IRC log of #novawebdev for Tuesday, 2023-06-13

*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)12:03
shmohamudgood morning Mulbah12:41
shmohamudwould you like to do some practice still?12:42
mulbahGood morning shmohamud12:42
mulbahyeah always really12:43
shmohamudOk, cool12:43
shmohamudso do you know how to declare a variable in Python?12:43
mulbahso what is the plain12:43
shmohamudI'm going to ask you questions to see what your current skill level is12:44
shmohamudOk, declare me a list that has four names inside of it12:44
shmohamudname the list names12:47
shmohamudwhen finished please paste the result here12:48
shmohamudgood day tboimah and dcommue12:49
tboimahHow are you shmohamud12:50
shmohamuddoing well, thanks for asking :)12:50
shmohamudhow're you?12:50
tboimahI'm fine12:50
shmohamudgood good to hear12:51
shmohamudare you trying the question too?12:51
tboimahyeah let me try12:51
shmohamuddcommue - you there?12:52
shmohamudgood day scooper12:52
shmohamudgood day fkoikoi12:52
fkoikoiGood morning shmohamud12:52
fkoikoiHow are you today?12:55
shmohamudgood good, thanks for asking12:55
shmohamudhow're you?12:55
shmohamudmulbah and tboimah - how's it going with the question?12:56
tboimahmy_list = ["tboimah", "mulbah", "fkoikoi", "dcammue"]12:59
tboimahI'm i correct13:00
shmohamudtboimah, that's correct13:01
tboimahshmohamud are you there13:01
mulbahnames = [mulbah, paul, scooper,  shmohamud]13:01
mulbahfor each_list in names:13:01
shmohamudmulbah, good job naming the variable properly.13:01
mulbaham I correct too13:02
shmohamudDoes anyone see an error in mulbah's code?13:02
shmohamudGood day scooper13:02
shmohamudtboimah, what's the error?13:02
scooperGood morning Shmohamud13:03
tboimahhe should have print names instead of each_list13:03
shmohamudthat's fine, I mean an error that will cause the code to throw an error13:03
shmohamudanyone see it?13:03
scooperSorry to say I will not be active today due to a meeting I m attending by 1:0013:03
tboimahyeah it's the string13:03
scooperMean while did you saw the work I submitted????13:04
shmohamudI understand scooper, handle your business and i'll see you tomorrow13:04
shmohamudOh, I did not. Let me check now13:04
shmohamudI see it, correct. Well done!13:05
shmohamudmulbah, when declaring a variable, you must make sure that you use the proper data type13:06
shmohamudComputers are dumb, people are smart. It needs us to be exact in what we tell it to do. 13:06
scooperOK Thanks I m leaving now........13:07
mulbahokay Sir13:07
mulbahis there another question\13:07
shmohamudStrings are an important data type, and you create them by using quotation marks "" like that13:07
tboimahGood morning Jeff13:08
shmohamudFor you guys (not fkoikoi) I want you to declare a variable called ages_dict and set it equal to key / value pairs that are names and ages13:08
mulbahokay I understand 13:08
shmohamudGood morning Jeff13:09
mulbahGood morning Jeff13:09
fkoikoiGood Morning Jeff13:09
shmohamudfkoikoi, I want you to declare a dict with three key / value pairs and then loop through printing the keys AND values of each13:09
svayeGood morning Jeff13:09
dcammueGood morning Jeff13:10
svayeGood morning shmohamud 13:10
fkoikoiokay shmohamud13:10
shmohamudgood day svaye13:10
jelknerGood afternoon mulbah, fkoikoi, svaye and dcammue 13:10
jelknerand good morning to you, shmohamud 13:10
dcammueHow was your Night?13:11
svayeJeff are we meeting with Dr stephen today?13:12
fkoikoimy_list = {"freena":"17", "tboimah":"18", "svaye":"16"}13:14
fkoikoifor key in my_list:13:14
fkoikoi    print(key, my_list[key])13:14
shmohamudawesome, well done! Now, could you have named it better?13:15
tboimahteam_age = {"Thomas 18":"Mulbah 18", "fkoikoi 18",}13:15
jelknersvaye, he hasn't responded13:16
jelknerso i don't think so13:16
shmohamudfkoikoi, once you answer that - I want you to point out wha the issue with tboimah's close attempt is.13:16
shmohamudYou're close tboimah, take a look at fkoikoi's code and try to figure out the issue with your dict13:16
fkoikoiworkers_ages = {"freena":"17", "tboimah":"18", "svaye":"16"}13:16
fkoikoifor key in workers_ages:13:16
fkoikoi    print(key, workers_ages[key])13:16
shmohamudI like it. What data structure is workers_ages?13:17
shmohamudhow're you doing mulbah?13:18
shmohamudGood day svaye13:18
svayeThanks Jeff13:18
shmohamudCan you write me a list with four names in it, Svaye?13:18
