IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2023-05-25

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jelknerfkoikoi, Good day!12:12
jelknerI'm so glad to see you here.12:12
fkoikoiGood morning Jeff12:12
jelknerThis is the last day of testing week for me.12:12
jelknerBut I do not have to proctor this morning.12:12
jelknertmickelson will unfortunately still not be here12:13
jelkneruntil tomorrow12:13
jelknerHello scooper!12:13
scooperGood morning Jeff12:13
fkoikoiNext week will be the final exam at the Uopeople Jeff12:13
scooperhow was you activities this gone week????12:13
jelknerthis is one of my least favorite things to do, scooper 12:14
jelknerbut it is over for me now!12:14
jelkneri had to proctor tests12:14
jelknerit means sitting silently for 3 hours watching students taking tests12:15
scooperwow see why I didn't see you online these few days......12:15
jelkneranyway, i don't have to proctor today12:15
scooperThanks for bring in shmohamud Jeff he is a wonderful tutor12:16
jelkneryes he is!12:16
jelknerand let me tell you, scooper, he is really enjoying working on this project12:16
scooperMyself enjoy working with him12:17
scooperhe has given the ability to believe in myself12:17
scooperthat I can do this12:17
jelknerthat is great, scooper 12:18
jelkneryou have all you need for success12:18
jelknerso, how is everyone doing getting ready for the West African exam?12:18
scooperThe exam is on as I speak12:19
jelkneri thought is was june 6?12:19
scooperand will end on June 612:19
jelknergot you12:19
jelknerso in Saturday, June 10, we need to celebrate!12:19
jelknerwhen do students learn their scores?12:19
scooperBy September latest12:20
jelknerGot you.12:20
jelknerOK, I'm going to get to lesson planning12:20
scooperHow long are you here for today???12:20
jelkneri have class in 3 hours12:21
jelknerif you need me, i'm available12:21
scooperThat mean I can throw some python question right???12:21
jelkneryou could, yes12:21
scoopergive me 5 minute let me write a program 12:22
jelknerput it in our git repo12:22
scooperdef reversingvalue(uservalue):12:36
scooper    print(uservalue)12:36
scooper    12:36
scoopernewvalue = reversed(uservalue)12:36
jelknerscooper, did you put that in the repo?12:40
jelkneri just did a git pull, and didn't see anything new12:40
fkoikoispencer went to the bathroom12:40
jelknerlet him know i'm waiting for his commit, fkoikoi 12:41
fkoikoiJeff, the term will end on the 4th of June 12:42
jelknerfkoikoi, how are you doing?12:53
fkoikoiI'm fine Jeff12:53
jelkneris scooper back yet?12:54
fkoikoinot yet12:54
jelkneri need to run into the main building12:54
jelkneri'll be gone for about 15 minutes12:54
jelknerACTION away12:54
jelkneri'm back13:04
fkoikoialright 13:05
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:39
shmohamudgood dzy!14:02
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fkoikoiGood morning shmohamud14:12
shmohamudhow're you fkoikoi?14:13
fkoikoiI'm good and you14:13
shmohamudgood good14:14
shmohamudgood to hear14:14
shmohamudis Spencer joining us today?14:14
fkoikoiyes 14:15
shmohamuddo you know what time?14:15
fkoikoiHe will soon be with us14:17
shmohamudso, can you write me a for loop that prints every number between 1 and 50?14:18
scooperGood morning shmohamud14:20
scooperhow are you doing???14:20
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shmohamudgood morning scooper! I'm well, how're you?14:22
fkoikoinumber = 5014:22
fkoikoifor num in range (2, number):14:22
fkoikoi    print(num)14:22
scooperI m find but Jeff tired that all......14:22
shmohamudfkoikoi, can you do it without declaring a variable called number?14:23
shmohamudHow do you know Jeff is tired?14:23
shmohamudplease show me fkoikoi14:24
scooperI mean I m find but just tired that all14:24
shmohamudah, I feel you, same here!14:24
shmohamudare you ready for an opening question?14:24
fkoikoivalue = 5014:25
fkoikoifor all_value in range (2, value):14:25
fkoikoi    print(all_value)14:25
shmohamudwrite me a for loop that loops through these names: ["sahnun", "spencer", "freena", "jeff"] 14:25
shmohamudand prints out every name with a message "Hello from {name}"14:26
shmohamudcan you do that?14:26
scooperlet me give it a try14:26
shmohamudfkoikoi, can you remove the variable value and change all_value to be "value"?14:27
shmohamudI wil be right back guys, coffee, I'm tired too!14:27
scooperemployees = ["sahnun", "spencer", "freen", "jeff"]14:33
scooperfor value in employees:14:33
scooper    print(f"Hello {value} did you see the assignment?\n")14:33
fkoikoiamount = 5014:34
fkoikoifor value in range (2, amount):14:34
fkoikoi    print(value)14:34
shmohamudgreat job spencer!14:36
shmohamudfkoikoi, I was hoping you could do it by replacing "amount" by 50. Sometimes, there's no need to declare a variable and it's more readable by just writing the value in14:36
shmohamudCan you remove the variable declaration and instead just write 50 into the range()?14:36
shmohamudotherwise, it looks great, very close!14:37
shmohamudSpencer do you have any questions for me today?14:37
fkoikoifor value in range (2, 50):14:38
fkoikoi    print(value)14:38
scooperpertaining python right???14:38
shmohamudperfect fkoikoi, great job14:38
shmohamudpertaining to python or programming in general14:38
scooperI m thinking14:39
scooperbefore post my question in shmohamud14:40
