IRC log of #novawebdev for Thursday, 2023-06-01

*** scooper has quit (None)12:38
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shmohamudgood day fkoikoi12:59
fkoikoi_good morning shmohamud13:00
shmohamudhow was the homework?13:00
fkoikoi_fine but I didn't complete the example because I was doing my assignment that the UoPeople give me13:02
fkoikoi_please give me a minute13:02
shmohamudok, take your time13:03
shmohamudis scooper coming today?13:09
fkoikoi_I don't think spencer will be here today, he is doing his assignments and he has to prepare for the test too which starts today and ends on Sunday. I also have quiz to write today and a exam too. 13:15
shmohamudI understand. Do you want to skip today and we come back tomorrow?13:16
shmohamudI am also not feeling too well myself13:16
fkoikoi_wish you speedy recovery 13:16
shmohamudthank you13:16
fkoikoi_Yes I think it will be okay. that way I will wirte my quiz and also do your assignments too13:18
shmohamudsounds like a plan13:19
shmohamudhave a great rest of your day, see you tomorrow13:19
fkoikoi_thank you13:19
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jelknerGood day, scooper!13:25
tmickelsonhello scooper 13:26
scooperGood day Jeff and tmickelson13:26
tmickelsonhow has transfering the domain name gone13:27
scooperIt was successful yesterday13:29
scooperBase on the instruction I followed yesterday13:30
jelknerscooper, where is fkoikoi?13:30
scooperShe when in the bathroom13:30
tmickelsonscooper, so has the domain been transfered succesfully13:31
scoopertmickeson after taking ownership of the domain do I have to do exact stuff??13:34
scooperBecause yesterday I following the instruction that was give, asking me to click the link below and take  ownership of the domain which I did13:35
tmickelsondoes the domain show up in the domains you know13:35
tmickelson*own not know13:35
scooperlet me check again13:37
LittleWebsterWarning: There are no items on the agenda!13:37
jelkner!add Resume discussion of Summer plan and schedule13:37
LittleWebsterSuccess: "Resume discussion of Summer plan and schedule" has been added to the agenda.13:37
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:37
LittleWebsterResume discussion of Summer plan and schedule (added by jelkner)13:37
scooperwhere can I look in the namecheap account to know whether I has accepted the ownership of this domain???13:40
fkoikoiGood morning Jeff13:41
tmickelsonclick on "Domain List" on the left sidebar13:42
scooper+1 I did13:43
tmickelsondo you see anything in there13:43
scooperyes, Domain, Product, Sharing & Transfer, Advance DNS13:44
*** fkoikoi has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:46
jelknerscooper, tmickelson just asked me a really good question13:49
jelknerdid you set up an MCSS account on Namecheap?13:49
jelknerOr did you set up a personal one?13:49
fkoikoiGood morning tmickelson13:50
scooperI See an account for myself Jeff13:50
jelknerThat is *not* good!13:50
scooperI set up an with my name13:50
jelknerIn fact it is *really bad*!13:50
scooperLike you said create any an on namecheap13:51
scooperI m sorry13:51
jelknerMy mistake, my friend13:51
jelknerI take full responsibility13:51
jelknerbut now we have to fix it13:51
jelknerimagine in a few years you get a great new job13:51
jelknerand you move on13:51
jelknerwhat happens to MCSS13:51
jelknerthey loose access to their own domain13:52
jelknerwe need to involve the Supe in this discussion13:52
jelknerYou will be the tech, for sure13:52
scooperThat mean I have to create a namecheap account with mcss credential right??13:52
jelknerbut MCSS as an institution needs to own the domain13:52
jelknerMCSS, as an *institution*, needs to own the domain.13:52
jelknerSomeday the Supe will move on, but the school system will remain13:53
jelknerand it will still want a website13:53
scooperare there extra or additional step I need to follow when creating this for mcss??13:53
jelkneralso, my friend, you want the bill to go to MCSS13:53
jelknernot you13:53
jelknertrust me, I am suffering with NOVA Web Development because we didn't do this13:54
scooperI understand I have the same few months back with Hexznet13:54
scooperdid keep cutting money from my account toward mcss website13:55
jelknerscooper, thehedgeh0g is going to help13:55
scooperstill later I had to explain it to the supe13:55
scooperI think I shared with you the late time... I even asked to to join explain it to the supe right???13:55
jelknerlet me send another email to Isaac explaining this again.13:56
scooperconcerning the monthly payment 13:56
scooperOh wait Jeff....13:57
jelknerACTION is waiting ;-)13:57
scooperThe late time the mcss site got shutdown by Hetznet the supe took the responsible of paying13:58
scooperBecause the where no money on my card for them to deduct again......13:58
jelknerI'll send the email after school ends today13:58
jelknerscooper, we need to draw clear boundaries here13:59
jelknerwe can't be responsible for paying for the hosting or the domain13:59
jelknerif MCSS wants a website, *they* have to pay for it14:00
jelkneryou and i will need to talk alot more about this in the future14:01
jelknersince as we move toward creating the coop in Monrovia, I'll recommend the same policy14:01
jelknermy experience with NOVA Web taught me a lot.14:02
jelknerok, gotta go14:02
scooperOk Jeff14:02
scooperyou leave14:02
scooperShould I create another account on namecheap with mcss credential??14:03
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*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:57
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)19:13
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scooperGood afternoon shmohamud21:08
shmohamudGood afternoon scooper21:08
shmohamudhow's it going?21:08
scooperI m find logon today but didn't see  you21:08
shmohamudYeah me and Fkoikoi cancelled this morning. I have a virus and she had other work to do21:09
scooperI m so sorry21:11
scooperI just login hoping that Jeff was going to have a meeting today like we usually does on Thursday21:12
scooperOk catch you later shmohamud... speedy recovery from my end again21:12
shmohamudah, I understand21:12
*** scooper has quit (Quit: Leaving)21:12
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