IRC log of #novawebdev for Wednesday, 2023-06-07

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shmohamudgood day13:00
scooperGood morning shmohamud13:02
scooperhow is your daddy doing now????13:03
shmohamudhe is still in the hospital, I'm going to check on him in a few hours13:03
scooperI m wishing him speedy recovery from my end shmohamud13:04
shmohamudthank you <313:04
fkoikoiGood morning shmohamud13:04
shmohamudgood morning fkoikoi13:04
shmohamudgood day **13:04
shmohamudalright, so fkoikoi can you show us the homework?13:05
shmohamudlet's see it13:05
fkoikoieven = 10013:05
fkoikoinum = 113:05
fkoikoiwhile num <= even:13:05
fkoikoi    if(num % 2 == 0):13:05
fkoikoi        print(num)13:05
fkoikoi    num = num + 113:05
shmohamudgood job. Did you run the code to see if it works?13:06
fkoikoiyes I did13:07
shmohamudwonderful. Scooper, can you show us what you wrote?13:07
scoopereven_number = 013:10
scooperwhile even_number <= 100:13:10
scooper    print(even_number)13:10
scooper    even_number += 213:10
scooper    print("I m done Programmer!!")13:10
shmohamudlol I appreciate the joke, but question:13:11
shmohamuddoes the program even hit the else statement?13:11
scooperin my programming???13:11
shmohamudyes, would it ever hit "I'm done Programmer!!" ?13:11
shmohamudgive me a moment to run the code myself.13:12
shmohamudI thought you needed an if statement to use else statements, not a while loop13:12
shmohamudit works!13:13
shmohamudI learned something new today, thank you scooper and great job to both of you13:13
scoopercan I explain a little bit on my programming13:13
scooperthis will remember of discussion forum at UoPeople13:14
shmohamudplease explain13:14
scooperthis will remember me of discssuion forum at UoPeople13:14
scooperthe question say write a program that print from 0 to 100 with an even output right???13:15
shmohamudyes, print all even numbers between 0 and 10013:15
scooperin the while loop it say run the program it certain condition is true13:16
scooperso looking at even_number is hold a value of zero13:16
scooperwhich make the while loop to be true13:17
scooperthe next condition is checking to see whether even_number is less than or even to 10013:17
scooperso the loop will run from the first time??? to see if zero is less than 10013:18
shmohamudgreat question.13:18
shmohamudwhen we run the code you wrote, does it ever print 0?13:19
shmohamudif we move the line "even_number += 2" to be on top of the print(even_number) it will not print 013:20
scoopershould I continue or wait??13:20
shmohamudcontinue continue13:20
scooperthe second time if the loop run the output will be 2 because we update the first value zero to plus 2 which is increment variable13:21
scooperThis loop process will continue incrementing by two till it value be equal to 10013:23
scooperbecause of the comparison operator I have there <=13:23
shmohamuduntil its value is greater than 100, because we have <=13:23
shmohamudam I answering/understanding your question properly scooper/13:24
scooperSo the last block which is the else block will pop off it the loop is done....13:26
shmohamudyes, the else block will execute if the condition in the while loop is no longer true13:26
jelknerhello, fkoikoi 13:26
fkoikoiGood morning Jeff13:27
jelknerare you ready to talk about agenda items?13:27
fkoikoiI send you a mail13:27
jelknerACTION goes to check his email13:28
fkoikoiACTION going to the restroom13:29
shmohamudalso going to the restroom13:29
scooperno we where just trying something13:30
jelkneris fkoikoi away now?13:30
scooperACTION learning how Jeff can do this when even he is leaving........13:30
fkoikoiI'm here Jeff13:30
jelknerlet me show you something else13:30
fkoikoiI was trying to do what you just did13:31
scoopershmohamud we are still here13:31
fkoikoiokay Jeff13:32
jelknerand now you know how, yes13:33
jelkneryou use /me + messagwe13:34
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scooperACTION waiting for Jeff or Shmohamud respond13:34
jelkneranother thing you can do is change your status with /away13:34
jelknerdo you notice that i changed to gray?13:35
fkoikoican i try it now Jeff?13:35
jelknerclick on my name13:35
jelknerit will show you an away message13:35
jelknerwhen i come back, i use /back13:35
jelknernow i'm not away any more ;-)13:36
jelkneranyway, let's talk about your email13:36
jelknernice email, fkoikoi 13:36
jelkneri do have one thing i think i need to correct13:36
jelkneri'm using the "Social Justice Computing" in several different ways13:37
jelknerwhich is probably confusing13:37
shmohamudACTION test13:38
jelknerlooks like you disconnected13:38
jelknerare you here again?13:38
jelknerfkoikoi, 13:38
jelkneror fkoikoi_13:38
*** sysadmin_ has quit (None)13:38
fkoikoi_I'm here again Jeff13:39
jelknertry /nick fkokoi13:39
jelknerto see if you can get rid of the underscore after your nick13:39
jelknerdid you try it?13:40
fkoikoi_yes jeff13:40
jelkneri guess it didn't work13:40
jelknerlet's not waste time with that now13:41
jelkneranyway, where were we in our discussion of social justice computing?13:41