shmohamudplease call it names13:19
tboimahJeff did you kevin cole talk 13:20
tboimah*Jeff did you and kevin cole talk13:20
fkoikoito answer your question shmohamud13:21
fkoikoiworkers_ages is a dict13:21
shmohamudcorrect. just making sure :)13:21
shmohamudfkoikoi, write me a for loop that prints out every number from 1 to 100, but it breaks if the number is equal to 98. Use the break statement13:23
shmohamudtboimah, do you see the issue in your dict?13:23
tboimahyeah i got it13:23
mulbahages_dict = {‘Name’ :  ‘scooper’ , ‘Age’: 32}13:24
mulbahprint (ages_dict)13:24
tboimahis there any question13:24
shmohamudclose, but we want scooper to be associated with the age. 13:24
shmohamudThat's the power of a dict, we can access information by knowing the key13:24
shmohamudso why don't you try again but instead of "Name":"scooper" try "scooper":3213:25
tboimahJeff are you there13:25
mulbahshmohamud how is my work13:25
fkoikoijust give a minute shmohamud13:26
fkoikoiACTION going to the restroom13:26
shmohamudI commented above mulbah - please retry with my advice and add more than one key / value pair please13:26
shmohamudACTION goes to restroom13:27
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)13:32
svayedcammue said you should please cc him when you are sending any message 13:33
svayeThat message is you Jeff13:33
svayesorry for you13:34
fkoikoiI'm back13:34
shmohamudback too13:34
mulbahages_dict = {“scooper”: 32, “paul”:30, “ Abraham”:40, “John”:21}13:34
mulbahprint (ages_dict)13:34
shmohamudlooking good Mulbah! Way to go.13:35
shmohamudNow mulbah, can you loop through all the key/value pairs and print out the keys and values?13:35
jelknertboimah, keep your questions here, not in a DM13:35
jelknerso that:13:36
svayenames = ["svaye", "fkoikoi", "tboimah", "shmohamud"]13:36
jelkner1. we get an automatic record13:36
jelkner2. everyone can see the information13:36
shmohamudlooking good Svaye, well done. Now can you loop through and print all the values in names?13:36
tboimahI message you here but you was not responding that is why i Dm you13:37
jelkneryes, tboimah, i talked to kevin13:37
jelknerhe emailed you back, didn't he?13:37
jelknerdon't be shy about emailing him again13:37
tboimahhe did and i also email him back but seen then their is no respond13:38
jelknerhe's even older than i am (if you can believe that! ;-), and we are both going senile13:38
jelknerso be patient with us13:38
svayenames = ["svaye", "fkoikoi", "tboimah", "shmohamud"]13:38
svayefor key in names:13:38
svaye    print(names)13:38
shmohamudsvaye, did I ask you to print the whole list each time, or each individual name?13:38
shmohamudI wasn't specific, I wanted to you to print each individual value 13:39
jelknertboimah, mulbah, please email kevin again13:39
jelknercc me13:39
jelknerand ask him if he will propose a time to meet with you here in irc to make plans13:40
tboimahokay sir13:40
mulbahOkay Jeff13:40
jelknerthat's the next step13:40
jelkneri'm getting together with him on saturday, june 24th13:40
jelkneri don't want to step on his toes13:41
jelknerif he is going to mentor you, he will decided what you do13:41
jelknerif he doesn't do it, i'm going to have to help you13:41
svayenames = ["svaye", "fkoikoi", "tboimah", "shmohamud"]13:41
svayefor key in names:13:41
svaye    print(key,names)13:41
jelknereven though kevin knows *way* more than i do13:41
svayeIs this what you are talking about shmohamud?13:42
shmohamudok, you're printing the individual names now, but I would remove the names from the print statement13:42
shmohamudAlso, i would've named "key" to "name" because it's a list data type not a dict data type13:42
jelknerwe will use The Linux Command Line book if i do it with you13:43
svayenames = ["svaye", "fkoikoi", "tboimah", "shmohamud"]13:43
jelknerdo you have that book, tboimah and mulbah 13:43
svayefor key in names:13:43
svaye    print(key)13:43
shmohamudlooking better, svaye13:44
svayenames = ["svaye", "fkoikoi", "tboimah", "shmohamud"]13:44
svayefor name in names:13:44
svaye    print(name)13:44
shmohamudwell done!13:44
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)13:44
mulbahyes I have it13:44
shmohamudanyone have questions?13:48
jelknerawesome, mulbah 13:48
jelknercan you give a copy to tboimah please?13:48
jelknerwhile you wait to hear from kevin13:48
jelkneryou can be using that13:48
