Python PCEP13:08
jelkner3. Linux+13:08
scooperThat is it I m talking about here Jeff13:08
jelknerso could you please make another table in Markdown that lists who is working toward what?13:09
jelknerI can help you edit it and provide links to the cert sites once you do that13:09
scooperOK but everyone is working toward that 13:09
jelknerscooper: while i think it is great that everyone wants to learn all of this13:10
jelknerour plan should be to break up into teams13:10
jelknerso that each team works toward *one* of these13:10
scooperLinux group will take Linux test13:10
jelkneroh, i see13:10
jelknernever mind13:10
jelkneri get it13:10
scooperWeb Group will take Web Test13:10
scooperPython group will take Python test13:11
jelknerso, svaye and dcamune will take HTML/CSS13:11
scooperthat was how we plan it...13:11
jelknermulbah and tboimah linux+13:11
jelknerscooper and fkoikoi PCEP13:11
jelknerand janet, what is she working on?13:11
scooperPython too13:12
jelknerok, but she has school this summer13:12
jelknerso we may have to be flexible there13:12
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jelknerok, is that it for the financial report?13:12
scooperI done!!13:13
jelknerwe have only 1 more item13:13
jelknerand i'll take that one13:13
jelknerlet me start by sharing how happy i am about our progress!13:13
jelknerfkoikoi and scooper met *every* day this week at the scheduled time13:14
jelknerour plan to have fkoikoi go full time is off to a great start13:14
tboimahare you taking us out for that Jeff :-)13:14
jelknerit is also wonderful to have shmohamud here with us13:14
jelknerhe is an amazing teacher13:14
jelkneri told him this morning i am eager to learn from him how to tutor online13:15
shmohamudthank you Jeff :)13:15
jelkneri want to talk about our Summer schedule a bit13:15
jelknerfirst, my last day of work is June 1613:15
jelkneri will be teaching a class over the Summer13:16
jelknerbut that meets Monday to Thursday13:16
jelkneri have friday off13:16
jelknerdo we want to move our weekly meeting to Friday during the Summer?13:16
scooperThat mean the will be not Saturday session right??13:17
shmohamudonce I have a fulltime job, I will be unable to do Fridays13:17
scooperBut you will do other days will us right Shmohamud??13:18
shmohamudYes I will, I'm not stopping anytime soon13:18
scooperOK Programmer13:18
shmohamudIf my job is remote, I will still be able during the week 13:18
shmohamudHaha, thanks Scooper13:19
jelknerscooper as your skills grow, you will be able to do more and more asynchronously13:19
jelkneryou'll be able to post questions in git, along with code13:19
jelknerand shmohamud and respond when he has the time13:19
jelknerso, what about Friday for weekly meeting, scooper?13:20
jelkneris that easier for you?13:20
scooperI m in Jeff but ask the other for their view???13:20
jelknerwe know that it is better for fkoikoi 13:21
jelknersince she is there anyway13:21
jelknerright, fkoikoi?13:21
jelknerwe don't have to decide now13:21
jelknerlet's talk about it again next saturday13:21
jelknerscooper, please ask everyone between now and then13:21
scoopersound good13:21
jelknerok, another detail13:21
scooperI will Jeff13:21
jelknerNOVA Web Development will have 5 PRIME Interns for 4 weeks between July 10 and August 413:22
jelknerI am planning on having some of them help me turn Social Justice Computing into a 501c313:23
jelknerDo any of you know what a 501c3 is and why I want to do that?13:23
scooperCan I try13:23
jelknerplease do13:23
scooperYou said it's US base organization that help develop struggling organization13:24
scoopermeeting their goal13:24
jelkneryes, that's the idea of Social Justice Computing13:25
jelknerbut first, a 501c3 is13:25
jelknerit means people in the US can make donations and deduct them from their taxes13:25
jelkneronce we have a 501c3, we can ask other folks to donate toward our project13:25
jelknerand expand beyond our $800 per month budget13:26
jelknerthat's the goal13:26
fkoikoisounds good13:27
tboimahgood to hear13:27
janetthat's great13:27
jelknerthe last bit of news on this is that i will use the Summer break to talk to Commy about building a school13:28
jelknerThe Supe met with him twice13:28
jelknerHe insists that local communities be involved in any schools he builds13:29
jelknerso we will need to organize parents and community member in Monrovia is we want to do this13:29
jelkneri will tell him we need a small school with solar power and good internet13:29
jelknerfor our program13:29
jelknerthis project may take us a few years13:30
jelknerbut it is something we should try to do13:30
jelknerGood day, tmickelson!13:30
tmickelsonhello jelkner13:31
shmohamudgood day tmickelspn13:31
tmickelsonhello shmohamud13:31
jelknertmickelson, will you be around this Summer?13:32
jelknerok, that's all i have13:33
jelkneranyone have anything else?13:33
sysadmin_Thanks Jeff13:33
sysadmin_We appreciate your constant support and motivational messages......13:34
jelknerscooper, let me tell you, it is *such a joy* to work with you!13:35
jelknershmohamud says the same13:35
jelknerthis is fun, rewarding, and motivational for me13:35
jelknerok, if no one else has anything, i'll see y'all next Saturday13:36
jelknerand scooper and fkoikoi, i'll see you Monday at 1:30 pm13:36
jelkneroh wait13:36
jelknerwe have a crazy schedule this week13:36
jelknerend of year testing13:36