sysadmin_I m here follow with sysadmin13:41
jelknerfkoikoi_ and scooper, it would help if you knew what a 501(c)3 organization is13:42
jelknerwhy don't i make that your homework?13:42
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sysadmin_I think I need to read on it13:42
sysadmin_you did mentioned at before13:42
fkoikoi_alright Jeff13:42
jelknerif you go to my blog13:42
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jelknerwhere i mention it, it is a link to wikipedia13:43
jelknerlet's talk tomorrow about that13:43
jelknereach day i should leave you with something to investigate13:43
jelknerand when we meet the next day, we can discuss it13:44
jelknerso, tomorrow, come prepared to tell me what a 501(c)3 is, and why i want to start one here in Virginia this Summer13:44
jelknerhow will that help us in our Monrovia project?13:45
jelknersee if you can figure that out13:45
jelknersound good?13:45
jelknerlet's talk again tomorrow13:45
jelknerunless you have something else, i'm going to return to computing end of year grades13:46
fkoikoi_so Jeff13:46
jelkneryes, fkoikoi_?13:46
fkoikoi_what about the mail i sent you?13:47
jelknerit was great13:47
jelknerthat's what lead to my homework13:47
jelknerin reading it, i believe there is not clarity around what i am proposing with Social Justice Computing, the 501(c)3 organization13:48
jelknerso let's talk more tomorrow13:48
jelknermake sense?13:48
jelkneryour email was *very* helpful, fkoikoi_!13:49
jelknersince i get a much better idea of what is clear and what is not clear13:49
jelknerso we can focus on the areas that are not clear13:49
jelknerwe will continue tomorrow at the same time13:49
jelkneranything else before i go?13:50
fkoikoi_okay Jeff13:50
fkoikoi_nothing for now Jeff13:50
fkoikoi_thought you left13:54
shmohamudSo, scooper have I answered your question about the while loop / else statement?13:54
shmohamudnope, still here :)13:54
shmohamudwas the homework easy, medium or hard fkoikoi?13:54
fkoikoi_It was a bit tough because I was having difficult time trying to get rid of the error message but thank God i did it13:56
jelknerACTION signs off for the day13:56
fkoikoi_after reading some books13:57
shmohamudthat's good, we want the homework to challenge you. Thanks for the feedback.13:57
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shmohamudIs scooper still there?13:57
shmohamudI have homework for today. I want you to use a for loop to display the numbers between -10 to -1 13:58
shmohamudfkoikoi - do you remember any of the errors you got while doing the homework?13:59
shmohamudthat's the homework for both of you, for loop that displays -10 to -113:59
sysadmin_ok thanks 14:01
fkoikoi_thank you14:01
shmohamudfkoikoi - do you remember any of the errors you got during the homework?14:01
shmohamudalso - scooper - was the homework easy, medium or hard?14:01
sysadmin_Shmohamud the assignment was alright.... That al I can say for now14:02
shmohamudOk, that's good feedback14:02
sysadmin_But I learned new thing while doing it14:03
shmohamudthe else statement?14:03
shmohamudthat's really cool. I didn't know it was possible until you shared!14:03
sysadmin_I got do that the same way you can use else in a try and except block with out if statement it can also work14:04
shmohamudAhhh, great job seeing the possibility14:04
sysadmin_I got to know that the same way you can use else in a try and except block without if statement it can also work14:05
shmohamudvery cool14:05
shmohamuddo you guys have any questions for me before we call it a day?14:05
sysadmin_no from my end but a few things I will like to say before you leave14:06
sysadmin_Since I have an encounter will you. you have push me to the extend to do more.... I never thought I could even do this14:07
sysadmin_Since you told me 80 percent of this work is thinking and 20 percent is writing code.....14:08
sysadmin_from that day, I read you questions carefully and think for a while before coding......14:08
shmohamudThat warms my heart, scooper. Don't forget that you should be proud of yourself, too. You've made incredible progress and you're the one sitting down and putting in the effort! 14:09
shmohamudI'm just pointing you in the right directions, it's you that's making this happen. I'm confident we'll have professional work for you one day, until then, keep doing what you're doing now.14:09
sysadmin_Thanks and also keep giving more assignments that too will help14:10
shmohamudWhenever you guys get discouraged, remember that you've come VERY FAR already. Your making VERY fast progress compared to when I first learned to code. Believe me, I'm not just saying this, I'm very impressed.14:11
shmohamudEvery day I'll leave an assignment :)14:11
sysadmin_Thanks shmohamud14:11
sysadmin_can you post a link for bitwise operator14:11
sysadmin_It's another operator that I came across that seem challenging....14:12
shmohamudbitwise operators:
shmohamudyou're welcome14:12
shmohamudany final questions for the day?14:16
shmohamudalright, well great job today guys. See you tomorrow14:19
sysadmin_ok 14:19
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