mulbahOkay Jeff13:48
jelknerremember one really important thing: *You have a lab to play with*!13:49
jelknerthat makes you very fortunate13:49
jelknersince there are a whole collection of machines in there13:49
jelknerand you can use some of them for "experiments" as you lear13:49
mulbahshmohamud hear is my answer on the question you give me13:49
mulbahages_dict = {“scooper”: 32, “paul”:30, “ Abraham”:40, “John”:21}13:49
mulbah 13:49
mulbahfor each_age in ages_dict:13:49
mulbah print(each_age)13:49
jelknerok, svaye and dcammue 13:50
jelknerlet's talk web13:50
jelkneri called CIW yesterday13:50
jelkneri should have accounts for you later today13:50
mulbahOkay Jeff13:50
jelknerso tomorrow, we can get started with the Advanced HTML5 & CSS3 Specialist course13:50
mulbahshmohamud am I correct?13:51
shmohamudI asked you to print the keys and values, so far you're printing the keys13:51
shmohamudso it's partially correct. Do you know how to print the values, too?13:51
svayeThanks Jeff I am looking forward to it13:52
mulbahyeah 13:53
shmohamudplease do13:54
sysadmin_num = 10113:58
sysadmin_for numbers in range(1, num):13:58
sysadmin_    print(numbers)13:58
sysadmin_    13:58
sysadmin_    break13:58
sysadmin_if num <= 98 :13:58
sysadmin_    print("stop")13:58
shmohamudfkoikoi, when does that break occur?13:59
*** tmickelson has quit (Quit: leaving)13:59
*** fkoikoi has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:00
*** svaye has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:00
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*** scooper has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:01
jelknershmohamud, still here?14:01
*** mulbah has quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds)14:01
jelknerlooks like network glitch with MCSS14:01
shmohamudI see14:01
jelknersince they all dropped off at once14:01
shmohamudok.. I'll stick around for 10m to see if they get back.14:01
jelknercan i give you a quick call?14:02
svaye__I am back14:02
mulbahshmohamud can you give me a difficult assignment to do 14:06
shmohamudone sec i'm on the phone with Jeff14:06
mulbahvery difficult one i mean14:07
jelknermulbah, i have a comment to make about that14:13
jelknerbefore you can really do "difficult" assignments14:13
jelknerwe need to get the workflow operating14:13
jelknerby that i mean using
jelkneronce things become complex14:14
jelkneryou will need source control14:14
jelkner*and*, by learning to use git effectively, you make is so much easier for shmohamud and i to track your progress14:15
shmohamudIn the meantime, here is a challenge question: Print every number from 1 to 100 (both included) on a new line. Numbers which are multiple of 3, print “Fizz” instead of a number. For the numbers which are multiples of 5, print “Buzz” instead of a number. For the number which is multiple of both 3 and 5, print “FizzBuzz” instead of numbers.14:15
jelkneri've been using git with my students in this way for many years14:15
jelknerACTION will stop preaching now, and let shmohamud run the show ;-)14:15
jelknerok all, i'm outta here14:16
shmohamudwe definitely need to work git workflows in. I'll try to get work in some git tomorrow.14:16
jelknersvaye__, dcammue_ by tomorrow we should be able to CIW14:16
shmohamudany last questions before I log off for the day?14:16
jelknerwe'll be using git for that too14:16
svaye__Okay Jeff have a nice day 14:17
jelknerthanks, svaye__ 14:17
jelknerACTION signs off for the day14:17
*** jelkner has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:17
shmohamudno last questions?14:18
shmohamudfkoikoi I want you to solve FizzBuzz challenge above for homework14:18
svaye__is the assignment for everyone14:18
fkoikoi_okay shmohamud14:18
shmohamudsvaye, I want you to write a for loop that prints out each even number between 1 and 10014:19
svaye__Okay shmohamud14:19
shmohamudhave a great rest of your day everyone. Great job today.14:21
*** shmohamud has quit (Remote host closed the connection)14:21
*** svaye__ has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:23
*** fkoikoi_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)14:30
*** dcammue_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)15:07
*** tboimah has quit (Quit: Leaving)16:02
*** mulbah has quit (Remote host closed the connection)16:02
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