IRC log of #novawebdev for Saturday, 2023-06-10

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jelknerGood afternoon everyone!12:48
scooperGood morning Jeff12:48
tboimahgood morning Jeff12:49
mulbahGood morning Jeff12:50
svayeGood morning Jeff12:51
mulbahHow are you doing this morning Jeff12:55
jelkneri'm well, mulbah 12:59
jelknerlooking forward to our meeting12:59
jelknercongratulations to you all on graduating high school!12:59
LittleWebstertboimah : scooper : thehedgeh0g : svaye : jelkner : mulbah : dcammue13:00
LittleWebsterTick Tock!13:00
LittleWebsterIt's 13:00 UTC o'clock and NOVA Web Development's meeting is starting.13:00
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for today:13:00
LittleWebsterPreparation for the Summer class (1hour) (added by fkoikoi_)13:00
LittleWebsterAsk Shallon if she will be our main point of contact for the Rural Clean Cooking Stove project (10 minutes) (added by jelkner)13:00
LittleWebsterHave a nice day, Websters!13:00
mulbahThanks Jeff13:00
jelknerscooper, where is our meeting chair?13:01
svayeThanks Jeff13:01
scooperI m still awaiting on her.......13:01
jelknercan you call her?13:02
jelknerwe need to get started13:03
scooperI just did13:03
jelkneri have to go to the bank with Adrian this morning13:03
jelknerso i only have an hour13:03
jelknerscooper, do you want to start the meeting in her absence?13:03
scooperIf you insist......13:04
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jelknerI'm just one member, scooper 13:04
jelknerbut if you don't, we'll be sitting around wasting time13:04
jelknerand time is precious13:04
scooperOK I will13:05
scooperBut let give her atl east five minutes maybe she might arrive anytime soon.....13:05
jelknerokie dokie13:06
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scooperOK Jeff Fkoikoi is here13:08
janetHi Jeff13:09
scooperSecondly we have Gabriel here with us today......13:09
fkoikoiGood Morning13:11
jelknerGood afternoon, madam chair13:11
fkoikoiSorry I'm late everyone 13:12
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fkoikoican we proceed now13:12
LittleWebsterThis is the agenda for the next meeting:13:13
LittleWebsterPreparation for the Summer class (1hour) (added by fkoikoi_)13:13
LittleWebsterAsk Shallon if she will be our main point of contact for the Rural Clean Cooking Stove project (10 minutes) (added by jelkner)13:13
fkoikoiso we move quickly to the first item on our agenda13:14
fkoikoiIt is well understood that everyone are out of high school except for Janet who will be in the 12 grade next academic year13:16
jelknerAgain, *CONGRATULATIONS* to you all!13:16
dcammueThanks Jeff13:17
scooperParty waste......13:17
fkoikoiso for the Python System admins and the Web development group, we can to outline some of the things that are needed to be done during the summer and even after13:18
fkoikoithing like:13:18
fkoikoi1. providing schedule for our study13:19
fkoikoi2. Being more focus on our study13:20
fkoikoi3. How we can start working towards our goals "Social Justice Computing"13:20
fkoikoiand many others that will be discuss later13:21
jelknerfor today we have to decide on 113:22
jelkneri have to leave at 10 my time (38 minutes)13:22
fkoikoiYes Jeff and that will be the first item on the list13:22
jelknerand i would like to request the last 10 minutes to talk about Rural Cleaning Cooking Stove13:23
fkoikoiwill everyone be available during the week?13:23
dcammue+1 for me13:24
tboimahACTION +113:24
mulbahI want to ask a question jeff on our coming everyday to the lab13:25
fkoikoiJeff, we need to select days that each group will meet here for class13:26
jelknerfkoikoi, do you want me to propose a schedule?13:27
jelknerok, i will be available Monday to Thursday between 12 noon and 1 pm your time13:27
fkoikoione more thing Jeff13:28
jelkneri will be meeting with the web group and the programming group13:28
scooperAll happening on the same day mentioned above??13:29
tboimahwhat about the system administration group13:29
fkoikoiHave you ask the system admins group to email the person that will be responsible to help them13:29
jelknernot yet, fkoikoi 13:29
jelkneri was going to do that here today13:29
jelknerdo you want me to talk about that now?13:29
jelknerbtw. where is Gabriel?13:30
jelkneri don't see him in the chat13:30
scooperHere with us13:30
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fkoikoiGabriel is here with us13:30
mulbahHe is here13:30
jelknerscooper, can you help him get set up so he can join in the chat?13:31
jelknerhe messages me on Zulip13:31
jelknerbut we will be mostly using irc13:31
jelknerwhich study group does he want to join?13:31
tboimahfkoikoi and Jeff i want to ask a question even those it is not part of our for today can I ask?13:31