scooperWhat can I do to really master programming???14:41
shmohamud1.) Fall in love with programming14:42
scooperI study three hours every day but something I done really grab the concept14:42
shmohamud2.) Practice every single day, not a single day off.14:42
shmohamud3.) When you don't grasp a concept immediately, don't be discouraged. This is very difficult stuff, so just try and then come to Jeff and myself for extra help14:43
shmohamudthree hours is good, but the more hours you can put in the better. 14:43
shmohamud4.) Think of personal project ideas for programs, and in your spare time, work on bringing them to life in code14:44
shmohamudDoes that advice help?14:45
scooperSecond question???14:45
shmohamudplease shoot14:45
scooperWhy it's we have multiple programming language when they have some logic in common...14:47
shmohamudgreat question14:47
shmohamudbecause technology is always evolving, we need different languages to handle specific problems that arise. 14:48
shmohamudand the truth is they don't have *all* things in common, they just share some basic concepts14:49
shmohamudfor example, with C++ you have more control over how memory is stored, compared to a language like javascript14:49
fkoikoiso can a person learn more than two programming language?14:50
shmohamudI know more than two programming languages :)14:51
shmohamudit's very common14:51
shmohamudbut for a beginner, it is advisable to focus and grasp one before moving on14:51
shmohamudthe first language is the hardest because the common concepts: variables, loops, data structures, types, conditional logic, etc. are all new14:52
shmohamuddo you guys have any other questions for me?14:54
shmohamudok, shoot14:54
scooperIf I learn Python to the best of my ability or Javascript is it mandatory that I learn other frame before building nice project???14:55
shmohamudit depends what your definition of "nice project" is. 14:55
scooperBuilding a website with user authentication14:56
scooperOr App14:56
shmohamudjavascript is the language tha handles user interaction: clicks, mouse events, keypresses, etc. It is required for a website with user authentication14:57
shmohamudit also has javascript libraries like JWT, javascript web tokens, that can handle user authentication. However, to have a web app, it would also require basic grasp of HTML and CSS14:58
shmohamudjavascript is the most challenging of the three14:59
shmohamudonce you learn javascript, you can learn JS web frameworks that make building websites very efficient and fast15:00
shmohamudfor user authentication, you would also need node.js and one database 15:02
shmohamudnode.js is server-side javacsript, as opposed to client-side development. It allows you to access databases.
shmohamudany further questions?15:05
fkoikoiso are you saying that if I want to create and app like facebook or messenger, i will have to learn Python, Jave Script, HTML and CSS?15:05
shmohamudif you want to build an app like facebook, you would need javascript, html, css and server-side language like node.js (similar to javascript) and a database query language15:07
scooperI m learning Django Framwork while learning Python at the same time? I want to stick with this for now it's advisable???15:07
shmohamudit's advisable to stick mainly to one language at a time15:08
shmohamudonce you learn the language, then study frameworks15:08
shmohamudI recommend we start with python, just python. master the Python, then Django will come easy15:09
shmohamudany further questions before we call it a day?15:10
scooperNo from my end 15:10
fkoikoiwow, thank you so much shmohamud. I learned a lot today and because I want to do programming, I am going to follow your advise and start by studying three hours everyday.15:11
shmohamudyou're welcome fkoikoi, you're doing great. Three quality hours a day is excellent, I look forward to watching you progress even more :)15:12
shmohamudok, well have a great rest of your day. See you both tomorrow, same time :)15:13
jelknerThanks, shmohamud!15:14
shmohamudyou're welcome Jelkner :)15:14
jelknerSee you Saturday at the diner.15:14
jelkner7:30 am ;-)15:15
shmohamudsounds excellent. Yes sir :D15:15
scooperThat means no activities for saturday???15:16
jelkneroh no, scooper 15:16
jelknershmohamud and i meet for "first face" *before* we join the meeting ;-)15:16
scooperI m seeing you  saying to shmohamud see you Saturday at the dinner 7:30am15:17
jelknerthat's what we do15:17
scoopergot you15:17
scooperhahahahah my mouth is watering here oooo15:17
jelknerit's the coffee i need most, shmohamud 15:18
jelknerand scooper 15:18
scooperI know how your face phase can be oo Jeff15:18
jelkneri can't function without it15:18
jelkneroh, is it "first phase"?15:18
jelkneri thought you were teaching me "first face"15:18
scoopersorry you got 15:19
scooperI was wrong15:19
jelknerok, students will be coming soon15:19
scooperI m sorry you got it 15:19
jelknerscooper, tmickelson will be here tomorrow at the regular time15:19
scooperOk Jeff, Thanks for everything15:20
jelknerthank you15:20
jelknersee you tomorrow...15:20
fkoikoihave a nice day jeff15:20
jelknerACTION signs off for the day15:20
jelkneryou too, fkoikoi 15:20
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shmohamudhave a nice rest of your day guys15:21
fkoikoiyou too shmohamud15:21
shmohamudthank you :D15:21
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