sysadmin_What is it13:36
jelknerlet me look real quick to try to figure out when we can meet13:36
sysadmin_that mean no activities from tmickelson???13:36
jelknerok, i can meet with you at the regular time on Monday, Thursday, and Friday13:37
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jelknerFriday is a regular day13:37
jelknerbut tmickelson will not be available probably accept for Friday13:38
jelknerwe can talk more on Monday13:38
scooperHmmmm 13:38
scoopertmickelson ar you still there???13:38
jelknerscooper email is probably best13:39
scooperOK Jeff13:39
jelknerwe don't need to keep everyone here while we work out the details13:39
scooperDid you see my email13:39
jelknerlet's end the meeting13:39
jelkneranything else for everyone before we end?13:39
scooperPlease hold on13:39
jelknerscooper: i'll stay13:40
scooperI think my team have few things to say13:40
jelknergo ahead13:40
fkoikoiJeff, I want to firstly extend my thanks and appreciation to you for the ideas and dreams you have for this team. 13:41
scooperNo me but the other which include Thomas, Mulbah, Janet, and Freena13:41
jelknerThank you all.13:41
fkoikoiThanks for your time and efforts 13:42
jelknerRemember, its our ideas and our dreams together that make it what it is.13:42
jelknerit is a real pleasure, fkoikoi 13:42
tboimahi want to appreciate you for the dream and ideas you have for us, and we all that it come to pass13:43
jelknertboimah, is a a great joy to work with a group of dedicated people13:43
fkoikoiI just want to let you know that as you believe and trust in us, we are going to do our possible best to make this dream come to reality. 13:43
jelknerand we are a group of dedicated people!13:43
jelknerwe have proven that over the past year13:44
tmickelsonscooper: im still here13:44
jelknerwe show up week after week13:44
jelknermoving forward together13:44
tboimahwe promise that you that your effort will not go to wast 13:44
jelkneri am sure of that tboimah 13:44
janetI want to appreciate you for your support and kindness you have shown us, we are grateful13:44
jelknerthe feeling is mutual janet 13:45
tboimahwe will try our possible best to make our dream come through13:45
janetI appreciate Jeff, thanks alot13:45
mulbahjeff to be honest you are a very good person and I appreciate you for all what you have been doing for us we promise one day that we all going to make you proud one day13:45
mulbahThanks so much again13:46
jelknerLet's not forget to thank the Supe!13:46
jelknerWithout him, none of this would have been possible.13:46
jelknerokay, everyone, the weather is beautiful here today and my wife and i are heading for the country13:47
jelknerhave a wonderful weekend13:47
jelknerand see you all next Saturday13:47
shmohamudsee everyone next Saturday :)13:47
scooperMy regards to her jEFF13:47
fkoikoithanks to shmohamud and tmickelson for their time, ideas and efforts. My colleagues and I want to let you know that we are not taking all of your efforts for granted. As the saying goes "Knowledge is power", so we the knowledge the we acquired from you guys to do something that will benefit not just us but the world at large.13:48
shmohamudThanks for your kinds words Fkoikoi <313:48
scooperno assignment for this week???13:49
jelknerscooper keep working though Dr. Chuck's book13:49
scooperPlease think and email me Shmohamud/Programmer13:49
shmohamud+1 scooper13:49
scooperI m Jeff but will slow down small because of my final that is coming closer13:50
jelknerthat is top priority, scooper 13:50
jelkneri'm a teacher, i understand ;-)13:51
scooperKindly note that this term end on June 413:51
mulbahTime is so much important but your give it to us free we thank your for all of your efforts shmohamud tmickelson scooper and everyone that help us in this learning process13:51
jelknerokie dokie, i'm out13:51
jelknerACTION logs off for the weekend13:51
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fkoikoishmohamud is there any assignment for me?13:52
shmohamudYou're welcome mulbah :) Have a great weekend everyone13:52
shmohamudWrite a function that takes in a string and turns all the letters uppercased.13:52
mulbahyou too shmohamud13:53
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scooperI advise  you change that question that was given to fkoikoi14:00
scooperIt has been solve here already14:01
shmohamudOk, let me think14:01
shmohamudwrite a function that takes in a number and adds it to 3. Call it add_three14:02
scooperSound better14:02
shmohamudit should return the resulting number with 3 added14:02
scooperIs it me or fkoikoi14:02
shmohamudThat's for fkoikoi. For you, write a function that takes a string and returns a string where the letters are reversed. Example is "apple" comes back as "elppa"14:04
scooperhahahahah Programmer 14:04
shmohamudwhat's so funny scooper?!14:04
scooperThis one seeing challenging but as you said programmer should always use 80% to think14:05
shmohamudI'm challenging you but I know you can do it. At least 80% :)14:06
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scooperI will try not to fail you shmohamud14:06
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shmohamudsounds good scooper14:06
scooperThanks for being a loyal tutor shmohamud14:07
scooperI pray one day I will meet you in person to appreciate you for what you have done....14:08
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