jelknerfkoikoi, you're the chair13:32
jelkneryou run the meeting ;-)13:32
scooperMadam Fkoikoi is connecting him already.....13:32
jelknertboimah, just ask13:32
jelknersince the chair is busy13:33
jelknerbtw. folks should get used to that13:33
jelknerirc allows multiple people to type a the same time13:33
tboimahsine we are four now that is moving from high school will we also be attending uo people 13:34
jelknertboimah, that's a great question13:34
jelkneri want to support everyone who wants to do that13:34
jelknerso we need to keep track of our budget13:35
jelknerthat will also help us grow our plan13:35
sysadminACTION Gabriel13:35
fkoikoiI'm back Jeff13:35
jelknersysadmin, which study group did you want to join?13:36
jelknertboimah and mulbah last week you asked me to reach out to Kevin Cole about mentoring the sysadmin group13:36
jelkneri did13:36
jelknerhe said he would probably like to do that13:37
jelkneri bet if you email him13:37
jelknerhe is likely to say yes13:37
jelknerespecially since the initiative will be coming from you directly13:37
Gabrielcomputer programming is my endeavor jeff13:37
jelknerso he will know you are serious13:37
tboimahcan you past his email address in here13:37
jelknergreat Gabriel 13:37
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tboimahplease Jeff13:38
Gabrielokay so what am i gonna start with jeff13:39
tboimahokay thanks13:40
jelknerso tboimah are you going to send the email?13:40
tboimahyeah we will do that today13:40
jelknerplease cc me at jeff.elkner@novawebdevelopment.org13:41
jelkneryou can say that i told you he might be interested in tutoring you in system administration13:41
jelknerand that you are reaching out to him to see if you could make that happen13:41
jelkneri can talk to him about logistics if he agrees13:42
jelknerso back to my proposal13:42
mulbahOkay Jeff13:42
tboimahso Jeff you have not yet conclude on the uo people yet13:42
jelknertboimah, you don't need me for that, you have scooper and fkoikoi 13:43
jelknerthey are both enrolled, and can help guide you13:43
tboimahokay i will talk to about that13:43
tboimahbut it will be after the meeting13:43
jelknerso, i'll be here each Monday to Thursday at 12 noon your time13:44
jelknerbeginning June 2613:44
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fkoikoiSince you will only be here From Monday to Thursday13:45
tboimahJeff are we not going to be joining you guys for the classes right because you said that you will only be meeting with the web group and programming group13:45
jelknertboimah, good question13:46
jelknerlet's not call these "classes"13:46
jelknerin fact, we won't be successful until you can learn the ways of learning in ITC13:46
jelkneryou need to learn to self-study13:46
jelkneri'll be here to answer questions and help13:46
jelknerbut it is *your* responsibility to move your study forward, not mine13:47
jelknerwe can choose a resource13:47
jelknerand then i will expect you all to use it13:47
jelknerand then come to me with questions13:47
jelkner*specific* questions13:47
jelknerthat show you have done the reading and practicing before hand13:48
jelknerwhen we can, we will create projects13:48
jelknerthat apply our skills13:48
jelknerthat is the only real way to learn13:48
jelknerto *DO* things13:48
jelknernot just read about them13:48
jelknersince i only have 10 minutes13:48
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jelknerlet me start with a concrete example13:48
Gabrieljeff as for me i don't have Linux, so am i going to go through with the study using my windows?13:48
jelknerGabriel, if you have Windows 1013:49
jelkneryou should install WSL13:49
jelknersvaye, dcammue let's talk about your project13:49
fkoikoiI don't think it's possible for the python and web group to meet the same day and at the same time or is it possible?13:49
jelknerit could be, fkoikoi 13:49
jelknersvaye, did you see the emails i sent to Dr. Hubbard?13:50
jelknerdcammue, did you?13:50
svayeYeah I did13:50
jelknerdcammue, i don't remember if i included you in the cc13:50
jelkneri should have13:50
scooper"Jeff when you are done" keys things we need to take to consideration here.......13:51
dcammueI still have problems with my novawebdev email13:51
jelknersvaye, dcammue, i would like you two to take over the Rural Clean Cooking Stove project from Annie13:51
jelknerdcammue, we have to get that fixed13:51
Gabrielsure jeff i do have window 10 but am facing a serious problem with it, perhaps i'm not comfortable using it do go through with this course despite, I would love to use linux13:51
jelknerwhy not install linux then?13:51
jelknerGabriel, 13:52
jelknerdcammue, what is the problem?13:52
svayewon't she be involve anymore Jeff13:52
mulbahwill help he do that Jeff13:52
jelknerno, svaye, she won't13:52
jelknerthanks, mulbah!!13:52
dcammueI can not access anything13:52
jelkneryou rock13:52
jelknerthat's what we need, people who can step up and fix things! ;-)13:53
mulbahI wanted to help he but I forget my ventoy usd home13:53
svayeAnd when you say take over what do you really mean Jeff13:53
Gabrielsure i want mulbah to do so for me but it seems like what he have can't work with my system13:53
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mulbahI want to ask a question jeff on our coming everyday to the lab13:53
jelknerGabriel, the plan is for folks to come to the MCSS lab and work ther13:53
jelknersvaye, dcammue i need to set up a meeting with you two, Tanaka, and Dr. Hubbard for this week13:54
mulbahwhen will we start because we have nothing doing at this movement that we are awaiting gratulation13:54
jelknerto talk about the project13:54
jelknersvaye, since your email works13:54
jelknercan you please take over from Annie as the coordinator of this?13:54
jelknerdcammue, we need to get your email working13:55
svayeSure Jeff13:55
jelknerscooper, can you please tell me in more detail what is not working13:55
jelknerso i can ask Adrian for help if we need it13:55
scooperWhat do you mean when you say not working 13:56
tboimahJeff can i ask you13:56
jelknerask dcammue 13:56
Gabrielokay will that be all day and if so what time will be set to do so because yesterday i was little bit confused when i came here some mintue to 4pm and by 4 spencer terminate the session, so how will that be?13:56
jelknernot now13:56
scooperConcerning Dcammue email.....13:56
jelknerGabriel, ask scooper what times they are there13:56
jelkneri have to go, scooper 13:56
jelknerwe can't get "into the weeds" now13:57
jelknersvaye, i will send an email later today13:57
dcammueI can not access any message or even to log in not working scooper13:57
svayeOkay Jeff I am looking forward to it13:57
Gabriel@jeff okay i13:58
jelknerdoes Monday at 1:30 pm your time work for you?13:58
jelknersvaye, dcammue?13:59
tboimahJeff i think it will be better if you also add us as admin on the Novawebdevelopment email so we can be able to handle problem like this instead of contacting Adrian all of the time.13:59
scooperDcammue sorry to say you are the cause of your own problem..... this accounts issues is long over due. If I have this fix again it  will be my third time resetting your password....13:59
jelknertboimah, i love the way you think!13:59
jelkneryes, that is a goal13:59
jelknerbut we need to be cautious14:00
svayeYes Jeff14:00
jelkneradmins can break things badly if they move in before they are ready14:00
dcammueso when we will be meeting with the guys, Dr. Hubbard and Tanaka14:00
jelknerdcammue, yes14:00
jelknerhere in irc14:00
jelkneri'm going to propose Monday at 1:30 pm your time in the email14:00
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jelknertboimah, i think you could handle admin on web interface14:01
jelknerso let's do that14:01
jelkneri'll make you and admin14:01
tboimahokay 14:01
jelknerand then you can help dcammue 14:01
jelknerjust be *very* careful!14:01
dcammuecan I ask Jeff14:02
jelknerask questions if you see anything you don't understand14:02
jelknerok, i have to go14:02
tboimahokay i will do so14:02
jelknerAdrian is meeting me at the bank14:02
fkoikoialright, thanks for the time jeff14:03
jelknergreat job chairing the meeting fkoikoi 14:03
jelknermy last proposal14:03
dcammueHave we done with the discussion from the first agenda14:03
fkoikoithanks Jeff14:03
jelkneri propose the fkoikoi and scooper take turns preparing meeting agendas and chairing meetings for the next few months14:03
Gabrielok jeff14:03
jelknerso that they become really comfortable with that14:03
jelknerwe wil want to add everyone eventually, but since they are our full time staff, they should do it first14:04
jelknerdo folks agree with that?14:04
dcammue+1 for svaye14:04
jelknerwhat about scooper and fkoikoi?14:05
mulbahJeff you haven't yet response to my question that i ask14:05
jelknerare they willing?14:05
jelknermulbah, i have to go14:05
jelknerwhat question?14:05
jelknerscooper, next week is yours, yes?14:05
mulbahon our coming everyday to the lab14:06
jelknermulbah, if you want to learn, you need to put in *a lot* of time14:06
jelkneri would come every day if i was you14:06
mulbahwhen will we start because we have nothing doing at this movement that we are awaiting gratulation14:06
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jelknerstart monday14:06
jelknerfkoikoi and scooper are there every weekday14:07
jelknerok, i gotta go14:07
jelknerACTION logs off for today14:07
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fkoikoiACTION logs off for today14:08
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